IM Swim times
How fast would your Threshold pace per 100 yards have to be to reasonably be able to expect to do an IM swim in less than 1 hr? 1:10?
How fast would your Threshold pace per 100 yards have to be to reasonably be able to expect to do an IM swim in less than 1 hr? 1:10?
I'll leave some of the yards to meters conversions to you...
I'm about a 1:35/100m threshold pace swimmer (maybe 1:30 if I had a gun to my head and was really getting after it). I think I did IMFL in 1:05 (around a 1:43/100m pace). It would have been more like 1:03 or so but I got booted in the face real good and had to spend a minute or two getting my goggles back on and sealed. So I was roughly 8-10 seconds per 100m off what I would consider my TP at the time. That's about a 10% drop as well. If my math is right, a 1:33/100m pace (or a 1:25/100y pace) gets you just under 1 hour for a IM swim. I would think you'd need to be a consistent low to mid 1:20's per 100m threshold swimmer (or around a 1:15/100y threshold swimmer) to nail a sub-1 hour IM swim without much question. I assume we're using the 1,000 meters/yards test as the threshold benchmark.
There's also the issue of wetsuit vs no wetsuit and all that.
I generally have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to swimming so take everything I stated with a grain of salt and let the more knowledgeable fishes chime in. I do, however, know my body well and those are the threshold training times I would feel comfortable with if I were to consistently nail a 1 hour swim.
Personal experience: I've routinely done 1:10 IM swims for the past 3-4 years (I used to be faster
), with pool 1000 yd TT times of 1:33-5, and open water (start of Oly Dist race) @ 1:38. These are per 100 YARDS, add 9-10 seconds for 100 METERS. More data: the pool times are in a 25 yard or meter pool (I swim in both), with flip turns, using a pull bouy. The open water times are, of course, without turns, push off, etc. but with a wetsuit. When I'm in shape, I can pretty much count on my IM swim pace to be the same as my Oly or HIM swim pace; I think the mass effect of drafting behind 100's of closely packed swimmers helps in the IM; in Olys, with waves, the draft is a lot less.