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Calf issue

I have been running with my OS program and the last 6 weeks have increased my distance accordingly. Just this past weekend after my run I noticed a calf issue when I stand up and walk. It goes away just as fast as it rears itself. The feeling is like a torn muscle fiber deep in my calf between the two muscles of the calf. Not a large feeling more like I can put my finger on it. There isn't any knots in the calf either. Any one have an idea ?


  • Just cruising through and saw this.
    Of course if you searched, you would find all of the calf issues that Nemo had over the past few years and the corresponding sympathy and advice.
    Always questions first when the given information is sparse....
    1. are you stretching and how? If you don't know more than 1 stretch, then you need to look at Leigh Boyle's www.athletestreatingathletes.com - short hand around here is ATA.
    2. are you doing any trigger point work?
    3. any foam roller work?
    4. how many miles on your shoes?

    that's a good start.
  • Dave,
    just saw this.
    I would start with ice packs after you are done stretching post run.
    I would make sure you are warming up before you hit your faster paces, and cool down when the run is done.
    don't want to use the "tendonitis" word if it is just a simple strain. Keep on top of this so it does not become a long term problem
    Good Luck
    Ps. Go get a massage on those legs, may be just what you need.
  • Have you started any Z5 run work yet? Just curious. That fast pace stuff really works the calves and soreness is common.

    Rolling, massaging, stretching, ice, compression become second nature to your daily routine.

    Worn out shoes are often the culprit when I notice new soreness.

    I personally live with chronic calf tighness, soreness and manage it daily. ( I am a bouncy runner).

    I sure hope it is just minor muscle strain. Get on it now to manage it and prevent a bigger injury.

  • Could very likely be a tear. In addition to the larger gastroc, soleus, post tib muscles you also have a tiny little muscle that runs deep down the back- the plantaris.

    If it was a tear you'd likely have some swelling and bruising to go with it.

    how's it feeling now? did you ever get it checked out?
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