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Run vs. soccer game

1.5 hr run on the schedule for tomorrow, however,  I have a soccer game in the morning.  Any suggestions as to how to incorporate the run?  Just do it later in the day and run how I feel?  Usually with the spring games we have exactly 11 players, so could end up playing the full 90'.  Could also push it to Monday (day off), but also swimming Masters on Monday night.

Any suggestions/comments appreciated!



  • Play soccer and call it a day.
  • Are you in the OS, or on an IM/HIM plan, and if so, how far out is the race?
  •  @Mike--started the Dec OS, currently on week 18 of 20.  I've got an Oly race in about 11weeks and my A race (Timberman) is in the middle of August.  Decided to throw in a 1/2 Mary @ the end of May (Boston's Run 2 Remember) as a fun race, so figured I should start upping my mileage...so just trying to decide if I should play the game and then go for a run later, just not 1h30.

  • Justine, just play, that's fine. If you feel like you ran enough, you are done. If not add some more, but not a full 1:30. The closer you get to your "A" races the more tri specific you'll want to be! Have fun!
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