IMWI informal training rally (Memorial Day Weekend 2011)
Hiya! Checking in here because there isn't an IMWI 2011 training group yet ...
First, I want to be sure everyone saw the thread about the team rally in Madison this year. It will be the last weekend in July (a change from last year)... more details from Coach R will follow.
Second, putting out a feeler regarding an informal team get together in Madison over Memorial Day weekend. A few chicas and I have batted around the idea of going (apparently there was a gathering that weekend last year, organized by Matt Ancona, that was a smashing success). Assuming there is interest, I'm hoping someone will take the reigns to organize it (I'd offer but I've only been to Madison once and know pretty much nothing about the area, the course, places to eat, or stay... ). To help, Matt A has offered to pass along the info he put together last year to help out.
I may be trying to go ride the course in Kansas and drive back to iowa...all in the same day. I would be leaving from Holiday Lake (Brooklyn area), so I could meet you in Des Moines if you want to go ride the course before the will be a long day, but I think it will be worth it!!! Let me know if you want in.
I live nearby and would happily join any gatherings. Could probably help with hosting logistics too. I haven't been told yet if I have plans for Memorial Day weekend (SAU cost?) but it's usually a cookout at the in-laws. I think I'm safe if I plan in advance
I am in the same boat as a few others. I'm racing Kansas a couple weeks later, doing the Wisc camp, and racing IM Wisc. My wife would not appreciate the funds deleted from the account plus need to be fresh for Kansas 70.3.
If you're not set on the Memorial Weekend dates, I'm now free July 7-10
I'll be racing a Half Marathon that weekend, in Madison. Plan to be there anyway....
I'll move forward with the little planning I can do (and, if it's a small group, doesn't sound like much needs to be done) - which isn't much except solidifying the dates, getting airfare, and making sure I have a place to stay and a bike to ride (Michele is a rockstar)... if it's just the couple of us that have already planned to go, no worries. I know it's hard to plan with race schedules, SAUs, finances, etc. FWIW, I've got an HIM 2 weeks later myself (this will be the weekend of my 2nd RR, but I've done that race 3x now and know the course in my sleep - getting exposure to the IMWI course is my top priority).
Oh, and I'm definitely planning on Mem. Day weekend because it will minimize time off from work... which I need for the "real" IMWI camp and the actual race.
Anyway, as the date gets closer I'll keep folks posted re: plans.
Here you go:
Not sure what days I can make it, but I'll be there at some point.
For logistics, Hayes provided us with "ironman training" rate at the Marriott Courtyard in Middleton. It is $50 a night and most of use paired up with roommates last year.
I simply took the approach of providing a start time and location, a link to a route map, and dinner time/place for each day. Everyone was free to do whatever they wanted. You can ride with me, ride solo, group up based on ability, whatever you want.
Everyone should be self sufficant (I.E. have what you need to fix a flat and bring hrydration/nutrition)
Possible Options:
Day 1: Wheels up at 8AM on the HHH course. Park in the town where it starts, and ride the 100k, 200k, or any version of the course you want. Dinner in Middleton.
Day 2 or 3: Wheels up at 9AM on IMWI course. Park in Verona near Grey's. Ride 1, 2 or 3 loops. Run and Swim options available as well. When you are done go to Grey's for drink/dinner.
Options for other days:
And of course my two favorites if anyone wants to join me:
I'm in for sure and will probably bring some non-EN peeps that are also training for IMOO. Wide skill range but good people and lots of fun.
Matt, that outline sounds great. Aren't most of those routes on MapMyRide?
Hi all,
I'm just joining EN. Would love to join you depending on the schedule. I'm doing HHH - the new 150K course (don't even think the course is posted yet) and am a part of the Bombay Bicycle Club BCETs (Bombay Challenge Event Training) group. Last year we did a century ride on Memorial Day weekend. Not as many hills as HHH but many not to be dismissed and lots of saddle time (can't remember if the century hits any of the IMWI course). It's usually on Saturday so I'll keep checking in. Brrr - BCETs outdoor training rides start in three weeks (unless its snowing
I am new to EN and would love to join the group for a training weekend as well.
In. I say we do exactly as Matt suggested. It worked out beautifully last year. As an honorary Madison resident, I can help answer logistics questions, and point us all in the direction of good food.
I guess someone in marketing decided that "Madison-West" is more attractive than Middleton. Makes sense as folks like Rich have never heard of middleton but have been to Madison 10 times or more.
woo hoo!
@Beth - good thing as you were one of the folks I was counting on to show me the ropes!
and I love to eat so I will trust you to lead me to all things divine!!!
I'm planning to fly out Fri and come home sometime Mon - so Matt's schedule from last year works... ride HHH Sat and WI Sun... and who knows what Mon depending on my travel arrangements.
Matt's basic schedule worked out really well. I'm happy to help
with logistics, although Beth knows Madison restaurants at least
as well as I do
Thanks for the tip Jennifer.
Didn't want to see this fall by the way. Is everyone still going? What hotel everyone is staying at. I'm going to call this week and reserve a room.
Would like to join everyone but not sure if it's a RR weekend for the High Cliff half (6/28) or not. If so, I can adjust to do the refersal,
For now I wil plan on being 'in' and hope to meet p with everyone soon
I'm definitely still planning on it... need to start searching for airfare. In fact, someone on FB just started a thread about it... so it's definitely on!
I'm crashing with someone there, so no idea re: hotel. I think, though, that I've heard good stuff about the Clarion (I guess folks stayed there for the official rally last summer).
@ All -I would love to join the group for this weekend. I'll be racing IM CDA 4 weeks later and the training schedule calls for 2 long rides Memorial Day weekend. I would be ok sharing a room if someone is interested. Please let me know. I may also see if some non-ENers taining for an IM might want to come. I'll call the Marriott Madison west and make a reservation. Looking forward to meeting all of you.