Desperate! Odd Ankle Pain
I'm am not sure what I've done but it hurts and I'm afraid my season is in jeopardy. Went for a run in my vibram five fingers (all OS in VFF with no injuries) and bam, ankle started swelling with some pain. The pain is on the inside ankle of my left foot. It does not hurt while at rest as long as I give it a couple days rest. If I go for a run it swells and is sore to touch. It feels like a tendon or something because when I massage the area I can pinpoint the pain very specifically. I've even rested it for 3 weeks and although it wasn't completely gone it felt considerably better. I did a couple easy runs it is back. Are there any thoughts on what this injury is? What can be done to remedy it?
Go see a doctor.
Same here.
At the risk of frightening you, you are almost exactly describing what happened to me last May. Had gone for a long run on a Friday and then a long bike on Saturday and when I got home from the ride suddenly couldn't put any weight on my left leg. The pain was on the inside left ankle but didn't hurt at all at rest. I rested it for a week and it seemed to get better but then when I tried a short test run ended up almost crawling home. After another week I broke down and went to my Physio and she diagnosed a stress fracture using ultrasound. As I understand things, the only way to truly diagnose a stress fracture at an early stage is a bone scan (not an x-ray), so she may have been wrong but I ended up taking 8 weeks off entirely (other than swimming with a PB because the kicking hurt too much, some very light cycling and deep water running) leading up to my first 70.3. Eventually I started running again in 5-minute increments and got through the 70.3 unscathed but I was pretty nervous on that run waiting for the wheels to come off.
Now, all that said I recently went to see my wife' cousin who's an orthopedic surgeon because I was starting to get some twinges in the ankle. He took an x-ray (almost 10 months after the injury) and said he didn't see any evidence of a fracture. He thinks it was posterial tibial tendonitis, but refused to do a bone scan to definitively confirm
. So, the moral of this story is that you should get yourself to an MD as soon as possible and demand a bone scan so you can treat it appropriately from the outset. But don't try to push things in the meantime or you will just end up setting yourself further back.
To follow-up on @Hasan's comment, I had no (or very little) swelling last year with my injury.