Final OS Test
Alright - here's the drill, last bike test of the OS scheduled for today. Unable to do a power test due to the fact that my trainer has not come back from the rep yet, ( it has had a few issues ). Since all my testing has been done using watts, do I wait for the trainer to come back? Or do I just do a HR test? Keeping in mind that my OS ends on Sunday. What to do?
My thoughts: If you have a separate power meter, test outside, as much of your future training will be there. If you don't have a power meter, test outside with HR, as that is how you will be doing your racing and training in the coming months?
I'm with Al on this one. The only reason that I would do a test inside myself is to get the total OS improvement. The problem then is what are you going to do after transition for metrics?
Due to current budgetary constraints,
I will be using HR for my outdoor metrics, unless of course I come across a great deal on a PM for my bike.
I was looking at a low end I-Bike PM, I posted this on a different thread, the feedback was not exactly positive. Is having the low end I-Bike better than just training with HR?
Having gotten used too training with a PM on an indoor trainer, I am not looking forward to HR training outdoors, but I will do what I need to do.
Thanks for the feedback!!
Bill - I sent you a PM witrh an expansion on this answer: "No".