Barb, Becky, Jennifer - thanks for the advice. I'll try as you suggest and do my interval ride on the trainer for now, at least until I get the hang of these 30/30s! I have to admit that all the power lingo is somewhat intimidating. The bike is probably where I need to improve most. I found the core workouts on the wiki. I also do Taekwondo with my kids twice a week, which is pretty good for strength and core, if you can believe that. Nemo, the TOC sounds so fun! Very nice that you got to go.
Yay for me! I finally got on the bike for a ride this weekend- first one in probably 2 months. No knee pain, and I was able to do a brick run. I had some bad shin splints and the start of some back pain on the run, but I'm going to add in some more core work, and keep doing at least a short brick after all runs to hopefully work that out. Although my race is only a month out I'm hoping that I can get my biking back up to par with a hard core month. Plus it's only a HIM I totally agree about the long-course training. I went out for my long run on Thursday already thinking, god this is not going to be fun...then add in 15-20 mph winds and 40 degree temps and the threat of a storm and you have a lot of fun! But I was happy to have gotten it done and it was great mental training for race day.
I hope everyone had a good Memorial day weekend I am just happy that summer is finally here!
x2 on that - awesome to hear you're getting back into the swing, Jennifer!
I had a great weekend in Wisconsin! Friday night a few of us (Michele, Jonnie, Mary, Bruce, and Beth) met for fish tacos and margaritas and to catch up! Saturday morning was the HHH for some (picking up Matt Ancona, his friend Tony, Jeff Linkus and his GF Stephanie). Others of us (me and Beth) got hopelessly lost and just sort of wound our way to the Uphill Grind where we recovered mentally and physcially with mochas and sweets before finding our way back to Blue Mound. In our defense, cue sheets really only help when the corresponding roads are actually marked. It was an overcast, windy, and pretty chilly day... made for some tough riding. When we finished the ride some of us made a quick trip to Bratfest then we cleaned up and had a huge group dinner at Roman Candle Pizza. Sunday we met (picking up a few more EN'ers, Mary, Sue, Maxine) and did the IMWI loop. I'd hoped to do 2 but the weather didn't exactly cooperate. It was warmer to start but overcast and by the time we got to the 3 hills it was raining. Midtown was a bear as it was raining pretty hard... that descent was even worse because I couldn't see with my glasses on or off... argh.
I'm really glad I went and feel much better about the course for having done it. I've got lots of training to do, but now I know what to expect and that I'm pretty sure I can handle the hills. Camp in July will be itneresting. I'd like to see how much I can improve.
Thanks again to Michele and Jonnie for hosting me - and lending me clothes and gear, etc... great to meet new folks (don't be lurkers Mary and Sue - jump into the forum!)
Becky- I was soooooooo jealous of you all this weekend! Good food, great riding, and fantastic company always makes for a good time even in crappy weather. I really wish I could have joined you all. But I'm REALLY glad the trip gave you confidence on the course. It's really no biggie, I actually really like the course. You just gotta be really focused on what you are doing for the entire ride or your likely to work harder than you should.
I'm doing well. Saw the doctor this morning. something nerve-related is going on with my left foot. He suggested moving the metatarsal pad around and wearing flats for the next 2 - 3 weeks full-time. I'm looking forward to running! Get to do hill work in a parking garage tomorrow! We don't have hills in Sugar Land, and I don't want to spend the gas and time to drive to Houston.
Trying to find some direction with work. There are so many things I want to do but am constrained by being in a big company. Sigh.
Next weekend we head to Florida for a wedding. Leave Thursday, back Sunday. Really looking forward to it.
We spent the weekend working on the house. Finishing up a project that started last summer before IMAZ training. We took down the wallpaper in the master bath. John textured, kiltz'd, we painted the walls (hate Shwerwin William's Durations paint BTW), and are now finishing up the trim work. Hopefully, we can finish all of that this weekend. That just leaves crown molding to add. I also got to cook some yesterday and planned meals for the week.
thanks for the advice. I'll try as you suggest and do my interval ride on the trainer for now, at least until I get the hang of these 30/30s! I have to admit that all the power lingo is somewhat intimidating. The bike is probably where I need to improve most.
I found the core workouts on the wiki. I also do Taekwondo with my kids twice a week, which is pretty good for strength and core, if you can believe that.
Nemo, the TOC sounds so fun! Very nice that you got to go.
I hope everyone had a good Memorial day weekend
x2 on that - awesome to hear you're getting back into the swing, Jennifer!
I had a great weekend in Wisconsin! Friday night a few of us (Michele, Jonnie, Mary, Bruce, and Beth) met for fish tacos and margaritas and to catch up! Saturday morning was the HHH for some (picking up Matt Ancona, his friend Tony, Jeff Linkus and his GF Stephanie). Others of us (me and Beth) got hopelessly lost and just sort of wound our way to the Uphill Grind where we recovered mentally and physcially with mochas and sweets before finding our way back to Blue Mound. In our defense, cue sheets really only help when the corresponding roads are actually marked. It was an overcast, windy, and pretty chilly day... made for some tough riding. When we finished the ride some of us made a quick trip to Bratfest then we cleaned up and had a huge group dinner at Roman Candle Pizza. Sunday we met (picking up a few more EN'ers, Mary, Sue, Maxine) and did the IMWI loop. I'd hoped to do 2 but the weather didn't exactly cooperate. It was warmer to start but overcast and by the time we got to the 3 hills it was raining. Midtown was a bear as it was raining pretty hard... that descent was even worse because I couldn't see with my glasses on or off... argh.
I'm really glad I went and feel much better about the course for having done it. I've got lots of training to do, but now I know what to expect and that I'm pretty sure I can handle the hills. Camp in July will be itneresting. I'd like to see how much I can improve.
Thanks again to Michele and Jonnie for hosting me - and lending me clothes and gear, etc... great to meet new folks (don't be lurkers Mary and Sue - jump into the forum!)
@Jennifer: No knee pain is excellent! YEA!
@Becky: sounds like an amazing weekend.
@Nemo: How are you?
I'm doing well. Saw the doctor this morning. something nerve-related is going on with my left foot. He suggested moving the metatarsal pad around and wearing flats for the next 2 - 3 weeks full-time. I'm looking forward to running! Get to do hill work in a parking garage tomorrow! We don't have hills in Sugar Land, and I don't want to spend the gas and time to drive to Houston.
Trying to find some direction with work. There are so many things I want to do but am constrained by being in a big company. Sigh.
I started knitting again. Working on some toe-up socks. First time to do them this way. I have always wanted to knit a sweater. Went ahead and signed up for a private class to make the February Lady Sweater (*&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=V1nlTcaYKs-1tgf1s6ylBw&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1260&bih=642). Got some pretty deep red yarn for it. I start in a couple of weeks.
Next weekend we head to Florida for a wedding. Leave Thursday, back Sunday. Really looking forward to it.
We spent the weekend working on the house. Finishing up a project that started last summer before IMAZ training. We took down the wallpaper in the master bath. John textured, kiltz'd, we painted the walls (hate Shwerwin William's Durations paint BTW), and are now finishing up the trim work. Hopefully, we can finish all of that this weekend. That just leaves crown molding to add. I also got to cook some yesterday and planned meals for the week.
Hope everyone has a great week!