Infinit formula
I have a question about Infinit use. When calculating your formula at this point (Oct OS) do you pick one hour of working out or 10 hours of training/racing? At this point with trying to lose weight, I don't want the high intensity hours training/racing formula as it is somewhat high calorie. What do others do? Different formulas for different seasons of training?
I use Infinit if I'm working out for more than 1.5 hours--so basically I don't use it at all during OS. I don't take any calories during the OS workouts (except on the rare occasion that I didn't eat before, I'm bonking through the 2nd interval and take a gel.).
So my Infinit formula is for long rides and race day. It's less $$ spent on it (I'm cheap). And, more importantly, I don't get sick of drinking it by the time race day rolls around. In fact, I burn out on gels, gatorade, blocks, bars, sports drinks that I try to eat "real food" up until the start of the 12 week Race Prep.
Kit, that was my feeling. I'm training with HEED and try to keep training calories below 200 for a brick or 0 for anything one hour or less. Thanks for the feedback.
I'm the same as Kitima, as I only use infinit during long rides and races. I can get away with about 3 bags for an entire season. For running, I don't take any calories in unless I'm out for over 1.5-2 hours...if that is the case I just use Gatoraide because it is what I will be drinking come race day.
Michael and the others at Infinit are very helpful in getting you the right formula, if you have more questions you can always give them a call and talk it through with them as well.
I do what Matt and Kitima do. Infinit only gets used in the offseason if I'm bonking/dehydrated and out of gatorade.
I'll offer a completely different perspective...
One of the reasons I use Infinit pretty much every workout is to get my stomache 4300% used to it. I feel that you should train with what you're going to race with.
If you are concerned about calories, then dial it down! You can do that with Infinit!!! I typically have my flavor turned WAY down, planning for a 5 hour concentration in a 24oz bottle, so my flavor is very low so that when it's concentrated I don't gag.
You might want to ramp up the flavor if it's only going to be a 1 hour bottle.
All that being said - I realize that it's expensive, and for most it's overkill in the OS. For me, even just for a 1 hour workout I typically have 500+ mg of salt, and since I work out first thing in the morning almost all the time I need some calories. So Infinit fits right in. But in the OS I also buy different kinds of drinks and try them out.
Mike, you hit my concern exactly. I'm a gagger. Anything I'm not really used to and I gag and sometimes after I get too used to it I gag....It started with all the drugs used during chemo and radiation treatment and testing....I just became a major that I have that clear, I think I will take your suggestion and order the race level formula and highly dilute it for training in order to get used to whatever taste I want for race day.
Thanks for all the feedback.
As far as calories during the OS workouts, here are my thoughts. Most of us have enougy glycogen (stored fuel) in our muscles and liver for about 60 - 90 minutes of aerobic activity. It lasts less when you are working out anaerobically because that glycogen is the "only" source of energy during anaerobic activity. I agree with training with what you will race with. But, I also see the OS as different - you aren't racing right out of the OS, you've got training time after the OS to acclimate to your fuel. That said - do what works for you. If you don't want to use your fuel during your OS workout, you can drink it before - that gives your muscles a ready source of glucose to work with.You might also try fueling before/during an FTP test and and do another test without fuel and see if you see a difference in your wats and also in how you feel (see the caffiene thread). Either way, for the OS workouts I am a fan of recovery fueling within 30 minutes of completing the workout to get those glycogen stores refilled for the next day. 8 to 12 oz low-fat chocolate milk can work, or you can use one of the standard recovery drinks (Infinit has one of those, too).
If you are trying to lose weight, don't sacrafice your training for the calorie reduction. Make calorie changes in other places than your before/during/after workout fueling. If you aren't fueled properly, you can't get the most out of your workouts.
I've never had issues with other brands but who knows! Figured I'd start with a standard formula for bike and then adjust perhaps at a later stage - have a hot weather IM in Nov that may require a nutrition 'tweak' - until then have an a few HIM's and Olys.
Thanks all,
FWIW, I concur with just about everyone else, generally for workouts an hour or less I stick to water (I do usually have a granola bar or something before) in part bc I don't feel like I need anything else and in part bc I'm not a huge gatorade fan. For runs longer than 10 miles I get hungry or so I typically have a hammer gel and carry heed... but am trying to stick with infinit to see how it works (since the EN protocol doesn't call for food on the run).
only a few weeks in, but so far so good... did get hungry during the RR run, so I may carry a gel with me to be safe during the race.
Does anyone know where I can find the Infinit EN Formula? The website does not tell you when you click on the button.
thank you
I have not used Infinit before...I currently use Gu powder for my long bike rides and supplement with Gu Blocks. Should I use the premixed EN formula for starters or should I try to make a custom blend with the help of a personal consultant?