Gearing for IMAZ
I have just purchased a Parlee TT with a 53/39 and 26/11 gearing. Is this what the EN team would recommend for IMAZ? I think I read somewhere that I need special approval from the coaches for various gearing. I live in GA so i am constantly training in the hills but from driving the AZ course it is rather flat.
25-12 vs 26-11 on that course because you'll never see the 26, or the 11, and 25-12 will have much less of a cadence gap in the middle of the cassette. Compact crank because it's just better than standard. See the gearing recommendations post in the wiki.
@Rich - thoughts? permissions?
If I were racing (probably low 5:00 or lower bike split on that course) I "might" use a 23-12.
Bottomline (I hope everyone is reading this)...changing cassettes is very easy and relatively inexpensive in the grand scheme of thing. Hell, I'm borrowing a 25-12 from Sawiris for the summer because he's not using it. You shouldn't think twice about getting/borrowing a cassette to try it out, as it's about the same price as an expensive tire (if you go with Force or Ultregra) and will last you forever, literaly.
Going with a compact crank as well is more expensive of course. The reason why we like it so much is that for any course, you can use a "smaller" cassette with a compact vs what you'd use for a standard crank. So at IMXX where you might use a 27-12 with standard cranks and have a big cadence gap in the middle, you can instead use a compact and a 25 or 26-12 = much less cadence gap.
i did IMAZ x 4:
i like to always view things from the run perspective. what will gearing will get me over the bike course with the least strain on my legs?
my body type, 5'8" 150-155lbs, likes the feel of compact and low gears. put me on a 53-39 and 11-23 and i am not as efficient.
i run with a very short stride and very high RPMS. make me run with a long stride and low rpms, and i am miserable.
IMAZ is not hilly, but does have enough risers that can bite you in the arse if you just power over them or use gears that 'should' be suitable for that type of course vs. what better fits what you are used to using.
go with what you feel most comfortable riding and remember that you have to run afterwards! i rode 6hrs at IMAZ and still finished before many faster riders.
I am going fixy.
And I will still beat the youngin's. 
It's a little more complicated than that. If you have a standard crank, the bolt pattern (bolts that...bolt...the chainrings to the crank) won't line up with the bolt holes on the 50/34 rings.
Compact and Standard cranks are just that -- a complete set of cranks.
I am riding a unicycle, and still will beat em.
Beach cruiser. Cowboy boots. Speedo of the brief variety. EN tri top. Motorcycle helmet with full facemask and goggles.
Let's do this old man!