Home Summer HIM Training 2011 Group Discussion-Summer HIM Training 2011

Week of August 15th

 Taper week for me.  Off yesterday and ended up off today.  Got a 1 hour massage.  Tough, huh?  Short swim/run tomorrow.

@Matt- Have you been reviewing your Steelhead results?  I take it you are "off" this week? 


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    Steelhead was interesting to say the least.

    Objectively I should be very pleased...I beat all my splits from Racine.

    But I thought me execution was sub-optimal and I could have had a much faster run if I played it less conservatively. The run was a massive negative split where I ran the last 2 miles in 6:54 and 6:34 vs. an overall average of 7:21 for the whole run. Essentially I just left too much gas in the tank.

    I'm going to put of a race report in the forum shortly.

    As for this week, I'm on vacation with my family in SW Michigan, so although I took today as a rest day, starting tomorrow I'm going to try to get in some good rides. My legs don't feel too fried and I'd like to get 2 weeks of volume and intensity on the bike before my final taper and final race of the season.

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    So I hit the country roads for 2.5 hours this morning. Really nice. I put in some good z4 time too…it was quite a good workout and my legs were feeling fine despite the pretty intense ride at Steelhead on Sunday.

    W/U 20' with the second 10' including 3x1'(1') @z4

    z4 intervals: 3x15'(3') then 5'
    Interval 1: 15' @z4 – AP 250, NP: 250 (IF 1.008), VI 1, cadence: 85, HR: 158 (max 166), 20.8mph
    Interval 2: 15' @z4 – AP 248, NP: 248 (IF 1.001), VI 1, cadence: 86, HR: 165 (max 175), 22.3mph
    Interval 3: 15' @z4 – AP 249, NP: 249 (IF 1.003), VI 1, cadence: 86, HR: 165 (max 171), 21.9mph
    Interval 4: 5' @z4 – AP 245, NP: 245 (IF 0.987), VI 1, cadence: 86, HR: 161 (max 167), 22.5mph

    z3 intervals: 4x15'(2')
    Interval 5: 15' @z3 – AP 205, NP: 206 (IF 0.83), VI 1, cadence: 85, HR: 148 (max 153), 20.7mph
    Interval 6: 15' @z3 – AP 208, NP: 208 (IF 0.837), VI 1, cadence: 83, HR: 149 (max 157), 21.8mph
    Interval 7: 15' @z3 – AP 215, NP: 215 (IF 0.867), VI 1, cadence: 84, HR: 151 (max 157), 21.0mph
    Interval 8: 15' @z3 – AP 226, NP: 226 (IF 0.911), VI 1, cadence: 85, HR: 155 (max 160), 21.3mph


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    Wow, seems kind of lonely in here now that everyone has done their races. In any case, I'm still posting. One more race to go!

    So today I continued my "well, I'm not going to waste a vacation in Michigan with perfect cycling roads" training approach! I did a sort of "reverse brick" (okay, not really a brick, but whatever), starting with a late-morning run of 45 mins then before dinner a 75 minute bike.

    The short story is that the workouts today were very, very tough. Despite a great workout yesterday I guess my body is feeling the effects of limited Steelhead recovery. But that's okay I think…I'm accumulating a lot of training stress at the right time (bike+run TSS for the past 2 days is 398, and for the past 4 days is 747), then I can taper before the last race of the season.

    The run was supposed to be a point-to-point run of about 70 minutes – I was running from the vacation house to a local burger place to meet my wife and kids for lunch. But about 45 minutes into the run the family passed me in the car and, well, I decided to get in…

    Overall 6.14 miles in 42:51, avg 6:58 pace. VERY high HR. All the intervals were in direct sun and it was almost 90 degrees today.

    Z2=7:19, z3=7:01, z4=6:53
    Warmup: 10' @ 7:20
    3x7'(4') @z4: 6:43, 6:40, 6:42
    (recoveries: 7:12, 7:05, 7:22)


    The bike was likewise pretty tough. First off my "seating area" is quite sore from all the biking over the past few days. I don't know how people do full IM training…all that time in the saddle must be just lethal. Second, it was still pretty hot at 4pm with an average temp of 86 degrees for the ride – so again my HR was very high compared to a typical ride. But at the end of the day I managed to get in a good quality workout with an overall IF for the 75 minute ride of 0.943. I wanted to get in some VO2 intervals so I did 3 sets of 6x 30/30 then 2x15'(2') @z3. Nailed all the numbers, including 4 intervals over 400 watts!! I really crushed the last set but I was HURTING.

    Overall 1:15:58, IF=0.943

    W/U 10': NP 179, IF 0.723, VI 1.02.

    z5 intervals, 3' easy between sets, 120%=298
    6x30": 343, 367, 382, 362, 364, 369
    6x30": 387, 395, 408, 373, 380, 379
    6x30": 383, 421, 410, 390, 383, 404

    z3 intervals: 2x15'(2')
    15' @z3 – AP 218, NP: 219 (IF 0.881), VI 1, cadence: 82, HR: 162 (max 166), 19.9mph
    15' @z3 – AP 220, NP: 220 (IF 0.888), VI 1, cadence: 84, HR: 158 (max 164), 21.3mph

    "Remainder time" 5' @z3 – AP 205, NP: 205 (IF 0.827), VI 1, cadence: 84, HR: 146 (max 154), 20.5mph


    So tomorrow the vacation is over and back on the HIM plan for week 8. It is calling for a 105 minute run. Depending on how I feel I may pull thta back to 90 mins or just take some extra recovery. I will do two hard rides on the weekend, so I don't wnat to kill myself here...

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    Matt- I'm still here! Tapering, but still here. Great workouts on vacation right after a race. Way to keep the momentum! Don't blame you for hitching a ride to the burger joint though! Def. take the extra recovery if you think you need it....

    Quick TM run last night, 3 x 3' @ 6mph each.

    Tonight 3 x 8' Z3 bike. I just rode around the neighborhood and the loop took me just about 8'! Lots of hills, so able to get HR up going up, not so easy going downhill, but it averaged out for the most part.

    #1- 8' avg bpm 143 (Z2, oops)
    #2- 8' avg bpm 155 (Top of Z3)
    #3- 8' avg bpm 151

    Then I ran 2 x 3'. Not sure on the stats, foot pod battery died. I have decided to wear more cushy shoes for the race (my current ones are more trail shoes and I'd like more cushion for HIM) So I'll recalibrate tomorrow....

    Short swim tomorrow then dropping bike off for one last quick check. (They're going to think I'm nuts but I'd feel more comfortable with another once-over) Anything beyond changing a tire and cleaning & lubing, I let the professiosnals handle.....
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    WoW, you two are doing great so far!

    I am in week 17 of 20 with a 9/11 race date coming up for a Dallas area HIM.

    For your info, I change jobs and moved my family this year (4 kids) so had to cut the racing back and do only an HIM.

    I am hitting the workouts well this week just not posting as much due to some 12 hour work days.  I am in for the long run tomorrow.  Scheduel says 105 minutes but may shoot for 120.

    Today I did an FTP test + 30 min run with 10' of Z3 matching my last FTP and nailing the interval but it was really tough, mostly due to the fatigue from pushing hard on Saturday's century ride.

    Matt, congratulations on Steelhead, number 2.  You will continue to get faster as experience grows.


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    Great job getting 'er done Shaughn.

    For my "long run" I pared back from 105 mins and just did 76 mins. Mostly due to fatugure and not wanting to overdo it given all the workouts over the past few days and the fact I took no recovery after Steekhead (actually used the race as the kickoff workout to enter my last intense training cycle). But I amped up the intensity and made sure to run the majority at HMP -- I ended up running ~50 mins at HMP, split into two big intervals of 26' and 19' with a 4' recovery, then a short burst in the home stretch.

    Overall 10.71 miles in 1:16:00, avg 7:06 pace.

    Z2=7:19, z3=7:01, z4=6:53

    Warmup + extended warmup:
    - 10' @ 7:09
    - 7' @ 7:15

    26' @ 6:58 (z3)
    4' @ 7:46 (recovery)
    19' @7:01 (z3…barely…although most of that time I was cranking pretty fast and trying to average down the lap pace…somehow I must have started very slow, perhaps a GPS blip...)
    2' @ 7:38 (recovery)
    3.5' @ 7:15 (z2)
    4.5' @ 6:59 (z3)


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    Nice stats MATT!!  I am swapping Sun/Sat workouts:



    Friday 4 mile run in Brick oven hell (106 degrees): http://connect.garmin.com/activity/107963293


    This morning’s APB (Z3) ride on trainer 80 minutes of Z3 counting the WU: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/107963314

    APB ride felt much more difficult that it should have been.  Still climbing out of a recovery hole.  Thursday long run took me down again….


    Interval 1:

        Duration:                15:01

        Work:                     217 kJ

        TSS:                       16.6 (intensity factor 0.82)

        Norm Power:          241


    Interval 2:

        Duration:                15:09

        Work:                     215 kJ

        TSS:                       16.3 (intensity factor 0.817)

        Norm Power:          240


    Interval 3:

        Duration:                15:05

        Work:                     217 kJ

        TSS:                       16.9 (intensity factor 0.82)

        Norm Power:          241


    Interval 4:

        Duration:                15:01

        Work:                     219 kJ

        TSS:                       17.1 (intensity factor 0.827)

        Norm Power:          243


    Interval 5:

        Duration:                10:00

        Work:                     144 kJ

        TSS:                       11 (intensity factor 0.814)

        Norm Power:          239


    Entire workout (206 watts):

        Duration:                1:46:45

        Work:                     1317 kJ

        TSS:                       101.3 (intensity factor 0.764)

        Norm Power:          225
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    Well I bagged my swim yesterday and had a huge dinner instead. I haven't been in the pool in a week and a half now. That's not good, and I felt bad bagging, but schedule-wise it was not ideal and I need to keep whatever minimal SAUs I have left. Mentally I am flagging. It's about time for this tri season to be done.

    As for the ride this morning, my numbers were for sure at the low end of the z4 range. But I got it done and it was good accumulated training stress (TSS of 212) despite some crappy city riding at the front and back ends of the ride. I also bagged the brick run although depending on the family schedule this afternoon I might try to get out for a run before dinner. And I will for sure run tomorrow.

    Overall the ride was 66.25 miles in 3:19:29. IF=0.808, TSS 212.

    Warmup in the city

    Basic, 20' – AP 93, NP: 104 (IF 0.419), VI 1.11, cadence: 95, HR: 69 (max 112), 14.8mph

    Extended, 15' – AP 129, NP: 133 (IF 0.535), VI 1.03, cadence: 75, HR: 109 (max 122), 18.9mph

    Main set

    20'(4') @z4 – AP 237, NP: 237 (IF 0.957), VI 1, cadence: 86, HR: 151 (max 159), 22.4mph

    16'(5') @z3 – AP 207, NP: 207 (IF 0.835), VI 1, cadence: 84, HR: 138 (max 147), 21.1mph

    24'(5') @z4 – AP 240, NP: 240 (IF 0.968), VI 1, cadence: 90, HR: 149 (max 159), 22.9mph

    17'(5') @z3 – AP 204, NP: 209 (IF 0.841), VI 1.02, cadence: 86, HR: 134 (max 145), 21.4mph

    29'(5') @z3 – AP 214, NP: 214 (IF 0.865), VI 1, cadence: 85, HR: 145 (max 152), 22.7mph

    7' @z3 – AP 207, NP: 207 (IF 0.836), VI 1, cadence: 84, HR: 141 (max 145), 21.8mph

    City riding back to home

    11.5' @z2 – AP 163, NP: 180 (IF 0.727), VI 1.11, cadence: 78, HR: 127 (max 143), 18.5mph

    11' @z1 – AP 148, NP: 160 (IF 0.646), VI 1.09, cadence: 78, HR: 114 (max 142), 17.1mph



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    @ Shaughn - I can only imagine the "brick oven hell". I've done a few runs down in Houston this sumer and each time I was thinking"how on earth do the Texans do this???"
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    Dead legs today.  Will now begin to slowly taper and focus on how to get my legs back (hopefully before race day J)  Talked myself into running 4 miles this evening…..


    Entire workout (197 watts):

        Duration:                3:28:49

        Work:                     2458 kJ

        TSS:                       181.6 (intensity factor 0.727)

        Norm Power:          222

        VI:                           1.12

        Pw:HR:                   18.43%

        Pa:HR:                   11.48%

        Distance:               64.28 mi

        Elevation Gain:      953 ft

        Elevation Loss:      949 ft

        Grade:                    0.0 %  (7 ft)

                                       Min     Max    Avg

        Power:                    0         492     197     watts

        Heart Rate:            80       156     138     bpm

        Cadence:               33       246     79       rpm

        Speed:                    0         37.5    18.6    mph

        Pace                       1:36    0:00    3:14    min/mi

        Altitude:                  552     755     643     ft

        Crank Torque:       0         717     216     lb-in
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    I decided to hit the pool today since I hadn't been swimming in 10 days and have already racked up a ton of TSS on my cycling legs this week. I feel like I need to do some solid swimming in the next couple of weeks, although I don't want to overdo it. So I'll try to swim in DC tomorrow morning, and then perhaps at Ohio St beach back in Chicago on Wednesday (my local pool is closed for seasonal maintenance).

    Given the time gap since my last swim I elected to do a shorter workout of 2000 yd. So I did 500 W/U then threw in a 1000 yd TT so see where my swim fitness is at. Then another 2x250 for cooldown.

    The TT came in at 17:00 which is only 12 seconds better than my last TT way back on June 17. So it was not exactly a stellar result. But I'll take it…

    Overall 2000 yd in 34:49

    Warmup 500 – 1:47
    1000 TT, splits taken each 250yd:
    17:00 (1:42) – 1:38, 1:44, 1:44, 1:42
    C/D 2x250 – 1:46, 1:46
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    Matt- Way to keep it going even though you are ready for season to be over! I'm sure you'll hook up with "Moe and Joe" (ie mojo) it time for your next race.

    Shaughn- Enjoy the taper. I'm sure you'll legs will return to you ready to go!

    My Timberman race report (its long!) here:


    I did it! and under 8hrs! (7:56) My goal was to finish in 8:29 (the kinda cutoff, depending on what swim wave you are in)

    Relaxing at home on vacation this week to get some major SAUs.... Next and last race is a sprint in 3 weeks, but I'll keep with you guys in this group..... image
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