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Wiki Post: Modifying Your Training Plan for Vacations, Work Travel, etc

A timely topic, that I'm sure PnI have written about a dozen times. Anyone wanna search and find mo' stuff?


Modifying Your Training Plan for Vacations, Work Travel, etc.

Big Picture:

  • Vacations are a part of your real life. Don't be a total tool and potentially ruin it for you, your spouse and family by being completely geeked out: "I must get in my workouts!"
  • When in doubt, go shorter and harder.
  • When in doubt, just run. In other words, try to keep the run frequency up, even it means banging out 20-30' from the hotel. That said, see first bullet. Don't be a geek about this.

Flavors of vacations:

  • Won't have access to a bike, but can run:
    • If possible, go "bike heavy" the week before vacation
    • Make the vacation time a "run week," usually by increasing frequency (5-6 runs vice 3-4, for example)
    • Back to normal schedule when you get home. No such thing as missed workouts/tests you gotta make up, etc. It's done, move on.
  • Can run and have access to a stationary bike: frankly would rather you just not bother with the gym bike and follow the guidance above.
  • Can run but can't swim or bike: see first bullet, maybe add 'swim heavy' to that bike heavy week above.
  • Active vacation: cool ski, hiking, or other trip where you will be very active but not in a sport-specific way: just enjoy yourself. Bonus if you can get in some runs around your other stuff but be careful to not ruin a great vacation by also trying to be a tri-geek.

Missed tests, how/where to I insert myself back in my training plan, etc? Just ask Rich and Patrick in the forum. Tell us what you were able to do, what you missed, and how you feel about your fitness.


Please add your comments, questions, and we'll expand this wiki post. Thanks.


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