@Russell - thanks for the tip about saving pics at a lesser resolution so I can upload. I'll try that next since my pain cave is about a low tech as one can get!
Did the 3X8'(2") @ Z4 and then 3X1'(1) @ Z3 plus a 3' cool down and a 15" warmup for a total of 1hr. HR was a bit slow to come around - mostly because my garage (aka pain cave) was a bit chilly this morning at about 58 degrees.
Got my run in during lunch at work. Used to do bricks and wake up a lot earlier (Carl Noftsger - my hero wakes up at like 2AM to do this). Now, fitting in a 40' easy run at Z1 during lunch is good for the head and I get back to work a lot more effective!
Did my 24" min of FTP work outside on one of the local climbs today. I'm lucky enough to live <10 min away from a great climb in west LA, and I think I'll be spending lots of time in those hills this OS. <br /> Thought I did 24" worth of FTP work, but WKO tells me I did around 20" instead. Must have lost some watts on the flats, or maybe I can't do math on a bike...
@John I typically try to get the run in. The 80-85% stuff is optional so don't drop the run just to get the 80-85% work in. Also leave the 80-85% work if you are tired or you find it affecting downstream workouts like Wednesdays Z4/TP workout and Thursdays VO2.
Having said that in the past I've had some knee issues and only ran ever other day and one OS I started biking in the Nov OS and running in the Jan OS for about 10-12 weeks. If you have trouble with back to back runs this is probably something to take to the coaches and get their guidance on how to build/adjust your week. See them in the'Micro thread'in the general discussion forum.
Aha, now I see the point of being on a "team". As a newbie on EN I am amazed to find so many like minded people here who actually enjoy postings of how many minutes of FTP you've done today This will definitely help me keeping motivated through the dark and cold Norwegian winter. I struggled a bit under the last 8' yesterday but it helps to see that I am not alone!
Due to work travel, last week was a total wash for me. So, this was my first workout of my first OS.
Did a 10 min warm up which slowly brought my HR up and then launched into the main set:
Interval 1 - avg HR 159
Interval 2 - avg HR 164
Interval 3 - avg HR 164
Unfortunately, my daughter is sick so I promised my wife I'd be off the bike in about 45 minutes so I didn't have time for much more than a little cool down.
This was pretty hard. I'm getting a power meter very soon and I can't wait to do this stuff properly. One quick question - is there is recommended warm up or cool down for these workouts that I've overlooked?
Used Trainer Road for the first for the Tues bike workout and really dug using virtual power! Found it much harder work than simply following HR. Struggled a little towards the end of the last interval but got everything done. Legs were spent!
wiggling back into the z4 intervals. We got all new spin bikes at the gym. Now they have a power console (I am an HR athlete). I am excited and curious but I don't think they work 100% of the time. Anyone have experience with the freemotion console with power? (FMPW11)
30/30s seemed a bit harder today than last week, but I got 'em done. Stupid me forgot my HR strap at the gym yesterday so I went by RPE -- I'm pretty sure I nailed them, and the pools of sweat on the floor seem to confirm that! Massage tonight, rest day tomorrow, life is good!
Stopped doing these as 30/30 last year and decided to stick with the longer intervals. They're hard, but the time sure seems to go faster! Good luck all!
Thursday ride done and dusted. 15x1 minute with IF's between 1.18 and 1.25 (BAD! No overachieving, especially with the long run this weekend). Think I'm going to up the interval to 1:15 next week, been sitting on 1:00 for awhile now. Going to miss the ease of using Sufferfest Revolver for this workout, but got to mix it up. Total workout 45 minutes at 0.91. Looking forward to the rest day!
Keep on it everyone! Lots of great work out there. And for those of you with a blank avatar as your pic, fix yourselves!
I'm starting to have a love/hate relationship with 30/30's. It's one helluva workout with most of my sets slightly above 120%. Gotter done and now looking forward to a friday day off.
Got the 30/30s done early this morning which gives me a full day of recovery. My legs started out pretty good but started to fatigue a little bit in the 4th and 5th set. I found if I just concentrate on getting to the next 2 minute recovery period it seems a bit easier on the mind.
30/30s done earlier this morning. Stuck to my VO2 test result which is above 120%, but didn't struggle hitting those numbers, so planning to stick with that formula for now. Really good feeling to knock them out and have the rest of the day + tomorrow to rest before a weekend of "work". Way to go, crew!
Thursday ride done and dusted. 15x1 minute with IF's between 1.18 and 1.25 (BAD! No overachieving, especially with the long run this weekend). Think I'm going to up the interval to 1:15 next week, been sitting on 1:00 for awhile now. Going to miss the ease of using Sufferfest Revolver for this workout, but got to mix it up. Total workout 45 minutes at 0.91. Looking forward to the rest day!
Keep on it everyone! Lots of great work out there. And for those of you with a blank avatar as your pic, fix yourselves!
I must have read your mind!! I did 5 sets of 3 X 1' (1') @ Z5 + 1' @Z3. For me this was more challenging than the 30/30's. The last one certainly had a burn to it. I think I'll stay here for a while and wait for the infamous 2.5'/2.5'@Z5 to appear. Those smoked me last year!
30/30s are done. I need to do my 5' power test to see if maybe I'm a little too low on my VO2max target. Or, I think I need to start extending out the length of the intervals from 30s to 45s. That was challenging, but not as hard as I think it should have been. Finished up with some Tempo effort, but my computer battery ran out before the end of the workout, so I only got about 85 min. instead of 90.
30/30's done, plus a few extra minutes at 200w. Painless. Kind of fun watching the intervals go down, one by one.
I could post this question in a couple of places but I'll start here - for no good reason other than this is where I am now - for a tight Saturday morning schedule, is the best plan to do the run first, followed by the bike, with extra time allocated to the run? Or am I better off doing the "Run Second" ... second?
I'd brick the run and follow the guidance on shortening it. For example, my Saturday Run Second (which I would normally do in the afternoon following a morning bike) calls for 40' done as MP out and HMP back. BUT, if I'm instead doing the workout as a brick, it says to cut that to 20'. Follow that guidance.
I felt very good on the bike today. Not sure why exactly perhaps it was the spagetti and 9 hours of sleep last night. Typically its 7-8 during the week but I've been getting some extra all along this first week and a half.
Just got the bike in today 15' on VO2 on time for me as 3x(5 X1' /1') all betwee 1.2 &1.22. Finished off with 12' @.85.
Total ride time 57' @.936 IF
Now it's time to earn some SAU's and take my wife out for a birthday dinner and enjoy that day off.
Decided to swap Thursday's and Saturday's rides due to scheduling. Got rained out here today. Got in about 10" worth of FTP time, and decided to bag it after it started showering. Oh well, better than nothing I guess.
Did the 3X8'(2") @ Z4 and then 3X1'(1) @ Z3 plus a 3' cool down and a 15" warmup for a total of 1hr. HR was a bit slow to come around - mostly because my garage (aka pain cave) was a bit chilly this morning at about 58 degrees.
Got my run in during lunch at work. Used to do bricks and wake up a lot earlier (Carl Noftsger - my hero wakes up at like 2AM to do this). Now, fitting in a 40' easy run at Z1 during lunch is good for the head and I get back to work a lot more effective!
Bike and run down in the pain cave. Wee wifie was on the DM while I biked. Forced me to go long on the zone 3 stuff.
Overall bike 75' @ IF (.839)
3x8' @ IF (.986), (.985), (.975)
1x20' @ IF (.844)
Run off the bike (had to kick Carole off... ) finished 5 miles in 42' @ 8:29
Thought I did 24" worth of FTP work, but WKO tells me I did around 20" instead. Must have lost some watts on the flats, or maybe I can't do math on a bike...
http://www.trainerroad.com/cycling/rides/99773 (a bit skewed due to differences in virtual power vs PT)
This one was painful !
lap 1 234 watts, HR 153
lap 2 237w. HR 161
lap3. 228w. HR 164
@John I typically try to get the run in. The 80-85% stuff is optional so don't drop the run just to get the 80-85% work in. Also leave the 80-85% work if you are tired or you find it affecting downstream workouts like Wednesdays Z4/TP workout and Thursdays VO2.
Having said that in the past I've had some knee issues and only ran ever other day and one OS I started biking in the Nov OS and running in the Jan OS for about 10-12 weeks. If you have trouble with back to back runs this is probably something to take to the coaches and get their guidance on how to build/adjust your week. See them in the'Micro thread'in the general discussion forum.
Did a 10 min warm up which slowly brought my HR up and then launched into the main set:
Interval 1 - avg HR 159
Interval 2 - avg HR 164
Interval 3 - avg HR 164
Unfortunately, my daughter is sick so I promised my wife I'd be off the bike in about 45 minutes so I didn't have time for much more than a little cool down.
This was pretty hard. I'm getting a power meter very soon and I can't wait to do this stuff properly. One quick question - is there is recommended warm up or cool down for these workouts that I've overlooked?
look on the left side of your Training Plan page; those are the recommended warm-up. Personally, I do about 20 min for both bike and run.
Ah, thanks. I was wondering what those were.
wiggling back into the z4 intervals.
We got all new spin bikes at the gym. Now they have a power console (I am an HR athlete). I am excited and curious but I don't think they work 100% of the time.
Anyone have experience with the freemotion console with power? (FMPW11)
30/30s seemed a bit harder today than last week, but I got 'em done. Stupid me forgot my HR strap at the gym yesterday so I went by RPE -- I'm pretty sure I nailed them, and the pools of sweat on the floor seem to confirm that! Massage tonight, rest day tomorrow, life is good!
15:00 WU
2:30 @ 121%
2:00 @ 122%
2:00 @ 121%
2:00 @ 123%
2:00 @ 121%
1:30 @ 121%
1:30 @ 119%
1:30 @ 121%
5:00 Cool down
Stopped doing these as 30/30 last year and decided to stick with the longer intervals. They're hard, but the time sure seems to go faster! Good luck all!
Week 2 VO2 done. Some funky things were going on with the sensor at the end, so anyone looking at this please ignore the 500+ watt spikes you see.
Keep on it everyone! Lots of great work out there. And for those of you with a blank avatar as your pic, fix yourselves!
I'm starting to have a love/hate relationship with 30/30's. It's one helluva workout with most of my sets slightly above 120%. Gotter done and now looking forward to a friday day off.
30/30s done earlier this morning. Stuck to my VO2 test result which is above 120%, but didn't struggle hitting those numbers, so planning to stick with that formula for now. Really good feeling to knock them out and have the rest of the day + tomorrow to rest before a weekend of "work". Way to go, crew!
I must have read your mind!! I did 5 sets of 3 X 1' (1') @ Z5 + 1' @Z3. For me this was more challenging than the 30/30's. The last one certainly had a burn to it. I think I'll stay here for a while and wait for the infamous 2.5'/2.5'@Z5 to appear. Those smoked me last year!
30/30s are done. I need to do my 5' power test to see if maybe I'm a little too low on my VO2max target. Or, I think I need to start extending out the length of the intervals from 30s to 45s. That was challenging, but not as hard as I think it should have been. Finished up with some Tempo effort, but my computer battery ran out before the end of the workout, so I only got about 85 min. instead of 90.
30/30's done, plus a few extra minutes at 200w. Painless. Kind of fun watching the intervals go down, one by one.
I could post this question in a couple of places but I'll start here - for no good reason other than this is where I am now - for a tight Saturday morning schedule, is the best plan to do the run first, followed by the bike, with extra time allocated to the run? Or am I better off doing the "Run Second" ... second?
I felt very good on the bike today. Not sure why exactly perhaps it was the spagetti and 9 hours of sleep last night. Typically its 7-8 during the week but I've been getting some extra all along this first week and a half.
Just got the bike in today 15' on VO2 on time for me as 3x(5 X1' /1') all betwee 1.2 &1.22. Finished off with 12' @.85.
Total ride time 57' @.936 IF
Now it's time to earn some SAU's and take my wife out for a birthday dinner and enjoy that day off.
@Steve - thanks - that is now the plan