After biking early morning, I had to brick the run. I had a hard time staying at the slow pace. I found myself constantly edging up, trying to get after it a bit. I never thought I would say this, but I had a hard time being slower and lazier. I got the run in though, kept it at a bit over 8 pace and worked in the strides. All in all a good run. Now we'll see how tomorrow goes. Happy election day everyone!
Run and DONE! Felt great, but went too hard. Should have been around 8:30/mi but I did it in 7:39/mi/ HR wasn't too high, but I know I'm banking too much work, and I'm going to implode if I don't cut it out.
run is done, stuck doggedly to the easy pace, the striders felt great, 30 left foot strikes took me 19s. legs actually feel pretty good, and I think I'll be good to go for tomorrow am hard run workout (in -7c- Brrrr).
Ran it as a brick off the bike but my bike went long waiting for Carole to finish up on the deadmill before I could start. Ended up with 5 miles at 8:29.
Not sure if the weather will cooperate for tomorrow's run so I may be in the pain cave for that too.
So far staying where I need to be for intensity but have gone long on some of the bike and run sessions. No issues with fatigue as yet but I am watching closely.
got the run in before dinner and 1/2way thru realized i was staaahrving. didn't impact pace much as we were going EP, but i wouldn't want to try an interval set feeling like i did. caught a break as i was re-checking the run wko before heading out -- thought it was the same as this past Saturday's HMP/MP run, but was relieved to see EP + strides. was dark out, so got to use a headlamp for the first time. looking forward to some more work tomorrow -- never thought i'd be a regular at the Denison University track!
Bricked my workout tonight. The bike was surprisingly difficult and I can't say for sure why (maybe because I had the election on instead of e iPod?), but I got it done. My run felt great! In fact maybe too great because I ran on average about 1min/mi faster than required. I was monitoring my pace as I ran and was finding it difficult to run my easy pace (I've never went out and ran at this pace especially for short distances). Is this bad? Do others have this problem? If I keep this up, how much trouble will I set myself up for in future training? Thanks for your help!
Got the run in this morning before the daily onslaught at work, went great had to be careful not to overachieve on the TP intervals. based on the 5k TT, my LTHR should be 158 or so, but my avg HR for these intervals was 148 for the first one, then 142 for 2-5. Not sure what this means.
Got the run in before work. The legs were a bit slow to warm today, though it is a colder morning. The intervals went well, though the last mile long one was a bit rough by the end. All in all, a good run, averaged around 7:05 on the intervals. Back to the bike tomorrow!
Run done. Was a bit nervous b/c legs were a bit sluggish yesterday and yesterday was a pretty stressful day overall; however, felt really good, nailed everything. Good workout. Back to 30/30s tomorrow, yippie!
run done. intervals were challenging, but had to pull back slightly on the 2nd half of each 1/2 mile to hit the target. didn't have to pull back much on the 1 miler
feeling some pain on top of my foot, so headed to the Medical Forum to check that out
Awful painful day . Yesterday bike and the run was soar with sluggish legs but today my periformis (top of but bottom of back is intolerable) my HR was higher than normal for a z4 intervals. But got the MS done and just walk/jogged the last bit of the time. Probbaly stop by the pain forum. Goal for the rest of today, go purchase a "roller" to roll out my painful legs-butt (and maybe stop at Walgreens to get some epsom sallt to soak in) Then back on the bike tomorrow!
Ran - got it in out of doors before the coming Nor-Easter - Battle Road - National Historic Park in Lexington/Lincoln - dark and threatening gray clouds pushed east by a steady 35-degree wind that, down where I was, pulled the last of the yellow October leaves off the maples and swirled them around... November has arrived.
Splits are on my watch, in the car - I'll pull them off at some point and update the post but I'm pretty sure I was in the 7:25-7:30mm range, which works.
Felt great.
@Cory - good for you for getting it in! Hope "painful" means general soreness and not any acute pain (e.g. nothing that could be called an injury)? Foam roller has been my friend for a couple of years now - once every (every) morning, once every night, upper thoracic then glutes and legs. Reach out if you want advice on how to get the most out of it.
Intervals on the college track on the way to work. I modified the wko a bit, 2x1/2 mi, 2x3/4 mi, paces were 6:57, with 6:50 for the last one. Which is right on my goal VDOT pace, but faster than my tested pace Maybe I'll try a Turkey Trot in a few weeks to get a better read on my current speed.
Just finished my Wednesday 1/2 mile and mile intervals. Interesting-- I ran faster that my data tool zone 5 pace by my heart rate only got to my zone 4 range in one of my half miles, the rest of the intervals I was in zone 3 heart rate zone. I just tried to run hard enough to get my heart rate there and then was concerned that I was pushing too fast thoughts anyone? It was really fun to run fast though!!
Did Tuesdays brick run after the bike. Kind of a mistake, because it got friggin' cold around these parts and I wasn't ready/dressed for cold + wet skin. After about 20' it was obvious that I wasn't going to fully warm up properly, and decided to cut it short since it was an easy run.
Time to bust out the running hat, ear covers and gloves. /sigh
Good chance that when there is a bike/run combo day I'll be doing the run first for a while now.
Did the intervals on the treadmill this morning. During my last interval I had to get off for 15 sec. Because I was going to puke. Good times! Lap1 HR 152, lap2 HR 153, lap3 HR 155, lap4 HR 160
Crash and almost burn today. Went out too hard on the 800s. Had to cut the last 800 in two with a short break in between. Got greedy. I know better: Pigs Get Slaughtered.
Good set today. Total of 7 miles on 54 minutes. 2x1.5 miles on 6:18 ave (target 6:26 so getting closer to the assigned pace). 8 minute miles on the way to the track, cake. 8 minute miles on the way back from the track... not so easy. But felt good all the way around.
A whole lot of solid work being put from everyone! Keep after it.
@Russell, here's a request for you to start a "Foam Roller Best Practices" thread in the General Training forum. As a new foam roller guy myself, I'd definitely be interested in hearing about the do's/don'ts from an expert. What say you?
Legs felt like rubber by the time I got to the mile repeat after 3 x .5 miles @ 7:12. Forgot that sensation. I am already looking forward to Friday's rest day. Definitely am not in the category of wanting something to do on my rest day. Maybe watch TV ;-)
@ Katherine, Dave ... As tempting as it is to pay close attention to HR during and after run intervals, the training benefit comes from hitting the prescribed paces. As your muscles and cardiovascular system become fitter, the HR/ given pace will drop, to say nothing of the effects of time of days, temp,and other factors on HR. Overshooting your pace by trying to achieve a higher HR will just result in over-tiring yourself, and lead to fatigue and diffculty with future run and bike workouts.
You can go faster if/when your next test shows a higher VDOT. Let the training do its work, you can't supercharge the process without risking a flame out.
Okay... Run complete early this afternoon. I had a little time, so I decided to hit a very easy Tempo bike session first (2 x 20' @ 82% FTP). It was a nice warm up. After the bike, I ran 1 mi to get my legs back and then went straight into the intervals 2 x 1.5 mi (6:46 and 6:50, respectively, with a target of 6:51/mi). I clearly lack endurance (haven't run much at all in the last 3 months) because I found it hard to maintain pace in the last .25 mi of each interval.
@Al, thank you!! That was my exact question-- which to follow!! I felt great running but have been struggling to recover, we will see next time when I follow pace....
Got the run in first this morning on a treadmill. 35' most of that at EP. Nothing flashy and another workout in the books.
run is done, stuck doggedly to the easy pace, the striders felt great, 30 left foot strikes took me 19s. legs actually feel pretty good, and I think I'll be good to go for tomorrow am hard run workout (in -7c- Brrrr).
Not sure if the weather will cooperate for tomorrow's run so I may be in the pain cave for that too.
So far staying where I need to be for intensity but have gone long on some of the bike and run sessions. No issues with fatigue as yet but I am watching closely.
got the run in before dinner and 1/2way thru realized i was staaahrving. didn't impact pace much as we were going EP, but i wouldn't want to try an interval set feeling like i did. caught a break as i was re-checking the run wko before heading out -- thought it was the same as this past Saturday's HMP/MP run, but was relieved to see EP + strides. was dark out, so got to use a headlamp for the first time. looking forward to some more work tomorrow -- never thought i'd be a regular at the Denison University track!
Got the run in this morning before the daily onslaught at work, went great had to be careful not to overachieve on the TP intervals. based on the 5k TT, my LTHR should be 158 or so, but my avg HR for these intervals was 148 for the first one, then 142 for 2-5. Not sure what this means.
todays run in the books!
Run done. Was a bit nervous b/c legs were a bit sluggish yesterday and yesterday was a pretty stressful day overall; however, felt really good, nailed everything. Good workout. Back to 30/30s tomorrow, yippie!
run done. intervals were challenging, but had to pull back slightly on the 2nd half of each 1/2 mile to hit the target. didn't have to pull back much on the 1 miler
feeling some pain on top of my foot, so headed to the Medical Forum to check that out
Awful painful day
. Yesterday bike and the run was soar with sluggish legs but today my periformis (top of but bottom of back is intolerable) my HR was higher than normal for a z4 intervals. But got the MS done and just walk/jogged the last bit of the time. Probbaly stop by the pain forum. Goal for the rest of today, go purchase a "roller" to roll out my painful legs-butt (and maybe stop at Walgreens to get some epsom sallt to soak in) Then back on the bike tomorrow! 
Ran - got it in out of doors before the coming Nor-Easter - Battle Road - National Historic Park in Lexington/Lincoln - dark and threatening gray clouds pushed east by a steady 35-degree wind that, down where I was, pulled the last of the yellow October leaves off the maples and swirled them around... November has arrived.
Splits are on my watch, in the car - I'll pull them off at some point and update the post but I'm pretty sure I was in the 7:25-7:30mm range, which works.
Felt great.
@Cory - good for you for getting it in! Hope "painful" means general soreness and not any acute pain (e.g. nothing that could be called an injury)? Foam roller has been my friend for a couple of years now - once every (every) morning, once every night, upper thoracic then glutes and legs. Reach out if you want advice on how to get the most out of it.
Intervals on the college track on the way to work. I modified the wko a bit, 2x1/2 mi, 2x3/4 mi, paces were 6:57, with 6:50 for the last one. Which is right on my goal VDOT pace, but faster than my tested pace Maybe I'll try a Turkey Trot in a few weeks to get a better read on my current speed.
thoughts anyone?
It was really fun to run fast though!!
Time to bust out the running hat, ear covers and gloves. /sigh
Good chance that when there is a bike/run combo day I'll be doing the run first for a while now.
Did the intervals on the treadmill this morning. During my last interval I had to get off for 15 sec. Because I was going to puke. Good times! Lap1 HR 152, lap2 HR 153, lap3 HR 155, lap4 HR 160
Crash and almost burn today. Went out too hard on the 800s. Had to cut the last 800 in two with a short break in between. Got greedy. I know better: Pigs Get Slaughtered.
A whole lot of solid work being put from everyone! Keep after it.
@ Katherine, Dave ... As tempting as it is to pay close attention to HR during and after run intervals, the training benefit comes from hitting the prescribed paces. As your muscles and cardiovascular system become fitter, the HR/ given pace will drop, to say nothing of the effects of time of days, temp,and other factors on HR. Overshooting your pace by trying to achieve a higher HR will just result in over-tiring yourself, and lead to fatigue and diffculty with future run and bike workouts.
You can go faster if/when your next test shows a higher VDOT. Let the training do its work, you can't supercharge the process without risking a flame out.