@Roy - I do not consider myself an expert by any stretch - or roll - but I do think daily preventative-maintenance exercises and a correctly executed dynamic warm-up are keys to injury prevention. I'll start a forum, and I'll put in a few links I like, but I'm no PT (and somewhere on the team there lives a PT)...
Just finished up my 2X1.5's under what I though was a time constraint (dinner with the inlaws). It was moved a 1/2 hour back so I have time to post my workout.
2' WU plus the fast walk from the car to the gym.
2 X1.5 miles @10:02 on the treadmill so hit it right on.
I jumped right off after that so only 36' total. I had to focus for the last 1/2 miles so I know i was working.
Had to do my 2x1.5 on the hotel teadmill this morning (suck-o-rama). I loathe running inside and this hotel "gym" was a sauna. Maintained my 7:30 pace without issue on the first, but was really ready for the second to be over (think I would have been fine outside). Calves and hamstrings are really tight. Need to hit the trigger point kit and beg the wife to roll my hammies with the massage stick.
Today was just hard. I am used to doing a run as part of the brick on Tuesday and separating them into separate workouts makes on difference on Wednsday! Lesson re-learned is Z1 means just that on Tuesday.
Workout - I live on a hill with a 1.6mi loop in my sub-divison. Warm-up was one lap at Z1 - felt okay. The 2 X 1.6mi @ Z4 (4') with goal of 7:44/mi wasn't so pretty. The first I could barely get into Z3 (8:10/mi) and just felt stiff from yesterday. The 2nd was much better and I hit my pace (7:41). For my warmdown I did a lap with strides and felt good (8:07/mi). Total was 6.5miles.
@ Roy & Russel-there's a good thread on foam rolling in the Medical Help forum with a lot of links to other sites and some videos. Anyone ever use a Rumble roller? It looks evil, but I think it would be great on the hamstrings.
After yesterdays debacle of lessons regarding temperatures and proper running attire, today I was more adequately prepared for the elements - which, as it turned out, was a winter storm.
~1.6 mile warm up easy pace (forgot about 30" segments during warm up until the last moment when I was able to sneak one in), then 1.5 miles @ TP (6:45). Really tough, had to keep conscious of form to prevent it from becoming sloppy and resulting in overstriding (something I tend to do as I tire, which leads to ITBS issues). At end of first interval I thought that I may end up having to back off VDOT paces by 1 or even 2. Second interval was much better - much smoother pacing. So I think for now I'll stay where I'm at, but if I end up doing some intervals here and there over the next couple weeks a tad slower than intended, I'll be ok with that.
Kept trying to dial back the run paces as I am known for only two speeds: cruise and RUNLIKETHEBEARISCHASINGYOU!
So I was 5 seconds too fast on all the 1/2 miles, and then 10 seconds to slow for the mile. Totally possible to have stayed on it, I just started daydreaming. #thirdbowlofporridge#
As life seems to get in the way from time to time, I end up opting for the deadmill - it's just easier on my head....
Tonight I did a little footpod test against the DM mileage. I hit all my intervals and miles as laps based on the DM distance so I can compare time/pace/distance from my 310xt. Haven't done the math yet but overall my calibration is way off. Garmin reported 8.5 miles when the DM says 8.0. I'll update in the footpod thread tomorrow after I've had a chance to mess with the data.
WU 2.5 @ 8:34 then 4x0.5 (I know I was only supposed to do 3....) then 1x1.0 All at 7:36 on the DM screen. Recoveries were 0.25. Felt like I wanted to add a few more miles but figured tomorrow's 30/30 session might get compromised so I stopped. 8.0 in 1:07 @ 7:55 (DM stats).
Good session, no issues or difficulties. Looking for a big bump in a few weeks.
Had a good run yesterday, but I'm finding it hard not to over do the pace. Tested/suggested pace for the 3x1/2 mile and 1x1 mile intervals was 8:44. I ran all of them in the 8:00 range and never felt overly stressed about it. I would have rated it as an ABP(always be pushing) effort RPE in that at least some minor concentration was required to hold the pace. Maybe I just test poorly, who knows. It was great running conditions, low 40's fast track, great tunes cranking, etc. Seems like I do this every year and end up with an injury, so I'm going to force myself to play by the rules for the next few runs and see how it goes.
Did my 2x1.5 miles on a track yesterday. It felt that my RPE was slightly higher than usual, but that was probably because I had a 12 hour workday and started running at around 9PM. I'll have to start bringing music to to the track so I don't mentally burn myself out running in circles...
...I'm finding it hard not to over do the pace.... Seems like I do this every year and end up with an injury, so I'm going to force myself to play by the rules for the next few runs and see how it goes.
This should be your mantra. Paste it on your iPod.
Just did yesterday's run workout today due to being an overly tired and super busy worker, parent, and political junkie. This means tomorrow won't be a rest day as I've shifted today's bike wo to tomorrow. It isn't ideal but it will work. I need to start planning for next week so I don't do this again.
@Kirsten - no election next week so that's one thing off the list! Good job getting the run in. If you're pushing the VO2 bike to Friday then it may make sense to make some minor adjustments - like drop or ease the run-second on Saturday so that you have something left for the hard run on Sunday. I'm no WFSM (wicked fast smart member, just to avoid any ambiguity here), so you may want to ask on the micro thread, or you may want to play it by ear based on how you feel. The real triathlon, of course, is family, work, and triathlon (hope that's not too circular...)
Along those lines, todays splits:
Work: 9 hours
T1: 1/2 hour
VO2 Bike workout: 50 minutes
T2: 15 minutes
Dinner with family, getting The Boy to scouts, working with The Girl on math, watching John Stewart reruns with The Wife, call and email with The Mom: 2 1/2 hours
I'm doing a run-focused OS, so today was my extra run of the week. Felt challenging, so I just did 2x1 miles instead of three. Figure it's best to start conservatively and slowly ramp up. Doing my best to pay very careful attention to my fatigue levels and see how well I respond to all this work!
Run is done. Again, not a t-run, but about 30mins after bike allowing me time to cool down, get changed, refuel, stretch a bit and change my head from 'must bike hard' to 'must run smart'. I still struggle meeting the prescribed run paces. For fear of running too slow, i.e. not working hard enough, I tend to start out too fast, then I slow down to tray and nail the zone, but usually end up slowing down too much, so then I have to correct, and almost always over-correct. So I'm constantly adjusting pace and checking my watch instead of just running, which is sa bit annoying. That being said, it does get a bit easier when aiming for lower splits. I'll just have to keep at it.
alright another week in the books!!! Saturday I ran first , cycled second - I usually do it the other way round but this way seems like I get a better quality run so I think I will make the change permanent. I'm curious, what do other folks do ?
In between the cycling and running, I coached my daughter's playoff soccer game and they won 1-0 on penalty kicks after a 0-0 double overtime game. That was more draining than either of the saturday workouts :-)
Gorgeous, gorgeous day here in DC, so I was just jonesing to get outside and get my 'long' run in ... somehow ended up in the middle of a local v-day 10K, but managed to hold pace without disrupting the runners (btw - how do runners run while holding a gianormous American flag in their arm? That's major mojo-awesome!). Warmed up in z1/2, upped in to z3,knocked out the intervals - again, a wee bit faster than allowed, but I was careful not to overcook it and felt like I was closer to where I was supposed to be than last week. Finished out nice and easy. Kept it at 75 mins, and wll likely stay there another week or two before adding some more time to eventually get to 90 mins.
Legs are a bit sore, but not too bad. Definitely glad to have a rest day tomorrow -- and any aspirations of somehow incorporating swimming into the OS are officially buried. The workouts are challenging and tough, and I don't think I'd be able to nail them if I were to swim on top of them. Just put my goggles in the back of the closet, not be to touched for 12 weeks!
beautiful day back in Jersey; got out to the local track relatively early to get the intervals in:
6:25 (1/2 mile)
6:26 (1 mile)
6:19 (1 mile)
A little hot relative to my target of 6:32, but I knew i was going to shut it down after ~1 hour to give some more rest to my foot. the tenosynovitis isn't impacting the "work" part of my runs, but starts to act up afterwards and i don't want to risk further aggravation
for everyone in the northeast, enjoy the fantastic weather!
Run today was hard for me but I made my target pace and extended the run to 75 minutes as suggested. Glad tomorrow is a rest day. I have "coached" myself over the past few years and these OS workouts are a major eye-opener for me in terms of intensity. I thought I was working hard before but apparently not. Glad to be on the team.
Took advantage of a great day to take my son out to a local state park (Prince William Forest Park for those in the NOVA area). He rode his bike and I ran. 10.3 miles in 1:25 with 2 x 1.5 (6:23 and 6:16 paces on 6:26 target). Fun times running/riding in the park and really good for the mind to see some new scenery. We may have to make that our new Sunday routine while the weather holds out for us.
Another solid week of work for everyone. 2 weeks down. Stay the course and don't overcook it! See ya next week.
Couldn't wait any longer for the rain to quit so I opted for the treadmill ....then just to rub salt in my wounds, I look out the window of the pain cave to see the rain quit and the sun come out about half way through the session. On the upside, at least I know my paces were spot on!
Cold, windy, and snowy weekend in CO made it tough to get motivated for the workouts (also had a little too much "fun" tailgating last night and paid for it this morning). I was able to hold the 2x1.5 at my target pace (7:39). Strong wind made the first one pretty miserable, but felt much better on the second and held 7:55's to the finish.
Got the runs in this weekend, was out of town so I got to see some new scenery. I was able to keep up the paces and hit the main sets but was not able to do too much additional run on the longer chance on Sunday. Next week should be better for that.
@Roy - I do not consider myself an expert by any stretch - or roll
- but I do think daily preventative-maintenance exercises and a correctly executed dynamic warm-up are keys to injury prevention. I'll start a forum, and I'll put in a few links I like, but I'm no PT (and somewhere on the team there lives a PT)...
Just finished up my 2X1.5's under what I though was a time constraint (dinner with the inlaws). It was moved a 1/2 hour back so I have time to post my workout.
2' WU plus the fast walk from the car to the gym.
2 X1.5 miles @10:02 on the treadmill so hit it right on.
I jumped right off after that so only 36' total. I had to focus for the last 1/2 miles so I know i was working.
Had to do my 2x1.5 on the hotel teadmill this morning (suck-o-rama). I loathe running inside and this hotel "gym" was a sauna. Maintained my 7:30 pace without issue on the first, but was really ready for the second to be over (think I would have been fine outside). Calves and hamstrings are really tight. Need to hit the trigger point kit and beg the wife to roll my hammies with the massage stick.
Left work early today to get in my run workout. Mission accomplished!
2 x 1.5 mile repeats at 6:43 & 6:48 pace per mile vs a target of 6:51. Felt pretty good considering minimal running during october.
Time to relax and enjoy the evening before bed and 30/30's in the wee hours of the AM.
Workout - I live on a hill with a 1.6mi loop in my sub-divison. Warm-up was one lap at Z1 - felt okay. The 2 X 1.6mi @ Z4 (4') with goal of 7:44/mi wasn't so pretty. The first I could barely get into Z3 (8:10/mi) and just felt stiff from yesterday. The 2nd was much better and I hit my pace (7:41). For my warmdown I did a lap with strides and felt good (8:07/mi). Total was 6.5miles.
Looking forward to just biking tomorrow!
@ Roy & Russel-there's a good thread on foam rolling in the Medical Help forum with a lot of links to other sites and some videos. Anyone ever use a Rumble roller? It looks evil, but I think it would be great on the hamstrings.
~1.6 mile warm up easy pace (forgot about 30" segments during warm up until the last moment when I was able to sneak one in), then 1.5 miles @ TP (6:45). Really tough, had to keep conscious of form to prevent it from becoming sloppy and resulting in overstriding (something I tend to do as I tire, which leads to ITBS issues). At end of first interval I thought that I may end up having to back off VDOT paces by 1 or even 2. Second interval was much better - much smoother pacing. So I think for now I'll stay where I'm at, but if I end up doing some intervals here and there over the next couple weeks a tad slower than intended, I'll be ok with that.
Kept trying to dial back the run paces as I am known for only two speeds: cruise and RUNLIKETHEBEARISCHASINGYOU!
So I was 5 seconds too fast on all the 1/2 miles, and then 10 seconds to slow for the mile. Totally possible to have stayed on it, I just started daydreaming. #thirdbowlofporridge#
Tonight I did a little footpod test against the DM mileage. I hit all my intervals and miles as laps based on the DM distance so I can compare time/pace/distance from my 310xt. Haven't done the math yet but overall my calibration is way off. Garmin reported 8.5 miles when the DM says 8.0. I'll update in the footpod thread tomorrow after I've had a chance to mess with the data.
WU 2.5 @ 8:34 then 4x0.5 (I know I was only supposed to do 3....) then 1x1.0 All at 7:36 on the DM screen. Recoveries were 0.25. Felt like I wanted to add a few more miles but figured tomorrow's 30/30 session might get compromised so I stopped. 8.0 in 1:07 @ 7:55 (DM stats).
Good session, no issues or difficulties. Looking for a big bump in a few weeks.
Int1: 6:38
Int2: 6:36
Actually recovering pretty well from the workout and hit the bike workout this morning.
This should be your mantra. Paste it on your iPod.
Thanks for the reinforcement Al! I need to switch over to the "Old Bull philosophy" and leave the "young bull philosophy" behind.
Just did yesterday's run workout today due to being an overly tired and super busy worker, parent, and political junkie. This means tomorrow won't be a rest day as I've shifted today's bike wo to tomorrow. It isn't ideal but it will work. I need to start planning for next week so I don't do this again.
@Kirsten - no election next week so that's one thing off the list! Good job getting the run in. If you're pushing the VO2 bike to Friday then it may make sense to make some minor adjustments - like drop or ease the run-second on Saturday so that you have something left for the hard run on Sunday. I'm no WFSM (wicked fast smart member, just to avoid any ambiguity here), so you may want to ask on the micro thread, or you may want to play it by ear based on how you feel. The real triathlon, of course, is family, work, and triathlon (hope that's not too circular...)
Along those lines, todays splits:
Work: 9 hours
T1: 1/2 hour
VO2 Bike workout: 50 minutes
T2: 15 minutes
Dinner with family, getting The Boy to scouts, working with The Girl on math, watching John Stewart reruns with The Wife, call and email with The Mom: 2 1/2 hours
Total: 13:05
We'll see where that puts me in AG
I'm doing a run-focused OS, so today was my extra run of the week. Felt challenging, so I just did 2x1 miles instead of three. Figure it's best to start conservatively and slowly ramp up. Doing my best to pay very careful attention to my fatigue levels and see how well I respond to all this work!
Run is done. Again, not a t-run, but about 30mins after bike allowing me time to cool down, get changed, refuel, stretch a bit and change my head from 'must bike hard' to 'must run smart'. I still struggle meeting the prescribed run paces. For fear of running too slow, i.e. not working hard enough, I tend to start out too fast, then I slow down to tray and nail the zone, but usually end up slowing down too much, so then I have to correct, and almost always over-correct. So I'm constantly adjusting pace and checking my watch instead of just running, which is sa bit annoying. That being said, it does get a bit easier when aiming for lower splits. I'll just have to keep at it.
missed the run today due to travel, so will plan on stretching tomorrow's run to the full 90 min.
I find that putting my watch on lap pace (set at 1 mile laps) rather than instantaneous pace makes me less likely to go to fast or too slow.
Run was on the DM, second half of Star Wars III. Took 5' to warm up then hit my paces.
15' @ MP (8:06)
20' @ HMP (7:48)
looking forward to running outside tomorrow.
alright another week in the books!!! Saturday I ran first , cycled second - I usually do it the other way round but this way seems like I get a better quality run so I think I will make the change permanent. I'm curious, what do other folks do ?
In between the cycling and running, I coached my daughter's playoff soccer game and they won 1-0 on penalty kicks after a 0-0 double overtime game. That was more draining than either of the saturday workouts :-)
Gorgeous, gorgeous day here in DC, so I was just jonesing to get outside and get my 'long' run in ... somehow ended up in the middle of a local v-day 10K, but managed to hold pace without disrupting the runners (btw - how do runners run while holding a gianormous American flag in their arm? That's major mojo-awesome!). Warmed up in z1/2, upped in to z3,knocked out the intervals - again, a wee bit faster than allowed, but I was careful not to overcook it and felt like I was closer to where I was supposed to be than last week. Finished out nice and easy. Kept it at 75 mins, and wll likely stay there another week or two before adding some more time to eventually get to 90 mins.
Legs are a bit sore, but not too bad. Definitely glad to have a rest day tomorrow -- and any aspirations of somehow incorporating swimming into the OS are officially buried. The workouts are challenging and tough, and I don't think I'd be able to nail them if I were to swim on top of them. Just put my goggles in the back of the closet, not be to touched for 12 weeks!
beautiful day back in Jersey; got out to the local track relatively early to get the intervals in:
6:25 (1/2 mile)
6:26 (1 mile)
6:19 (1 mile)
A little hot relative to my target of 6:32, but I knew i was going to shut it down after ~1 hour to give some more rest to my foot. the tenosynovitis isn't impacting the "work" part of my runs, but starts to act up afterwards and i don't want to risk further aggravation
for everyone in the northeast, enjoy the fantastic weather!
Another solid week of work for everyone. 2 weeks down. Stay the course and don't overcook it! See ya next week.
Couldn't wait any longer for the rain to quit so I opted for the treadmill
....then just to rub salt in my wounds, I look out the window of the pain cave to see the rain quit and the sun come out about half way through the session. On the upside, at least I know my paces were spot on!
Cold, windy, and snowy weekend in CO made it tough to get motivated for the workouts (also had a little too much "fun" tailgating last night and paid for it this morning). I was able to hold the 2x1.5 at my target pace (7:39). Strong wind made the first one pretty miserable, but felt much better on the second and held 7:55's to the finish.