NovOS Week 3 Run Thread
Ok, sports fans. Starting week 3! We should start feeling good right about now! Good luck everyone and keep those posts coming.
Ok, sports fans. Starting week 3! We should start feeling good right about now! Good luck everyone and keep those posts coming.
Because I'm a wuss and didn't get up at 0'dark-thirty to do the bike, I had to brick my run today. 29:30 @ ~7:45/mi. No strides.
* sigh * work:1, run: 0 - will stretch out tonight and will put it in tomorrow for the big W run.
Welcome home new shoes, will you help me crush my intervals tomorrow?
got the run done this morning. I am really liking doing the run first and cycling second, I used to do it the other way 'round and was always finding excuses to blow off the run or cut it short.. Bring on those Wednesday intervals!!!
@ Roy nice. The pair on the right will go better with the EN kit save those for a race. Although my wife would like the yellow ones as it would be easier to pick me out in a race and she likes yellow.
Got in at 20' brick run and had to slow down and check out the aurora borealis in the night sky. Apparently I should have looked more as I was still too hot on the run 11:46 pace and was supposed to be doing 12:22. I did not work in my stride intervals so perhaps I'm close.
Off to bed as I have to be at the gym for TP work on the treadmill in less than 9 hours.
Looking forward to the hard ints tomorrow. Should be cold and dark but dry.
@ Roy - be careful with them new treads.... you might get a speeding ticket if you're not careful!
After some friendly chop busting in the bike forum, I realized that I need to keep my TP running intervals in check. Mission for today, +/- 5 seconds on each interval. More news at 11!
Wedneday run done. Treadmill keeps me right on target. Woke up a bit tired this AM, but was able to execute, phew... One more workout day then it's REST DAY
got the intervals done this morning....definitely looking fwd to 36 hrs rest before the V02 bike session :-)
inspired by Roy's post (or maybe by his new shoes??), I stuck very close to my numbers and really concentrated on not starting each interval too hot, as i had been doing in previous sets. went well and i ended up almost spot on my target pace of 6:32
1/2 mile: 6:32
1st mile: 6:29
2nd mile: 6:28
was chilly out early this morning -- next time I need to remember gloves!
Treadmill run for me today. It was not as bad as I feared with only 9-10 hours between runs. There is reason Coach P mentions in one webcast to try to split up the Tuesday-Thursday workouts by 24 hours.
3X1 mile @ 10:07, 45' total run time almost 4 miles as I walked most of the recovery 5' time due to the above scheduling.
No workout planned for 36 hours so rest, rolling and recovery until the VO2 workout.
Beautiful morning this morning - decided to do the intervals at Battle Road on my way in to the office - will update with my actual splits later.
Ran a long warm-up with some strides - this REALLY helps me when the body is tired.
Smoked the 1/2 mile interval but I write this off to a steady downhill (hills make a very big difference in my pacing, I find).
In the middle of the second interval I came into a wooden bridge way too fast (what could I do? it was the middle of my interval!) and noticed that the bridge had a coating of frost sparkling in the early morning sunlight - noticed this right before I hit a 90-degree turn in the bridge - had just enough time to reflect on my poor judgment before I went down in a great big sprawl trying like hell to make the turn on the smooth frosted surface.
You would think I'd be smarter than this by now. You would be mistaken.
The really good news is that I managed to catch and hang on to the low side rail as I went down, which was great because it would have really sucked to land in waist-deep 40-degree swamp-water.
Damage assessment came back not so bad - minor bruising to both knees, one shoulder, both hands, and ego. After I regrouped by WALKING to the end of the bridge, I eased back in then restarted the interval.
In the end, 8 miles total, about 3.5 at the targeted pace - threshold or just below threshold. And it was really quite scenic.
Going forward, I will work my intervals in between bridges, and there will be no more running at threshold pace on the bridges.
@ Aaron - Love the blog! Keep it up.
@Russell, great photo, story, and running scenery. Glad you are ok!
@Mike, good job with the intervals!
Good work everyone! Keeping the mojo high.
3x1 (5')
6:31; 6:29; 6:31 (target: 6:32)
The legs were pretty toast at the end and just did a 1mi cool down for 55 minutes total.
@Russell - funny story - way to HTFU and get right back to the interval
@Roy - Was that you 10 seconds in front of me down the road haha!
For work reasons, I switched up this weeks Tues and Wed wkos, so the run was yesterday morning on the college track on the way to work. I'm in the middle of switching from the Int to Adv plan - I do this each OS, start out slower, but then about weeks 2-4 switch over, as I seem to be right on the bubble betwen them, Intermediate plan being a touch too easy, advanced a bit too hard. Anyway, I went 6:57 for the first 1/2 mi, which is right on pace for me. Nexrt, 2 x 1 mi, first @ 7:04 ... hmmm, what's that all about, I'm usually right on target. I decided I had gone out too fast, so the second interval, I watched my pace more carefully, and tried to build each 400. Ended up something like 7:10/7:05/7:00/6:50, for 6:59 overall. That's better, and the right way, IMO, to do any training activity - start out steady, and build to the fastest at the end.
Now, it's off to the trainer for 10', 12' FTP intervals, followed tomorrow evening by, I guess, the last of my 30/30s?
Hey Roy ...surprised the Butta wasn't melt at those hot paces!...Nice work.
Wrapped up my workout this AM on the TM (new TM at new club)
2mi. standard warmup with 4x100 strides-MS 3x1mi @6:51's...with 400 jogging recovery...short cooldown...then some core
...wore the footpod again so I can continue to gather comparative data with outside...
Got the run in at lunch today.
Almost 55 minutes done as:
~12:00 to warm up @ 8:00/mi
3x1 mi @ 6:43, 6:46, 6:43
~8:00 to warm down
Finished the day with 45 minutes on the bike trainer @ tempo effort (scheduled 60, but decided not to over-do it)
Got the run in after work. Wasn't really into it but forced myself out the door, and got er done. 55 total ( 10' warmup including 2 30s strides , 6x800/3 just a smidge faster than z4, 8 minute run home z2-3).. Tomorrows bike will be after work as well but at least it won't be cold and dark! Definitely feeling a bit of fatigue this week...
Hopefully the 30/30's will be less exciting tomorrow.
Had a "niggling" calf strain Tuesday and felt it again this morning. So, I opted to do today's run workout as an aqua-jog and try and get in the same intensity. So, 10' warmup then 3 X 7.5' @ some crazy rpm w/2.5' recovery and then a 10' cool down with some running drills in the water (high knees and butt kicks). So, although I didn't get a great run workout, at least I did the next best and didn't compromise my potential recovery!
Warmup was a battle between me and that delicious lasagna that appeared to have anti-gravity powers... got through the warm up! No guts, no glory so did the first interval, survived, then things got better. 0.5 mile and 2 x 1 mile intervals all spot on on target. Happy!
Now celebrating with some Great Lakes Christmas Ale. It says it's a Gold Medal winner at the World Beer Championships... and I have no doubt to believe that.