got my Tuesday workout in today due to holiday travel
first OS bike workout outside the pain cave and without a PM -- i felt so blind!
used a spin bike at my fitness club and tried my best to use RPE and HR to measure the intensity. after a shorter warm-up, i completed the first interval topping out at a HR of ~145 bpm and RPE of 8/9. 2nd interval was cut 2 min short because the 6:30am spin class was starting
banged out a ~20 min run afterwards on the DM
thinking about re-doing today's workout tomorrow 'cause i'll have my PM back and i need more FTP work vs VO2 work based on my initial bike test
going to run on Wed or Thurs, as that's easier to pull off while travelling
52 min ride on trainer this am. 2 x 15'@.95. By lowering the IF by .05 during the FTP intervals, I was able to keep a respectable cadence of 85 on erg mode throughout the workout. Very pleased with the effort, given that my legs are a bit heavy from a hard run yesterday.
I am planning on doing to VO2 session tomorrow, maybe a light run on wed, Turkey Trot 5k on Thurs., off Fri, LR on Sat, and trainer on Sunday.
Good luck to everyone staying consistent through the holiday week.
OhEmGee today's workout was hard. I did the standard warmup and could tell by the end of the 12' @.85 that the ole pins weren't where they should be. That showed up on the 2x10 where I barely held on for .96-.97. Then just a couple more minutes easy to get to 55' total. Took the advice and didnt worry about cadence and thats a good thing because my rpms were a good 10-12 lower than normal. I think I have a 'touch' of something as I have had a bit of dry cough the last couple of days- nothiing severe but probably enough to put things off. Will have to monitor closely on today's and tomorrow's runs.
I did the bike today, 2x12 at HR 4 and then I added 12 more at Z3. It took a bit to get going today but once I did it was okay. Not my best work, but it got it done. I have been feeling wiped out by the end of each day, so getting this in and feeling good was key for me.
Still undergoing things in terms of total workouts, but made it out of bed to knock this one out. Did 15' WU, 1 x 20' @ 102% and 1 x 10' @ 102%. Good luck everyone!
Early morning indoor workout, really getting into a rhythm at this point and even though the workouts are hard I start to feel more and more refreshed after a ride or run rather than trashed.
1st 12' at z4 did 1.02 IF avg HR 150 avg cadence 97
2nd 12' at z4 did 1.01 IF avg HR 157 avg cadence 97
then 12' at z3 did 0.85 IF avg HR 154 avg cadence 102
Specifically wanted to ride the z3 interval at slightly higher cadence, so very happy with that.
Transitioning to power this week so I did FTP test this AM... Hmmm, I do not like the 5min VO2 max test. The 20min FTP I 'enjoyed' more ... vo2 max is 184, and 95% of the 20min test gives me 158 for FTP. So vo2 max is not quite 120% of FTP, which doesn't surprise me. Much room for growth, both in terms of fitness and in terms of managing the tests. on the ftp test, my power steadily rose over 20mins. I think there's more there. The vo2 max, well, I always knew I wasn't born to be a sprinter. But it's good to have some numbers, i.e. a baseline to work off of.
Now to pack bike and trainer into car and gain some Family Approval Units for T-day week...
Got in the wokrout this morning but not sure I should have. I was feeling sick yesterday and slept for 12-14 hours. Woke up and felt not too bad until the second 15'. Now I'm slightly dizzy and weak.
2X15' @.98 and .97. I think I will be skipping the run tonight. We will see how I feel later.
Great bike workout this AM in the pain cave. Been going a little easy on the runs the last couple of weeks due to a hamstring injury. Much icing, rolling, and stretching seems to have worked. Got in the full run Sunday with intervals, and some added easy stuff at the end to total 80 minutes. No pain at all for today's brick run. Bike went well and hit targets perfectly (FTP = 277):
There is always discussion on these forums about what cadence to shoot for, and whether we should do these workouts in or out of the aerobars. I've settled on my solution. For FTP intervals, I shoot for mid to high 80's for the cadence, and am not in my aerobars. This allows me to maximize power output, which is the main point of these intervals. For the 80 - 85% intervals, I am in the aerobars, and shooting for 90+ cadence.
It's North Texas (Dallas), almost Thanksgiving, and it's 65* right now. Up to mid-70s today. I'll be OUTSIDE riding my bike at lunch with my friend. Can't wait!
Today's workout felt good although getting going was a bit rough. 2 x 15" @ 95-100 went pretty well. The 2nd interval actually felt easier with slightly higher power and roughly the same HR. Not sure why that is, but i take it as a good sign. Now i just need to figure out what they rest of my week will look like.
FTP bike in the dungeon. Short strides run just as the sun was coming up. All good. Nothing hurts. Not much more to say about it.
@Kate: Great job establishing a baseline. Don't worry about the absolute numbers - they really mean nothing until you use them to manage your workouts and monitor your progress. Power on!
@Gordon: If you're body needs down time then by all means skip the run. In fact, skip tomorrow. Usually "dizzy" and "weak" are indicators, no? There will still be weeks of OS to make the most of. If you're sick, then it's entirely possible that your body is going to go catabolic on your muscle mass during a workout, meaning your training isn't making you faster if you're really sick. Get healthy!
due to turkey week, i did my 3rd bike wko of the last 4 days, and boy, am I looking forward to a day off tomorrow!
i repeated yesterday's FTP wko -- this time on my tri bike (w/ PM) vs a spin bike (no PM). wore a HRM both days, so it was good to get a baseline for HR training for the next time i'm w/out my PM
standard w/u including 1 x 12' @ 83%
then, 2 x 12" @ 97% (avg HR of 143 bpm); 96% (150 bpm)
based on my avg HR today, yesterday's set where i peaked out ~140-145bpm was likely pretty darn close. i attribute the higher HR in the 2nd interval to extreme fatigue
for a few minutes, i wasn't sure i was going to be able to hold the last interval, but the fear of posting a "failure" to this thread kicked my butt in gear and got me home! let's hear it for EN mojo!
enjoy the holiday everyone -- back on my bike Saturday
Little behind due to work last week but am off until Monday so did Sat Ride this AM. Little chilli here in SoFl with a feels like temp of 56 F but nice riding weather. Do not see how y'all ride i side half the year. Also am adding time at ~ 85% to each WKO since still not allowed to run from knee issues. So here are the stats Standard W/U with 12' @ 83% (VI 1.02) 2 x 10' @ 100% & 99.8% (VI 1.01 for both) 2 x 15" @ 88% & 85% (picked-up a couple of roadies so a little more give and take VI 1.04) Then 30" @ 87.7% VI 1.17 fun time riding with a group but what a VI no steady riding. Rest of day is bill paying and recover. Hitting Tuesday's WKO tomorrow
@Scott - am jealous! Weather was great here too but I had a medical appointment and just couldn't swing it.
Did the drainer this morning, 2 X 15'@ Z4 with 15' warmup and did a cooldown in Z3 to get 60min total. I also worked on my spin and felt fast at 85-90rpm. Was it Kate that did her bike test at like 100rpm? Can't imagine...
Then got in my run as a brick and did about 23' @ Z1 with strides and felt good. The calf issue is nothing but a bad memory at this point. Hopefully that won't come back and haunt me tomorrow!
Did my 30 min worth of FTP time as 3x10" on a local climb. I had IF=0.97, 0.96, 0.95 for each of the three segments. There's a section near the top where the road reaches a ~15% grade, and that had me really grinding at around ~55 RPM. I think all that high force, low cadence pedaling really started eating away at my legs, which probably explains the drop in IF. Still felt pretty solid though!
First workout so far where the FTP was actually not incredibly rough. Could have been an effect of having done it on relatively fresh legs, as opposed to my most recent FTP sessions having taken place after a tough run. Maybe a sign that FTP has gone up a few watts? I guess we'll find out soon enough!
As if I needed any more proof of the value of the OS rest days (I don't), I popped on the Turkey Week hack this morning. When the alarm went off, I knew I wasn't going to be on top of my game and I almost just rolled over and went to back to sleep, but I ended up forcing myself to get up. I had the Saturday morning FTP intervals spooled up in the pain cave and after the first one, knew the other two were not going to happen. Pulled the plug after a minute into the second one and triage'd the remaining time to some 80% work. Ended up with 37 minutes with 8 (0.98) , 10 (0.83) and 5 (0.83). It is what it is and now on to getting my Thanksgiving on at the mother-in-laws. I'll run Friday and Saturday and back on schedule next week.
Thanksgiving hack in full swing.....In the mountains of colorado (where's all the snow?) Did thursday's 30/30 session today at a local rec center on a stationary bike - not ideal but surprisingly enough watts were pretty close to trainer road VP. Laying off the run for 2-3 weeks on Dr.s orders due to a mild case of PTT in my right ankle. Biking seems to be OK as long as i ice it afterwards. Would rather rest it now than try to push through the pain and have a nagging problem for months to come.
late yesterdays cycling workout done last night, feeling pretty good heading into turkey day. Fam travel schedule will allow me to do the VO2 session on thursday morning so I'll be feeling free to chow down at dinner :-)
@Mark - I think Whistler's got it all, Alta too :-)
Back on bike today to get Tues wko in. Today was 4th bike in 5 days. Legs feeling it a little but the backside is feeling it a lot more. Any who here are the numbers EN W/U with 12' @ 0.831 then 2x12" as 0.998 & 1.003, then 20' at 0.762. total 90" @ 0.857 TSS 93. Will be hitting VOmax wko tomorrow then getting my feast on. Fri off to let wife shop then back at it Sat.
Yuppp, knocked my 30/30s out early too ... Doing sets w/ 6 intervals really kills me. I seem to recall that in the fist week we did 6 sets w/ 4 intervals, now 4 sets w/ 6 intervals. Those last two really drain me and definitely have a negative downstream effect on sets 2, 3 and 4 I'm wondering if I should stick w/ 4x6 vs 6x4 for now until I build some more fitness?
got my Tuesday workout in today due to holiday travel
first OS bike workout outside the pain cave and without a PM -- i felt so blind!
used a spin bike at my fitness club and tried my best to use RPE and HR to measure the intensity. after a shorter warm-up, i completed the first interval topping out at a HR of ~145 bpm and RPE of 8/9. 2nd interval was cut 2 min short because the 6:30am spin class was starting
banged out a ~20 min run afterwards on the DM
thinking about re-doing today's workout tomorrow 'cause i'll have my PM back and i need more FTP work vs VO2 work based on my initial bike test
going to run on Wed or Thurs, as that's easier to pull off while travelling
Good luck everyone!
52 min ride on trainer this am. 2 x 15'@.95. By lowering the IF by .05 during the FTP intervals, I was able to keep a respectable cadence of 85 on erg mode throughout the workout. Very pleased with the effort, given that my legs are a bit heavy from a hard run yesterday.
I am planning on doing to VO2 session tomorrow, maybe a light run on wed, Turkey Trot 5k on Thurs., off Fri, LR on Sat, and trainer on Sunday.
Good luck to everyone staying consistent through the holiday week.
Ditto on the Thanksgiving Hack....Tuesday bike today....50min...Standard Warmup...2x15(4') Z4...short cooldown Z2/Z3. Plan on a short easy run tonite.
OhEmGee today's workout was hard. I did the standard warmup and could tell by the end of the 12' @.85 that the ole pins weren't where they should be. That showed up on the 2x10 where I barely held on for .96-.97. Then just a couple more minutes easy to get to 55' total. Took the advice and didnt worry about cadence and thats a good thing because my rpms were a good 10-12 lower than normal. I think I have a 'touch' of something as I have had a bit of dry cough the last couple of days- nothiing severe but probably enough to put things off. Will have to monitor closely on today's and tomorrow's runs.
Early morning indoor workout, really getting into a rhythm at this point and even though the workouts are hard I start to feel more and more refreshed after a ride or run rather than trashed.
1st 12' at z4 did 1.02 IF avg HR 150 avg cadence 97
2nd 12' at z4 did 1.01 IF avg HR 157 avg cadence 97
then 12' at z3 did 0.85 IF avg HR 154 avg cadence 102
Specifically wanted to ride the z3 interval at slightly higher cadence, so very happy with that.
Transitioning to power this week so I did FTP test this AM... Hmmm, I do not like the 5min VO2 max test. The 20min FTP I 'enjoyed' more ... vo2 max is 184, and 95% of the 20min test gives me 158 for FTP. So vo2 max is not quite 120% of FTP, which doesn't surprise me. Much room for growth, both in terms of fitness and in terms of managing the tests. on the ftp test, my power steadily rose over 20mins. I think there's more there. The vo2 max, well, I always knew I wasn't born to be a sprinter. But it's good to have some numbers, i.e. a baseline to work off of.
Now to pack bike and trainer into car and gain some Family Approval Units for T-day week...
Got in the wokrout this morning but not sure I should have. I was feeling sick yesterday and slept for 12-14 hours. Woke up and felt not too bad until the second 15'. Now I'm slightly dizzy and weak.
2X15' @.98 and .97. I think I will be skipping the run tonight. We will see how I feel later.
There is always discussion on these forums about what cadence to shoot for, and whether we should do these workouts in or out of the aerobars. I've settled on my solution. For FTP intervals, I shoot for mid to high 80's for the cadence, and am not in my aerobars. This allows me to maximize power output, which is the main point of these intervals. For the 80 - 85% intervals, I am in the aerobars, and shooting for 90+ cadence.
Today's workout felt good although getting going was a bit rough. 2 x 15" @ 95-100 went pretty well. The 2nd interval actually felt easier with slightly higher power and roughly the same HR. Not sure why that is, but i take it as a good sign. Now i just need to figure out what they rest of my week will look like.
FTP bike in the dungeon. Short strides run just as the sun was coming up. All good. Nothing hurts. Not much more to say about it.
@Kate: Great job establishing a baseline. Don't worry about the absolute numbers - they really mean nothing until you use them to manage your workouts and monitor your progress. Power on!
@Gordon: If you're body needs down time then by all means skip the run. In fact, skip tomorrow. Usually "dizzy" and "weak" are indicators, no? There will still be weeks of OS to make the most of. If you're sick, then it's entirely possible that your body is going to go catabolic on your muscle mass during a workout, meaning your training isn't making you faster if you're really sick. Get healthy!
..... whereas 'pain cave' [in a high trill voice] has a ligher, warm and fuzzy feel to it.... like all butterflies and puppy dogs..... ~:-)
But in the end, the puddle on the floor is the same either way...... =8-O
I'll be serving my time later this evening.... after it gets dark!
due to turkey week, i did my 3rd bike wko of the last 4 days, and boy, am I looking forward to a day off tomorrow!
i repeated yesterday's FTP wko -- this time on my tri bike (w/ PM) vs a spin bike (no PM). wore a HRM both days, so it was good to get a baseline for HR training for the next time i'm w/out my PM
standard w/u including 1 x 12' @ 83%
then, 2 x 12" @ 97% (avg HR of 143 bpm); 96% (150 bpm)
based on my avg HR today, yesterday's set where i peaked out ~140-145bpm was likely pretty darn close. i attribute the higher HR in the 2nd interval to extreme fatigue
for a few minutes, i wasn't sure i was going to be able to hold the last interval, but the fear of posting a "failure" to this thread kicked my butt in gear and got me home! let's hear it for EN mojo!
enjoy the holiday everyone -- back on my bike Saturday
Standard W/U with 12' @ 83% (VI 1.02)
2 x 10' @ 100% & 99.8% (VI 1.01 for both)
2 x 15" @ 88% & 85% (picked-up a couple of roadies so a little more give and take VI 1.04)
Then 30" @ 87.7% VI 1.17 fun time riding with a group but what a VI no steady riding.
Rest of day is bill paying and recover. Hitting Tuesday's WKO tomorrow
Keep up the good work all.
@Gordon rest up and feel better.
@Scott - am jealous! Weather was great here too but I had a medical appointment and just couldn't swing it.

Did the drainer this morning, 2 X 15'@ Z4 with 15' warmup and did a cooldown in Z3 to get 60min total. I also worked on my spin and felt fast at 85-90rpm. Was it Kate that did her bike test at like 100rpm? Can't imagine...
Then got in my run as a brick and did about 23' @ Z1 with strides and felt good. The calf issue is nothing but a bad memory at this point. Hopefully that won't come back and haunt me tomorrow!
2x15' @ (1.00) (0.994)
1x15' @ (0.844)
Total bike 65' @ (0.885)
Did the run as a brick: 3 miles in 24:33 (2.5 miles @ MP).
2x15@FTP, followed by ~9 @ 0.8.
First workout so far where the FTP was actually not incredibly rough. Could have been an effect of having done it on relatively fresh legs, as opposed to my most recent FTP sessions having taken place after a tough run. Maybe a sign that FTP has gone up a few watts? I guess we'll find out soon enough!
On running...bad news is calf keeps bothering , so I am replacing with Elliptical + swimming until better
Good luck everyone and keep the mojo coming!
Tuesday's bike today...
2 x 12' @ .99 and 1.02 remainder 10' @ .86
Happy Thanksgiving everybody
Thanksgiving hack in full swing.....In the mountains of colorado (where's all the snow?) Did thursday's 30/30 session today at a local rec center on a stationary bike - not ideal but surprisingly enough watts were pretty close to trainer road VP. Laying off the run for 2-3 weeks on Dr.s orders due to a mild case of PTT in my right ankle. Biking seems to be OK as long as i ice it afterwards. Would rather rest it now than try to push through the pain and have a nagging problem for months to come.
late yesterdays cycling workout done last night, feeling pretty good heading into turkey day. Fam travel schedule will allow me to do the VO2 session on thursday morning so I'll be feeling free to chow down at dinner :-)
@Mark - I think Whistler's got it all, Alta too :-)
EN W/U with 12' @ 0.831 then 2x12" as 0.998 & 1.003, then 20' at 0.762. total 90" @ 0.857 TSS 93. Will be hitting VOmax wko tomorrow then getting my feast on. Fri off to let wife shop then back at it Sat.
Yuppp, knocked my 30/30s out early too ... Doing sets w/ 6 intervals really kills me. I seem to recall that in the fist week we did 6 sets w/ 4 intervals, now 4 sets w/ 6 intervals. Those last two really drain me and definitely have a negative downstream effect on sets 2, 3 and 4 I'm wondering if I should stick w/ 4x6 vs 6x4 for now until I build some more fitness?
happy thanks giving everyone