Normally I do the Saturday runs before the bike, but today I bricked it after the bike.
After a couple mile warmup, I did the 15' @ HMP, which actually went OK until the very end of that segment where the course I followed has an incline that coincided RIGHT with the last few minutes of that portion. It's one of those inclines that is small, but mine as well be a mountain when you are fatigued and trying to hit a pace (~1/2 to 3/4 mile of gradually increasing grade). Anyway, there was no way I could transition from the effort of that segment to maintaining MP, so I took a few minutes easy (Garmin beeping at me the whole way saying 'SPEED UP!') to try and recover. Had portions of the next 15' being @ MP as prescribed, but the leg turnover and springiness just wasn't there.
Guess thats what I get for a small breakfast of chocolate milk and a cliff bar, followed by 50' total @ FTP on the bike plus another 15' @ 85% with nothing but water.
And now, I'm gonna shower up and get a Chipotle chicken burrito as big as my head.
Well, at least I was willing to get out there and brick the run for 30 minutes. There was no way I was going to be able to run in the 7's. I really struggled to just get through 30 minutes of 'running' today. My average pace was somewhere in the low 9's, around my easy pace or a little slower but the terrain included some long hills. It felt like I was 'running' last summer's 5:20:xx marathon at IMLP, otherwise known as the remake of Dawn of the Dead...
My mixed up week continues with the run intervals today, on the treadmill where I did my test in Dec. For the first time ever, I decided to do the intervals at the actual speed I'm supposed to - usually, I keep increasing the speed with each interval if I feel I have the juice. I'm hoping sticking with the plan will ensure I am able to handle the FTP intervals (2 x 20', + 10') and run tomorrow. Sunday's run was actually done last Monday in the form of a half marathon.
The run today went surprisingly well. I wasn't expecting too much, but got a decent negative split. 8 miles in 1 hour with a little terrain thrown in to keep the legs honest. Now to rest and prep for tomorrow's work! Good luck everyone. brick was hard today. HR was out of control - so ended up backing pace down 20 seconds over MP for 10 min, then MP for min 7 min then finally hit HMP for 3 min.
ski helmet off, triathlon hat on :-) back to it today, although I did try to run a few times on the hotel treadmill. it was sub-optimal as running at elevation is tough. I couldnt come anywhere close to my paces even with elevation adjustments suggested by Daniels...anyhow - great reading all of your posts, you people have been doing some serious work!!!
got my run done first today, hit all paces,times, feeling good!
Well today I went BOOM for all the wrong reasons: I don't know what the hell I ate (too much salad?), but my gut was bloated from the moment I woke up and never settled down. It's hard to run hard when you're gut is churning like crazy.... Given that, I'm surprised I was able to knock out the intervals. The rest of the run was slower than targeted though, I just coudn't run w/ my 'pregnancy belly'.... anyway, the work is in the books, and maybe I'll lay off the ruffage for a while.... BOOM!
Big SONIC BOOM here in Ohio with my first run outdoors in I think 3 weeks. Too much snow last few weeks but now it's clearing up and roads are perfect for running. It was a total blast and a good reminder how much more fun running outdoors is versus indoors!
Anyway, from the start my speed was good, RPE was low and felt great. I got quite a few hills which impacted my average speed so I'll use NGP as best analysis... 1st 0.5 mile interval IF 1.11, then second 0.5 mile IF 1.04. Then 1 mile IF 1.04 and the last z4 mile at IF 1.01. Kinda looks like I was slowing down but it was just a coincidence of the route (some intervals were completely uphill, other were steep up and steep down etc).
Stretched it out to 90 mins, good for 11 miles with an IF of 0.88. Legs felt really good today, another indicator my struggles doing FTP zones on the bike are not fatigue related . ;-)
Felt good to run today even if it was on the deadmill. Yesterday didn't go so well, maybe too much fatigue from the run challenge but it didnt seem like that before yesterday.
Anyway, got the intervals in as prescribed then settled into MP for 5 more miles. Got 11.1 total in 90' @ ;8:07 (0.925).
looking to get out for a ski this afternoon for a bit before the snow gets all crappy. Nice work everyone!
Treadmill intervals today. Legs felt surprisingly good for how tired I was yesterday. 20 minutes easy plus some pickups to warm up, 2x 800, 1x 1600, 2x800 then 5' at MP to get to 70'. Decided to stop there because I felt like I was over reaching a bit this week, though I could have run for the full 90 I think. Maybe next week. 8 miles total.
Tests or no tests I am doing workouts I didn't think were even possible back in October. Let's keep it rocking!
So my week 10 was a bit of a jumble since I had to switch some workouts around...but I ended it on a good note. Last night, I stayed out (WAY too late), drank (WAY too much), and had a ripping good time at an "After-Holidays Party". Got up early and felt hungover but still ran a 5k. The 5k is a local tradition on the first Sunday of the year. This one was the 2nd warmest in the last 5 years (20deg.). In the end, I can't believe how well I ran. I'm just a newbie to EN, but I've been running all my life...this is the best I've felt in Jan. in a LONG time. Not my fastest 5k by any means...but then again, I set myself up for failure by partying all night. I've been frustrated during the NOS, but it really is paying off!!! I'm ready for a BIG 2013, homies!!!
This OS program is redefining the word covet when it comes to rest days. ;-) Tues, Wed and Thurs with so much Z4 time plus Sat & Sun with so much Z4 in one week... I know I wouldn't be trying to do this if I was training on my own.
I managed to run almost one whole hour today. That is a first since last October. All on the track but it is either that or an even softer surface. I'm right on the edge of pushing the left foot past the failure point but I want to make the most of this running work if I I can. This was my longest run at 6 miles. The stiff breeze made it one of those runs where the pacing was hard to judge so it was almost like an over/under, especially trying to hold pace into the wind. I'm comforted by knowing that I managed this while still building back up from giving blood but running that long with my HR up in the 170's isn't fun.
800 at 7:01/mile 1600 at 6:59/mile 2400 at 7:14/mile (whoopsie, just couldn't cut the mustard)
WOW after the dismal run yesterday I was worried about I have been doing most of my runs on the TM. Today, I joined a group at the track so I was a bit worried on hitting my paces. Should have worried about going to fast!
I went too fast on all my intervals - whoops. It was great to have company on the fact one of my teammate was cooling down a mile and he ran with me on my 1 mile repeat. I couldn't talk....and was breathing hard. The last 400, he says...remember Anyone can do a lap! Yep, that got me through that last lap.....then I was on my own for the last 2 1/2 miles...but that stuck in my head. I can do this! BOOM!
2nd day in a row that I was able to run in shorts. Its pretty nice with it being December in northern Virginia. Anywho, all intervals close to TP (had a decent headwind on the 2600 wouldn't you know it). A total of 11.2 in 1:25. I am definitely looking forward to the rest day.
Not to bring everyone down, but I took a sneak peek at next week. Its NO JOKE! Good luck everyone and definitely take advantage of some recovery.
A bit chilly this morning here at 32 degrees with a good 5-10mph wind, but it was finally sunny with no ice like some of you guys have to deal with! Although I felt some fatigue from yesterday's bike wko, I think the temp might've played a bit in my slower than normal run.
Target pace is 7:26/mi and my .5mi, 1mi, 1.5mi splits were 3:51, 7:32, and 11:14. Slightly negative splits so I'll take the victory regardless of how small! Total run was 8.6mi as I am adding a bit of mileage per RnP's podcast for this past week.
Feeling a bit beat up after this week. So, after I plan the next week, then take down Christmas decorations, I'll settle in for a jacuzzi with some epsom salts and a single malt. Just can't beat a good 18yr old Glenlivet while kickin' back on a Sunday evening!
During the warm up, my legs were clearly still fatigued from yesterdays under-fueled workouts - the turnover just wasn't there. Decided to push through it anyway and give it a go - surprisingly I was able to hit the paces during the 800, 1600 and 2400 segments @ TP.
But here's where the humble pie comes in. So - just after I start on the 2400 segment (I simplified it to 1.5 miles because I didn't know whether it was 2400 yds or 2400 m) - I pass a house where someone pulls into the driveway. Literally, like 10 seconds later, I hear people talking behind me. Mind you, I'm running at TP - around 6:40 min/mile. Here is where I say that about a year ago, my VDOT was 45. It's now 51, and I'm pretty damn proud of that jump (the ego of my internal dialogue isn't fit for public display - I think I'm pretty awesome! ). As they say on shirts - I ain't the fastest, but I ain't the lastest. For the most part, when I'm out doing my workouts, due to the EN workouts being fairly intense and everyone else doing largely LRP type runs, I'm passing people. So today, not only do I hear people behind me - but even after like 1/2 mile at this sub-7 pace, I still hear them talking behind me - and they seem to be getting closer . WTF!? This goes on for the rest of the interval - at 1.5 miles I slow down to easy pace, and sure enough, footsteps and chatter from behind pass me like I'm in reverse!
We exchange brief pleasantries as they pass, after which I inform them that they are hauling ass for still being able to talk! I mean, still being able to have a conversation @ a 6:30 pace?
I'm not sure whether I was glad to have my Ironman jacket thingie on, so they at least know that while I may be relatively slow, I have a lot of endurance - or whether it was just an embarassment.
Anyway - rest of the run about 20 seconds slower than MP, working on cadence and form when fatigued (it really drops!). Nothing special.
@Ryan Yes, that situation sounds really annoying, but you're right to point out that you at least have endurance which those folks likely don't have. Or we'll choose to believe so. Still, nice job on your run! Sometimes humble pie is a good reminder of how far we've come. I know this feeling all too well.
Not knowing anything about your feet, I have no way of knowing whether this will be useful to you...
In any case, I hope it's healing.
Way to get it done, everyone.
The steady sounds of BOOM keep me going to the track...
Ok, so the track was hard to find under the snow, but then I had an epiphany.
It is .35 miles around the middle-school, and that drive is meticulously, with a small amount of math I calculated a target time and cranked out:
@Roy - Yep - no doubt about it - there is work in the coming week - mostly next weekend.
I will be ice-climbing in NH with The Boy that weekend, so wondering if someone wants to do my 2x2mi for me?
Seriously, though, I'm going to do the weekend workouts on M/Tu and just push out the who remaining OS by a couple of days, because these seem like important workouts to the program.
@Ryan - people who run like that must know how fast they are. At those paces, you're well ahead of the lastest - that's an impressive gain. I'm somewhere around 45/46, and still dreaming of 50. Nice work!
@Ryan - not to worry. If you can run at that pace, it is unlikely they would be able to come anywhere near you coming off the bike! Now if they were triathletes- you probably would known who they were since they would be like local pros to be running like that!
@Ryan, don't sweat it brother. When I tell that story, it ends with, "and then I realized that it was Crowie and Ryan Hall running behind me. I held them off for 1.5 miles and they were huffing like crazy when they finally passed me."
nice work people. Got todays run work done but boy did it hurt. The couch and heating pad was my friend for the rest of the day along with playoff football :-)
After 2 weeks of being sick/feeling weak I finally was able to get in the full Sunday run.
15'warmup at z1, 2x800, 1x1600, 2x800, all at z4 then rest of time at z3 for a total of 75 minutes and 6.31 miles. This was my longest run in quite a while and while challenging it was doable. My legs feel it now but I'm happy. Things are progressing for me!
Well I went off program today and just did a run outside. No watch, no HRM and just how I felt which was okay. Got in around 45 minutes to close out the week.
@Ryan, don't sweat it brother. When I tell that story, it ends with, "and then I realized that it was Crowie and Ryan Hall running behind me. I held them off for 1.5 miles and they were huffing like crazy when they finally passed me."
Dreadmill intervals yesterday were brutal. 1st two went good but the 3rd one at 2400 I blew up. I couldn't hold the pace. I ended up with only 65 min total run. My legs were still smoked from the bike/ run workout from Saturday.
After a couple mile warmup, I did the 15' @ HMP, which actually went OK until the very end of that segment where the course I followed has an incline that coincided RIGHT with the last few minutes of that portion. It's one of those inclines that is small, but mine as well be a mountain when you are fatigued and trying to hit a pace (~1/2 to 3/4 mile of gradually increasing grade). Anyway, there was no way I could transition from the effort of that segment to maintaining MP, so I took a few minutes easy (Garmin beeping at me the whole way saying 'SPEED UP!') to try and recover. Had portions of the next 15' being @ MP as prescribed, but the leg turnover and springiness just wasn't there.
Guess thats what I get for a small breakfast of chocolate milk and a cliff bar, followed by 50' total @ FTP on the bike plus another 15' @ 85% with nothing but water.
And now, I'm gonna shower up and get a Chipotle chicken burrito as big as my head.
My mixed up week continues with the run intervals today, on the treadmill where I did my test in Dec. For the first time ever, I decided to do the intervals at the actual speed I'm supposed to - usually, I keep increasing the speed with each interval if I feel I have the juice. I'm hoping sticking with the plan will ensure I am able to handle the FTP intervals (2 x 20', + 10') and run tomorrow. Sunday's run was actually done last Monday in the form of a half marathon.
HR was out of control - so ended up backing pace down 20 seconds over MP for 10 min, then MP for min 7 min then finally hit HMP for 3 min.
Ben like you had issues catching my breath.
ski helmet off, triathlon hat on :-) back to it today, although I did try to run a few times on the hotel treadmill. it was sub-optimal as running at elevation is tough. I couldnt come anywhere close to my paces even with elevation adjustments suggested by Daniels...anyhow - great reading all of your posts, you people have been doing some serious work!!!
got my run done first today, hit all paces,times, feeling good!
40 minute treadmill run in the books. Progression run with last 2 km at hmp.
Well today I went BOOM for all the wrong reasons: I don't know what the hell I ate (too much salad?), but my gut was bloated from the moment I woke up and never settled down. It's hard to run hard when you're gut is churning like crazy.... Given that, I'm surprised I was able to knock out the intervals. The rest of the run was slower than targeted though, I just coudn't run w/ my 'pregnancy belly'.... anyway, the work is in the books, and maybe I'll lay off the ruffage for a while.... BOOM!
@kate: on the plus side now you know what NOT to eat the day(s) before a race!
Anyway, from the start my speed was good, RPE was low and felt great. I got quite a few hills which impacted my average speed so I'll use NGP as best analysis... 1st 0.5 mile interval IF 1.11, then second 0.5 mile IF 1.04. Then 1 mile IF 1.04 and the last z4 mile at IF 1.01. Kinda looks like I was slowing down but it was just a coincidence of the route (some intervals were completely uphill, other were steep up and steep down etc).
Stretched it out to 90 mins, good for 11 miles with an IF of 0.88. Legs felt really good today, another indicator my struggles doing FTP zones on the bike are not fatigue related . ;-)
Felt good to run today even if it was on the deadmill. Yesterday didn't go so well, maybe too much fatigue from the run challenge but it didnt seem like that before yesterday.
Anyway, got the intervals in as prescribed then settled into MP for 5 more miles. Got 11.1 total in 90' @ ;8:07 (0.925).
looking to get out for a ski this afternoon for a bit before the snow gets all crappy. Nice work everyone!
Treadmill intervals today. Legs felt surprisingly good for how tired I was yesterday. 20 minutes easy plus some pickups to warm up, 2x 800, 1x 1600, 2x800 then 5' at MP to get to 70'. Decided to stop there because I felt like I was over reaching a bit this week, though I could have run for the full 90 I think. Maybe next week. 8 miles total.
Tests or no tests I am doing workouts I didn't think were even possible back in October. Let's keep it rocking!
So my week 10 was a bit of a jumble since I had to switch some workouts around...but I ended it on a good note. Last night, I stayed out (WAY too late), drank (WAY too much), and had a ripping good time at an "After-Holidays Party". Got up early and felt hungover but still ran a 5k. The 5k is a local tradition on the first Sunday of the year. This one was the 2nd warmest in the last 5 years (20deg.). In the end, I can't believe how well I ran. I'm just a newbie to EN, but I've been running all my life...this is the best I've felt in Jan. in a LONG time. Not my fastest 5k by any means...but then again, I set myself up for failure by partying all night. I've been frustrated during the NOS, but it really is paying off!!! I'm ready for a BIG 2013, homies!!!
I managed to run almost one whole hour today. That is a first since last October. All on the track but it is either that or an even softer surface. I'm right on the edge of pushing the left foot past the failure point but I want to make the most of this running work if I I can. This was my longest run at 6 miles. The stiff breeze made it one of those runs where the pacing was hard to judge so it was almost like an over/under, especially trying to hold pace into the wind. I'm comforted by knowing that I managed this while still building back up from giving blood but running that long with my HR up in the 170's isn't fun.
800 at 7:01/mile
1600 at 6:59/mile
2400 at 7:14/mile (whoopsie, just couldn't cut the mustard)
I went too fast on all my intervals - whoops. It was great to have company on the fact one of my teammate was cooling down a mile and he ran with me on my 1 mile repeat. I couldn't talk....and was breathing hard. The last 400, he says...remember Anyone can do a lap! Yep, that got me through that last lap.....then I was on my own for the last 2 1/2 miles...but that stuck in my head. I can do this! BOOM!
Not to bring everyone down, but I took a sneak peek at next week. Its NO JOKE! Good luck everyone and definitely take advantage of some recovery.
Perfect day for a run here in the work in, but still feeling the effects of the ready for Monday!
Target pace is 7:26/mi and my .5mi, 1mi, 1.5mi splits were 3:51, 7:32, and 11:14. Slightly negative splits so I'll take the victory regardless of how small! Total run was 8.6mi as I am adding a bit of mileage per RnP's podcast for this past week.
Feeling a bit beat up after this week. So, after I plan the next week, then take down Christmas decorations, I'll settle in for a jacuzzi with some epsom salts and a single malt. Just can't beat a good 18yr old Glenlivet while kickin' back on a Sunday evening!
During the warm up, my legs were clearly still fatigued from yesterdays under-fueled workouts - the turnover just wasn't there. Decided to push through it anyway and give it a go - surprisingly I was able to hit the paces during the 800, 1600 and 2400 segments @ TP.
But here's where the humble pie comes in. So - just after I start on the 2400 segment (I simplified it to 1.5 miles because I didn't know whether it was 2400 yds or 2400 m) - I pass a house where someone pulls into the driveway. Literally, like 10 seconds later, I hear people talking behind me. Mind you, I'm running at TP - around 6:40 min/mile. Here is where I say that about a year ago, my VDOT was 45. It's now 51, and I'm pretty damn proud of that jump (the ego of my internal dialogue isn't fit for public display - I think I'm pretty awesome!
This goes on for the rest of the interval - at 1.5 miles I slow down to easy pace, and sure enough, footsteps and chatter from behind pass me like I'm in reverse!
We exchange brief pleasantries as they pass, after which I inform them that they are hauling ass for still being able to talk! I mean, still being able to have a conversation @ a 6:30 pace?
I'm not sure whether I was glad to have my Ironman jacket thingie on, so they at least know that while I may be relatively slow, I have a lot of endurance - or whether it was just an embarassment.
Anyway - rest of the run about 20 seconds slower than MP, working on cadence and form when fatigued (it really drops!). Nothing special.
Ann - that's excellent! I don't know why, but I'll run at the track in a steady 40-degree rain rather than brave the treadmill.
There's something about that outdoor air that makes the workout worthwhile for me.
Thanks for sharing the BOOM.
Peter - way to stay with it. Not sure what's going on for your foot?
Hope it feels better. Link to some foot exercises from a thread I started some time ago:
Not knowing anything about your feet, I have no way of knowing whether this will be useful to you...
In any case, I hope it's healing.
Way to get it done, everyone.
The steady sounds of BOOM keep me going to the track...
Ok, so the track was hard to find under the snow, but then I had an epiphany.
It is .35 miles around the middle-school, and that drive is meticulously, with a small amount of math I calculated a target time and cranked out:
3x1.03: 3-laps, rest-interval, turn-around, 3-laps, rest-interval, 3-laps:
7:32, 7:26, 7:32
Bring on week 11!
@Roy - Yep - no doubt about it - there is work in the coming week - mostly next weekend.
I will be ice-climbing in NH with The Boy that weekend, so wondering if someone wants to do my 2x2mi for me?
Seriously, though, I'm going to do the weekend workouts on M/Tu and just push out the who remaining OS by a couple of days, because these seem like important workouts to the program.
@Ryan - people who run like that must know how fast they are. At those paces, you're well ahead of the lastest - that's an impressive gain. I'm somewhere around 45/46, and still dreaming of 50. Nice work!
@Roy - LOL
nice work people. Got todays run work done but boy did it hurt. The couch and heating pad was my friend for the rest of the day along with playoff football :-)
Onto week 11 ....bring it!
After 2 weeks of being sick/feeling weak I finally was able to get in the full Sunday run.
15'warmup at z1, 2x800, 1x1600, 2x800, all at z4 then rest of time at z3 for a total of 75 minutes and 6.31 miles. This was my longest run in quite a while and while challenging it was doable. My legs feel it now but I'm happy. Things are progressing for me!
Well I went off program today and just did a run outside. No watch, no HRM and just how I felt which was okay. Got in around 45 minutes to close out the week.
Ooooh.. I like it! Thanks for the tip!
Great job everyone!