Nov OS Week 11 Bike Thread
Hard to believe there is only 4 weeks left. We keep getting large doses of FTP and VO2 work. I need to do a better job of getting rest this week to help my workouts.
Hard to believe there is only 4 weeks left. We keep getting large doses of FTP and VO2 work. I need to do a better job of getting rest this week to help my workouts.
I hear'd ja, tru dat!
It seems my trainer's resistance dropped a bit between intervals 1 and 2 (within the first interval there is no obvious power drop / cadence increase). Bizarre!
Way to get it done, Ben!
Question for anyone who has thoughts on the matter:
Tomorrow we're to do 10/18/10. Over the weekend it was 18/18/8. I've seen 12/12/8... I think I saw a post - may have been from Mr. Truscott - that the bottom line is really time-at-power and we can slice differently if we want to.
I usually operate on the assumption that coaches are all-knowing and do EVERYTHING for a specific reason supported by current ground-breaking research, and I plan to do 10/18/10 in the morning... but
Does the length and order of individual intervals really matter, or is it simply a matter of slicing the time into manageable and interesting pieces? Why wouldn't I take those 38 minutes and go for 13/13/12?
I'll update this post in the morning with my actual ride - best to you all!
I also wonder if the Tuesday workouts might be getting curtailed a little now that we're moving to running VO2max workouts on Wednesday and the ever-more-challenging Thursday bike VO2max sessions.
@ Russell...In past years, RnP have admitted that, yes, there reallly are only so many waysnyou can slice FTP intervals, and total time trumps specificty of interval length. Coach R never trains indoors, and so all his FTP intervals are of variable length on climbs behind his hometown. That said, I think there is something to be gained by aiming for those longer intervals, from both a mental and physical perspective.
On another note, I was planning on doing last weekend's FTP interval ride Sunday afternoon while watching the Seahawks fulfill their destiny vs the Redskins. I think my 7 yr old CompuTrainer must have been channeling RG III' s knee, because the load generator suddenly locked up and would only operate at one resistence, bascially about 70-80% of my FTP. I've spent hours and hours yesterday and today trouble shooting it, and have decided I do not want to retain my relationship with RacerMate. If a $42 cable does not solve the issues, then it's $575 for another load generator &/or $375 for a controller. Anyway I slice it, that's not something I'll do for a machine in which I find more to curse than praise. So I will go with a Tacx Bushido' which also has a programmable load generator, but was designed in the 2nd decade of the 21st century,and so is completely wireless, speaks ANT+, and has software that at least looks appealing. Cost = CT Load generator + controller
DC Rainmaker gives it a thumbs' up.
In the meantime, I might be able to do some outdoor workouts if it is not raining or snowing ( what are are the odds of that, here?),or just pedal @ SS for the total time of the workout.
Good luck everyone!
will post stats latr
off too other work!
10/18/11 (* got lost in the music and forgot to look at the timer..) at 98, 99, 98.
Added a couple of spin-ups to hit those high cadences and shake the rust off.
WAY better for me than the last FTP workout.
Looking forward to the easy PM run in the sun!
-- ok - time to pay attention to other work - Way to get it done everyone!
I think my legs are still feeling the w/o from this past weekend. It was a little hard getting to/staying within my zones but I finished the 10/18/10 and rode for the full 70min so I'm happy.
Run will be for tonight after work. It's supposed to go up to above freezing today and I hope it stays that warm for my run.
Keep up the good work everyone!
Pulled myself out of bed at 5 to get the workout in, got set up and started pedalling and PT read 2w !. WTF. Got off bike, swore, found a spare battery (whew) changed PT battery (this was my first thought, it was early). Got back on bike, started pedalling easy, now 330w. Swore some more, didn't know what to do (was thinking why me, should've stayed in bed etc etc), then had a brainwave (gel must have kicked in) and got out my 910xt and calibrated the PT. This did the trick and I was off to the races (but 25 minutes late). Got the workout in, 10/18/10 at .99/1.0/1.0 and finished off with 8 minutes at 0.85. Late for work, but glad I got er done. Stupid powertap.
BOOM, BOOM and BOOM! Was a bit apprehensive as I got on bike since my HR was slightly higher than usual. Also noticed during warmup it took me a bit longer to hit z3, so I eased into the intervals, starting out at the lower levels of z4 and gradually increasing to the higher end of the target. Got all three done really well, nocked out the t-run afterwards. Now for some hard rest (don't tell anyone: I'm wearing compression tights underneath my suit at work today!), because I'm really, really scared of tomorrow's run workout.....
@ Satish - sorry to read about your PT. Glad you were able to find a work around and still go BOOM!
@Al - hopefully the $42 cable will work. @Satish - wow! Way to stay focused and get er done!
@ Russell - I was actually thinking about this over the last couple workouts and as mentioned there are only so many way's you can slice it. I also find the longer intervals more challenging so breaking down the intervals is the workout triage when you can't make it.
I was thinking about shifting my workout today which was 12/20/12 but wanted to hit the 20' interval so pushed through that and had to do 2X6 on the end. I think this was preferable to 12/12/10/10 or evening out the intervals at 15/15/14. I find that if I take more rest 4' for the 12' intervals and 3' for the 10' intervals my HR does not get as high, legs don't get as fatigued and am probalby not pushing my body to adapt on the upper end. As for shifting the longer interval first say 18/10/10, I'd have to dig a little deeper to do the 18' last after the first two 10' intervals so a slightly tougher or much tougher workout depending on the day.
I got in my workout - 12/20/6/6 at .97/.97/.95/.98.
Peter - Or could just do one nice 38m block at 99% (for those of us in Intermediate)...
Thanks everyone for your thoughts on interval slicing.
In the end, did exactly what the coaches wrote, because they are all-knowing and do everything for a reason supported by current ground-breaking research, and besides, why wouldn't I, unless I just couldn't keep it goin', which happens sometimes, but I'm rambling now -
10/18/11 at 98%, 99%, 98%. The 11 was by accident - got lost in the music - I'll have to make sure I remember to stop after the finish line when I'm racing...
I'm liking the 12m at 80-85% as part of the warm-up - it's easy enough that I relax and connect with my rhythm, and it definitely sets me up for the work intervals.
Way to get it in, everyone - have a great day - see you on the run thread later on
See ya later after the run.
Clearly I am tired as Sat I was way better on the 2X15s. I am wondering if nutrition is playing a part...b/w Sat and today...i.e. Sat mid day workout, today early am workout with no breakfast. Today, I drank profrom and a gel during but nothing before...outta bed and on the trainer.
Today: .97 (10min), .95 (15 min), .94(10 min)
Sat: .99 (15 min), .98 (15 min), 1.0(8 min)
Hit the run....with wobble legs..but got it done.
Don't skimp on the recovery nutrition either!
this spin bike actually provided a power reading, but of course, it was totally off from my PT in the pain cave. It took me awhile to calibrate the readings using my HR and RPE, but I think I got pretty close...
ended up doing 1x10', 1x7', 1x21'(!) at avg HR of 131, 134 & 146. i looked back at last week's 3x15' and my avg HR was around 140-142, so i think i undercooked the first two and was pretty close on the last one
looking forward to exploring San Francisco a bit during tonight's run and then hitting the intervals tomorrow hard.
great job all!
1 X 12'(4'); 1 X 20'(4') and 1 X 12'(4') all at Z4. For the first two, I kept the AVSPD and watched my AVHR float past Z4. For the last one, I was pretty smoked and I went into the small chainring and upped the rpms to get the AVHR up in the Z4.
I thought I would just aqua-jog today for 40' in-lieu of a treadmill run during lunch since it was raining hard. But, I hit the treadmill anyway and kept it at Z1. Great conversations about the duration of the bike intervals. Last year when the interval went above 15', I would break it up. This year I am trying to keep the mental focus and push on through. So far, my testing is better than last year and that is the only change I have made.