I don't do my workouts on a track, but hearing about lateral pain instantly makes me think IT band (only because thats the thing that has sidelined me the most in the past). I would not be surprised if going in the same direction around a track could cause an imbalance. If I were to do workouts on a track, I'd probably change it up every couple of laps. As it is, sometimes I'll run on the wrong side of the road to help balance out the crown of the road and its effect on mechanics. Maybe by the time you switched things up things were already slightly inflamed and thats why it didn't seem to help (but perhaps was helpful in preventing it from getting worse)?
@ Peter - sounds like ITB issues. Do you stretch after all our runs? Something I always do and I think it helps me avoid some overuse issues.... like ITB problems.
Answer to your Q is no, always counter clockwise, but never have had any issues like you indicate. You should also post to the Medical forum.
@Peter - I have definitely read about ITB and knee issues caused by always turning the same way at the track, and I always mix it up - if the first interval is counterclockwise then the second is clockwise and the third is counter... I recommend it.
If your track gets busier than mine then you may not have the option.
The IP workout for me yesterday did not work out - minor twinges after 2x400 and I called it. I will go for take #2 on Friday, which works because I have to help lead a boy scout trip over the weekend and will not be doing the FTP bike or 2x2m TP run - both workouts I hate to miss.
Posting to the micro thread for some guidance but the plan is:
Fri: take #2 on the IP workout
Weekend: not counting on anything
Then either:
(a) write off the weekend, swim Monday and jump into plan on Tuesday
(b) FTP bike on Monday, off Tuesday, and jump in with the run on Wednesday (most probable)
(c) Repeat this week and push the end of the OS out by a week.
Will see what the coaches recommend...
Way to get it in everyone! I will post again tomorrow after I complete take #2 at the IP workout.
@peter what circumference is your track? smaller or indoor tracks with tighter turns lead to more issues. I usually try to mix up my direction at the track about 50/50 which I can because I am usually the only one there.
@ Russ just throwing out an idea. If your knee is wonky why risk it?. Why not do the FTP bike and (if you have time) the second run on Friday? You could shorten the bike to fit it in if necessary. You could skip the VO2 run or do it sunday night when you are back (if possible) leaving monday as the regular rest day.
I agree with Satish - if the knee is questionable at all (can't really tell from your post, other than having to have called the workout), then give it run rest and do bike workouts in the meantime. Do today's VO2 tonihgt, and then do saturdays FTP tomorrow (Friday, since you won't be around saturday), and then you have at least two days of rest, possibly three if you decide to stay with Monday as a rest day.
The leg doesn't feel so bad today. More like lingering soreness on the outside of the left buttock now. I've had some issues in the past regarding the tendons behind the knee not sliding well. ART helped with that. Yesterday seemed to wake it up a bit but I have been working the kinks out. We'll see what happens tonight.
The HS track I run on is a standard 400M track around a football field. I'm definitely going to start alternating directions.
@Peter - take it easier around the corners and pick it up for the straightaways if the cornering is bothering you. Better to take a small hit on pace than a big hit on injury!
I'll do some dynamic warm-ups in the morning and I'll make the call then. Truth is that I have a better chance at a great run that a great bike on Friday - chances of me holding 20m @95%+ the morning after a VO2 workout are not so good. I get these creaks sometimes - foot cramp, pain in the back of the knee - if I back off for a day then it goes away and I can resume... Satish - saw your post on compression socks and thinking I should find a pair...
@Russ. Not a problem. I almost always have an ache or a pain somewhere. I joke that they serve to remind me I'm alive. I'm not wise enough to call off a workout when needed though. That's why I'm in the beginner plan.
I like compression socks for recovery. I wear them running when I race marathons, even though they aren't supposed to do anything. They feel good. I've never worn them in a tri, and I have seen people told to take theirs off as they cover the calf number. I go for the most compression I can get. I think its limited to a certain amount without a prescription (15mm-20mm hg?). Around here CEPS or SLS branded compression gear (socks or sleeves) can run 50-70$+ if not on sale. At the drug store I can get Sig Varis compression socks for 25$ or less. I hate spending a ton of dough on socks and having the toe or heel wear out in a couple of months. I have a pair of non-ribbed sig varis synthetic 'dress' compression socks I have worn on long runs (anything over 2hrs) and racing in two marathons over the last 18 months and they still look and feel like new. I see that the health companies are getting wise and have running oriented products on the shelf now as well, but imo they just cost more without any real benefit except they look more 'sporty' (not that plain black socks look bad imo).
Since I did Tuesday's workout today I did my run as a brick. Worked hard on the bike but the run felt super easy at 30' in z1 with some strides. Great stuff.
Well, BOOM and BONK - my first official FAIL of the OS . Reason was not physical, but rather poor food choises I made in the days leading up to today. This is the second workout in a week that was affected/limited by my eating habits in the days before. Last week, I ate way too much salad before Sunday and ended running feeling like a pregnant lady. Not a good experience, but I got away with it. This week, after the run VO2s on Wednesday, I ate everything and anything I could lay my eyes on - and kept going through Friday PM... Not necessarily unhealthy stuff, but waaaaay too much, and my body just couldn't process it. I felt like I had thermo-nuclear war going on in my belly while I was trying to ride HARD... I made it through a good warmup and the first interval, but then massive stomach cramps took over and I couldn't even hold myself upright on my bike, yet along pedal. Soooo, I pulled the plug. I NEVER pull the plug , but today I had no choice. It was the right decision (as was bagging the run), but I am stark-raving mad at myself [We need a SMILEY with STEAM COMING OUT OF HIS EARS] , because I sabotaged my workout and that's just stooopid. Clearly, nutrition is my limiter and I need to do much better there - staying on top of it, especially when I'm physically and mentally tired from hard workouts (e.g. Wednesday's run), or when things get stressful at work (which they are). I'd appreciate any advice/thoughts, because TODAY I RECOMMIT so I can come back BOOMING beginning tomorrow!!
Hey Kate, how is your health otherwise? The reason I'm asking is that you have had two workouts in a week affected by your GI system. It could be changes you have made in your diet, but keep in mind that overtraining can also manifest as GI trouble. Without getting into 'TMI' territory, I know that I start to get an irritable bowel when I am overreaching. For you, maybe some of your issues could be due to a combination of this stressful phase of training and your other stressors, in which case the appropriate response would not be to go harder, but maybe give yourself a bit of rest.... Just something to think about.
Had a great 3h bike ride today and but was just plain stupid when I wanted to run. I didn't change clothes, it had warmed up a lot and I was WAY overdressed and running in 60 degrees with soggy thermal jacket, bike jersey, craft base layer, bib shorts, leg warmers etc etc. Then I started running and instead of pacing properly just ran like an idiot, clearly overcooking it an running above threshold pace for 10 mins and then... well then a big BONK and i ended up walking the rest home. Just done, walked a bit and tried running at target pace or even easy pace, but didn't work. Oh well.
@Kate - how is your general mood? One of the early indicators of too much residual fatigue is often changes in mood (being grouchy). Any trends there? In any case definitely try to be a good girl today and focus on what and how much you eat and see if it impacts your run tomorrow. You didn't ride too much today and yesterday was a rest day, so you should be able to get a good run in tomorrow. Und nicht zu viel in die Kneipe gehen!
30 minute run done (not a brick). easy 10'. 4x30s strides then 3k at HMP. Felt better than expected - first pace run outside in a while- and had to be careful not to overcook it! A few aches and pains but seem to be holding it together,
Forgot to mention in the bike thread, but seeing Kate's update RE: food reminded me the issue I had today - I met up with a friend for breakfast and had eggs, french toast and OJ. Even though I gave myself a few hours to digest it - it still wasn't really out of my stomach enough by the time I hit the bike. Not the first time I ate something on Saturday morning before working out that I then felt like I had a block of concrete in my stomach. Not fun, but usually manage to push through.
I have no idea how, the morning of my first HIM a couple years ago, I managed to down a DnD sausage and egg on a bagel sandwich and not have any of that concrete-in-the-stomach feeling during the event.
Anyhow - this run was done right after the bike, so just the 20' version @ HMP.
Saturday brick done as 4 miles in 31:XX. First mile was rough and then the legs settled into a good EP zone. Time to rest up for some good work tomorrow.
BOOM and BOOM! Bounced back nicely after yesterday's FAIL. The 2x2s were tough, but doable (then again, I aborted yesterday's bike and bailed on the run so I was probably a bit fresher than normal). It helps that my stomach wasn't doing sommersaults the whole time.
Thanks for the encouragement yesterday .
@ Satish - I think healthwise overall, I'm all good, but you did get me to thinking that there's some correlation between the VO2s which for me are brutal (I LOVE FTP work on the other hand) and nutrition/GI system. I felt 'off' ever since after Wednesday's run and clearly I didn't fuel right to get it back together. It's something I need to watch more closely.
Wow today's run was brutal. I wasn't feeling any love for the treadmill this morning but got it done. The 2 x 2 miles z4 were torture. Tried to watch the Graham Norton show but it couldn't distract me enough from the hard work. My intervals were all about cursing, questioning the sanity of the coaches, complaining and counting down the miles in steps of 0.01 miles... 168...167...166...165... The rest interval I ran slower than z1 pace for the first half mile, then gradually increased the pace to be at z1 shortly before the second interval started. Second interval was just like the first... complaining, cursing at the coaches, and counting steps and 0.01 mile increments.
Happy I got through it though! This was clearly no joke. Now trying to be careful and get some nutrition into the system in order to be ready for my Monday bike Sweet Spot training.
I bricked yesterday's run and had a hard time getting into the right zone (either too fast or too slow) for the first 5 min or so, but I settled in for the last 15 and it went well.
I also did today's run early, and it felt pretty good though I was worried about the 2 miles in Z4 before I started. I was able to do it a bit hot and then tack on an additional 25 minutes in Z2-Z3 range. Rest will be in order today. Go get 'em all!
Sunday run in the books. Awesome day, awesome run, Sunny and above freezing, had to strip off a layer to keep from overheating, I can't remember being happy for a cool breeze in the winter ever before!
Standard warmup, 4x800/3', 1x1600/5'. The first 800 felt pretty easy despite overcooking the pace. Tried to follow Coach P's video on run pacing for subsequent intervals, and run by feel ignoring the gps, replicating the perceived effort of the first one. Still overcooked the 800s but the 1600 was bang on and the intervals felt great throughout. Finished off with 36 minutes at between EP and MP, for 90' total. Longest run since august. Looking forward to a rest day, then rinse and repeat!
@kate glad your run went well! Onwards and upwards!
@ Kate - I think you gave us all a scare.... I too am glad to hear your BOOM today!
Today was to be 2x2 @ TP and the only part I didn't like was the 2 mile WU. Done on the mill watching Matrix but my head was elsewhere till I hit the first interval. After that it was kind of like cruise control with 2 @ TP, 1 @ EP, 2 @ TP. I followed that with 5 more @ or near MP.
Total run 12 miles in 1:37 @ 8:08 (MP + 10")
Nice work everyone! Keep crushing it as we near the end of the OS..... unfortunately it will be a long, long time before spring comes for me.
Today's run was pretty hard to get through after yesterday's outside ride in the hills. Legs were complaining all the way. Longest run since my last HIM at just over 9 miles. First 2 miler was actually 2.14 miles (8 laps in the wide lanes - clockwise) in 15:16 (7:07/mile pace) Second 2 miler was 2.20 miles (8 laps in wider lanes I guess - counterclockwise) in 16:04 (7:18/mile pace) The jog home was not fun. No Z3 pace was achieved but there were plenty of hills to elicit Z3 effort.
The fatigue is building up in my body. I cannot imagine running a half-mary feeling like I do these days.
Foggy and misty NOVA weather this afternoon. Made for an interesting run. W/U, then 2x2 all on TP (all miles within 5 seconds of assigned pace, pretty happy with that). Legs felt better than I thought they would after yesterday's work. Got 4 in after the intervals so ended up with 10.5 in 1:18. Solid week and pretty happy.
Good work everyone. Keep at it, the end is in sight!
nice work peeps! For me ...I napped instead :-) . The run would've been SO non-optimal - I think erring on the side of more rest is ok and today I put that plan into action lol. Go get 'em in week 12!!!
Glad I am on the Beg Plan....my run was hard enough, can't imagine doing 2 miles. Mine was 4X800 and 1X1 mile. Done on TM between football games! Excellent work everyone on the 2 mile repeats!
Peter - the same thing was going through my mind today about 1/2 mary. I have one on my schedule as the wrap up of the O/S on 2/3. What was I thinking?!?!?
Today was a challenge weather wise at 38 degrees with a stiff 15-17mph. But, after doing the dreadmill twice this past week, I had to do it outside. My time were significantly slower and all I can say is the the perceived effort was there and I got it done!
I managed to do the 2 X 2 with 1 mile rest between and add the warm-up and cool down at two miles apiece to bring it up to 9 miles total. The most I have run this OS. Trying to get the totals up per RnP's podcast.
Time to kick back and relax! Swim tomorrow and then on to week #12!
I officially missed this weekend with an ankle injury not related to training but sledding with my nephews. No bike or run this weekend and it was probably a good thing as my wife say's I've been in that mood as of late.
The ankle is feeling better but I will evaluate after another day off. Definitely will get the cycling started up but the bigger unknown is the run.
Just my $0.02, but I really don't know.
Answer to your Q is no, always counter clockwise, but never have had any issues like you indicate. You should also post to the Medical forum.
@Peter - I have definitely read about ITB and knee issues caused by always turning the same way at the track, and I always mix it up - if the first interval is counterclockwise then the second is clockwise and the third is counter... I recommend it.
If your track gets busier than mine then you may not have the option.
The IP workout for me yesterday did not work out - minor twinges after 2x400 and I called it. I will go for take #2 on Friday, which works because I have to help lead a boy scout trip over the weekend and will not be doing the FTP bike or 2x2m TP run - both workouts I hate to miss.
Posting to the micro thread for some guidance but the plan is:
Fri: take #2 on the IP workout
Weekend: not counting on anything
Then either:
(a) write off the weekend, swim Monday and jump into plan on Tuesday
(b) FTP bike on Monday, off Tuesday, and jump in with the run on Wednesday (most probable)
(c) Repeat this week and push the end of the OS out by a week.
Will see what the coaches recommend...
Way to get it in everyone! I will post again tomorrow after I complete take #2 at the IP workout.
@peter what circumference is your track? smaller or indoor tracks with tighter turns lead to more issues. I usually try to mix up my direction at the track about 50/50 which I can because I am usually the only one there.
@ Russ just throwing out an idea. If your knee is wonky why risk it?. Why not do the FTP bike and (if you have time) the second run on Friday? You could shorten the bike to fit it in if necessary. You could skip the VO2 run or do it sunday night when you are back (if possible) leaving monday as the regular rest day.
The HS track I run on is a standard 400M track around a football field. I'm definitely going to start alternating directions.
There is so much here...
@Peter - take it easier around the corners and pick it up for the straightaways if the cornering is bothering you. Better to take a small hit on pace than a big hit on injury!
@Ann - way to go, getting the time in.
@Al - love the "short answer" -
Thanks for the thoughtful explanation.
@Brent - glad you're back in the game!
I agree with Peter here - you want to ease back in by working out to the level for which your body is prepared.
Give your self a few days to work out without pushing it too hard.
Start with the full warm-up and see where you are, then act based on how you're feeling.
Feel great? Try a reasonable set of intervals. Feel just ok? Put in the time but at 85% and don't push the intensity.
Hydrate and nutrit like you mean it afterward.
As far as re-entering the plan... here I would either reach out to the coaches or create a topic in the forums.
My own partially-informed sense is that it may be hard to jump in with week 11.
The coaches may recommend you start again with week 9 to follow the progression and extend the OS by a couple of weeks.
Or they may provide another way to bridge to the current levels of intensity.
Post to the micro thread and see what the coach recommends... you're back in the game and now you just need to put the right plan in front of you.
Glad you're feeling better - stay healthy - rumor has it it's going to be a rough season for a lot of people.
@Satish, Ryan - thanks for the thoughts.
I'll do some dynamic warm-ups in the morning and I'll make the call then. Truth is that I have a better chance at a great run that a great bike on Friday - chances of me holding 20m @95%+ the morning after a VO2 workout are not so good. I get these creaks sometimes - foot cramp, pain in the back of the knee - if I back off for a day then it goes away and I can resume... Satish - saw your post on compression socks and thinking I should find a pair...
Keep it going everyone - just a few weeks left!
@Russ. Not a problem. I almost always have an ache or a pain somewhere. I joke that they serve to remind me I'm alive. I'm not wise enough to call off a workout when needed though. That's why I'm in the beginner plan.
I like compression socks for recovery. I wear them running when I race marathons, even though they aren't supposed to do anything. They feel good. I've never worn them in a tri, and I have seen people told to take theirs off as they cover the calf number. I go for the most compression I can get. I think its limited to a certain amount without a prescription (15mm-20mm hg?). Around here CEPS or SLS branded compression gear (socks or sleeves) can run 50-70$+ if not on sale. At the drug store I can get Sig Varis compression socks for 25$ or less. I hate spending a ton of dough on socks and having the toe or heel wear out in a couple of months. I have a pair of non-ribbed sig varis synthetic 'dress' compression socks I have worn on long runs (anything over 2hrs) and racing in two marathons over the last 18 months and they still look and feel like new. I see that the health companies are getting wise and have running oriented products on the shelf now as well, but imo they just cost more without any real benefit except they look more 'sporty' (not that plain black socks look bad imo).
Well, BOOM and BONK - my first official FAIL of the OS
. Reason was not physical, but rather poor food choises I made in the days leading up to today. This is the second workout in a week that was affected/limited by my eating habits in the days before. Last week, I ate way too much salad before Sunday and ended running feeling like a pregnant lady. Not a good experience, but I got away with it. This week, after the run VO2s on Wednesday, I ate everything and anything I could lay my eyes on - and kept going through Friday PM... Not necessarily unhealthy stuff, but waaaaay too much, and my body just couldn't process it. I felt like I had thermo-nuclear war going on in my belly while I was trying to ride HARD... I made it through a good warmup and the first interval, but then massive stomach cramps took over and I couldn't even hold myself upright on my bike, yet along pedal. Soooo, I pulled the plug. I NEVER pull the plug
, but today I had no choice. It was the right decision (as was bagging the run), but I am stark-raving mad at myself [We need a SMILEY with STEAM COMING OUT OF HIS EARS] , because I sabotaged my workout and that's just stooopid. Clearly, nutrition is my limiter and I need to do much better there - staying on top of it, especially when I'm physically and mentally tired from hard workouts (e.g. Wednesday's run), or when things get stressful at work (which they are). I'd appreciate any advice/thoughts, because TODAY I RECOMMIT so I can come back BOOMING beginning tomorrow!!
Hey Kate, how is your health otherwise? The reason I'm asking is that you have had two workouts in a week affected by your GI system. It could be changes you have made in your diet, but keep in mind that overtraining can also manifest as GI trouble. Without getting into 'TMI' territory, I know that I start to get an irritable bowel when I am overreaching. For you, maybe some of your issues could be due to a combination of this stressful phase of training and your other stressors, in which case the appropriate response would not be to go harder, but maybe give yourself a bit of rest.... Just something to think about.
Had a great 3h bike ride today and but was just plain stupid when I wanted to run. I didn't change clothes, it had warmed up a lot and I was WAY overdressed and running in 60 degrees with soggy thermal jacket, bike jersey, craft base layer, bib shorts, leg warmers etc etc. Then I started running and instead of pacing properly just ran like an idiot, clearly overcooking it an running above threshold pace for 10 mins and then... well then a big BONK and i ended up walking the rest home. Just done, walked a bit and tried running at target pace or even easy pace, but didn't work. Oh well.
@Kate - how is your general mood? One of the early indicators of too much residual fatigue is often changes in mood (being grouchy). Any trends there? In any case definitely try to be a good girl today and focus on what and how much you eat and see if it impacts your run tomorrow. You didn't ride too much today and yesterday was a rest day, so you should be able to get a good run in tomorrow. Und nicht zu viel in die Kneipe gehen!
30 minute run done (not a brick). easy 10'. 4x30s strides then 3k at HMP. Felt better than expected - first pace run outside in a while- and had to be careful not to overcook it! A few aches and pains but seem to be holding it together,
I have no idea how, the morning of my first HIM a couple years ago, I managed to down a DnD sausage and egg on a bagel sandwich and not have any of that concrete-in-the-stomach feeling during the event.
Anyhow - this run was done right after the bike, so just the 20' version @ HMP.
Good luck everyone!
BOOM and BOOM! Bounced back nicely after yesterday's FAIL. The 2x2s were tough, but doable (then again, I aborted yesterday's bike and bailed on the run so I was probably a bit fresher than normal). It helps that my stomach wasn't doing sommersaults the whole time.
Thanks for the encouragement yesterday
@ Satish - I think healthwise overall, I'm all good, but you did get me to thinking that there's some correlation between the VO2s which for me are brutal (I LOVE FTP work on the other hand) and nutrition/GI system. I felt 'off' ever since after Wednesday's run and clearly I didn't fuel right to get it back together. It's something I need to watch more closely.
@Ben - Ich war nicht in der Kneipe!!!
Keep going peeps, now is when it counts. BOOM!
Happy I got through it though! This was clearly no joke. Now trying to be careful and get some nutrition into the system in order to be ready for my Monday bike Sweet Spot training.
I also did today's run early, and it felt pretty good though I was worried about the 2 miles in Z4 before I started. I was able to do it a bit hot and then tack on an additional 25 minutes in Z2-Z3 range. Rest will be in order today. Go get 'em all!
Sunday run in the books. Awesome day, awesome run, Sunny and above freezing, had to strip off a layer to keep from overheating, I can't remember being happy for a cool breeze in the winter ever before!
Standard warmup, 4x800/3', 1x1600/5'. The first 800 felt pretty easy despite overcooking the pace. Tried to follow Coach P's video on run pacing for subsequent intervals, and run by feel ignoring the gps, replicating the perceived effort of the first one. Still overcooked the 800s but the 1600 was bang on and the intervals felt great throughout. Finished off with 36 minutes at between EP and MP, for 90' total. Longest run since august. Looking forward to a rest day, then rinse and repeat!
@kate glad your run went well! Onwards and upwards!
Today was to be 2x2 @ TP and the only part I didn't like was the 2 mile WU. Done on the mill watching Matrix but my head was elsewhere till I hit the first interval. After that it was kind of like cruise control with 2 @ TP, 1 @ EP, 2 @ TP. I followed that with 5 more @ or near MP.
Total run 12 miles in 1:37 @ 8:08 (MP + 10")
Nice work everyone! Keep crushing it as we near the end of the OS..... unfortunately it will be a long, long time before spring comes for me.
Today's run was pretty hard to get through after yesterday's outside ride in the hills. Legs were complaining all the way. Longest run since my last HIM at just over 9 miles.
First 2 miler was actually 2.14 miles (8 laps in the wide lanes - clockwise) in 15:16 (7:07/mile pace)
Second 2 miler was 2.20 miles (8 laps in wider lanes I guess - counterclockwise) in 16:04 (7:18/mile pace)
The jog home was not fun. No Z3 pace was achieved but there were plenty of hills to elicit Z3 effort.
The fatigue is building up in my body. I cannot imagine running a half-mary feeling like I do these days.
Good work everyone. Keep at it, the end is in sight!
nice work peeps! For me ...I napped instead :-) . The run would've been SO non-optimal - I think erring on the side of more rest is ok and today I put that plan into action lol. Go get 'em in week 12!!!
Excellent work everyone on the 2 mile repeats!
Peter - the same thing was going through my mind today about 1/2 mary. I have one on my schedule as the wrap up of the O/S on 2/3. What was I thinking?!?!?
Today was a challenge weather wise at 38 degrees with a stiff 15-17mph. But, after doing the dreadmill twice this past week, I had to do it outside. My time were significantly slower and all I can say is the the perceived effort was there and I got it done!

I managed to do the 2 X 2 with 1 mile rest between and add the warm-up and cool down at two miles apiece to bring it up to 9 miles total. The most I have run this OS. Trying to get the totals up per RnP's podcast.
Time to kick back and relax! Swim tomorrow and then on to week #12!
I officially missed this weekend with an ankle injury not related to training but sledding with my nephews. No bike or run this weekend and it was probably a good thing as my wife say's I've been in that mood as of late.
The ankle is feeling better but I will evaluate after another day off. Definitely will get the cycling started up but the bigger unknown is the run.