Jan OS Week 3 Bike thread
It's another "standard" week in the JOS this week, with a bit of ramp up. In the advance plan, we've got 24 min of FTP on Tuesday (up from 20), the standard 15' of VO2 time on Thursday, and another day of FTP biking on Saturday.
Have at it!
@Anyone - can you tell me if Training Center works for 910XTs?
@Woody - I am working on a 'how-to' document for importing the workout, and then sending it to your device.
@Todd - normally these kind of questions are better located in the Macro/Micro level threads!
I'd not change anything in the plan as this sounds like a pretty "normal" fitness-test protocol to me and will most likely not last longer than 35min (30min = 400W).
On the day I did my last profession all-out lactate test I did a pretty nice running session the same day in the evening of about 10k @ EP.
Would be an awesome opportunity if you have some lactate measurement device and a guy who knows how to handle it correctly ... not that I'm a big fan of lactate tests at all but it's always better to have more data available than guessing
@Stefan - Thanks for the info. I will post this in another forum for a few more opinions. Sp is your opinion to not change anything for my training week and just add the "FF" testing in on Sunday?
The first couple weeks I've noticed that I have been exceeding the target power for the intervals without too much difficulty. I was thinking maybe I didn't do so good on my first ftp test...even though it was a PR. So last night, I replaced my long bike workout with an FTP test. My 20-minute power is up 12w to 262w from what it was 2 weeks ago and up 22w in 5 weeks. So I guess, this week will be exponentially harder.
Work WORKS!!!
Wow Carlo! You just exceeded your OS goal!
Edit- ok so your 20 min test was 262, your FT OS goal is 260? So with 262 x .95 your current FT is 248. Ok I got it. You are almost there!!! You can totally do it. The 20 min test with the conversion mixes me up. Carry on.
Anyway, my priority should really be running...so I need to jump in on the running threads. lol
Outstanding!! I find that at the beginning of the OS my fitness increases so rapidly that my initial FTP and VDOT tests aren't valid for very long and a re-test is warranted pretty early in the game.
(a) Extended the bike workout and essentially did this upcoming Saturday's workout – the same 2x12' z4 MS as scheduled but with 2x15'(2') of z3 added.
(b) Deferred the brick. Many of you here know me well…honestly, it takes a LOT for the weather to monkey with my schedule. But it is just brutal out there.
So instead of finishing the movie "XXX" during the MS of the scheduled 60' bike, I cued up "The Bourne Identity" and hammered away at the 2x12' z4 main set and then the usual "weekender" 2x15' @z3 add-on.
Honestly it was a great workout. The room was downright COLD and I wore long sleeves until halfway through the z3 warmup intervals. My Garmin had the temp at 53 degrees at the start of the workout and only 64 by the end. As a result, power was high and HR was low. And of course the movie made the time fly by just as it did on Saturday. Despite moving from 8' to 12' z4 intervals quite quickly in the plan, the z4 work wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be.
Bike – overall 86' @ NP 219, IF 0.916. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
12'(4') @z4 – NP: 251 (IF 1.051), VI 1.00, HR 161/169, cad 95
12'(4') @z4 – NP: 252 (IF 1.054), VI 1.00, HR 168/175, cad 95
15'(2') @z3 – NP: 220 (IF 0.920), VI 1.00, HR 163/167, cad 95
15'(2') @z3 – NP: 228 (IF 0.955), VI 1.00, HR 162/168, cad 92 (upshifterd for this one...more power at the same RPE!)
great work...I've gotta do the same today as well.
You should try the movie Premium Rush....movie about guys on bikes!!
Ran in the morning. Nothing special. Just 5 mi at easy pace with a few strides at the end, as recommended. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/264589777 It was -25 wind chill today, so I stayed inside. :-)
Biked in the late afternoon. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/264780952
I had to adjust something and stopped for a minute in the middle of the initial 85% part, so the 5 min HR was lower than it should have been...but the effective HR was was around 140, as usual.
Statistics from TP: 8 min#1 251 (1.012), 8 min #2 251 (1.012), 8 min #3 262 (1.056). Overall NP 217.
2 x 12' (4')
Interval #1: NP 224/HR 144/IF 0.956/Cad 94
Interval #2: NP 224/HR 141/IF 0.955/Cad 91
I think I'll be using slope mode more in the near future to see if my FTP is testing too low.
Run: was an easy 28' with strides at the end
Dialed FTP up to 240 for todays wko...Interval #1..@ 1.065(256) and Int #2 @ 1.052 (253).
Entire workout (218 watts):
Duration: 1:00:09
Work: 785 kJ
TSS: 90.8 (intensity factor 0.956)
Norm Power: 229
VI: 1.05
Pw:HR: 6.71%
Pa:HR: 9.85%
Distance: 19.564 mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: -0.0 % (-9 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 628 218 watts
Heart Rate: 97 178 165 bpm
Cadence: 34 110 76 rpm
Speed: 3.3 29.5 19.5 mph
Pace 2:02 18:13 3:05 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 14 7 lb-in
Altitude: 510 521 517 ft
Crank Torque: 0 530 243 lb-in
Temperature: 73.4 77 75.7 Fahrenheit
Not overachieving - I bumped the FTP to 240 from 232 and I was easily hitting them again so just going with perceived exertion at this point. I am not going to test again until week 8. Going to follow the plan. I promise you it looks as if I am over achieving but I am not. The last 5-10 minutes of every wko I am trying to throw in more VO2 max work cause I need them. Again not over achieving just doing my own changes to the advanced plan. Isn't it great being self coached athletes. My last outside FTP test in May was 270 and I always pull 20-25 watts lower inside which would put me around 250 inside. I did two of the test on TR and gave it everything and they both came within 5 watts of each other....232 and 236. Granted I had a huge workload leading up to each but that is what testing is all about. Will push the FTP to 250 next week. I will need to hold steady there though cause that again will match my highest FTP outside and I will then be treading on new grounds.
The brick run is now done. Did this on the new elevated track at our gym. Not a fan of the track. Its 9 laps to a mile but they have the runners on the inside lane and the walkers on the outside. The corners are tight. Was able to pick it up on the straight aways but every corner had to slow down unless there was not a walker and then I would drift to the outside. Noted some pain to the knees towards the end. Relate that to the cornering. Oh well I am done. Stuck to the plan. Only 30 minutes. Did right at 4 miles. This included a nice wu at EP followed by the strides as prescribed. Finished strong and felt good. Bring on those 3x1 mile repeats tomorrow.
2nd Bike done today. I had to do the VO Max today also instead of Thursday. This has been my best WKO of the year and my highest NP for an hour......Boom
Entire workout (234 watts):
Duration: 1:00:12
Work: 843 kJ
TSS: 110.4 (intensity factor 1.053)
Norm Power: 253
VI: 1.08
Pw:HR: 2.57%
Pa:HR: 6.27%
Distance: 19.792 mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Elevation Loss: 0 ft
Grade: 0.0 % (5 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 645 234 watts
Heart Rate: 100 178 165 bpm
Cadence: 39 141 80 rpm
Speed: 3 29.8 19.7 mph
Pace 2:01 19:42 3:03 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 14 8 lb-in
Altitude: 556 564 561 ft
Crank Torque: 0 543 244 lb-in
Temperature: 68 77 74.0 Fahrenheit
Great Matt! I might be seeing some increases as well, so I guess I could test again, or keep hitting the high range and slightly above, then test again as called for? My first OS, so also mindful to be sure I can hit my weekend training plan.
Today's bike inside at 5:40am. Everything went great and hit everything at the high end and higher on the 2x10's at or above the 224-236 range. Definitely some self-motivating to keep the pressure on and increase the wattage as the 10's pass instead of relenting back down to a lower wattage. Was hitting the 240-250 at the latter part of the 10's. Feel like I recovered well yesterday from the weekend.
Everyone - Hit it Hard today!!!
Carl - BIG LIKE!!! WTG!!!
DONE. Though I had no desire to do it. But once I started I hit my numbers. Now ... becuase I am short on time I spent only 40 mins or so on the bike. Still ok right?
My run was shortened too but was able to get in the strides.
@Cristina - totally OK. The main objective of the workout is the Main Set. The calculus is:
The OutSeason is all about the efficient use of TIME to get the WORK done. No need to feel the slightest pang of guilt/regret about not doing anything other than the Main Set. None whatsoever.
thanks for the reassurance. it's just that its so different than what i am used to i keep doubting myself that i am doing something wrong!
onwards and upwards then ....
I'm really digging these trainer workouts. Compared to my power numbers last year, I am already making huge gains on the bike.
Nice work gang. It looks like a majority of us are going to see a nice jump on our next scheduled bike test which isn't till week 8. I have been bumping my FTP up as feel fit d/t the fact I was nailing way over 1 intensity on my intervals.
It should be .95-1.0 and it should be a lot of work getting their and it has not been.

Keep up the strong work!!
Tues FTP work....
25' warmup
then 2x 10' (4') at .97 and .96
little break due to an interruption
then 5' ez, 10' z3, 5' ez, 10' z3
then bricked a 2 mile run tacking it ez since I'm just back to running. went well, 0 pain.
2x12" at .98 and 1.00 plus added another 20" of ABP at 0.82 and felt really great at all times!!
Looks like FTP is already increasing a little