Jan OS 2013 WEEK 4 RUN Thread
Hi everyone!! Please post your week 4 run workouts here. Post any questions you have and the group will try to answer them for you. I hope you are all feeling well.
Hi everyone!! Please post your week 4 run workouts here. Post any questions you have and the group will try to answer them for you. I hope you are all feeling well.
It is funny and reassuring to know that it does really take a mental change to make good on the physical changes we want. My mantra this week is that the more "pain" the more to "gain".
Run on and run strong my frends!
I'm wondering if anyone else has found it harder to hit their paces running in the cold weather? I get in a good 15-20' w/u, but just can't seem to make my legs GO when it's time to pick up the pace. This has happened to me in temps from 18-25F. I did my 5k test on a "warmer" day - the temps were probably in the mid-30's. I'm trying to decide if it's the cold holding me back, or the fact that this is the first time in a LONG time that I've been running consistently and my legs are just feeling the fatigue a lot more quickly than they would otherwise (the last time I was running consistently was likely before I broke my foot in mid-July - I had a few runs here and there from late October through December, but they were few and far between b/c I was having orthotics made and then had to have them adjusted... and I still hate them. ;-)
Any thoughts? Advice? This Wednesday is supposed to be 60F, so I might find out then! Happy running!
I did the Tues Brick cuz I kept my run relatively short and ez (still rehabbing) yesterday and I have a really big day at work tomorrow. So Tues workout on Monday falls in between a rest Sunday and rest Tuesday before the Wed run.
So, brick run, steady out with hills, some accels, neg split back, with hills, but main thing is the land legs are getting stronger. And, I'm getting used to these Newtons.
I also stumbled on some info about the Oxygen Dissociation Curve... from what I gather, an increase in temperature weakens the oxygen-hemoglobin bond and oxygen is more readily available to cells in the body. The reverse is true in cold weather - oxygen binds tighter to hemoglobin in colder temps and isn't transferred to cells as efficiently. That's how I understand it, anyway (it supports my case and sounds good, so I'll take it!). If anyone can set me straight on this, please do!
Thank you so much for posting this information, Jess! As a firmly committed cold weather outdoor runner, my main objective has been just to build up my mental toughness by being able to remind myself during a race that I trained in windy conditions and cold temps. I hadn't thought about the potential differences in physiological/metabolic effects...
Great thread. Attached is a article that pretty much sums up what has already been posted today regarding cold weather running.
I wonder if the adaptations we may realize by training in the cold weather will result in improved performance?
warm up 2 miles
3 x 1 mile @ 6:45, 6:41, 6:40 with easy 400 recovery
cool down 2 miles
I never look at my watch until the end of the mile. I felt so so so good. I don't use a garmin for this workout and only time my intervals. Otherwise I am busy getting everyone oriented and ready for the set. Today we had 21 runners. 3 brand new track peeps. Very cool thing we have going here.
Looking forward to the 1.5 mile repeats tomorrow.
Totally agree to that - really a very nice workout compared to real uphill sprints I did earlier this season
If of any interest here's the log -> http://www.trainingpeaks.com/av/QWI...NMSEVMEPBI
@Carl - after that exhausting bike ride I would love to see an "easier" workout on the plan for tomorrow
I like this!
Any thoughts on the potential need for your body to "warm" the air? I've heard that ice water is more difficult for the body to digest b/c it needs to be brought to a warmer temp first - not sure if there's truth in this, but if there is, I wonder if the case is the same for the air temp and the fact that colder air is being brought into our lungs, and we're therefore feeling the effects of internally even if we're dressed properly for the elements... ???
At Joe ... Right about 25.9 miles into the run at IMWI, you will feel like a load of manure dropped on you for missing that run.
Sure you will
I would find what you consider your slow easy comfy pace and go with that. There is no reason to walk. These 14 weeks are all about building power and speed. If you are needing to walk to hit your EP then I would think about re testing your current vDOT.
The Honey Badger is looking for mommy badger to curl up next too!!! Came home and snow blowed the drive times two and was sure I frost bite my finger tips. Picked up training partner and off to the gym
....It went like this:
First of all, I want to give a Thumbs Up to everyone for the work that's getting done! It ain't ez, folks. We all have our plans, our tweaks or not to those plans, we all have our own motivations and circumstances. It's really cool to know that we are all out there sweating it out together, no matter how far apart we are. Keep up the great work.
Today was the first day of me putting the injury behind me. Will try to NOT bring it up in the forums anymore, unless it relapses.
Today was the first day back where I tried to hit some pace goals.
Successful workout.
1 mi ez @z1
3x 1mi @ TP (actually, TP-4to5sec) [wasn't pushing or overachieving, felt fine]
2x 1mi @TP+1min
While I will continue to stay vigilant/disciplined/smart with this calf, it's time to put the fear of this injury behind me.
Thanks for all the support.
Then the funn happened... 2 x 1 mile at Z4 (10:00 @ 1% incline) pace with 2' rest. Ummm... why does it hurt so much to maintain 10 minute miles, but my 5k pace felt just fine? I was pushing through every single freaking second of that run. Hot hot hot in the gym today.
I am working hard for my goal VDot!