@ JK- I feel the same way doing my Z4 runs. And the gym is too friggin hot. I'm spoiled with my fans blowing directly on me in the basement. Makes the gym hard to tolerate....
Got the run in early this afternoon. The intervals felt pretty good, but it SUCKED running into the wind. Apparently there was a tornado watch while I was out there......
- Normal warmup - 1.5 at Z4 minus 2"/mi - 1.5 at Z4 minus 6"/mi -EZ cooldown
I really needed today's run for a pressure relief from work....SO glad I can go take a longer lunch and just run as it really relieves stress.
Ran today out at a local metro park that totally kicked my butt just two weeks ago for the z4 repeats. I overachieved two weeks ago, and even though I was trying to hold back today, I did again. The warm up had me with heavy feeling legs, but come go time all was good. Really glad to have run out doors in the balmy windy day. Bonus was my run buddy was not in a good mood to start the run, and we were laughing and feeling good at the end. Love run thearapy!
As a treat, I hit my gym to get in the pool for a few minutes of drilling and stretching out, bubble tub and steam room. Yes, I spoiled myself! BUT...the evil goggle eyes...after maybe 10 minutes swimming, were back with a vengence. I have missed swimming a bit, but not those pesky goggle marks!
AM - swam 1500 yds easy followed by solid 4mi run PM - core work for 30 mins, follwed by 6 miles with 2 x 1.5 mi fast. Breezy, humid, 71 degrees at 8pm when I started. Looked like someone threw a bucket of water on me at the end. Cool front coming through the next 2 days so I will try to catch a long run Friday so I can catch some 50+ degree weather.
Did my run tonight on the TM and it took an extreme amount of effort to not give up on this wko and keep pressing the pace all the way through the 2 x 1.5's. I've only done the easy run on Tues and today on a TM this entire JOS. I use to do my TM runs @ 1% incline, but having read that 2% is more appropriate, running on the TM @ 2% is definitely harder. Walked during the recoveries. 6 miles total. Started each interval @ 7.5 8:00) and gradually increase the pace.
Z1 pace is 9:47. WU mile 1 @ 9:33, and 9:04 with 4 x 30" @ 5k pace.
Carl, you are hereby sentenced to running your next 5K faster. :-)
I have a head/chest cold that got to me today. Felt like crap a lot of the day, especially when I went to the gym. Trying to be a good boy, I resolved to get the work in, but take the rest of the running easy so I wouldn't feel even worse.
After warmup, i did the first 1.5 mi at 6:40 on the indoor track...a bit slow. Just figured not to worry about it and get through the second one. Basically closed my eyes, ran, and hoped for the best. Strangely, that one came out around 6:14 pace. I really don't understand... but whatever! Rest of the hour spent at or just faster than 8:00 min/mi pace and feeling like curling up in a warm bed instead of running.
Two glitches in the data. 1) I had to guess the calibration after my dead battery episode because I didn't write the number down and today's run was not when I could run on the to-the-meter marked track. Adjusted it a bit after 1.5 mi section #1. Stopped for ~20 sec to do that. After 1.5 mi #2, I walked a little. Attributed it to the cold, but may have also been due to running a lot faster... (And yes, the track I ran on is of "close enough" known length that I know the second calibration was close. First one...the 1.5 mi register as a different distance, but I'm quoting the correct time for 1.5 mi)
I took a loooong stretch and recover...definitely feeling the cold.
Have been doing some pull ups and a few other back/core related exercise when i go to the gym to run. Dragged myself to the pullup bar even though I wanted to go home. Whipped out 20. Good grief. I can't do 20 pull-ups on a good day. Very, very, very strange.
Had a great 2x1.5, was little tentative going in cuz had such a great tue FTP session, thought maybe 1.5% incline sufficient. after .5 upped the incline back to 2% and all went well. Humm, 2 fantastic days in a row, what is in store for tonights Vo2?
Very busy at work so just now catching up on my workout data. I managed to fit in a run while in DC on Wednesday. It was 2x1.5 miles but due to the particulars of the trail the intervals came up to 1.54 and 1.44 miles. I also had to shorten the recoveries to 3.5' due to the turnarounds and a tunnel.
It was much warmer in DC than Chicago and my body was not used to that. My HR was sky high and the intervals were very tough. I had HR of 186-187 during the "remainder time" at the end, if that's any indication of how tough it was out there. I had minimal sleep the prior night and didn’t eat much the prior day so that might have had something to do with it.
Overall 8.44 miles in 1:00:01, 7:07 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup: ~9.5'(1.5') @ 7:00 2x ~1.5 miles – 6:28, 6:37 (first was mostly down, second was mostly up!) (2x 3.5' recoveries 8:50, 7:43)
I'm behind this week. Had a bad cold and was off Sunday to Wednesday. Today I did my 4x800's. First three went fine - couldn't quite make the last one. I thought that I was all better, but I guess quite. Did fine yesterday on my ftp bike, but I always have trouble with my run
6 miles slow Thu night and 16 mile trail run today. On track for another 60 mile week. Swam 1500 yards after which always helps to shake out the legs, plus 20 mins in the hot tub at my hotel tonight.
I am so sleepy and about to hit the sack but have commited to posting my workouts and once you stop sticking to the easy stuff like posting - soon I'll be skipping the workouts all together.
I swam at 5am- 3000 yds, then ran 6 miles total in a haphazard way. Plan was to do the Sun 2 x 1.5 miles at Z4. I was with a friend and we chatted a while jogging then I hit 1 interval of 1.5 on the TM and then cooled down as I needed to drive home and get my daughter to her run club that is before school. I ran 20 min with her there at her pace. So 6 total miles. Gotta do what you have time for. Looking forward to the weekend.
Congrats to all of you gettin it done. Not easy at all.
Hey Carrie, just wanted to let you know that there are many days that I patch a run or bike together, too.
Plan A is always the scheduled plan. But, I don't lose any sleep over having to cut a workout in half cuz of life stuff. Sometimes, if do split it up, I'll do something of lo intensity plus a little extra time, then come back later for the hi intensity stuff and keep that super short. It's not ideal, but it has kept me on track many a days. I know what you're saying.
And, obviously, on the prescribed two-a-days, splitting the Main Priority Workout up might mean scrapping the extra Not So Main Priority Workout.
Just throwing this out there for whatever its worth.
That was a hard one today I hit both FTP intervals quiet easily and then decided to go "a little longer" ... well it ended up with 19.2km and a rTSS of 129!
My legs are absolutely toasted now ... hope my CEP calves and a RedBull Cola will help now
I love getting them done early! Still not easy to find good footing out there on the Michigan roads today...and 16 degrees was no picnic either, but at least the wind decided to sleep in!
Standard WU, Mile 1 - 7:18; Mile 2 - 7:20 (target pace is 7:44)
Goal was to run for an hour (and to keep Paul Simon's "Slip Slidin' Away" from playing on a constant loop in my noggin). I'm pleased to report that I accomplished the first goal, but failed miserably on the second (this has led to a morning long Simon & Garfunkel binge; "Keep The Customer Satisfied" is playing as I type this...)
After a night of 'celebrating' at the CX worlds I was somewhat sceptical about my ability to run this morning. Well rose a ittle late but I got a good hour in and hit my numbers on the 2 x 1 mile intervals. So happy with that and now keeping fingers crossed for an on time and safe flight home!
Another week done. My TSS has increased 20 pts. since the OS started and I am definately feeling my body adapting to the work/stress. I can't wait to see where this goes as it is my 1st OS.
Did the run as a brick. Link to data below for those who are interested.
Ran a half marathon pacing my friend in her comeback from Ovarian Cancer. 2:22!!! GIRL POWER!! She is back. 10:45 average. She dug deep and never walked. My legs felt great after yesterday's killer 4.5 hour bike. It was refreshing to run with her and inspiring. I am usually killing myself and hanging on for dear life to a 7:00 pace and not talking to anyone. I highly recommend pacing a friend and helping them achieve their goals. I may have gotten more out of it than she did. I am completely humbled!!
Had a great run today. Ran with some speedsters on freshly fallen snow. We were the first to hit the trail and make our prints. Loved it.
13.1 miles in 1:27:11-- BOOM!!!!!
Then swam 1000 yards to get loose and set in the hot tub for awhile----
Then home to do the last day of the Sufferlandia---Ended with 61 minutes at .92 IF.
Looking forward to week 5.....
Week 4 totals:
Week 4 totals: 11 hours47min31sec
Total bike time: 6:31:37......123.46 miles
Total Run time: 3:10:16.....33.04 miles
Total Swim time: 2:05:38......3.51 miles
I have to say my 3rd OS has been the most fun I have had. Training with friends daily and then 10-15 on Saturday as a group ride truly makes a HUGE diff!!!!!
Carl- you just busted out a 1:27 on freshly fallen snow before a swim and a bike!! Haha! That is sick. That is my 1/2 marathon PR. Trust me- there was nothing happening after that except rest followed by a week of sore legs.
- Normal warmup
- 1.5 at Z4 minus 2"/mi
- 1.5 at Z4 minus 6"/mi
-EZ cooldown
I really needed today's run for a pressure relief from work....SO glad I can go take a longer lunch and just run as it really relieves stress.
Hope everyone has a great bike tomorrow!
As a treat, I hit my gym to get in the pool for a few minutes of drilling and stretching out, bubble tub and steam room. Yes, I spoiled myself! BUT...the evil goggle eyes...after maybe 10 minutes swimming, were back with a vengence. I have missed swimming a bit, but not those pesky goggle marks!
Trish- LOL @ Goggle eyes. I hear that and don't miss it at all....
Def. takes a lot more mental energy to get mojo to start the run but I did it. (I'm fine once I start)
Target 10:18
Mile 1: 10:14
Mile 2: 10:08
AM - swam 1500 yds easy followed by solid 4mi run
PM - core work for 30 mins, follwed by 6 miles with 2 x 1.5 mi fast. Breezy, humid, 71 degrees at 8pm when I started. Looked like someone threw a bucket of water on me at the end. Cool front coming through the next 2 days so I will try to catch a long run Friday so I can catch some 50+ degree weather.
Did my run tonight on the TM and it took an extreme amount of effort to not give up on this wko and keep pressing the pace all the way through the 2 x 1.5's. I've only done the easy run on Tues and today on a TM this entire JOS. I use to do my TM runs @ 1% incline, but having read that 2% is more appropriate, running on the TM @ 2% is definitely harder. Walked during the recoveries. 6 miles total. Started each interval @ 7.5 8:00) and gradually increase the pace.
Z1 pace is 9:47. WU mile 1 @ 9:33, and 9:04 with 4 x 30" @ 5k pace.
7:52/3:45 (7:45 avg)
7:43/3:41 (7:36 avg).
1 mile w/u
1.5 mi @ 7:30 (5')
1.5 mi @ 7:28
0.5 c/d
I have a head/chest cold that got to me today. Felt like crap a lot of the day, especially when I went to the gym. Trying to be a good boy, I resolved to get the work in, but take the rest of the running easy so I wouldn't feel even worse.
After warmup, i did the first 1.5 mi at 6:40 on the indoor track...a bit slow. Just figured not to worry about it and get through the second one. Basically closed my eyes, ran, and hoped for the best. Strangely, that one came out around 6:14 pace. I really don't understand... but whatever! Rest of the hour spent at or just faster than 8:00 min/mi pace and feeling like curling up in a warm bed instead of running.
Two glitches in the data. 1) I had to guess the calibration after my dead battery episode because I didn't write the number down and today's run was not when I could run on the to-the-meter marked track. Adjusted it a bit after 1.5 mi section #1. Stopped for ~20 sec to do that. After 1.5 mi #2, I walked a little. Attributed it to the cold, but may have also been due to running a lot faster... (And yes, the track I ran on is of "close enough" known length that I know the second calibration was close. First one...the 1.5 mi register as a different distance, but I'm quoting the correct time for 1.5 mi)
I took a loooong stretch and recover...definitely feeling the cold.
Have been doing some pull ups and a few other back/core related exercise when i go to the gym to run. Dragged myself to the pullup bar even though I wanted to go home. Whipped out 20. Good grief. I can't do 20 pull-ups on a good day. Very, very, very strange.
Had a great 2x1.5, was little tentative going in cuz had such a great tue FTP session, thought maybe 1.5% incline sufficient. after .5 upped the incline back to 2% and all went well. Humm, 2 fantastic days in a row, what is in store for tonights Vo2?
You go Sister! Glad you had a great run.
It was much warmer in DC than Chicago and my body was not used to that. My HR was sky high and the intervals were very tough. I had HR of 186-187 during the "remainder time" at the end, if that's any indication of how tough it was out there. I had minimal sleep the prior night and didn’t eat much the prior day so that might have had something to do with it.
Overall 8.44 miles in 1:00:01, 7:07 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup: ~9.5'(1.5') @ 7:00
2x ~1.5 miles – 6:28, 6:37 (first was mostly down, second was mostly up!)
(2x 3.5' recoveries 8:50, 7:43)
Remainder time
- 4'(2') @ 6:56
- 6.5'(2') @ 7:10
- 7'(1') @ 7:10
I swam at 5am- 3000 yds, then ran 6 miles total in a haphazard way. Plan was to do the Sun 2 x 1.5 miles at Z4. I was with a friend and we chatted a while jogging then I hit 1 interval of 1.5 on the TM and then cooled down as I needed to drive home and get my daughter to her run club that is before school. I ran 20 min with her there at her pace. So 6 total miles. Gotta do what you have time for. Looking forward to the weekend.
Congrats to all of you gettin it done. Not easy at all.
Plan A is always the scheduled plan. But, I don't lose any sleep over having to cut a workout in half cuz of life stuff. Sometimes, if do split it up, I'll do something of lo intensity plus a little extra time, then come back later for the hi intensity stuff and keep that super short. It's not ideal, but it has kept me on track many a days. I know what you're saying.
And, obviously, on the prescribed two-a-days, splitting the Main Priority Workout up might mean scrapping the extra Not So Main Priority Workout.
Just throwing this out there for whatever its worth.
Y'all have a great Saturday.
That was a hard one today
I hit both FTP intervals quiet easily and then decided to go "a little longer" ... well it ended up with 19.2km and a rTSS of 129!

My legs are absolutely toasted now ... hope my CEP calves and a RedBull Cola will help now
And because I love metrics:
Standard WU, Mile 1 - 7:18; Mile 2 - 7:20 (target pace is 7:44)
Goal was to run for an hour (and to keep Paul Simon's "Slip Slidin' Away" from playing on a constant loop in my noggin). I'm pleased to report that I accomplished the first goal, but failed miserably on the second (this has led to a morning long Simon & Garfunkel binge; "Keep The Customer Satisfied" is playing as I type this...)
Ended up with 8.1 miles in 1:06:54 (8:16/mile).
I hope everyone has a good run today!
Target Z4 Pace = 10:18
Mile 1- 10:16
Mile 2- 10:14
Target Z2 Pace 11:02
Mile 3- 11:15
Mile 4: 11:07
Happy Superbowl! No "Recreational Sugar" for me but there may be some "Recreational Wings" in the plan....
Great work Kim! Enjoy some wings. Go 49ers!
Great going Kevin! Have a great day.
Nice running Stefan. Great WKO!
Got my TP run in today. Did the usual WU of 2.3 miles @ 9:08, 8:52, 8:48 paces then into my TP goal runs of 7:53 pace.
1 = 7:19
.5 = 7:15
(5') recovery pace = 9:36
1 = 7:19
.5 = 7:24
(5') recovery pace = 9:30
Finished off 4+ miles EP between 9:00-9:45 paces for 10.5 miles total in 1:31:10 @ 8:43 avg pace.
Another week done. My TSS has increased 20 pts. since the OS started and I am definately feeling my body adapting to the work/stress. I can't wait to see where this goes as it is my 1st OS.
Did the run as a brick. Link to data below for those who are interested.
Off the OS this weekend:
Ran a half marathon pacing my friend in her comeback from Ovarian Cancer. 2:22!!! GIRL POWER!! She is back. 10:45 average. She dug deep and never walked. My legs felt great after yesterday's killer 4.5 hour bike. It was refreshing to run with her and inspiring. I am usually killing myself and hanging on for dear life to a 7:00 pace and not talking to anyone
Had a great run today. Ran with some speedsters on freshly fallen snow. We were the first to hit the trail and make our prints. Loved it.
13.1 miles in 1:27:11-- BOOM!!!!!
Then swam 1000 yards to get loose and set in the hot tub for awhile----
Then home to do the last day of the Sufferlandia---Ended with 61 minutes at .92 IF.
Looking forward to week 5.....
Week 4 totals:
I have to say my 3rd OS has been the most fun I have had. Training with friends daily and then 10-15 on Saturday as a group ride truly makes a HUGE diff!!!!!