Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

January OS Training Week 6

Scheduled Rest day for Monday and it is snowing here so school is out!  big huge snowflakes, it probably happens every few years and normally Feb is one our worst icy snowy months.  but my young kids are happy to be outside and really it is snow!!!   



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    Got up this AM and did my PT exercizes. I'll be headed to Yoga class tonight if all goes well at the office. We've got a lot of standing water on the roads around here which tends to freeze overnight making riding on the roads a bit risky- so I think I'll be on the trainer again tomorrow. Looking forward to crushing it again!

    My condolances to you folks in the NorthEast- looks like you are gonna get yet another blast of snow!!! This winter has been crazy!
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    We are getting the snow now here in the midwest, I'll be sure to send it Coach P's way. I've got a treadmill test today part of our yearly physicals.f
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    Woke up today and considered bagging my core and pushup work. But my legs don't participate much on these days, so I got up and did it. This was my 3rd week of week 6 pushups. Every time I think I can't finish, I squeak it out. I am still feeling very achy in the legs from the weekend workouts. So some of the core work that involved holding my legs up was tough because my quads were weak. Core is doing great. Amazing how I don't get back pain when I keep a strong core.

    I feel like someone took a baseball bat to my glutes. That new bike position really works them!

    Glad this is a rest day.
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    @Michele - I hear you on the need for a rest day. I was feeling a little worn out myself (TSB @ -19 and that's just for biking).

    I had intentions of getting up early and doing about 45' of core work before getting ready for work but my body told me otherwise. So I ended up getting a badly needed 9 hours of sleep. Did a quick 15' focused core routine instead. I'm going to do this weekend's bike challenge so I'll all the rest I can get early this week.

    2 x 20's start tomorrow. Then I'll try my 2nd run/walk since my 8 week run hiatus ended Sunday.

    Make it a great ride tomorrow folks (for those doing the scheduled bike workout)! Can't wait to see the numbers.
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    Yeah! A rest day for my legs! Man I need it. After Saturdays' bike and Sundays 1/2 marathon (1:45, not too bad Jogged the first half and started picking people off the 2nd half), my legs are tired. I guess its an excuse to not use them when i swim this afternoon.
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    My knee feels better so will resume training. I will skip snowboarding for a while. I certaintly don't won't it to hurt my training. I will go to yoga tonight and try to do my bike before work in the am and run in the afternoon after work. Superbowl half-time show got me in the mood to take out my Who collection. I might use that for my bike : ).


    PS: quick question about the power tap. Does the power tap data corrolate with a computrainer data when it comes to your FTP ? The reason i'm asking is that there is this great facility near me that offer's FTP testing via computrainer . It's a really nice facility and has your data on a huge screen , lots of fan and good tunes. You can even be a few people doing the test at the same time.( i'm thinking of bringing a few friends adding motivation) I was thinking of doing my next test there. It's a bit more motivating there. I know that i will be doing my workouts back at home but I just thought it would be more fun. Any thoughts on computrainer vs power tap data ???
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    Michele- I did week 5 pushups today- as did my DH.  We are now racing each other to be first to 100!  Talk about motivation!!

    Nice job on the half mary Peter!!  1:45 and you jogged the first half?  NICE!!!!  Can't wait to see you really tear up a Half Mary course when the OS is over!

    2x20's Jim!?  Already?  OK- I'm really glad I'm just in week 2 right now!  Good luck with those everyone!!!

    Nathalie- sorry, but no two power meters will measure the same.  They just aren't calibrated for that kind of accuracy.  It's kinda like weighing yourself on your own bathroom scale one day, then going to the gym the next day and weighing yourself there and wondering how you gained 5 pounds overnight!.  Rule of thumb is to use the same bike, PT, and conditions (trainer or roads) that you will be training on.


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    @Nemo- Thanks. It makes sense. I have 2 weeks to built up my mojo for that test at home. .!

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    I am in awe of everyone who completed the Saturday bike workout.  I attempted it on Sunday (mistakenly in the evening after attending a Superbowl party rather than in the morning). I sucked big time.  My first failed and aborted bike workout this season.  I got through the first two 10min intervals ok, but died midway through that short 5min interval at 110%.  I had to stop 2min into that interval.  I had nothing left.  Done!  Jumped off trainer.  A little disapointed, but realize I did get a good 35min effort in at IF=92%.

    I am not looking forward to Tuesday's 20min intervals.  NOT GOING TO BE FUN!  Since I will be attemping these lovely intervals late in the afternoon, I am hoping earlier day posts will energize me.  Good luck everyone......send out vibes of positive energy.  I know I will need it.

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    got sick on friday, in bed all weekend. weighed myself this morning and i am now 174lbs from 169 at start of Jan OS.  awesome!

    the plan is to get back on track this week.

    this morning i swam 36 minutes total.  7 minutes freestyle easy; 15minutes breath on both sides; 8 minutes pull; 250 yards free.

    tonight, treadmill run for 40 minutes, 1% incline: 1.5mile at 8:34pace; the rest as i feel.  

    back on program tomorrow morning outdoors, before the rain comes!

    Safe training to all.


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    Gilberto, welcome back sorry you are sick. good luck on treadmill. I have somehow printed off week 5 workout after reading about Tues 2 x 20!!! so will reprint but snow will cancel school again tomorow and so wont' be riding tomorrow anyways with slush out there. so next time weather is nice????? will do it. anybody got some pics ???? think about it before your bike test!!! take a pic of the bike, the place or whatever!! maybe even the computer to prove that you did it!! remember to get good sleep tonight, eat well and hydrate and no weird foods and wear your "lucky" bike kit!!
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    I WANT MY PM!!!

    I'm still a couple weeks out from having a functional PM. Looks like the Joule will be the long pole in the tent at this point. Anyway, 2X20' will be interesting without power to keep me honest. Go hard, puke, repeat image
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    I should be sleeping now preparing for those lovely 2x20's in the morning! BUT... question for everyone (or anyone doing runs on treadmills). When the plan calls for 30" uphill strides is there any guidance for how you set the treadmill to hit these? I tried this for one workout and it seemed to work well: set the treadmill to highest incline it can hold. I then bumped the speed up to 10mph. I did the 30" sets running and then rather than try to change the incline/pace and missing intervals I just rested between sets. Any other ideas or thoughts on how others are doing?

    I'm looking forward to hearing what kind of huddled mass everyone turns into tomorrow morning.
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    Started the morning out with a great workout on the trainer 2X20 (4'):
    20' #1: NP=233
    20' #2: NP=234

    Avg P= 205
    NP = 217
    TSS = 96.6

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    Good job Tom!! your treadmill description sounds like a good plan and glad you did your bike! I slept in!! sun is out and snow is twinkling out there! no school, kids home and I am not driving.
    Dan? any pics of you this week in the news??? smile
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     Glad you are feeling better Gilberto! 

    Tom- great job on the 2x20!  Those are tough and you nailed it!  Awesome.  Oh, and if I'm stuck on the trainer I usually just skip the stride stuff cause it's just too hard to do on the TM.  But then again- I rarely have to run on the TM (when I am able to run that is!)

    I had 3x8's today and because the roads are covered in ice, I did them on the trainer.  I took lots of inspiration from you guys knowing that you were doing 2x20's and all I had to do were 3x8's!  You'll see I faded a bit at the end.   I'm really hoping our roads will be clear so I can ride outside on Thursday!

     Interval 1:

    Duration:   8:08

    TSS:       13.7 (intensity factor 1.006)

    Norm Power: 151

    VI:         0.99

    Interval 2:

    Duration:   8:06

    TSS:       12.3 (intensity factor 0.954)

    Norm Power: 143

    VI:         0.99

    Interval 3:

    Duration:   8:07

    TSS:       12.1 (intensity factor 0.946)

    Norm Power: 142

    VI:         0.99


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    Yeah baby - 2 x 20s!! Such a great workout!

    @Tom - Way to crush it man! SOLID, SOLID numbers. 2 more weeks of this and you're going to see a sweet FTP bump for sure.

    @Nemo - Great to have you back riding alongside the rest of us on the trainer. Way to get it done this morning!

    I was happy with my effort and results of the 2 x 20s this morning. They're always tough, especially the first time they present themselves in the OS - get used to it folks...we'll be doing A LOT of these in the coming months! I've got a little work to do the next couple weeks to get these numbers where I want them, but I feel good about where I'm at today and the consistency (or lack of fade) in the 2 intervals. I'm also happy about how handled these mentally: didn't get worked up about them...just woke up, got on the trainer, buried my head in the PT and got it done. Very tough, though...my legs are still shaking a bit.

    1st 20': 292
    2nd 20': 293
    5' of ABP at high cadence thrown in for good measure and to flush out the legs: 238 (.879 IF)

    Entire workout (228 watts):
    Duration: 1:05:50
    Work: 901 kJ
    TSS: 103.3 (intensity factor 0.97)
    Norm Power: 263
    VI: 1.15
    Pw:HR: 7.76%
    Pa:HR: 8.37%
    Distance: 21.299 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 389 228 watts
    Heart Rate: 68 180 150 bpm
    Cadence: 48 134 86 rpm
    Speed: 2.9 24.4 19.4 mph

    Let's see some more numbers folks.
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    I'm also happy about how handled these mentally: didn't get worked up about them...just woke up, got on the trainer, buried my head in the PT and got it done. .

    And that friends, is exactly how ya get these done!!! It's just another day, just another workout, just more work. That's all- get it done! Awesome job Jim!

    PS- How do you post your WKO data? Every time I do a copy/paste I get this stupid extra double spacing thing going on that I can't seem to "undo".
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    Thanks Nemo!

    Yeah, I got frustrated trying to figure out that double spacing thing too. That always happens when you use the "Add Reply" button and then paste the WKO output into the message box that comes up. 2 ways I've found to overcome this:

    1) Paste the WKO info into the "Quick Reply" message box at the bottom of the screen (don't use the "Add Reply" button). Downside of this is you don't get the full text formatting tools.
    2) If you use the "Add Reply" button, first paste your WKO info into Word (or Notepad or something similar), format it the way you want, then copy & paste into the "Add Reply" message box.

    Those are the only 2 ways I know.
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    @Tom nice job you'll be up to 240 fo' sure next test.
    @Jim Strong for sure
    @Marianne the week is young, the weather is bad, and KCCI is physically located about a 1/4 mile from my fire station. I won't rule it out just yet.
    @Nemo bummer about the ice but it is almost mid February we'll all be out of this crap weather soon enough....it might just not seem soon enough

    I don't even really get into major league baseball but I do follow the spring training start days. 7 days until some teams have pitchers and catchers reporting.....a sure sign of spring. That being said, I might try to catch a spring training game during my Tucson training junket in a month.
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    Greetings from sunny, cold, snowy Arkansas!!  my son, 10 years old, refused to step outside to take my pic so he was standing inside the house and I was outside!  this was right after I had ran with Rudy.. and I gotta think of that song "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley as I found a .04 stretch of dry road and ran back and forth on it to get in 3 miles!!  my minimum and Rudy says it is his too for mental sanity.. he was offleash as nobody was out in 25 degress 12- 15mphs winds so he got in a few more miles... good thing as yesterday's 2.5 mile walk did nothing for him and he kept being mischievous.!!  I have on three layers on bottom and four on top and yes the ski gloves are ancient but they work!!  huge I know but believe me with this much color on, I don't plan on getting run over!  Most of our back yard is taken up by a pool so the dog has nowhere to run to... so he looks to me to take him out... I must admit I wasn't terribly excited either!  but once I found that ice free patch of road I forgot all about it!  I even did my pushups and leg excercises/abs out in the sunny garage... although the pink gloves didn't allow for much movement for the pushups!!!  ha. 


    This was yesterday, the snow had fallen and no sun and you can see what Rudy thinks of me just walking!!

    my neighborhood was shut down and you can see the common ponds and there are sidewalks around but way too icy yesterday!!  however, me and Rudy walked ran around and the other little dogs stuck in their yards??  why they go crazy to see us loose!!  ha


    today... off to the left is the teensy patch of grass, that Rudy says is not a yard but merely a dog toilet!!  and you can see our pool that the other night (after the first snow) he fell into!!  oh yeah that was scary so basically when I let him out, I have to watch him thru my kitchen doors that overlook our back yard to see if 1.  is he going potty and 2.  is he digging holes or 3. has he fallen in the pool.  As much trouble as he is, I am crazy about him and he is about me!!  and for the Chickas  out there... I love Nike clothing and this is my new purple jacket that I previously mentioned purchasing!!  so comfy and I just LOVE the color. and this is the new headband that my mother got for me!  and thus is one secret us females have, the worse the weather, the more you need to accessorize!!!  February marks my 2nd year running with an IPOD and this morning listened to FlashDance!!  I hope that you are having a great day!  yeah I know, no bike not only do I not own a PM but also don't have a trainer!! 


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    This is week 5 of the Power Clinic. Had a really good workout. Have to admit I was a bit scared of it, but all went well.

    My legs were soooooo achy yesterday. I finally caved in, shut my office door, and sat on the desk with a tennis ball under my hamstrings. In 10 minutes it was amazing how much better my legs felt. But I still was very diligent about stretching and foam rolling last night. Very tight! Yowza!

    Lesson learned though- I left enough time after the bike to elevate legs and a short ice bath before getting ready for work. Legs feel fine today.

    @Nemo- good to see you posting numbers

    @ all the guys- Nice work. Wish I could post numbers like that.

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    Michele- that ice bath thing in the middle of winter is sooooo hard for me! I need to take a lesson from you and get my butt out of bed earlier to make this happen!

    Marianne- what great pictures! But I'm wondering how you are going to ride on the streets out there this week! That looks a bit dicey to me! Please be careful!!!
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    @marianne great pics

    2x20 that was hard stuff man! 306, 301. Mental FU trick I hit the interval button the last five minutes of the second set (hence the custom range) tried to keep my power above 305 I think it ended at like 304 the last five.

    First 20:
    Duration: 20:04
    Work: 368 kJ
    TSS: 37.3 (intensity factor 1.055)
    Norm Power: 306
    VI: 1
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 10.542 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 144 391 306 watts
    Cadence: 61 139 91 rpm
    Speed: 28.5 33.6 31.5 mph
    Pace 1:47 2:06 1:54 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 132 404 284 lb-in

    Power-Tap #2:
    Duration: 2:26 (4:03)
    Work: 22 kJ
    TSS: 1.4 (intensity factor 0.591)
    Norm Power: n/a
    VI: n/a
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 0.859 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 291 154 watts
    Cadence: 36 153 89 rpm
    Speed: 4.3 27.8 22.6 mph
    Pace 2:09 13:48 2:39 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 472 144 lb-in

    Second 20:
    Duration: 20:09
    Work: 364 kJ
    TSS: 36.1 (intensity factor 1.037)
    Norm Power: 301
    VI: 1
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 10.514 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 196 411 301 watts
    Cadence: 79 121 90 rpm
    Speed: 25.8 33.8 31.2 mph
    Pace 1:47 2:19 1:55 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 160 366 281 lb-in

    Entire workout (276 watts):
    Duration: 54:36 (56:13)
    Work: 903 kJ
    TSS: 90.4 (intensity factor 0.997)
    Norm Power: 289
    VI: 1.05
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 27.237 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 411 276 watts
    Cadence: 36 153 91 rpm
    Speed: 2.2 35.9 30.2 mph
    Pace 1:40 26:49 1:59 min/mi
    Crank Torque: 0 475 256 lb-in

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    NICE DAN! Way to rock those 2 x 20s!!! I do the same trick in the last 5', although I don't physically hit the lap button, I have a number in my head and give myself a mental lashing if I fall below it.

    Just did my 2nd run since my 8 week layoff - felt awesome! Really focused on biomechanics/strong form while running. Got a total of 15' of easy runnin - no pain at all!!

    An hour of yoga afterwards - feeling nice and stretched out. Spending some quality time with the foam roller tonight.
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    Great trick Dan! I gotta remember that one. Your numbers certainly look like a bump in that FTP is right around the corner!!
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    Dan yes nice mental trick!!! yeah, I bet I won't be able to ride until Fri/sat/sunday.. as Thurs has rain!! yep I will be careful.... good job on yoga and return to running! and to the rest of everybody doing their bike intervals, keep up the good work!! yes I also got my roller out too and have dedicated a bit of time to stretching out those hammies!! forgot the yoga pose name but I always have to stick a pillow on the left side more than the right side so I should measure just how far I am off the ground to see some progress.. you know your right leg behind and left leg crossed in front and then you lean over yourself so torso laying out on ground! m
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    Posted By Michele Cellai on 09 Feb 2010 12:32 PM

    @ all the guys- Nice work. Wish I could post numbers like that.

    @Michelle - I wish I weighed as little as you do!  


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     I headed out the door, ass dragging, watts sagging. 2x12@FTP? Couldn't imagine it. 

    Come the time though, I was able to spool right up to power, amazing myself. Even the 30 minute brick run went smoothly and quickly. Who knew? 

    Tomorrow's forecast calls for snow and winds up to 50mph; could make tomorrow's run of 4x1/2 mile, 1x1 mile a bit of a challenge. I'll probably do it just for the adventure; I'll ditch the pace and go by perceived effort. 

    I can't believe we're already in Week Six of our OS. It's flying by.

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    my video got hung up in Youtube but here it is a bit late...


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