Phew...that was a tough one tonite. Had thoughts earlier in the day of turning my 2x15s into a 2x20 test or least just extending the MS. Uh...a no to that. A few minutes into 1st interval I could tell there was no pop in the legs. So had I tested it would've been a very fatigued result. Still managed a 1.029 and 1.01 IF but for the first time since wk 1 couldn't manage at least 85% on my post MS z3 time. Just managed .81. HR for both intervals at 134. So I know the accumulated fatigue is setting in, especially after a solid couple of weeks. Didn't help that I had a work related dinner from 6-8:30 so didn't get on bike till 9:30pm. And yes I just had a salmon salad at dinner w/soup (but I usually don't eat at that time of day so all out of whack).
Most of the OS I been trying to treat the runs as seperate workouts to maximize the time and effort. So I ran 4miles in am w/hill repeats for 32 minutes, after my usual 10 minutes WU on eliptical.
Thank you all for the motivation and for Tom Glynn and my husband right along side me on their trainers. I did the 2 x 20 with my new FT from last week. It went ok. Definitely see how this program will make us all stronger because I know for a fact I would not have pushed that hard on my own!!
New FT is 191 W
First 20 @ 188( .98!!!!) Second 20 @ 190 ( .99!!!)
I tried to finish out the hour at 80-85%. Haha!! Only 5 min to go to 1 hour and I lasted 2 min. Legs and brain wanted to stop.
Time to go run my brick with Tom and Steve. Waiting for them to finish up.
Everything a day early this week due to work. So a VO2 bike, plus the 40' brick run I missed on Monday. But I couldn't quite do it as a brick, so it ended up being a bike in the morning and a run in the afternoon.
I was a bit apprehensive heading into the bike (a) because my last VO2 was a fail, (b) due to the new FTP that gives me a z5 target of 305, and (c) the calibration number on my Quarq was higher than usual and in the warmup I was seeing lower-than normal power numbers. But it all turned out ok and I nailed the workout just fine. In fact I shortened the rest time between sets down to 2', so ended up with 3' z3 time at the end.
The run was pretty difficult. Strangely these runs seem a LOT easier and smoother when done as a brick. But I got it done too so "all good". I picked a tempo pace and just ran a constant effort with a few jogging breaks at the lakefront tunnel and the halfway turnaround. It was absolutely beautiful out on the path and there were quite a few cyclists taking advantage of the rare weather and getting in an outdoor training ride.
BIKE: Overall 60' @ 240 watts, IF 0.945. Full warm-up of 10' easy then 3x3'(1') @ z3. Then 15' of z5 time, structured as 3x[5x1'(1')] with 2' between sets:
Target z5 at 305 watts, z1 recoveries at 165-178 watts
I note that I didn't hit the z1 level on most of the recoveries. My new z1 is 10 watts higher than before…makes a big difference in those recoveries. Tough!!
Still loving the vo2 days. Feeling strong on bike. No problem hitting paces. Looking forward to the retest in wk 8. Think i will see some real improvement. Happy Valentines Jan os
VO2 work done. I was pumped for this ride even starting yesterday afternoon. A dropped chain resulted in no Z3 work at the end, but I crushed the main set! Glad I programmed the wko into my garmin as the INT wko was not on TR. I used the Wk5 TR version just to have something on the screen to look at, but followed the garmin for intervals. It's much easier to keep an eye on the dial with TR vs. 310XT on my wrist. Pushed hard on the last set knowing I wasn't going to have time for the Z3. Love the VO2 bikes! Not a huge fan of V-day (aka Hallmark-FTD-ChocolateShop-Day), but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless.
For those in the INT plan using TR, today's workout can be found under the ADVANCED PLAN week 5 I believe. For what ever reason, it was missed for INT week 6.
Time to go get my heart pumping this Valentines Day!
Done. Felt real good, especially hammering the last 3. BTW, on trainerroad I saw someone else who had created a short stub to precede the workout to allow for the standard 25 minute warmup protocol. That seems to work well.
Since we are taking a mini-vacation Sat -- Wed, I will be modifying my weekend and first part of next week. We are going to Jacksonville on Sat/Sun for my wife's 1/2-marathon (26.2 with Donna --- fundraiser for Breast Cancer research). Then Mon -- Wed, going to Universal Studios Orlando for eldest's 13th B-day celebration. Still not sure if/how I am going to modify. 50/50 odds I will move up Saturday's bike to tomorrow, run on Saturday before we depart. And then go into extended OFF days Sun--Wed.
VO2 work today was fine - but it's getting harder. 20x45 on is a lot of on. I really stuggled on my 15 minute FTP intervals on Tuesday. I made it, but it was really hard - even the first one. Maybe I'll feel better next week.
One question - I know fittness is in the muscles - how come I get so out of breath on the long intervals - maybe fittness is both places??
Mama pajama...Did anyone else struggle on the bike today? Sheesh. It took me 20 min. just to feel somewhat warmed-up. Then I hammered out the 5x(4x45/45) and felt like my legs were going to EXPLODE! I stayed on for a 20 min cool down and actually started feeling better. Then I ran up the stairs in my house to go take a shower and realized just how cashed I was! Friday, I'm so excited to see you
Another "got it done, but I'm not sure how pretty" day. Quad were warning me that would be the case right from the beginning.
Also another day where the minimum time was required... worked out to be about 52 minutes. I did a bit of swimming earlier in the day (nothing me), hopefully to get some blood circulating in the legs without hurting them.
Warmup was at a bit higher intensity intenitonally, knowing I wasn't going to have any extra time at the end. Worked out ok. Looking at data, it seems clear I continued to warm up for a while.
296, 298, 301, 307, 306
308, 310, 309, 316, 318
Just ground out these last 5...
303, 319, 315, 311, 324
236 NP (0.95 IF) overall
Off tomorrow for a weekend swim meet, where the kids will prove once and for all that I'm the slowest swimmer in the family. By a lot. :-)
Think of me while you are relaxing tomorrow. I had to take today as the rest day, shove VO2 to tomorrow. Life, you know how it is.
Feeling good about the bike right now. I'm looking forward to testing - I know I'll see a decent bump. Now if only the weight would start dropping.....
I hear you on the weight Andrew. And if William is the slowest in the family - its a fast family of swimmers!
Late nite for V02 work. Kept it to 5 sets of 45s this time, but cut the rest time betw sets to 1:15 from 2. For the 20 intervals of ON averaged 20 watts higher than wk1 V02 (308 vs 288). About where I'd expect to be. But its been hard work this week.
Missed my Thursday bike session this week. Had to be at work super early yesterday and then I met a friend after work who had just been made redundant and needed some support. Taking today off too, been a long week and I am mentally exhausted and tired from working crazy hours. Hopefully I will have a better training week next week. Feel like I’ve been doing the absolute bare minimum recently.
Have done all of my bike WKO's this week. Just haven't been able to spend time online this week. Thanks for everyone who's been posting.
Mon night - 25' WU, MS 2 x 20(4') NP 242.5 & 232.5. Felt pretty good, but very tough as usual. Lot of minds games and county rpm to get through. Some Z3 miles also. 32 miles total in 1:29:09.
Wed morning - Vo2 bike - 25' WU, MS 5 x (4 x 45/45) @ 285, 290, 295, 300, 305 and some cool down miles. Boy was it hard not to just say why do 300 & 305 and just do the 285 again! Just kept pushing it and not relent. 25 miles total.
Fri morning - reduced WU and from Z3 miles for 8' @ 150-220 went right into MS 1 x 14' (4') @ NP 240, 1 x 10' @ (3') NP 235, 1 x 4' (2') @ 230, then some cool down miles. 23 miles total.
Moved up everything this week, but rested and doing an easy group ride Sun with 2-3 guys. I think I'm gonna see some great benefits from the first 6 weeks of OS!!!
So glad its a rest day (although I did swim Masters this morning so am a little tired). Last night's VO2 bike workout was so much fun. I'm still using the spinning bikes at the gym and I had to join a class. I told the instructor I was going to do my own workout and I hoped she didn't mind. Even though I was doing something different just having the energy of the group and the loud music made the workout fly by.
Tomorrow I get a Quarq installed on my bike. Yippee! Then I'll pick up a trainer from a friend and I'll be able to ride at home. Have a great rest day folks!
Due to Gen's race/Family Vacation, I chose to do Saturday's bike this afternoon. Not too bad, but definitely could tell that I did some VO2 work yesterday afternoon.
Here's the numbers:
Bike – overall 1:29:28, NP 223, IF 0.883. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
Probably not going to run this evening. Most likely I will do another FTP bike set tomorrow before we depart. Then take Sun OFF. Any running will have to fit around the vacation for my eldest daughter's 13th Birthday.
YIKES!! I am going to have a **teenager** in the house. Help!!!
Is it me or what during week six I have slowly edged up on the FTP intervals and hang at the upper end number of z4 with no struggles. Doing the VO2 this week I always enjoy because I love(fun) to stomp on the pedals and give it. I am now going beyond my Z5 FTP guidelines with no next day residual fatigue. Testing in 2 weeks will hopefully show a solid bump! To all JOS'ers your hard earned fitness work and patience will pay off and show in week eight of testing, cheers!
Due to Gen's race/Family Vacation, I chose to do Saturday's bike this afternoon. Not too bad, but definitely could tell that I did some VO2 work yesterday afternoon.
Here's the numbers:
Bike – overall 1:29:28, NP 223, IF 0.883. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
Probably not going to run this evening. Most likely I will do another FTP bike set tomorrow before we depart. Then take Sun OFF. Any running will have to fit around the vacation for my eldest daughter's 13th Birthday.
YIKES!! I am going to have a **teenager** in the house. Help!!!
Very nice work Joe.....I see a bump in the FTP coming!!!!
I don't know why but it looks like when I'm doing my bike session before lunch they appear WAY harder than when I do them in the evening! Today I really had to fight on the second FTP repeat and also my HR was a lot higher than when I'm doing the session in the evening ...
I've decided to extend the FTP repeats to 14' and also added 2x15' ABP to the end so it ended up at around 1:50 with a TSS 132, IF 0.85 and NP 258
Just like last weekend I went into the Saturday brick with two rest days and therefore set the stage for a strong workout. The big difference was of course the new FTP…my power was even stronger than last weekend but of course the IFs were lower. Oh well…such is the nature of progression in fitness…
Bike – overall 1:34:38, NP 227, IF 0.896. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
I kept a nice pace on the brick...strong and smooth. For some reason a brick always seems less painful than a standalone run of equivalent duration. Maybe pyschological!
Great job you crazy bad a$$ cyclists. These workouts are legit. I went into today kind of excited to do it. In the first interval my legs were like : Whoa!!!! Felt "sticky". Had to dig. Then I remembered I moved Sunday run to Friday. Did my 2 x 2 miles @ z4 yesterday. My days are always different than the plan based on my work and life schedule. Anyway. I managed to get the work done. I rode the bike today outside on our local mountain. Mt Diablo- an 11 mile switch back climb. Did 31 min at FT( ended up at .98 IF) then kept climbing another 17 min toward the summit. This ended up being .88 IF. Flipped it before the summit due to time constraints with the sitter. Nice relaxing descent and ride home. Total ride 2:40 but the work part was from the OS plan. The rest was around 70-85%. Sometimes less when I sat on Steve's wheel. Heaven!! No brick as I will run that run tomorrow on trails on Diablo.
Extra bike today. Haven't been outside on my bike since OS Wk1 testing and wanted to get some saddle road time. Kept my HR in Z1 (<136) and very low Z2 (137-155) with an Avg HR 132 for the entire ride. Just a little 3 mile time late in the ride at HR max 152. Really a very easy ride Avg of 19 mph including stopping at lights for 46 miles total. No over doing it at all!
This week was a little screwy but I got it done... Vo2 bike done Sat. am with IF ranging from 1.18-1.25.
Today was an indoor tri it was 20 min each swim, bike run. Got in 1,050yds. in the swim, 11.5mi on the bike (not anywhere near reality... It was a spin bike) and 1.88mi on the 'mill. Very happy with the swim. About 1 sec/100 faster than best test last year. Could have done better on the bike had I realized earlier it would have been better to take off resistance and spin faster. Run was done a bit faster than my Z3 so that's not too bad. Fun way to work out!
Most of the OS I been trying to treat the runs as seperate workouts to maximize the time and effort. So I ran 4miles in am w/hill repeats for 32 minutes, after my usual 10 minutes WU on eliptical.
Me tired now - see y'all tomorrow.
New FT is 191 W
First 20 @ 188( .98!!!!)
Second 20 @ 190 ( .99!!!)
I tried to finish out the hour at 80-85%. Haha!! Only 5 min to go to 1 hour and I lasted 2 min. Legs and brain wanted to stop.
Time to go run my brick with Tom and Steve. Waiting for them to finish up.
I was a bit apprehensive heading into the bike (a) because my last VO2 was a fail, (b) due to the new FTP that gives me a z5 target of 305, and (c) the calibration number on my Quarq was higher than usual and in the warmup I was seeing lower-than normal power numbers. But it all turned out ok and I nailed the workout just fine. In fact I shortened the rest time between sets down to 2', so ended up with 3' z3 time at the end.
The run was pretty difficult. Strangely these runs seem a LOT easier and smoother when done as a brick. But I got it done too so "all good". I picked a tempo pace and just ran a constant effort with a few jogging breaks at the lakefront tunnel and the halfway turnaround. It was absolutely beautiful out on the path and there were quite a few cyclists taking advantage of the rare weather and getting in an outdoor training ride.
BIKE: Overall 60' @ 240 watts, IF 0.945. Full warm-up of 10' easy then 3x3'(1') @ z3. Then 15' of z5 time, structured as 3x[5x1'(1')] with 2' between sets:
Target z5 at 305 watts, z1 recoveries at 165-178 watts
314, 318, 319, 324, 322 (recoveries 168, 158, 157, 162, 164)
322, 324, 322, 319, 321 (recoveries 163, 158, 163, 164, 169)
328, 322, 322, 327, 337 (recoveries 157, 150, 166, 151, 166)
I note that I didn't hit the z1 level on most of the recoveries. My new z1 is 10 watts higher than before…makes a big difference in those recoveries. Tough!!
HR avgas / HR max:
149/159, 157/163, 158/165, 157/166, 160/168
155/166, 162/170, 163/169, 165/173, 166/174
160/172, 167/174, 167/175, 170/178, 172/181
Cadence was 91-92 for the first 10 intervals, 93 for 11-14 and 94 for #15…used the same gear for all of them.
"Remainder time" of 3' @ 238 watts (IF 0.936), cad 88, HR 161/167
RUN: overall 5.87 miles in 40:01, 6:49 average pace.
Split.....Time.....Distance.....Avg Pace
You kinda killed it, even with the new FTP. Wow. Pretty impressive.
modified it, got a 24 at work today so I could see my wife & girls a bit for Valentine's Day, small gifts & cards stuff.
10' z3 right out of the gates
5' ez
16x 30/30's
12' z3
2' cooldown
Remember, one day at a time, it's the consistent showing up & hard work that pays off on race day!
Happy Valentines Jan os
Time to go get my heart pumping this Valentines Day!
Today was MS only; zero extra.
Since we are taking a mini-vacation Sat -- Wed, I will be modifying my weekend and first part of next week. We are going to Jacksonville on Sat/Sun for my wife's 1/2-marathon (26.2 with Donna --- fundraiser for Breast Cancer research). Then Mon -- Wed, going to Universal Studios Orlando for eldest's 13th B-day celebration. Still not sure if/how I am going to modify. 50/50 odds I will move up Saturday's bike to tomorrow, run on Saturday before we depart. And then go into extended OFF days Sun--Wed.
I really stuggled on my 15 minute FTP intervals on Tuesday. I made it, but it was really hard - even the first one. Maybe I'll feel better next week.
One question - I know fittness is in the muscles - how come I get so out of breath on the long intervals - maybe fittness is both places??
Mama pajama...Did anyone else struggle on the bike today? Sheesh. It took me 20 min. just to feel somewhat warmed-up. Then I hammered out the 5x(4x45/45) and felt like my legs were going to EXPLODE! I stayed on for a 20 min cool down and actually started feeling better. Then I ran up the stairs in my house to go take a shower and realized just how cashed I was! Friday, I'm so excited to see you
Also another day where the minimum time was required... worked out to be about 52 minutes. I did a bit of swimming earlier in the day (nothing me), hopefully to get some blood circulating in the legs without hurting them.
Again did these as 5 sets of 1 min/1 min.
Warmup was at a bit higher intensity intenitonally, knowing I wasn't going to have any extra time at the end. Worked out ok. Looking at data, it seems clear I continued to warm up for a while.
296, 298, 301, 307, 306
308, 310, 309, 316, 318
Just ground out these last 5...
303, 319, 315, 311, 324
236 NP (0.95 IF) overall
Off tomorrow for a weekend swim meet, where the kids will prove once and for all that I'm the slowest swimmer in the family. By a lot. :-)
Think of me while you are relaxing tomorrow. I had to take today as the rest day, shove VO2 to tomorrow. Life, you know how it is.
Feeling good about the bike right now. I'm looking forward to testing - I know I'll see a decent bump. Now if only the weight would start dropping.....
And if William is the slowest in the family - its a fast family of swimmers!
Late nite for V02 work.
Kept it to 5 sets of 45s this time, but cut the rest time betw sets to 1:15 from 2.
For the 20 intervals of ON averaged 20 watts higher than wk1 V02 (308 vs 288). About where I'd expect to be.
But its been hard work this week.
Mon night - 25' WU, MS 2 x 20(4') NP 242.5 & 232.5. Felt pretty good, but very tough as usual. Lot of minds games and county rpm to get through. Some Z3 miles also. 32 miles total in 1:29:09.
Wed morning - Vo2 bike - 25' WU, MS 5 x (4 x 45/45) @ 285, 290, 295, 300, 305 and some cool down miles. Boy was it hard not to just say why do 300 & 305 and just do the 285 again! Just kept pushing it and not relent. 25 miles total.
Fri morning - reduced WU and from Z3 miles for 8' @ 150-220 went right into MS 1 x 14' (4') @ NP 240, 1 x 10' @ (3') NP 235, 1 x 4' (2') @ 230, then some cool down miles. 23 miles total.
Moved up everything this week, but rested and doing an easy group ride Sun with 2-3 guys. I think I'm gonna see some great benefits from the first 6 weeks of OS!!!
So glad its a rest day (although I did swim Masters this morning so am a little tired). Last night's VO2 bike workout was so much fun. I'm still using the spinning bikes at the gym and I had to join a class. I told the instructor I was going to do my own workout and I hoped she didn't mind. Even though I was doing something different just having the energy of the group and the loud music made the workout fly by.
Tomorrow I get a Quarq installed on my bike. Yippee!
Then I'll pick up a trainer from a friend and I'll be able to ride at home. Have a great rest day folks!
Due to Gen's race/Family Vacation, I chose to do Saturday's bike this afternoon. Not too bad, but definitely could tell that I did some VO2 work yesterday afternoon.
Here's the numbers:
Bike – overall 1:29:28, NP 223, IF 0.883. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
12'(4') @z4 – NP: 256 (IF 1.013), VI 1.00, HR 151/157
12'(4') @z4 – NP: 261 (IF 1.032), VI 1.00, HR 152.159
6'(5') @z4 – NP: 267 (IF 1.054), VI 0.99, HR 151/159
11'(2') @z3 – NP: 212 (IF 0.840), VI 1.00, HR 138/144
11(2')' @z3 – NP: 220 (IF 0.871), VI 1.00, HR 139/144
Probably not going to run this evening. Most likely I will do another FTP bike set tomorrow before we depart. Then take Sun OFF. Any running will have to fit around the vacation for my eldest daughter's 13th Birthday.
YIKES!! I am going to have a **teenager** in the house. Help!!!
Did Thursday's VO2 workout today. I really felt it in the ol' legs. No extra riding for me today,thanks!
Very nice work Joe.....I see a bump in the FTP coming!!!!
Today I really had to fight on the second FTP repeat and also my HR was a lot higher than when I'm doing the session in the evening ...
I've decided to extend the FTP repeats to 14' and also added 2x15' ABP to the end so it ended up at around 1:50 with a TSS 132, IF 0.85 and NP 258
Here's the workout for your pleasure
Bike – overall 1:34:38, NP 227, IF 0.896. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
12'(4') @z4 – NP: 257 (IF 1.012), VI 1.00, HR 157/165, cad 89
12'(4') @z4 – NP: 260 (IF 1.023), VI 1.00, HR 163/172, cad 90
6'(4') @z4 – NP: 271 (IF 1.068), VI 1.00, HR 166/174, cad 91
15'(2') @z3 – NP: 228 (IF 0.896), VI 1.00, HR 157/162, cad 90
15' @z3 – NP: 231 (IF 0.911), VI 1.00, HR 153/158, cad 91
I kept a nice pace on the brick...strong and smooth. For some reason a brick always seems less painful than a standalone run of equivalent duration. Maybe pyschological!
Run – overall 4.30 miles in 28:48, avg pace 6:41.
Split......Time......Distance......Avg Pace
No brick as I will run that run tomorrow on trails on Diablo.
Today was an indoor tri it was 20 min each swim, bike run. Got in 1,050yds. in the swim, 11.5mi on the bike (not anywhere near reality... It was a spin bike) and 1.88mi on the 'mill. Very happy with the swim. About 1 sec/100 faster than best test last year. Could have done better on the bike had I realized earlier it would have been better to take off resistance and spin faster. Run was done a bit faster than my Z3 so that's not too bad. Fun way to work out!
I did the Saturday ride today as I spent all day skiing yesterday. Another great ride today. I then went skiing. A much better order of operations.