Jan OS 2013 Week 6 RUN Thread
Is it really week 6 of the OS? This is going by so quickly. I hope you are enjoying the plan and getting stronger. Please continue to post your workouts and questions and report on an issues you are dealing with. Let the group support you in your struggles as well as share in your successes.
Happy Running!!
Happy Running!!
I think I will have to swap VO2-bike and FTP-run again this week even though this is not making the story easier for any workout!
The run was good…nice and cold in the high 20's but not too windy (and in any case wind was pretty well right from the west and I was running south-north along the lake. The bike last night did not seem to impact my running too badly and I hit the intervals pretty hard.
Overall 8.83 miles in 1:00:05, 6:48 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup: 10' @ 6:40
4x 7'(4') – 6:28, 6:25, 6:26, 6:29)
(4x 4' recoveries 7:45, 7:46, 7:55, 7:31)
Remainder time 6' @ 6:40
I did my z4 run today with my track group. The plan says 3 x 1 mile- my groups plan was 3 x 2000 so I figured it was pretty close and did the 2000's. Felt good. Ran them around 6:42 avg pace each. Give or take a few seconds.
Aren't you worried about all this extra volume catching up with you?
Great question-
I have the Drake Relays 1/2 marathon coming up and want to beat my PR set there of 1:29. 2 weeks ago I ran a 1:27:12 so we are in the ball park. Local coach and are are decreasing my recovery times between each mile currently. Before Cozumel I was up to 10 x 1 mile repeats with a 90 sec recovery and it paid great dividen.
The runs are very comfortable for me and when I start getting tired and feel like my form is suffering I then drop the intensity and finish out the time. Truly there is only a few seconds diff between my MP and HMP.
The weather looks nice tomorrow...maybe I'll take the VO2 work outdoors.
It's almost a good news/bad news scenario. Good news is I'm think I'm due for a healthy bump when we re-test in a couple weeks. Bad because I'm just getting use to these paces, and will have to make it hurt all over again
I'm pretty bad about getting to the forums...trying to change that! Sounds like everyone's having great weather! I enjoyed my 3x1's today in 38 degree, sunny weather...windy, but the rolling back roads were clear and dry (finally) so no complaints. Warmed up for 10 min @ 7:40 pace.
Mile 1: 6:04...shoulda warmed up longer. I was into the wind but that shouldn't be an excuse on the first interval. Spent my 4 min. rest trying to keep a decent tempo so the legs would respond better.
Mile 2: 5:48...better. That's right about where I wanted to be on the first one but I was happy to find my pace. 4 min. easy...
Mile 3: 5:46...a little faster than I intended and I felt it in my lungs a bit
(especially at the half-mile mark).
Ran 2 miles home @ 7:36 and felt pretty good overall. Mostly, I was just happy to get out on the road because I loathe the treadmill.
Hope everyone's feeling great!
10' w/u with a couple of strides then
Mile 1: 6:47 then 4' easy
Mile 2: 6:41
Jogged back to the office
Definitely felt better than this past weekend. Amazing what a day of rest can do.
Great run mid-morning. I have been feeling pretty good, so I am intermingling the Adv Plan runs.
Today's data:
The one-mile repeats felt like work. But not super-hard.
Then I ran in the afternoon for "today's" run.
For the first time in a while, I had a run that FELT GOOD. It wasn't super fast, but it felt like it's supposed to feel like when running...gliding, not mountain climbing or big gear bike riding. I was VERY pleased with that aspect of it.
I did my 3 mi in 6:30, 6:20, and 6:27. Stupidly, I turned off my watch accidentally at a traffic stop somewhere where I also messed with my iPod, and left it off for a while. Maybe a mile (given the elapsed vs. moving time)?
Overall, probably just short of 10 mi...average pace 7:22.
I have been having a great week of running!
I raced a 4 miler Sunday at a faster pace than my 5k test and got myself a new pr. And sore quads! So I was nervous about the bike Tuesday...but I slayed it, then felt fine and light on the quick hill strides afterwards.
Today I ran in one of my favorite parks in lovely temps and sunshine running once again faster than my TH paces from my vdot. (even faster than the higher vdot from the race on Sunday!) But the best part is I was able to rip off two miles at a bit faster than HMP at the end. Very very happy about that, but I sure hope I'm not shooting myself in the foot over achieving on my paces.
Feeling strong, everything is starting to really click for me now mentally and physically
Knocked out my 3 x 1mi at ~6:48ish
Excited to retest and get on with this!
Did yesterdays run today and it sucked.
I couldn't find my stride, couldn't hit my pace, and then got frustrated. The rest of my run was a mental struggle, I might still be a bit tired from my century ride this weekend, I did do the VO2 bike workout yesterday, and I haven't been reading your posts. I see now how you guys are the ones that keep me motivated to go out there.
Lessons learned. Thanks for being here and sharing your progress!
Last nite's run went fine but felt alot harder than last Sunday.
Did the 2 x 1 miles first and then 2 x 1/2s all at or just below my z4 pace.
Got 6 miles in 49min.
Got through it OK and on pace. 2 x 1 mi + 1 x 1/2mi @ Z4 then an extra 1/2 mi @Z2 pace for good luck.
I have an indoor tri Sunday so my week is even more messed up now but I'll do the best I can....
@ Trish - Glad to hear that you are getting faster. Just be careful not to over do it now. We still have 8 weeks of OS to go and the workouts get harder. You will be faster; just be careful not to get injured by doing more than the plan says.
@ Christina - I agree that you are probably still tired from the weekend century ride. A couple of good night's sleep and you'll ready in to go.
I got a new diagnosis (from a foot & ankle ortho specialist) on my heel that has bothering me for months. Good news!! It isn't a slight tear in the achillies tendon where it attaches to my heel bone. Rather, I have a slightly squarer heel bone (supposed to be more rounded) that can put pressure on the achillies over time (like years) and lead inflammation and to small blood pools calcifying. Net, don't have to worry about a torn or ruptured tendon but have try to control the inflammation in the back of my heel, so ice after every run and a topical steroid treatment + PT. Doc said I might need surgery sometime in the future (he said like 10-15 years if they deposits get bigger), but doing surgery now won't help much and would put me in cast for 4 months. We agreed that was not the way to go. I celebrated last night by going for 6 mile in which for the first time in a year I wasn't worried about blowing out my achillies. Felt completely liberated. Then ice.