Congrats everyone on your hard work. Thank you for posting and sharing your workouts.
I did Sundays run today on the treadmill after Masters swim. 2 x 2 miles @ between 6:44-6:58 pace. I felt like I would explode as it was hot in the gym with no fans on me. I feel for all of you who run on the treadmill for all of these sets.
Wednesday run should have been: MS: 4 x 800 (3'), 1 x 1 mile. I read this as 4 x 800 (3'). I ended up doing 100m warm up walk, 2 x 1 miles on treadmill. Crazy busy at work so pleased I got something done but disappointed I misread the plan.
Happy to get my run in at the correct pace and distances. I have a question though. I am starting to naturally run at a faster pace than my TP for some of these intervals. Is that a problem? Should I work to keep exactly at the prescribed pace? This is not for the first couple of intervals but even the later ones.
Thanks for the help. New to program, in the Beginner Jan OS.
@ Julie, I would not worry about it. If you are in your first OS and are new to this sort of training methodology you will probably see very rapid gains in your running fitness. In other words, your paces probably are closer to reflecting your VDOT than your last test. My recommendation is to run at the paces but to accelerate the timing of your next test to establish a new VDOT and new set of training paces. You will find the pace of gains in VDOT will slow and subsequent VDOT tests will give you a number that has better longetivity.
I did Wed's workout on the treadmill at the Y. I was dreading it something wicked! I'm not a treadmill guy, but the weather forced my hand -- the school track was covered in snow. As it turns out, the experience wasn't bad at all. Took me a little time to figure out how to set the pace (no time setting, only speed), but got it straightened out. Halfway thru I discovered there's a built in fan in the display -- fancy, and FUNCTIONAL!!!!!! Forgot a towel, so I was trying hard not to fling sweat on the ladies on either side of me.
Makes sense. Thanks Will retest in a week anyway so timing is good. I have to say while I like getting faster, there are some days I am longing for a nice easy run!
Wednesday run was the best I've had so far. Actually had to hold back at times to stay in z4. Nice to have the run go right after struggling on most of the runs
Did my run WKO's a day early this week. Did the work as planned. Ran the 2 x 2 mile repeats today at 7:24/7:18 & 7:26/7:19 so very happy on being consistent and finishing strong. Only had enough time for 8 miles, so did my 8th mile at 8:25 versus Z1 for 3-4 miles. Hope everyone has a great run WKO Sunday!
Oh my dear now I know that it's just not a brilliant idea to do these kind of workouts short after having lunch ... well I need to keep that in mind for the future because todays first interval was hard like Chuck Norris
I was thinking about just stopping in walk back home several times but I somehow managed to get through it. I was pretty sure my HR must have been somewhere near to the moon but after reviewing the data it was quite low
The second interval was way much better - felt stronger and finally busted my target pace by 6sec/km!
Finally it ended up after 1:15 with almost 17km in the bags and an IF of 0.92.
Just checkout the >> complete workout on TP << in case you'r like me and wanna see more fancy, shiny metrics</p>
Good job on your Sunday TP runs. I did mine Friday and really like the long intervals. Today will be an easy effort trail run, replacing one of the 60 min runs on the plan and adding a bit. My husband and I are hosting a group run. We are up to 12 folks joining us. I'll post a pic later. Have a great Sunday everyone!!
6 degrees this morning when I got up for the long run. After yesterday's (literally) freezing brick run, I was back on the treadmill. Was a little nervous about the 1.5 mi repeats since that's the longest I've ever done repeats, but I managed pretty well. Proud of myself for not slowing down the 'mill at all during both intervals, but it was definitely a mental battle. Finished up with 30-40 minutes between LRP-MP. Goal was for a total of 80 minutes, backed down to 75 minutes at one point after the intervals, then said what the heck, only 5 more minutes and finished out the 80. Felt good!
After being on shift for 24 hours and being awake for about 23 of it I decided to pull the plug on the intervals today and just get out and run slow and smooth. Once I was feeling tired and felt as if I had to work harder to move I quit.........Looking forward to week 7 !!!
Posted By Dave Mehl on 17 Feb 2013 09:32 AM 6 degrees this morning when I got up for the long run. After yesterday's (literally) freezing brick run, I was back on the treadmill. Was a little nervous about the 1.5 mi repeats since that's the longest I've ever done repeats, but I managed pretty well. Proud of myself for not slowing down the 'mill at all during both intervals, but it was definitely a mental battle. Finished up with 30-40 minutes between LRP-MP. Goal was for a total of 80 minutes, backed down to 75 minutes at one point after the intervals, then said what the heck, only 5 more minutes and finished out the 80. Felt good!
Nice work!!!! That mentality will play out in the long run!!! Again nice work!!!
@ Dave...Nice work. Mental toughness is priceless.
@ Carl... smart call to back off from the intervals. The Honey Badger has been working really hard, and it was about time for an easy run.
I did today's run yesterday. Ran with ENer Claudia Langarica who is racing the New Orleans marathon next Sunday. It was her last taper run. We did 8.0 miles in 61:30. 4 EZmiles @ 8:00 pace , then 2 x 1 mile @ 6:50, with 1 mile in between @ 8:00. then a final CD mile. Claudia is soooo ready and is targeting a 3:25 marathon. I had a really hard time staying with her on the mile intervals but she was fresh as a daisy. Of course, I had done the Saturday bike intervals before we ran (she didn't). I did 1 x12' (4') @ 260W then 3 x 6' (2') @260 W. I had to break up the 2nd 12' interval into 2 x 6, but I got the full 30' @ 260W done. Almost puked but got it done. I know, I know...not supposed to do run intervals after bike intervals but I really wanted to run with Claudia on her final training run and give her encouragement and talk over her race plan. I justified it as slowly beginning my building up for the American Triple T race in May.
2x2mi, holy cow, pace was just slightly off by a few seconds otherwise very happy I got'er done. did one more 2mi interval at z2+ and was indeed glad to be back at my car. Picked up a coffee and munched on a quest bar sitting on beached logs in the Feb sun listening to waves of the pacific gently crash out here on west coast of BC Canada.
Just a quick question- who would have picked 2 x 2 miles at TP today if you woke up and had to plan the run and paces yourself? . Haha!!! That is not a pace a gravitate toward. Only when told to do it. This stuff is legit. Way to go peeps!!
Ran with former EN-er Matt Ward this morning. Probably the coldest running weather of the year so far, although without significant wind it didn't feel as bad as I thought it would. Extended to 75' total time per the gameplan and the 2x2 mile intervals were tough but not nearly as bad as I thought they'd be.
Overall 10.64 miles in 1:15:09, 7:04 pace (excluding 1' of walking recovery after each interval per the Matt Ward protocol). Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup: 10' @ 7:36
2x 2 miles (4') – 6:46, 6:33
(2x 4' recoveries (1' walking not counted) 7:49, 7:36)
On vacation, so this will be short...full race report to follow later this week after we get home.
I decided less than 2 days before the event, that I would join my wife in the the 1/2-marathon portion of the "26.2 with Donna" race in Jacksonville. All proceeds go to breast cancer research at the Mayo Clinic....and that is where one of the adjunctive therapies (Herceptin -- a monoclonal antibody) was developed. That treatment *significantly* reduced my wife's recurrence we do what we can to support.
Anyhow, my longest run this OS was last weekend: roughly 9 miles in just under 75 minutes. I also hadn't done *any* extra work for the mid-week runs. So I didn't expect much. And then, to top it off, it was COLD and WINDY...and then they slipped the start time 30 minutes. As Elvis used to say, "Thank you. Thank you very much." The course was definitely windy; that was the first time I had run a race *on the beach*, and then the climb up the overpass, into the wind from mile 11.5 to 12.5 was just a peach.
OVERALL: 13.17 miles, 1:37:14, avg hr 159, avg cadence 89. I exactly hit my Z3 pace of 7:22. Pretty amazing. Almost, but not quite a PR, but very happy based on lack of training and weather.
Family traveling weekend, so I've been a bit off the grid. I rearranged my week so that I would do my "distance" mid week and could stick to relatively shorter workouts on the weekend. Today was a run outdoors in about 15 degree weather. It seemed clear, and I was well dressed, but I wasn't feeling it. Did my 3 x 1 on some rolling hills and just chalked it up to one of those days when they were slower than they were supposed to be. At the turnaround, though, it became immediately obvious that I had been running into more wind than I had realized. Nonetheless, this was a workmanlike run at best. About 10 mi in about 75 min (no data upload yet)
I did Sundays run today on the treadmill after Masters swim. 2 x 2 miles @ between 6:44-6:58 pace. I felt like I would explode as it was hot in the gym with no fans on me. I feel for all of you who run on the treadmill for all of these sets.
Thanks for the help. New to program, in the Beginner Jan OS.
I did Wed's workout on the treadmill at the Y. I was dreading it something wicked! I'm not a treadmill guy, but the weather forced my hand -- the school track was covered in snow. As it turns out, the experience wasn't bad at all. Took me a little time to figure out how to set the pace (no time setting, only speed), but got it straightened out. Halfway thru I discovered there's a built in fan in the display -- fancy, and FUNCTIONAL!!!!!! Forgot a towel, so I was trying hard not to fling sweat on the ladies on either side of me.
I did the bike ride before lunch and then decided to run at 13:00 ... well just see the metrics and you know what's going on
Total Time: 0:46:48
Distance: 11.27 km
rTSS: 78 (0.95)
NGP: 04:05 min/km
Pa:HR 2.11%
EF: 0.03
Gain: 28 m
Loss: - 22 m
Grade: 0.1 %
Oh my dear now I know that it's just not a brilliant idea to do these kind of workouts short after having lunch ... well I need to keep that in mind for the future because todays first interval was hard like Chuck Norris

I was thinking about just stopping in walk back home several times but I somehow managed to get through it. I was pretty sure my HR must have been somewhere near to the moon but after reviewing the data it was quite low
The second interval was way much better - felt stronger and finally busted my target pace by 6sec/km!
Finally it ended up after 1:15 with almost 17km in the bags and an IF of 0.92.
Just checkout the >> complete workout on TP << in case you'r like me and wanna see more fancy, shiny metrics</p>
Nice work!!!! That mentality will play out in the long run!!! Again nice work!!!
@ Dave...Nice work. Mental toughness is priceless.
@ Carl... smart call to back off from the intervals. The Honey Badger has been working really hard, and it was about time for an easy run.
I did today's run yesterday. Ran with ENer Claudia Langarica who is racing the New Orleans marathon next Sunday. It was her last taper run. We did 8.0 miles in 61:30. 4 EZmiles @ 8:00 pace , then 2 x 1 mile @ 6:50, with 1 mile in between @ 8:00. then a final CD mile. Claudia is soooo ready and is targeting a 3:25 marathon. I had a really hard time staying with her on the mile intervals but she was fresh as a daisy. Of course, I had done the Saturday bike intervals before we ran (she didn't). I did 1 x12' (4') @ 260W then 3 x 6' (2') @260 W. I had to break up the 2nd 12' interval into 2 x 6, but I got the full 30' @ 260W done. Almost puked but got it done. I know, I know...not supposed to do run intervals after bike intervals but I really wanted to run with Claudia on her final training run and give her encouragement and talk over her race plan. I justified it as slowly beginning my building up for the American Triple T race in May.
w/u 1 mile @ 8:51
int 1: 2 miles @ 7:26
recovery: 0.61 @ 9:49
int 2: 2 miles @ 7:27
recovery: 0.51 @11:51
c/d 3 miles @ 8:07
Overall 10.64 miles in 1:15:09, 7:04 pace (excluding 1' of walking recovery after each interval per the Matt Ward protocol). Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup: 10' @ 7:36
2x 2 miles (4') – 6:46, 6:33
(2x 4' recoveries (1' walking not counted) 7:49, 7:36)
Remainder time
- ~12' @ 7:04
- ~12' @ 7:07
- ~4' @ 7:04
On vacation, so this will be short...full race report to follow later this week after we get home.
I decided less than 2 days before the event, that I would join my wife in the the 1/2-marathon portion of the "26.2 with Donna" race in Jacksonville. All proceeds go to breast cancer research at the Mayo Clinic....and that is where one of the adjunctive therapies (Herceptin -- a monoclonal antibody) was developed. That treatment *significantly* reduced my wife's recurrence we do what we can to support.
Anyhow, my longest run this OS was last weekend: roughly 9 miles in just under 75 minutes. I also hadn't done *any* extra work for the mid-week runs. So I didn't expect much. And then, to top it off, it was COLD and WINDY...and then they slipped the start time 30 minutes. As Elvis used to say, "Thank you. Thank you very much." The course was definitely windy; that was the first time I had run a race *on the beach*, and then the climb up the overpass, into the wind from mile 11.5 to 12.5 was just a peach.
OVERALL: 13.17 miles, 1:37:14, avg hr 159, avg cadence 89. I exactly hit my Z3 pace of 7:22. Pretty amazing. Almost, but not quite a PR, but very happy based on lack of training and weather.
Most happy with the NEGATIVE SPLIT.
At least the swim meet we were at was great. :-)