Week 7 bike thread
No rest for the wicked on the bike this week! We are full throttte again on the bike (with a rest day on Sunday to prepare for next week's testing). Advanced plan calls for 2 x 20 FTP on Tuesday, The normal VO2 bike on Thursday, and 14/14/7 FTP on Saturday. Have fun, as always!
Yepp u are right Will and it will be hard again
Think I will skip all these extra bike-work I did till now this week in order to get an according run test next Wednesday ... my actual TSB is at minus 23 and I want to get it up to minus 9 (as I had on my last test) to keep things compareable
Early start to week 7 today due to work and home improvement projects the rest of the week. After a good set of weekend workouts to end week 6, had "fun" with the 2x20 @ FTP this morning. Rest day is tomorrow! Here's to hoping all of this work pays off for the FTP test next week
Doing the run tomorrow before heading to the fire station.
Run done
Looking forward to mine this week. I like the 2 x 20 challenge. It really makes you dig and be patient and humble at the same time.
And thank goodness for driving wind and rain providing an escape from the 45' brick. I'll do that run after the VO2 bike later this week I suspect.
Overall 1:06:04, NP 232, IF 0.914. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
20'(4') @z4 – NP: 256 (IF 1.006), VI 1.00, HR 161/171, cad 90
20' @z4 – NP: 251 (IF 0.987), VI 1.00, HR 169/177, cad 90
4x 10'(1') @ .97, 1.0, 1.0, 1.05
yes, triaged.
5' hi cadence
2' ez cooldown
running tonight
this was one of those workouts where I was dreading it, kept looking for the bottom to fall out and it just never did.
this workout proved to be a mental boost for me as I was able to let loose a little bit all the way thru the last set. I'm usually very conservative and 'shoot' for .96 or .97.
and, legs still feel pretty good.
chilling as much as possible for the rest of the day (at work) and then will punch out a few miles running this evening.
Go Get 'em!
Big step up (2x20) today for us intermediate folks (at least for me). Coming off a long/intense ride on Sunday made this one really, really tough. Metrics attached in the link below. No run tonight, weather is awful thus moving the run to Thursday
Hyperlink -> workout
The 2x20 is by far the toughest WKO I've done for a very very very long time but trust me it's getting a little bit easier on second try
. It was HARD again in the end but I figured out some mental tricks to disconnect my mind from my feet which worked out pretty nice.
I just finished mine getting pretty nice IFs of 0.98 and 0.99 for the intervals
You can visit the workout on TrainingPeaks
20 #1 Ave power 248 (1.00 IF)
20 #2 Ave Power 250 (1.01 IF)
NP of 232 (IF 0.94) for the 60 minutes.
Will run later tonight.
MS 2 x 20' (4) @
225-270 = NP 245
225-245 = NP 235
Did the 25' WU before FTP set, and 5-6 miles extra @ Z3 (190-210).
Thanks again everybody for inspiration. GO EN TEAM! KABOOM!!!
FTP: 186
Goal: 164
Actual: 173
Normalized: 180
IF: .97
TSS: 94
VI: 1.04
I had a great day today. 4x1 milers and 1km swim in the morning. Sat on the couch for 3 episodes of The Walking Dead then did my 2x20's.
I wanted to do 100% FTP for both intervals, but wanted to save some for tomorrow. Ended up with 252 and 242. I skipped the warmup though.
After work I forgot that I promised to go scout a Community College basketball game for my buddy who is a CC coach. Its playoff time.
Oh well, didn't get on bike till 9:45pm. Got the 2 x 20s done - felt slow, heavy, tired ...like I had a wagon attached to the bike w/both coaches sit'en in there cracking the whip (cadence was a full 5 rpms lower than usual) - but got 'r' done nonetheless: IF @ 1.025 & 1.013.
OK, second week with a 2x20. Much harder than last week. I could feel that wagon too. Held back a bit for rep one cuz I knew rep 2 was going to be tough and finished with a .986IF. Rep 2, really struggled to hold 1.0 and finished with .995IF.
Looking ahead I am scheduled to drop into the GF after test week and what do I see 2x20 more than once. Ouch.
1st 20 mins = 319W (IF of 1.016); From minutes 10-15 I stayed near or above 100RPMs, and around 90 or so for the rest
2nd 20 mins = 323W (IF of 1.029); From minutes 10-15 I stayed in the low 60's RPMs, and in the low to mid 80's for the rest
(my ftp isn't correct in TR as Jess and I share one TR account, so I adjust it up for my workouts and she adjusts it down)
John- Great job on your 20's. I saw nowhere close to 1.0xxx
Did my 2 x 20 today and early on I could feel it was going to be tough. I have been working hard on not giving in this OS. A little background: When I first trained with power (2008) I would try to force it and if I could not hold the numbers I would give up. I did not have my head on straight back then and thought it was all about being able to do it and what is wrong with me if I can't do it but everyone else can?? I did not like that I put that pressure on myself. So for today when it got hard- I never gave in and just tried to find a rhythm.
My current FT tested 2 weeks ago is 191W
Ended up with IF of .95 for each 20 minutes. 181W and 182W
To be honest I am shocked I hit 95%. I thought for sure it would be lower but I guess I started and ended each interval strong.
The run after of 45 minutes was SLOW. Even slower than my Z1. I just found a comfy pace and held it while chatting with Tom Glynn. Looking forward to resting tomorrow. I take Mondays and Thursdays off.
MS 1 x (20 x 45/45 continuos with 10 @ 285, 5 @ 290 & 5 @ 295 WATTS). Got all 30' in a straight shot. i did an FTP WKO OF 32' straight a couple weeks ago instead of stopping at 20', so knew it can be done if I keep motivated and break it up in my mind. Just kept going and stayed under my Z5 HR OF 174. Did a few Z3 miles, then cooled down. 25 miles total in 1:11:01.
Got the thurs bike w/o done in am this time after just 12 hours from Wed run. But actually felt quite strong. Hit all vo2 intervals consistent w/last week, again cutting down the rest to 1:15. Got another 10' at 89%. Rest now till Sat - yeah!
Duration: 1:02:09
Work: 661 kJ
TSS: 49.8 (intensity factor 0.696)
Norm Power: 186
VI: 1.05
Heart Rate: 100 160 147 bpm
Cadence: 41 123 85 rpm
Speed: 0 21.4 17.4 mph
I then pulled up the 45/45 that was scheduled today and he shot that down and we did, "Revolver" out of TR. Note this is only a 47 minute ride with a 12 min warm up-if you can call it a warm up. It is then 1 min ON and 1 min OFF, no breaks in between sets!! I like this but after last week, the weekend, and Monday then Wed wko's my quads and ITB's were smarting a moderate amount.
Well started and after the warm up and first one min burst out of 16 I noticed it was set at 1.37% of my FTP. So when the coach got up to use the bathroom I quickly cranked down the IF but it wasn't enough cause he worked me into the ground. When we finished I was actually shaking. I can't remember the last time that happened.
Duration: 48:12---Revolver out of TR...
Work: 641 kJ
TSS: 75.8 (intensity factor 0.976)-current FTP is 267
Norm Power: 261
VI: 1.17
Pw:HR: -0.7%
Pa:HR: 6.3%
Distance: 14.455 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 435 222 watts
Heart Rate: 105 174 160 bpm
Cadence: 33 127 83 rpm
Speed: 0 23.6 17.9 mph
Pace 2:32 0:00 3:21 min/mi
Hit from 1.21-1.32%..as 343,349,345,347,342,347,353,343,351,326,339,331,327,322,and 328.