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IMTexas, 25Feb-03Mar WKO Thread



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    Feeling awesome after finishing the bike today! Thank you glucose tablets!
    Not looking forward to the long run tomorrow, especially when it's snowing outside...oh treadmill, here I come.

    @Bob, what's the reasoning behind allowing wetsuits after 7? I figured the water would be like bathwater.
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    Ryan  all/most of the events now make accommodation for those that wish to swim with wetsuits....even thought the the water temp is above the limit for a Wetsuit legal race....the folks who choose to swim in wetsuit are allowed but are not eligible for placement etc (and of course can't qualify for Kona)...but the are kept separate from the main body/waves of the race and swim separately...in this case at 7:30...after the main body of racers has gone off.

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    Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Thursdays are distance swim and distance run.
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    1800 in the pool done tonight. Time for a snack and to bed. Long run tomorrow afternoon. Good luck everyone, especially those on treadmills. That would be brutal to me.
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    V02 ride today... 6 x 180/180 @ 113% FTP 1 x 30 .75+ http://www.trainerroad.com/cycling/rides/235039
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    @Bob, interesting news re the swim. You would think they would be standardizing across all races.

    Maybe there is an issue with having to keep the course open a little longer. ANyway, I'm definitely on the side of staggered starts!
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    I'm stepping out of the shadows to report that my long run is done. My time was not spectacular, with splits being even. Nutrition and hydration seemed ok. IMTX is my first full. Should I plan on being in neoprene for the swim. I have no visions of qualifying for Kona. Do people have preferences on bike transport? Thanks.
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    @Sarah-->> My suggestion is don't use a wetsuit. It's going to be hot and I promise you your swim will be fine without it. You'll also be starting with a ten minute disadvantage.

    Tribike transport always does good work. image

    Good luck and look forward to meeting you and the rest of the team in TX!
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    anyone tried the mobile site yet? It's up but it's only showing a two day view. Better but still waiting for the "old" mobile version to be back.

    "Folks, version one of the mobile page is ready. You will need to sign in (and possibly refresh the page) but once you are in your phone will remember you: http://members.endurancenation.us/mobile/"

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    @Sarah, good job getting that long run in.

    FWIW, I'm not wearing a wetsuit for the swim. I find that my upper body/shoulders get really tired when I swim in a wetsuit. I swam in shorts only last year at Louisville and came out of the water much happier. I am planning on getting a swim skin and trying it out, but part of that is so I can just wear my entire kit under it and not have to do the monkey dance in T1 trying to pull on a jersey onto my wet body. Full Disclosure: I'm a slower swimmer (1:26-ish) so factor that in however you want.

    I also second tri-bike transport. I've used them before and like them and their customer service. I'm using them for Texas this year. You do lose your bike for a bit, but I've got a road bike that I can cover the gap with.

    Keep it coming everyone!
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    I have to be honest with you guys, I had to rewrite some code today for some data analysis software that I use for my job. We're converting to a 'newer' version of windows and some of our old interfaces are not compatible with the new version. It took me a few runs to get it right, but I was able to do it without any help from the resident programing guru. I may be prouder of that accomplishment than my last set of EN benchmark tests!

    Geek brag finished, on to other things!
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    Thanks! Good to know. I tend to get lower leg cramps during long swims in neoprene. I live three hours from a shop that works with bike transport. Still trying to decide.
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    3 hours away is a long way! I love TBT but my shop is 20 minutes away. How about shipping your bike to the hotel? Many local bike shops will do the shipping for you. As long as you are comfortable with putting on / taking off pedals and handle bars you could be good. Then just ship it back to the LBS when done. Travelling with the bike is very convenient because you always have the bike, but it's just another big piece of luggage to hassle with, IMO.
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    Long day today. 3800 meters in pool and 18 on foot. Not sure of paces because to tired to get off sofa and check
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    @John- solid work man!
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    Went 4 minutes over assigned time, but all in all, good run. 1:49 for 14 miles with w/u, 3.5 @Z2 and 2x1.25 @Z3. As there is a whoping 12 second difference between the two paces, I usually find this run harder than my Tuesday interval run. But, looking forward to a lighter day tomorrow and then hopefully some outdoor bike time this weekend.

    Keep on it everyone!
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    I have altered the plan slightly so that I'm only running three days per week. Seems to agree with my legs. More importantly, it means day off tomorrow
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    Awesome bike workout....90min of Kik Azz...with 3x10min Z4 + 6x1 Z5 overall 1878NP & .89IF....finally got my seat & bars were I feel comfortable and strong....Work Works Baby.


    John;that is a long day man good work...&  sounds like your making the right decisions...gotta make the plan work for you...njoy the rest day!

    Good work everyone...

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    @Joe Your Trainerroad link does not work..... the last one didnt either... I wonder if you have a privacy setting or somthing???
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    Posted By Dwight Keith on 28 Feb 2013 10:42 AM

    @Sarah-->> My suggestion is don't use a wetsuit. It's going to be hot and I promise you your swim will be fine without it. You'll also be starting with a ten minute disadvantage.

    I will disagree if nothing more than for the sake of debate.

    An individual's physiological reaction to wetsuits and warm water is just that... highly individual.  Take me for example.  I don't get that hot in a wetsuit in warm water.  My body handles heat very well.  My normal body temp is nearly two degrees lower than the normal 98.6.  I think that helps me a lot in that regard.  I'm literally freezing cold in water that's like 75 degrees.  The pools I swim at are in the upper 70's and it's very cold to me.  I wish the pools were in the mid-80's.

    Some other people might be blazing hot in a wetsuit in 80 degree water.

    I wore a sleeveless wetsuit at IMTX 2011 and I felt just fine when the water was 79 degrees.  I think the water was 80 last year.  I'd have no issues wearing a wetsuit again assuming the temps were comparable.

    The only disadvantage with the wetsuit wave is the cutoff effectively moves to 16:50 instead of 17:00.  It's not like you get a 10 minute time penalty or anything like that.

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    @Sarah I agree with Bob... If you dont care about KONA , Podium, or the cut off time.... Using a sleeveless will probably be very comfortable temp wise and make the day a bit easier....

    I get cold in 80 degree water... Gonna have to swim hard to stay warm LOL.
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    Tim....Fixed the link...it was just the way it was copy/pasted....my bad.


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    Joe... that worked.... Nice ride!
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    Feel like I had an awesome (breakthrough) swim workout this morning...think I finally caught "the catch"...got in 2500 yards...mostly as 200's, 250's, and a couple of 300's.. all sub1:50 pace...on the heels of my bike workout last nite...I feel great...hope to run easy at lunch...sun is out...and I smell spring!

    Rock on everyone!

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    Enjoying the rest day. Big bike's this weekend. Good luck everyone
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    @ JL awesome on your swim.... Happy for you!

    @ JK yep , got my morning wko's done, the rest of the day , feet up , and fuel the 4:10 ride planned for tomorrow's Trainer LOL!

    This am run on TM 7.7 miles in 60 min w/V02 work 9 x .25 http://connect.garmin.com/activity/278884208#
    then 2200yds swim 43min w/ 17 x 100 @ 1:27-28p on 32-33 rest
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    Was too shot from work to do long run yesterday so busted it at 4am this morning...11 miles...felt good.  Going to swim at lunch and then get some rest for the 4.5 tomorrow with the rest of you fine folks.

    I see RnP created a new IMTX Group...are we to migrate over there?

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    Tim, Thanks!
    I am definitely bringing my sleeveless to TX and I'll make the call when there. l have time to do some open water W/WO. Had a great masters swim this AM. I hoped to use this light day to repeat my bike tests from last week, after the new bike fit - no gas in the tank. I decided recovery from yesterday and recharge for Saturday's big grind was more important. Cheers all!
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    Nice work everyone! Keep it up.

    I got in 5 in 40:00 today at lunch with a few strides sprinked in. Swimming today after work. The forecast is looking good to get outside tomorrow. Going to be chilly but no rain. Fingers crossed.
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    @ Roy...great minds think alike...5 (wicked windy) lunchtime miles at work....looking forward to nothing this evening....maybe some wine....and fingers crossed for a decent day to go long outside tommorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    @ Tim...thanks...I'm still no speedster...and have a ways to go on my endurance...but something definitely clicked...

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