Jan OS 2013 week 8 RUN and Vdot TEST thread
We are over the hump and into the second half of the OS. That went by fast!!
This is a TEST week. Many of you have already tested or are planning to test at an upcoming race. Let us know your plans and how your training is going overall. If you already tested- please post it again in case we missed it. If you are running your 5K Vdot test- good luck. Do what you can to evenly split your run and even have a slight finishing kick!!
Have a great week everyone!!
This is a TEST week. Many of you have already tested or are planning to test at an upcoming race. Let us know your plans and how your training is going overall. If you already tested- please post it again in case we missed it. If you are running your 5K Vdot test- good luck. Do what you can to evenly split your run and even have a slight finishing kick!!
Have a great week everyone!!
In the JOS week 8 advanced plan this week we have:
- a 45 min run or brick after the Thurs VO2 ride
- no Saturday run
- a 45 min run on Sunday that is identical to the Thursday run, i.e. EP+ strides
It seems odd to me that there is no Saturday run and even odder that the Sunday run is so short low-intensity coming off week 7 which was a "step back" on running volume ahead of the test week.
Is this all correct?
Good luck to all of you on your upcoming tests
That is a great improvement...way to go!
@ Matt- I don't think that's right. I'm Inter OS and I'm running 50' Thurs as you describe but Sunday's run is
MS: 2 x 1 miles @ TP/zone4/Hard, 1 mile @ EP/Z1/Easy as recovery between each. Remainder of time @ EP/Z1/Easy.
Coach Notes: Done at your new paces, enjoy! Consider creating a 75 to 90 minute run from this run, where personal and physical bandwidth allows, is recommended. Simply settle into a pace between LRP/Zone 1/Easy and MP/Zone
and, as I said, I'm only Intermediate.
Frequency trumping Duration trumping Intensity.
I'm not real sure that I'm ready to let loose for a hard 5k.
@Julie - As one who tests better in actual races, I think that is a great plan. You can post to the Micro Thread for advice on how to modify next week to accommodate the test.
For tomorrow, consider doing something like 3x1mi @ Z4 with 1-2min rest. You will get some quality work, and it will be a prelude to the test next weekend.
Time: week 1 20:15 ==> week 8 19:49
HR: week 1 avg 166 ==> week 8 avg 166
Avg pace: week 1 6:45 ==> week 8 6:36
Splits: mile 1 = 6:29 (went out too hot?) mile 2 = 6:44 mile 3= 6:36
Well....in the books!
27 Feb = 28.24. Mile 1: 9.16 | Mile 2: 9.25 | Mile 3: 9.39 (includes shoelace stop) | HR Avg 173
9 Jan = 31.53. (coming back after injury) Mile 1: 10.23 | Mile 2: 10.25 | Mile 3: 10.28 | HR Avg 173
9 Nov = 28.38. HR Avg 174
I should be really happy with this but I feel a bit ‘whatever’. Been doing a lot of running on the treadmill recently and it felt odd running outdoors. I think I had quite a lot more to give if I could have found some focus on what I was doing. I’m like a small child that can’t concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes at the moment.
Not the best test conditions, spent last night working on college assignment until very late whilst grazing on unsuitable food and drinking beer, overslept by an hour, got out of bed, went to loo, thought you have just enough time to do this – do it, got running kit on, walked to park, banged out run test from standing start, hopped in shower, cycled to work, made it into my 9am meeting with a minute to spare feeling rather light headed not having had anything to eat or drink all morning. Legs felt fine cycling in which also suggests I didn’t run the test all that hard.
Well done Brenda, Natalie and Brad on the great results!
Well the results are in and damn did I make it hurt today. vDOT starting JAN OS was 51 and time was like 19:34. Today was minimally better but I will take it.....19:10 and a vDOT of 52.2. As I was dry heaving towards the end my heart rate was 191. New high for me. Really shooting for that sub 19 at the end of the OS. My fastest 5K is a 18:02 about 5 years ago.
Wasnt thrilled so came home and did tomorrows bike....mmmm buddy did that feel good.......
The chart is from my bike wko today. Its tomorrow's VO Max. Had to blow some frustration off.
The bike last night didn't seem to impact my paces and I did a 4x7'(4') at around my usual paces for that workout, although my HR got nice and elevated into the 180s for the entirety of the second two intervals.
Overall 8.81 miles in 1:00:32, 6:52 pace. Current VDOT 48.5 (z4 – 7:01, z3 – 7:10, z2 – 7:26)
Warmup: 10' @ 6:54
4x 7'(4') – 6:30, 6:30, 6:17, 6:26)
(4x 4' recoveries 7:28, 7:54, 7:45, 7:44)
Remainder time 6' @ 7:00
@Matt A -- Seems like your VDOT might be a bit low compared to your training paces
Smokin Fast.
Result was quiet ok as I managed to improve by astonishing 3 seconds!!
Old Vdot: 56 New Vdot: 58.33 Ran the first 1.2 @ 6 min/mi just to feel it out. Next mile was bumped to a 5:49 pace. The last mile was 5:39. I'm actually mostly stoked about my HR staying at an average of 166 bpm. I honestly know I didn't leave it all out there...but how does one really do that unless they're racing, right? Overall, I'm satisfied with the run. I had a long shift at the firehouse and I really didn't feel like running this morning but once I was warmed up, I felt fine. Right now, I'm about as fast as I usually get by late May...so definitely no complaints!
Great job to everyone else! Carl, considering how you've been killing it on the bike lately, that new Vdot is pretty great! I had a poor bike test so I guess it evened out for me
I was shooting for under 21:00 since my last test was 21:16.
I started a bit fast, but tried not to look at my pace and just run by feel. And I felt good. The first mile and 3/4 was crosswind to downwind....13mph from the west. After I flipped it though, it was back into a headwind from mile 2 to 3. That sucked. When my Garmin beeped the countdown for the end, I was spent. Initially disappointed because I saw xx:14 for the time. Oh well. But wait?! What's that? The first part was a 2 and a 0. Well I'll be damned....!!
Results: 20:14
Mile 1: 6:34.6, 162bpm, 91 cad
Mile 2: 6:29.0, 171bpm, 90 cad
Mile 3: 6:37.2, 176bpm, 91 cad
0.1: 0:33.5 [5:34 pace], 176bpm, 88 cad
VDOT up from 46.8 to 49.0
Yep, I'm happy.
Wow! Lots of improvements. Nice work everyone!
Joe M, you and I were head to head today, wish we could have run it together. Nice job on the big Bump!
results 20:13, 6:33, 6:32, 6:30, :37 -- VDOT 49. up one from 48!
I had hoped I could bust into the 50 range today and was aiming for sub-20, but I couldn't quite get it there. Nevertheless, I'm back up to my all time high from last year. So I'll take it.
I just can't shake this virus or whatever it is, and I just think that - being in pretty good shape to begin with - the drop is somewhere between a slightly bad day just in general and the fact that to run a 5K at my very best I have to be completely healthy. I think the "scatter" in the test data due to factors like that are larger than the improvements (or unimprovements) I've made.
My average HR for week 1's test was 172. Today it was 180. I think that's consistent with the virus; hope I'm not just kidding myself.
Two years ago, I would have told you that my max HR was 185. I guess that 220-age max HR formula is wrong if I'm 8 beats over for 19.5 min for self-induced reasons...
Oh well. Carry on! The good news is I can imagine being faster just from getting better. Free speed! :-)
William, as someone that had a rough start to the year with a couple of illnesses, I can vouch that whatever ailment you have is likely holding you down. REST is the key, brother!!! But speaking of the 220-age formulas for max HR, I have been a long-time advocate of the Karvonen formula.
Target Heart Rate =[(max HR − resting HR) × %Intensity] + resting HR
If you take two 40 year old people with vastly different levels of fitness, how can the traditional 220-age be of any significant value? It is likely that a highly fit person would have a much lower resting HR than a sedentary person trying to establish their so-called max. values as well as their ideal training zones.
Just my 2 cents, man! Get well soon!!!
It was good to read about folks tests...I know I'm not the only one who didn't have a great day on the treadmill.
Like Carl, I had some frustration to deal with post test,so I hit the weights for a bit. Felt good to do some upper body work. Been a while!