JOs Week 10 Bike
Week 10 - more of the solid!
From the Advanced plan, this is pretty heavy FTP stuff:
- Tuesday 3 x 15'(4') at FTP with a little brick run
- Thursday 15 1'/1' in sets of 5 at 120%. [For the few of us on the 110% plan, it's 4 x 5'(5')]
- Saturday 2 x 20'(4') at FTP plus 10' more. Don't be afraid to do this at 0.95..that's a pretty daunting set. Another brick run, this one at tempo pace. 30' brick or 60' not.
We have 5 weeks left. Be strong, but be smart. Try not to be That Guy who runs into a brick wall. Remember the first triage step is to break the intervals down into smaller pieces...but before that, feel free to give yourself permission to be in that 0.95-0.96 instead of 1.00-1.01. How great is it to be able to "negative split" the multiple intervals, as compared to collapsing at the end! I know which one will leave you set up to complete your next workout better, too!
Good luck everyone!
Any suggestions appreciated!
On #2 that is tough. If you know your general HR/RPE calibration from your indoor rides you should be in an okay position to translate that to outdoors, but be aware that your HR outdoors will be different and it will be condition specific as well. Bottom line is that it's a tough one and if you have had a PM indoors you'll probably get quickly agitated by the reduction in precision of intensity measurement and it'll motivate you to get a powermeter...
Had to do the bike wko today after the swim do to work constraints tomorrow. I did not do the run afterwards cause my quads would not have tolerated it. Will however do it in the am.
FTP's hit at .99, 1.0, and 1.008.
Yeah. I retract that statement!
In any case, after last's week's brutal, brutal 3x15' workout I was not looking forward to today's 3x15. No question the 3x15 is tough, but today was nowhere nearly as bad as it was last week. Comparing numbers it was also pretty different. The power numbers don't look massively different but the HR is a totally different picture and how I felt was a world of difference. I will confess I had a fan up and running, but no way that accounts for the whole difference in HR and RPE / general feeling.
Overall 66', NP 236, IF 0.931. Abbreviated warmup of 5' easy/z1 then 2x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
15'(4') @z4 – NP: 256 (IF 1.007), VI 1.00, HR 157/164, cad 91
15'(4') @z4 – NP: 256 (IF 1.006), VI 1.00, HR 160/168, cad 91
15'(4') @z4 – NP: 254 (IF 0.998), VI 1.00, HR 162/168, cad 90
LAST WEEK, for comparison:
Overall 66', NP 233, IF 0.917. Abbreviated warmup of 5' easy/z1 then 2x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
15'(4') @z4 – NP: 251 (IF 0.988), VI 1.00, HR 158/168, cad 91
15'(4') @z4 – NP: 251 (IF 0.987), VI 1.00, HR 168/176, cad 91
15'(4') @z4 – NP: 251 (IF 0.987), VI 1.00, HR 171/179, cad 90
I don't know what it was but I felt good this morning doing the 3 x 15'. Maybe it was the complete rest day I took yesterday. After a 15' warm up I did:
15' @ 257 avg watts, IF 97%, avg HR 138, avg rpms 89, (4') rest @ 100 w
15'@ 273 avg watts, IF 102%, avg HR 145, avg rpms 90, (4') rest @100 w
15'@ 285 avg watts, IF 108%, avg HR 156, avg rpms 91....done. Some days are just better than others. Hope I didn't burn too many matches. Then ran 2 miles in 17:30 with 6 x 30' strides.
First successful completion of FTP wko since getting new zones. 3x 15' @ .964, .965 and .979IF. Boom! No run as right leg is still very sore from Sunday's 5k. Bike didn't seem to bother it though.
DITTO to what Matt said!!!! WOW!! I'll have what you're having :-).
I am doing mine tomorrow on our local mountain. FORCAST- 84 degrees!!!!! YUP!! I am so excited. The climb is 11 miles to the top. Takes over an hour. My best race was 1:03. In training will be more like 1:10? We will break it up into 15 min intervals with 4' recoveries which are hard as you are still climbing. Then hang on for dear life to summit the beast.
The whole ride will be over 3 hours round trip from my house.
Duration: 1:00:43
Work: 848 kJ
TSS: 88.8 (intensity factor 0.948)
Norm Power: 253
VI: 1.09
Distance: 19.31 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 634 233 watts
Cadence: 34 110 81 rpm
Speed: 0 27.6 19.0 mph
Pace 2:10 0:00 3:09 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 16 8 lb-in
Altitude: 474 505 489 ft
Crank Torque: 0 526 243 lb-in
Temperature: 71.6 73.4 72.9 Fahrenheit
Goal was 320 and was able to hit all 15 at or slightly above.
Overall bike - 222 NP, 0.895 IF over 75 min. All intervals 24X watts (248 FTP)
3 hours total round trip to summit and back. Rode with 3 other friends who are all stronger than me. Tom Glynn, Mr 5:00 IM bike split, Tanya- Miss cat 2 bike racer and Jeff who is a great local triathlete. ( He is a police officer too- first time I met him he came to Tanya's son's first birthday party- in walks a lean and handsome cop- looked like a stripper :-). I asked Tanya if his suit was rip away and what kind of party is this. To this day we laugh about that. )
We regrouped at 1/4, 1/2 and the summit.
rode 3 hrs in .86 IF
Total climb 1:08 in 185W, .97 IF
intervals within the climb:
17:35- 197W, 1.02
14:40- 184W, .96
33:40- 181W .95
NO transition run, swam first instead.
Well after a 2 day rest (just a 1600m swim on monday), I finally got to the 3 x 15s. So I'm one day behind, replacing Friday's off day w/Tuesday. Mainly due to very sore left hip/ITB. Stupid me moved bike seat to incorrect position last week (after it got loose) and my left hip (which has about 70% flexibility range of my right hip) really got angry. Probably shouldn't have run on Sunday - but it was too nice outside and I did 8 miles on a soft flat trail - but failed miserably w/the intervals.
Anyway, legs felt pretty solid on bike tonite and I got'er done at 1.012 / 1.0 / 1.0. There was alot of mental surging and collapsing in the last half of the third interval though.
Seeing Chiro this week and next week and the next week.....sigh.. If I didn't get into triathlon, I would have never discovered all the things wrong w/my body!
After two weeks of 4x4'(4') it was time to move to 5' intervals and go to the 3x5'(5'). No fan in the room and it was tough but doable. Strangely the second interval was tougher than the third. Actually the first was the worst since I selected a really high cadence. For the next two I went with a lower cadence and got good power and was able to build power over the intervals. I also hit z1 in all of my recoveries. Now dreading next week's move to 4x5'…
Bike – overall 60', NP 228, IF 0.896. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
5'(5') @110% – NP: 281 (IF 1.107), VI 1.00, HR 155/164, cad 94, recovery @ NP 169
5'(5') @110% – NP: 284 (IF 1.120), VI 1.00, HR 163/171, cad 88, recovery @ NP 170
5'(5') @110% – NP: 287 (IF 1.132), VI 1.00, HR 167/176, cad 89, recovery @ NP 171
8' @z3 – NP: 234 (IF 0.922), VI 1.00, HR 157/163, cad 88
Total miles today...46.62, Ave power 197, NP202, Ave Cadence 82, Calories burned 1800, Ave watts/kg 2.8
Ride #1-this was actually a lot of fun
Duration: 1:30:37
Work: 1045 kJ
TSS: 84.6 (intensity factor 0.752)
Norm Power: 201
VI: 1.04
Distance: 26.929 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 560 192 watts
Cadence: 30 122 82 rpm, Speed: 0 26.2 17.8 mph

Ride #2.....this was not fun and it was a mental battle to the last minute.Duration: 1:00:42
Work: 697 kJ
TSS: 54.1 (intensity factor 0.734)
Norm Power: 196
VI: 1.02
Distance: 18.064 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 636 191 watts
Cadence: 51 129 85 rpm
NP 235
AP 198
TSS 87
IF 0.93
I was supposed to go to a 25 year service reception and dinner, and then pick my kids up from soccer at 8:30, and then hopefully be on the bike before 9:00 so I could collapse and start the whole day over again this morning. :-)
it turned out that I had a personnel matter come up that delayed me getting to the 25 year reception by 30-40 min, and they were all seated for the dinner. I was not the 25 year honoree...I was the department chair going to support my two 25 year honorees.... well, it turned out they weren't there! I looked pretty stupid wandering around all these tables chatting with people that I'm supposed to network with while I'm looking for my two 25-year employees.... but it turns out I find out that neither of them even RSVP'ed to the event! So (having been at work since about 7 am anyway) I say forget it, I'm not staying for this dinner and endless ceremony....and I take off.
For some reason I still can't qutie figure because the math was never going to work, I had already loaded up all my portable pain cave stuff in the car. (Trainer, bike, fan, etc.)
Looking at my watch, I just barely had time, so I managed to drive to the gym where indoor soccer was being played, set up, change, and hop on my bike by almost exactly I could just sneak in that hour before the kids were done! Perfect timing!
Anyway, this workout went a lot better than Tuesday's. It was just about right....felt confident about getting through it most of the time, but in the middle of the work, you wonder if you're going to make it. Then you do. Then you know you're just about spent when you get off the bike all wobbly....but then an hour later you feel ok, so you knw you're probably going to be good for the next ride in a couple days. :-)
Something funky was going on with the HR strap until I got soaked with sweat, so ignore that. There's a spike or two where an errant soccer ball rolled into my bike and halted my progress, then had to be dislodged and kicked away. :-)
228 W NP for 59+ min IF 0.92. FTP 248
5' intervals: 274, 277, 275, 278 (forgot to hit lap button at end of last one..this was the high 5 min)
Lets try this again. How is this:
So last week was the first attempt at the "110% FTP Hack". I was fighting a cold so it was ugly. Much better this week but 110% is super tough (for me). Give me 1' @ 130% please! Here's how it went:
4' @ 110, 111, 110, 107IF. Rest intervals 55-60%. Then 5' @ 80% to hit an even 10miles.
I guess next week is either 5 x 4' or 4 x 5', I forget.
I did the VO2 bike tonight so tomorrow I'll do the Sun. run and Sun. I'll do the Sat. brick to mix it up.