I wasn't feeling it from the get-go, but persevered through it. The intervals were .965, .939, and .957. The best thing I can say is that the Quittin' Monster didn't win. It was close, but I knew that if I bailed this time, it would make it even easier to bail the next time.
Time to break out of the funk by jogging a 5k with my kids at their school. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
Wasn't sure this wko was going to happen so had to play a few mind games. Turned down the intensity to .93 but targeted .95. Second i broke the intervals on my Joule to 5 min increments and tried to beat each 5 min. The last ten min interval hurt the worst. Note I did the 60 minute run on Friday before going to the fire station. 7.5 miles in 60 minutes.
@ Joe and Carl - WTG to fight thru to the finish. I actually think those kind of days are the most important since you are training your "mind over matter". Good job!!
I had a really good bike week. Tuesday was able to hit the 3 x 15' at slightly above 100% IF, including 108% IF on the last one. Thursday I did the max VO2 intervals. I did 10 x 1/1 @ 320 Avg watts. Then pushed on the last 5 x 1' ON efforts. Did them @ 330, 330, 340, 350, 360 avg watts. Hit the red line on the last one.
Since I've got the TTT coming up in May, I'm starting to add volume to my Saturday ride. I did a 1 hour spin class and stayed in Z3, avg watts of 225. Then did the intervals. This was really hard so I think I was paying for it for over doing it earlier in the week. I did 1 x20'(4') @253 (150) avg watts, HR 145, IF 95%. The second one was 1 x 20'(4') 257 (130) avg watts, HR 151, IF 97%. Third on was 1 x 10'(4') @ 265(130) avg watts, HR155, IF 100%. I was ready to puke. So I took a 5' break off the bike, put on a dry shirt and got a bottle of Infinit, and climbed back on for some more time. Finished up with 1 x 30' @ 233 avg watts, HR 157, IF88%. I'm totally trashed. No run for me today. Just protein and a long nap.
Great work from all of you - congrats on getting that done again!
I'm actually in my first week of the GetFaster Advanced plan so my WKO looks a "little" different: 2x20@FTP + 8min of "ON" time + as much ABP as possible to get to a total volume of about 2:30 ... sounds hard I was thinking before ... now I KNOW that this IS crazy hard!!
Those 2x20 almost killed me in the end using my new zones and after a rest of only 4min I was trying todo 2x 4x60/60 as I normally do my VO2 stuff but even the very first repeat was HELL!
So I decided to switch to 30/30s and got that done somehow but even then the last repeats felt awful ... I looked at the racing clock and was shocked to see that I had to do another HOUR of ABP work ... OMG ... well I broke it down into smaller segments of about 15min to get a little rest between them and in the end it turned out not as bad as it started
I was there physically but not mentally today, which is too bad. While riding, I made up all these pains/excuses, and sat up too much. When it was over, I knew I could have toughed it out a bit more and made it all the way through this on my own. Lesson learned. Metrics aren't all bad, but in large part that's because I did sit up for maybe 1/4 of the hard part. Bleah. Not proud, but I'll chalk it up and move on. Brick run was fine on the treadmill.
Kind of an up and down week! I could use a little company I think to prod me on. Been a while since I did any workouts with anyone. But I know I got you guys watching me. :-)
@Stefan, I too am on GF, did FTP+vo2 in past years so knew kind of what was to come. Don't however recall 2x20 before on time so I stuck with if.966 and if.956 to be safe. Got the 8x1 s done with death at the door for the last 2. Followed with 30 min z3 and the last 10 were tuff.
Hmmmm, I think there is a reason the for the Sat. brick being on Sat. Don't think doing the Sun. run on Sat. did me any favors today but here's how it went:
18' @ .957IF 18' @ .921IF 8' @ .926IF
Then on to the treadmill- 1.75mi in 19:50.
Glad tomorrow is rest day! Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!
When I woke up this morning I was quite sore from yesterday's half marathon. Really quite sore. And extremely stiff. Now I understand why it's called "delayed onset" muscle soreness! I wasn't walking sideways down the stairs, but I certainly needed some loosening up. I was pretty intent on doing the Saturday FTP ride this morning and actually I figured it would loosen me up. I figured I'd make the brick run a gametime call, but unlike with the bike I figured a run today might lead to injury so was not going to push myself to run (despite the fact it would mean a missed workout on the week).
I felt okay during the warmup and mentally committed to doing z3 for the 2x20' + 10' if I couldn't hit my z4 target. Settling into z4 my power was certainly lower than usual and my legs were super tired. Really, really tired. But I managed to get through the intervals and complete the workout with some respectable power. In fact after I finished the 2x20' the last 10' interval at z4 feels mentally like a piece of cake since it's so short!!
I felt a lot looser after the ride but still sore and not 100% so I elected to skip the brick and guard against possible injury. So overall for the week I missed only one workout which is not bad considering the half marathon thrown in there.
Overall 90', NP 226, IF 0.888. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
20'(4') @z4 – NP: 248 (IF 0.975), VI 1.00, HR 157/169, cad 89 20'(4') @z4 – NP: 248 (IF 0.975), VI 1.00, HR 166/172, cad 90 (no idea how cadence was different but power the EXACT same!) 10'(4') @z4 – NP: 252 (IF 0.993), VI 1.00, HR 167/173, cad 90 ---------------------------------- 6' @z3 – NP: 224 (IF 0.884), VI 1.00, HR 153/159, cad 91
Matt - that is some serious work after a half mary. Congrats on that. I did a 5km race yesterday and felt super tired on my bike and run, but I got it done. I hit all my targets, but at the bottom end (3 watts over) and ran the Z3 20min brick, but this chica is tired now.
Kind of an up and down week! I could use a little company I think to prod me on. Been a while since I did any workouts with anyone. But I know I got you guys watching me. :-)
I read every single workout post this team puts up. You are accountable to us all!!!
I had a weird week. Coming back from a week in Boston with my Mom's heart surgery had me a nervous exhausted wreck for the week. Poor sleep, cleaning closets at 2 am as I could not turn my brain off. I hate that. After Tues track and Wed very hard bike on Mt Diablo I about imploded. The weather was warm and I went to my daughters softball practice for 2 hrs in the heat and to a friends to visit after. Got so dehydrated. Cramped all night after Diablo. Ended up resting Thurs as planned then Friday another rest day from workouts as I was just spent. Not sleeping is a beast. My daughter's swim team hosted the JO's so Steve and I stood on our feet after work Fri for 4 hours as meet Marshals. I was whooped after. Feet sore and back aching.
Saturday I did the VO2 bike. Good Lord. That was hard. Ran 30 min progressive build but not hard as I was planning to run a 5K Sunday.
Sunday- I ran 5K first then Steve and I rode Mt Diablo again- 3:15 for time, much slower climbing the mountain. Legs and body whooped. But I was happy to be outside on a glorious day. Will report here on 5K I guess. Needless to say with the week I was having based on feeling totally spent- "racing" would not be the correct term.I had to change my mindset to a solid run because in the warm up at 9:00 pace I felt winded. I even thought maybe I'll just run with Madison and I grabbed my phone to take pics of her on the run. Then 5 min pre gun going off I decided to rally and just run my best on the day( carrying my phone in hand :-) ). In the end I was very pleased with it. Ran 20:38. Evenish splits on a course with a few rollers from 1.5-2.25 miles. 6:28, 6:50, 6:35, 6:28 for the 0.1. My most recent 5K was 2 years ago and I ran 19:04. That was a fresh and rested day. Looking forward to doing a rested race on 5/5 at my next 5K. Just signed up yesterday!!
BTW- my daughter ran 27:28 for 5K at age 9. I think that comes to around 8:50's? Not her PR but an awesome run indeed. She had fun. Steve ran with her. She moved up into the 9-12 year old AG so making podium any time soon will be a challenge. Glad she does not care. We left right after the race. I had no idea my placing until hours later. I was 7th OA female and 5th in W 40-49. Those masters women kick a$$. Winning time 18:05 and she was 40-49 AG. Damn straight ladies!! She killed it!!
Late posting for Wk #10 but thought I throw it out there.
Thursday vo2 work, which I did on Friday, went fine - kept it to the exact workout 3 x (4 x 1/1). All intervals at 120-126%.
Did Sat FTP workout late Sunday - 5th day straight of workouts due to life schedule. Legs were dead. This was my first real fail on the bike. Did the first 1x 18 at 1.00%, cut the 2nd 1x18 down to 12 min at .998 and did another 7 min at .981. Tried to start another 7 min interval and just called it at 3 minutes in. Did a little z3 work and called it a day. Monday restday is a necessity this week.
Well that pretty much blew....
I wasn't feeling it from the get-go, but persevered through it. The intervals were .965, .939, and .957. The best thing I can say is that the Quittin' Monster didn't win. It was close, but I knew that if I bailed this time, it would make it even easier to bail the next time.
Time to break out of the funk by jogging a 5k with my kids at their school. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!
Wasn't sure this wko was going to happen so had to play a few mind games. Turned down the intensity to .93 but targeted .95. Second i broke the intervals on my Joule to 5 min increments and tried to beat each 5 min. The last ten min interval hurt the worst. Note I did the 60 minute run on Friday before going to the fire station. 7.5 miles in 60 minutes.
FTP's of .99, .97, .98
Entire workout:
Duration: 1:30:52
Work: 1271 kJ
TSS: 122.7 (intensity factor 0.91)
Norm Power: 243
VI: 1.04
Distance: 28.904 mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 660 233 watts
Cadence: 33 121 84 rpm
Speed: 0 28.1 19.0 mph
Pace 2:08 0:00 3:09 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 16 8 lb-in
Altitude: 818 854 836 ft
Crank Torque: 0 466 257 lb-in
Temperature: 69.8 73.4 72.6 Fahrenheit
@ Joe and Carl - WTG to fight thru to the finish. I actually think those kind of days are the most important since you are training your "mind over matter". Good job!!
I had a really good bike week. Tuesday was able to hit the 3 x 15' at slightly above 100% IF, including 108% IF on the last one. Thursday I did the max VO2 intervals. I did 10 x 1/1 @ 320 Avg watts. Then pushed on the last 5 x 1' ON efforts. Did them @ 330, 330, 340, 350, 360 avg watts. Hit the red line on the last one.
Since I've got the TTT coming up in May, I'm starting to add volume to my Saturday ride. I did a 1 hour spin class and stayed in Z3, avg watts of 225. Then did the intervals. This was really hard so I think I was paying for it for over doing it earlier in the week. I did 1 x20'(4') @253 (150) avg watts, HR 145, IF 95%. The second one was 1 x 20'(4') 257 (130) avg watts, HR 151, IF 97%. Third on was 1 x 10'(4') @ 265(130) avg watts, HR155, IF 100%. I was ready to puke. So I took a 5' break off the bike, put on a dry shirt and got a bottle of Infinit, and climbed back on for some more time. Finished up with 1 x 30' @ 233 avg watts, HR 157, IF88%. I'm totally trashed. No run for me today. Just protein and a long nap.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Great work from all of you - congrats on getting that done again!
... sounds hard I was thinking before ... now I KNOW that this IS crazy hard!!
I'm actually in my first week of the GetFaster Advanced plan so my WKO looks a "little" different: 2x20@FTP + 8min of "ON" time + as much ABP as possible to get to a total volume of about 2:30
Those 2x20 almost killed me in the end using my new zones and after a rest of only 4min I was trying todo 2x 4x60/60 as I normally do my VO2 stuff but even the very first repeat was HELL!

So I decided to switch to 30/30s and got that done somehow but even then the last repeats felt awful ... I looked at the racing clock and was shocked to see that I had to do another HOUR of ABP work ... OMG ... well I broke it down into smaller segments of about 15min to get a little rest between them and in the end it turned out not as bad as it started
Here are some of the metrics:
Can anybody tell me how I can possibly run a Halfmarathon next week the day after THAT workout?!?!?
Overall 218 NP for 90 min IF 0.88
Kind of an up and down week! I could use a little company I think to prod me on. Been a while since I did any workouts with anyone. But I know I got you guys watching me. :-)
Followed with 30 min z3 and the last 10 were tuff.
18' @ .957IF
18' @ .921IF
8' @ .926IF
Then on to the treadmill- 1.75mi in 19:50.
Glad tomorrow is rest day! Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!
I felt okay during the warmup and mentally committed to doing z3 for the 2x20' + 10' if I couldn't hit my z4 target. Settling into z4 my power was certainly lower than usual and my legs were super tired. Really, really tired. But I managed to get through the intervals and complete the workout with some respectable power. In fact after I finished the 2x20' the last 10' interval at z4 feels mentally like a piece of cake since it's so short!!
I felt a lot looser after the ride but still sore and not 100% so I elected to skip the brick and guard against possible injury. So overall for the week I missed only one workout which is not bad considering the half marathon thrown in there.
Overall 90', NP 226, IF 0.888. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
20'(4') @z4 – NP: 248 (IF 0.975), VI 1.00, HR 157/169, cad 89
20'(4') @z4 – NP: 248 (IF 0.975), VI 1.00, HR 166/172, cad 90 (no idea how cadence was different but power the EXACT same!)
10'(4') @z4 – NP: 252 (IF 0.993), VI 1.00, HR 167/173, cad 90
6' @z3 – NP: 224 (IF 0.884), VI 1.00, HR 153/159, cad 91
Saturday I did the VO2 bike. Good Lord. That was hard. Ran 30 min progressive build but not hard as I was planning to run a 5K Sunday.
Sunday- I ran 5K first then Steve and I rode Mt Diablo again- 3:15 for time, much slower climbing the mountain. Legs and body whooped. But I was happy to be outside on a glorious day. Will report here on 5K I guess. Needless to say with the week I was having based on feeling totally spent- "racing" would not be the correct term.I had to change my mindset to a solid run because in the warm up at 9:00 pace I felt winded. I even thought maybe I'll just run with Madison and I grabbed my phone to take pics of her on the run. Then 5 min pre gun going off I decided to rally and just run my best on the day( carrying my phone in hand :-) ). In the end I was very pleased with it. Ran 20:38. Evenish splits on a course with a few rollers from 1.5-2.25 miles. 6:28, 6:50, 6:35, 6:28 for the 0.1. My most recent 5K was 2 years ago and I ran 19:04. That was a fresh and rested day. Looking forward to doing a rested race on 5/5 at my next 5K. Just signed up yesterday!!
BTW- my daughter ran 27:28 for 5K at age 9. I think that comes to around 8:50's? Not her PR but an awesome run indeed. She had fun.
Steve ran with her. She moved up into the 9-12 year old AG so making podium any time soon will be a challenge. Glad she does not care. We left right after the race. I had no idea my placing until hours later. I was 7th OA female and 5th in W 40-49. Those masters women kick a$$. Winning time 18:05 and she was 40-49 AG. Damn straight ladies!! She killed it!!
Thursday vo2 work, which I did on Friday, went fine - kept it to the exact workout 3 x (4 x 1/1). All intervals at 120-126%.
Did Sat FTP workout late Sunday - 5th day straight of workouts due to life schedule. Legs were dead. This was my first real fail on the bike. Did the first 1x 18 at 1.00%, cut the 2nd 1x18 down to 12 min at .998 and did another 7 min at .981. Tried to start another 7 min interval and just called it at 3 minutes in. Did a little z3 work and called it a day. Monday restday is a necessity this week.
IF's of 0.96, 0.98, 0.98.
Totals: 1:34
NP 227
AP 219
IF 0.91