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IMTX March 25th-31st thread

Last week of March ...  Its coming fast....   A very unstructured , recovery day for me in the pool today....  3500yds 



  • Good Morning IMTX'ers...another week on deck!...

    @ Tim ..did you HM yesterday?

    Back in the Pool for me today....2500 completed this morning as  300 warmup then 3x(200 pull buoy + ankle bands/200 pull bouy/200 swim) (each progressively faster with 20' between 200's)...then 8x25(15') hard with ankle bands (FYI this is great!)....200cooldown

    ....overall feeling much better about my swim!



  • @ Joe , I sure did..... Very Happy with Huge PR

    Awesome your swim is coming along!
  • @Tim...sweet negative steady/negative splits!!!  (um ya didn't have that wind at your back did ya? )

    btw...how much of a PR???!!! Awesome...especially after long ride Saturday!

  • @Joe.... um ya I sure did as I said in my RR the wind was favorable more often than not, when you turn inland you got some good headwinds but not as bad as other years.... I told em it felt like cheating when I accepted my second place trophy!.... no doubt as easy as 13.1 miles can be... I have a feeling that PR may stand for a while.... I'm also not going to fool myself into thinking that my vdot is really that high! But I'll take it!
  • Ah, the fresh weekly thread, full of potential and possibilities!

    Since Spring has brought another snow-fall in NOVA, I had to hit the treadmill today. I set the speed at an 8 minute pace and played with the incline on alternating half miles. Ended up with a total of 5 miles in 40 minutes with intervals on 3, 3.5 and 4 inclines (from a base of 2). Hoping to hit the pool this afternoon.

    Since I have to keep up with Tim and John, I'm also hitting a half marathon this weekend. Its advertised as a hilly course, so I'm not looking to PR (although I'm sure I'll throw down once the gun goes off). Going to keep the early week intact, but I'm flying out on Thursday and will miss Saturday's long ride at a minimum. I am going to try to get a medium long ride on the trainer Thursay morning prior to wheels up from the airport. I'll probably run short (~3 miles) on Friday just to keep the legs loose.
  • @Tim...Still...a Great Run...wind or no...you feet still carried your body for 13.1miles....great work.

    -btw my best "aided" HM since restarting running after 45 was 1:31 at the Fontana Days HM...aka the worlds fastest HM course...2100ft net decline...LOL

  • 2100 yards in the pool this afternoon. Felt a bit tired and sluggish. I know one of this issues is that I didn't eat enough today. Going to try to get to bed earlier tonight as well, s Im sure midnight Saturday and Sunday bedtimes were not great either.
  • Todays ride was Pinnacle for the 3rd week in a row for my FTP work. I allowed myself to go down to .95 for the long intervals and kept it at 1.0 for the short ones, on account of how I'm feeling after my HM race. Overall feel pretty damn good now. Its just amazing how much easier .95 is than 1.0 even in a recovery state.

    @Joe The HM PR was by 1:39 sorry I completely missed that question in our discussion.

    Rearranging things a bit this week on account of scheduling. Planning a Big Tri Day on Friday.
  • Good Morning All! Back from Cleremont, FL and my first race of the year. Did the Great Cleremont Oly and had mixed results. First, there was a 25-30 MPH wind the entire race and the lake was covered in whitecaps. Most challenging swim I've ever done...literally had to tack like a sailor. Cost me 8 minutes but, overall, no worries on the swim...will and can push when needed. Bike I averaged 18.8 MPH in spite of the wind and felt good. Run was slow but OK by my standards...did the 10K i n 56 minutes. The goal was to just get a race in and, for that, mission accomplished. The other goal was to give my training partner a tri experience...he's racing texas and has never even done a tri! He did well and mission accomplished there as well.

    Back to the grind today. Hitting a 45 minute run at lunch then 2800 in the pool tonight.
  • @Dwight Congrats on the first race of the year and shaking off the cobwebs... Curious of your thoughts on Clermont? Going somewhere warm next winter either FL or AZ and never been to Cleremont area?
  • Tim, I was incredibly fortunate to spend a month training in Clermont this winter. It was a FANTASTIC experience, that I would be happy to talk your ear off about. I had access to world class training facilities, expertise, gear and weather that I could never duplicate at home in NC, especially this winter. It is legendary for its hills and cycling. Most importantly, I made a lot of new tri friends that I was able to train with.
  • @Tim-- @Sarah is right....great place, great weather, and a true "triathlon" community. It debunks the myth that Florida is flat as well. Now if I had the luxury of taking off and going somewhere to train for an extended period, it would be AZ and that's due to my IMAZ experience there and the overall vibe of Phoenix/Tempe over Clermont.
  • Hey Team-

    Did you guys get an email from IMTX from the Race Director? I didn't...if you have it can you forward it to me at dlkjr@outlook.com?

  • Dwight, email sent! Great job on the race. Time goals can go out the window pretty easy whenever the weather gets a vote.

    Run done and dusted. 7.5 in 58 flat with 3x 1mile right on TP. Wanted to make sure I didn't overcook these this week with the weekend plans.

    Keep on the gas everyone!
  • Even with the weather...great race...I'm envious!....

    However...spring was certainly in the air here in the Northeast (mid-atlantic)...and was exstatic to be able to do my ride (Wed. FTP) outside...and I just ripped it up!...felt great. 20miles (59min)/NP203/.96IF/avg. HR147

    Hope I feel that good for my run intervals tommorrow (I switched Tues&Wed)...


  • A good start to the day...though I admint my mojo was lagging on the way to the pool...it arrived just in time...2800yards completed as 500easy wup/100drills/2x500(30')/2x300(30')/2x200(30') - first of each pair with buoy & ankle bands second w/out - 200 cooldown- Feeling good


    Note:  I swim faster without the bouy & anklebands...is that normal? or to be expected?

  • @Joe....
    Last year I did a lot of comparisons of 500's w/PB and wo/PB and I was faster with....
    I have not done comparisons this year with ankle band and PB.
    I'm definitely faster just swimming than with just anklebands and I'm also faster just swimming than with the snorkel outfit.
    Sounds like your swim is coming along nicley.

    I did a 4 mile run yesterday afternoon @ 9min pace, slowest run in 3 months! This am's self written hack I been on called for 4 x1 at Z4 , I mentally changed it to 3 x 1 one notch slower than normal on TM, when I got on the TM I ended up doing 4 x .5 starting Z2 and working my way to just under Z4pace...... Listening to my body and adjusting. Even backed off the swim a bit after.... Throwing tomorrows bike on tonight so I can take a full day off tomorrow in prep for BIG day on Friday. and then I am taking a full day off on Saturday those will be my 3rd and 4th full days off since begining of DEC.

    I can say this..... NOT all TSS is created equal... The 148 TSS from my HM on Sunday took more out of me than the 1000 TSS in the preceding week. Listening , feeling , and adapting ...... I certainly didnt leave anything on the table... but paying for it now... Sure hope it relates to more fitness gains.....
  • Hey Tim...Smart moves....especially coming of your HM...to be expected somewhat I would imagine...recover & absorb it so your rested for your big day...good luck.

    I chewed up 6 miles over lunch on the TM...with 4x1200 @ Z4 with 3min/400 recovery....the written workout was 2x800 + 2x1mi. ...the 1200's felt right today.........


  • Good morning folks.... Weighed today and 2.5lbs from what I *thought* was going to be race weight. Have reset my goal for another 10 lbs. Jan 1 I was 228; I'm 207 today. Wanted to race at 205 (that was my weight when I broke 12 hrs at IMFL). I'm going to shoot for 195.

    2500 at lunch; long run tonight. Bring it.
  • @Dwight...sounds good..what super progress! congrats....but why another 10lbs?.....be careful of sacrificing your strenght at the alter of weight...(see recent article in Triathlete Magazine by Macca on optimum racing weight)...losing weight aggressively (your looking at over 1#/wk) during the heaviest part of training seems risky/counterintuitive as you want to be recovering fully and building strenght?

    Not trying to dissuade you...only suggesting you watch/monitor your recovery and strength closely for signs of fatigue etc....

  • So when does everyone do their Long Run?  On Thursday? (or during week as proscribed)...and if so...at what time? Early AM before work...or late day/after work?

  • @Dwight congratulations your making huge body comp improvements... Agree with Joe to just be careful... I'm sure its different for everybody but I think 1lb per week would be about the max you should aim for.....

    My body comp check... Previous IM races at 120lb so that is my target... Starting at 127lb in Jan and down to 123 now... On target for 120 at a little less than 1/2lb per week.

    @Joe... I do my longruns on Sunday am. When I get to TX I plan on running in the afternoon for acclimation... Of course time and intensity will be toned way down.

    I'm going to enjoy my ZERO day today , oh the big day is tomorrow. Lucky dog is gonna get 2 walks today.
  • @Joseph/Tim- I hear you and a little background. Raced AZ (last one in the spring ;-)) and FL at sub 205. Raced KY and NY at 215 and 220. It was miserable lol. What was different was I lost weight for AZ and FL by eating sensibly but a LOT during my heavy volume. I tried to "diet" during KY and NY training and actually GAINED weight.

    Now I eat constantly but eat well. Oh yeah, my beer intake has gone down to practically zero LOL. With the volume we have ahead, I should be losing about 1-1.5 lbs per week and that's good by me. I still have a LOT of body fat to lose.

    @Tim-- enjoy the day off!
  • @Dwight. Great work in weight loss. @Tim. I can't believe you only weight 123 lbs. that is super light and with your numbers you should fly. @everybody. Keep up the great work. Been able to get in 1 swim and 2 runs. Planning on heading out soon for long run.
  • Thanks John and just a quick note...these WKO threads have really kept me motivated and I appreciate you all. Looking forward to meeting you all in Tejas.

  • long run done. Managed to get in between 16-17 miles. Had some Garmin difficulties in the beginning.
  • nice work John. Mine is tonight ... 13 miles.
  • Nice run John ....my sunshine has gone...but looking to exit my office in the next 30min. and start my long run...some where between 13-15 I guess....

    Thems thats doin' 'em....enjoy their long runs!


  • Spent the rest of the day poolside image
  • Good Morning....Knocked out 14 last nite in 1:48...out 7 in 55 back in 52...7:40avg.....had to cut it a little short due to time/light constraints...but felt really great (especially to be running outside in shorts...)...could have gone another 10-15 with no issue. 

    Think I may swim only today....if I do run it will be short and easy.

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