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IMTX March 25th-31st thread



  • Nice work Jospeph...you guys amaze me. I knocked out 12 in 1:55 last night and felt great. Done with my 3100 this morning and feel like a rock star.

    I agree...I *finally* ran last night in shorts / shirt outside for the first time this season...felt awesome. Looking forward to a weekend on the bike and some family time Sunday for Easter.

  • Great work Dwight!  1:55 is 1:55...its about doin the time and getting it done!...

    3100 in the pool this morning as 1800 steady warmup @ t-Pace/4x200 steady t-5 (20')/2x100(20') t-10/2x50 t-12(15')/200mixed cooldown

    Felt pretty good....looks like some sun this weekend! 

  • 3miles easy Z1+ on theTM...finished it off with 1mile of 30sec Hard(Z5)...30sec walk recovery.. 4 total...

    Lookin forward to the Long Ride in the mornign!

  • ZERO day yesterday.

    Big Tri Day/ Race Rehearsal Today.
    Swim 4100yds 1:04:25 , I cant count and came up short. Swam in trisuit and rubber cap. very happy with this. Add another 100yds for a sub 1:06 no wetsuit I take it!
    T1 55min from YMCA pool to bike saddle
    Bike 4:50 hard, hard today, still managed good ride. http://www.trainerroad.com/cycling/rides/275548
    T2 8min
    Run 7 miles lil faster than EP and felt good, not like the bike. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/290366192

    Pretty much treated it as a RR with carbo load yesterday as I would pre-race, up at 4am to eat , started swim at 6:30 , and was done by 2:45 , with almost 7 hours or work. Breakfast was around 400 calories, 1 bottle perform and half bar right after swim , 6 bottles perform 1.5 bars, 4 cliff shots, and 1 gel on the bike, 1 more bottle perform and 1 gel on the run.... averaging around 260 calories and 20 oz per hour.

    Earned myself another ZERO day tomorrow!
  • Awesome work Tim!....freekin great swimtime!......REST MAN!  you def deserve it...things look good in your Haus.

    Life always has a way of challenging schedule/plans....of course for a Saturday I wanted a longer ride...but my son had track practice smack in the middle of my planned riding time...I had a little over 2hrs if I left as early as possible and so I figured I would swap Sat/Sun and do a 2+hr ABP this morning....despite the beautiful sunshine now...it was cold at 7am when I took off...but I made the best of it 40miles in 2:00:39 ...negative splitting the halves...191NP/VI1.06/.91IF/137avg. HR/19.9mph.... tommorrow I will have to get out early as well but will have more time

  • Flying under the radar in Louisville this weekend at the in-laws. Better than expected in my hilly half-marathon: 1:30:36, good for 40th overall out of ~2800 and 4th in my age group. No major hills, just endless rollers. Spent the afternoon with the family watching The Croods (good movie) and hunting easter eggs. Leaving three sugar loaded children with the in-laws while the wife and I have a dinner/movie date (GI Joe, her choice, she loves The Rock). I'll come back in next week! Keep after it everyone.
  • Road 4 hours on the north section of IM TX bike course yesterday. Roads in good shape, traffic sucked. It's Texas so 20-25 MPH wind out of the south by mid morning.
  • @JP- I'm interested to hear more info on road conditions and which part you actually rode? Did you ride the chipseal sections?

    After a big ZERO day yesterday , did my long run today. 15.5 miles in 2:01:33 , longest to date , calves are still sore or sore again from last weeks HM race!
  • I did the section through the park.  Not the chip and seal.  I will do the entire course in 2 weeks for my RR.  On the road back to transition (Woodlands Parkway) they are doing construction around Groggins Mill and have it cut down to 2 lanes.  It doesn't look like it will be complete by race day, so it will be interesting to see how they will handle this.

  • Happy Easter Texas Peeps!  

    Yesterdays long ride today.....3:33/66mi/18.7mph/159NP/.76IF/VI 1.06/122avgHR...time for Ham & Peeps.

  • Finally home. Going to relax and hopefully get on the trainer later. Need to reintroduce my legs to pedaling
  • Back to EN again! Very light week as kids were off school fro Spring Break. Looking forward to the ramp to IM. Need to bump up my distances for swim, bike and run. Feeling good, injury free all winter and not sick once - yet!
  • Cathedral Wko completed last night. Felt good to be back on bike. With TR am I suppose to adjust intensity accordingly?
  • JK I just made a comment on your Disaster Q on the board. I find Cathedral a very nice ride at 100% with a nice mix of zones. Disaster is a beast and I would definitely dial that down if you wanna attack it. I dont think your going to find any longride TR workouts that are very EN like , but there are lots of them in the 1-1.5 hour range. Take a few minutes and sort thru the rides using the zones listed on the left as tempo, sweet spot, threshold, vo2 and you will find many EN type workouts with descriptions of the intervals and TSS IF totals. Its easy enough to do multiple rides in a day to meet your needs. Other option is to build your own which I can help you with if your interested.

    I've also started another weekly thread. I'd be more than willing to walk you thru a custom workout creator via telephone to expedite your learning process just let me know.
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