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2014 Key Ironman Races for TeamEN....

** For Immediate Release **

Endurance Nation is pleased to announce it’s Key Races for the 2014 Ironman Triathlon season. Given the nature of these events, where many sell out months in advance, it’s important to provide early notification for the Team and fans of Endurance Nation to plan accordingly.

Here are the three key Ironman races for the 2014 season:

Ironman Texas -- May 2014

Ironman Mont Tremblant -- August 2014

Ironman Wisconsin -- September 2014

What is an Endurance Nation Key Race?
An Endurance Key race is an opportunity for the Team and Coaches to create a complete season. Building from our OutSeason training protocols in the winter months through to the Race Preparation phase, Endurance Nation will build specific targets for the Team across the year.

In addition to our Team Coaching approach, there will be an on-site training camp for each of these races. This is a critical opportunity to rehearse pacing, determine final equipment selection and eliminate all doubts before race day.

Key races are targeted by our members, creating a critical mass of TeamEN athletes -- 60-80 athletes at each key race -- training and racing together. This mass creates very unique learning, accountability, and “cool mojo” opportunities across the season. It’s simply very unique and powerful to train with dozens of your teammates for months and months, and then meet and race with these folks at your A-race.  

Finally, the coaches will be on hand that race weekend to deliver a Four Keys race execution talk, hold a Team dinner and support the Team during the race. If you want to see a sample of this experience, join TeamEN at Ironman Lake Placid and Ironman Wisconsin this year!

What were the 2014 selection criteria?

The race must be popular on the Ironman circuit, selling out very quickly.

The race has to have the opportunity for a training camp several weeks before the actual event.

At least one of the races had to be “early” in the year to accommodate athletes with different training schedules.

The coaches need to have experience on the course (true for all but Tremblant).

We considered several other races in an attempt to be objective. At the end of the day considerations around accessibility, opportunity for a camp, large athlete concentrations, etc. all took precedence.

What about 70.3 or Half Iron Races?
Since the half distance events don’t sell out as quickly, we have more time to decide on what the races will be. We are also waiting to see what the 2013 Team experience is like at these events before making and future commitments.

Got Questions?
Fire away...we can't always pick the race _you_ want to do, but we are willing to hear your inpu on how we can continue to improve the Team experience!



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    Yahoo, a Canadian local made it. Love it
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    I plan on doing IMMT in 2014 so I like it! I'm also thinking about doing Ironman Canada next year as well but that will depend on the new date for IMC.
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    Well thought out. very reasonable.  The one thing I really hate is having to plan 2014 before 2013 season is under way,  but that's the way it is.
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    Glad to see IMWI made the list again. We love watching that race, and it was an amazing experience for our IM.

    KS 70.3 would fit very nicely with IMWI.
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    I had been planning on IMMT as my first full IM so this is great news!

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    Disappointed not to see IMLP 2014 - will be my first full
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    Brad, although LP is not one the official races, there is always a large amount of EN members at that race, and there is always someone who organizes dinners etc... I think this just means that maybe there will not be a training camp up there, but this team is so amazing that they just might make a training camp with a bunch of peeps.
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    Who has done IMWI? i was thinking about this one just for the fun of it!
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    I have an idea, I know, I know, few and far between, but this is a good one. I think now that we have the speed demons in the Haus that when looking at HIMs to feature that we should choose ones that have an Olympic and or Sprint triathlon the day before or after, like Rev 3 series, Big George Lake, Musselman etc.

    1. Potential higher EN participation
    2. Inclusiveness of our short course athletes, so they can experience the feeling of having a large group of EN team mates either on the course or at the finish line
    3. Family weekend - one spouse can race short course one day and the other can race the next day, which also makes it easier for couples to race, because their is no babysitting issues

    Can't see any, can you?
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    Aw man.... 2014 is an Ironman-hiatus year in this household. *sigh*
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    Posted By Steve Ross on 29 Mar 2013 10:10 AM

    I have an idea, I know, I know, few and far between, but this is a good one. I think now that we have the speed demons in the Haus that when looking at HIMs to feature that we should choose ones that have an Olympic and or Sprint triathlon the day before or after, like Rev 3 series, Big George Lake, Musselman etc.


    1. Potential higher EN participation

    2. Inclusiveness of our short course athletes, so they can experience the feeling of having a large group of EN team mates either on the course or at the finish line

    3. Family weekend - one spouse can race short course one day and the other can race the next day, which also makes it easier for couples to race, because their is no babysitting issues


    Can't see any, can you?

    This is all true and very good input and ideas that EN will support if members want to take the initiative and kickstart such a weekend. Wildflower fits this description perfectly, is a my favorite race, and if I can go 14mo without landing in an ER or on an operating table I'd like to lead an EN presence there.

    However, understand that an "EN Key Race" = coach-led training camp + 1-2x coaches at the race. It also has to meet requirements associated with timing, training camp and race day accessibility to many members, etc, and so the list is pretty small.

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    Very cool, I was planning on doing IMMT next year.
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    Interested in hearing whats on the shortlist for HIM events. I definitely vote for Wildflower as a western states slot!

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    Question for R&P...

    Does this mean you are only planning on being onsite at the 3 key races?  Or, will your attendance at non-key IM be determined by EN critical mass?


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    I might consider going west to do Wildflower again next year but must wait to see about the 2014 Epic Rally. I hope to be able to get in to IMMT on line for next year.
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    Posted By Mark Cardinale on 29 Mar 2013 12:46 PM

    Question for R&P...

    Does this mean you are only planning on being onsite at the 3 key races?  Or, will your attendance at non-key IM be determined by EN critical mass?


    Please understand that 3 x key IM races = 6 x 4 day travel weekends for RorP, as

    • 1 x 3 day camp on the course + 1 day of travel
    • 1 x 3 days as the race for race weekend + 1 day of travel. 

    ...for each of these races. 

    To this add... 

    • 5-6 x teaching weekends in the non-racing season, when RnP travel to cities to teach you triathlon skills stuff
    • Four day Tucson camp
    • We are considering an Aug or Sept version of the Tucson camp. 

    That's a very big travel and team support footprint. So our attendance at non-key races will largely be a function of our race schedules: I dig WF, like to race it, so I'll be there. Likewise P with some of the east coast halfs and maybe LP because it's in his backyard and he can bring the family. 

    Also, don't forget that we have a Race Director (new, to be announced shortly ) to organize a very high quality race weekend for you: Race Captain, team dinner, and more, at key races and at non-key races at which we have a critical mass of members. 

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    Why isn´t IRONMAN Brazil in this list????? Looking forward to have as many haus mates joining me in 2014!!!
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    I'll consider going to IM Brazil if I can borrow the Normatec boots post race.
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    Posted By Rich Strauss on 29 Mar 2013 02:01 PM

    Posted By Mark Cardinale on 29 Mar 2013 12:46 PM

    Question for R&P...

    Does this mean you are only planning on being onsite at the 3 key races?  Or, will your attendance at non-key IM be determined by EN critical mass?


    Please understand that 3 x key IM races = 6 x 4 day travel weekends for RorP, as

    • 1 x 3 day camp on the course + 1 day of travel
    • 1 x 3 days as the race for race weekend + 1 day of travel. 

    ...for each of these races. 

    To this add... 

    • 5-6 x teaching weekends in the non-racing season, when RnP travel to cities to teach you triathlon skills stuff
    • Four day Tucson camp
    • We are considering an Aug or Sept version of the Tucson camp. 

    That's a very big travel and team support footprint. So our attendance at non-key races will largely be a function of our race schedules: I dig WF, like to race it, so I'll be there. Likewise P with some of the east coast halfs and maybe LP because it's in his backyard and he can bring the family. 

    Also, don't forget that we have a Race Director (new, to be announced shortly ) to organize a very high quality race weekend for you: Race Captain, team dinner, and more, at key races and at non-key races at which we have a critical mass of members. 

    When you put it all together that's a crazy full schedule.  Thanks for clarifying, Rich! 

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    Yea, I"m curious if there will still be a training camp for IMLP next year.  I am doing it this year, but had a friend who wanted to do it next year.

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    Bummer I'm doing IMTX and IMMT this year! Might have to consider IMWI for next!
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    Wildflower or St. George!
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    Hmmm, yeah St George would work well for Western HIM too. Easy in and out from las vegas for those that cant drive. Easy logistics. Good course to showcase execution skilz. Nice early season race. 

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    Looks like I'm going back to TX next year image

    No Kona for one of you two?
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    Anyone have experience with the IMTX/IMWI double? My only concern is coming from the tundra of Minnesota to the heat and humidity of Texas, and then expecting to get back on the horse and hit it at IMWI. Will the Texas heat kill me??? image
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    @ Annie, I've done TX twice and have been told that the weather can be all over the board from low 80s to well over 100. The last two years have been somewhere around 90. Not incredibly hot, but if you are coming from the cold, it's certainly an adjustment!
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    Posted By Annie Stokes on 31 Mar 2013 06:28 PM

    Anyone have experience with the IMTX/IMWI double? My only concern is coming from the tundra of Minnesota to the heat and humidity of Texas, and then expecting to get back on the horse and hit it at IMWI. Will the Texas heat kill me???

    Not just the heat but training for you such an early season race would be brutal for you in MN. Probably few to zero long rides outside? Not recommended

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    I'm doing IM New Zealand March 1st. People should consider this one. Great course, great crowds and unfortunately great food. Gained 15# in 2 weeks there after I did it in 2004.
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    IMMT is such a great venue. and the best tasting lake that I have been in.
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    Interesting... interesting.

    2014 may just be my return to IMMT. Man I love that race.


    As far as halfs go, Wildflower or bust.

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