JOS Week 13 bike
OK boys and girls, one more hard week.
In fact, I strongly suggest figuring out now (early in the week) if you are planning to test on the Week 14 schedule, or if you need some variation due to running a race somewhere. The standard plan has no Run on Sunday this week to give you some rest for the bike test (in Week 14), and then a couple reasonably mellow days before closing out with a test or race on the run. take a look at week 14 and your calendars for this week too.
Std plan for this week (advanced) is
- Tuesday 15' (4') 20'(4') 15'(5) at .95-1.00 That's 50 min of FTP ladies and gents. If you can do that at 1.00 a couple times a week, you've got a bump coming. Brick run.
- Thursday has 2 sets of 8 1'/1' VO2. The 110% gang should do 4 sets of 5'/5' and see if you've got another one or two left in you.
- Saturday is another 20/20/15' FTP day...with an easy brick.
Good luck everyone!
Dave, I was blowing tubes on my computrainer also until I stopped filling it to 110-120 psi. I took it to 100 or so and it stopped popping, the trainer was causing so much friction I smelled the rubber also.
Monsterous Monday is in the bag..........(At the FD tomorrow so its my off day)
Started with a nice easy peasy 2000 yard swim then then the bike below and topped everything off with a 7.75 mile run in 60 minutes.
Had to do tomorrows bike today cause of the fire department. I knew after last weeks volume and yesterday's bastard hill attacks that the 20x2 and 1x15 was not happening so made my own ride up in Trainer Road and did a 2hr5min ride to include 6x10 min FTPs starting at .95 and escalating up throughout each 10 min block.

Start was rough but glad I included a 30 min warm up.
Overall ended with .86 intensity.
FTPs were: .91, .96, .96, .98, .97, .99
Indoors/outdoors totally depends on what you want out of your test.
If you want to mark your progress through the OS and close the book on it, then clearly you should test indoors. Apples to apples. This is the cleanest thing for understanding what your OS did for you, but it means you'll need to test outdoors separately at some point fairly shortly. If you test indoors, you should very clearly use the same test you were using before, which I assume to be the 5/20.
If your race is getting reasonably close (say, 10 weeks or less) and there's not a test on the schedule for early in that sequence, maybe you go ahead and test outside because your higher priority is setting those power numbers for your outdoor riding. [You can temporarily change your plan to take a look!] As for 5/20 or 20/2/20, pick your poison, but choose the one you're going to use between now and your race.
Hope that's helpful.
On another note: just finished the 12/20/12 and nailed it. All in between 95 with the last one at 100%. No time for run, so that will have to wait until after work.
Both perfectly reasonable, race oriented choices, made by vets. My point is that some people want to be able to say for themselves "what did the OS do for me" in a very concrete way. If you're willing to do another outdoor test in the near future, then the only way to really really measure that is the apples-to-apples comparison.
A tool I like to use is the CP curve of Golden Cheetah. Especially in a situation of a rising FTP (CP in Golden cheeetah language), the change becomes self evident without so much overt testing. Anyone who wants to know more about that can drop me a line.
Due to travel and work schedule commitments, I'm doing Week 14 this week and Week 13 next week. That means my ride this morning was 3 x 8 minutes at Z4, which, for me, is 255-268W. First interval came in at 268W with average HR of 160 and average cadence of 85. Second interval was 266W with average HR of 173 and average cadence of 84. Decided the take the gearing up a ring for the last interval and ended up at 271W with average HR of 158 and average cadence of 79.
In looking at the graph (which I would include in this post but I have no idea how to do that - clicking "Image" doesn't seem to be the right way to go), I see that I had a lot of heart rate variability during the first two intervals. Particularly during the second interval, when my HR apparently got up as high as 215 BPM at one point. During the last interval at the higher gear and with a lower cadence, however, my HR smoothed out considerably.
This seems to be telling me that, in terms of energy expenditure, I'm better off going with a bigger gear/lower cadence. Does anyone else have any thoughts on what I might take away from this data?
1. Is that a Garmin strap?
2. If so, how old is it?
3. How old is the battery?
4. Were you in a loose flapping shirt and riding into a fan or wind?
In my experience and few of my training buds that work for Garmin, shirt is the first place a I look, I was explained how it influences the HR transmission to watch, cannot explain but it does interfere and obscure data with spikes.
Old battery will do the same, dying monitor will do the same......
Made a nice deposit in the 'Bank of Speed' today. Achieved 1 X 18', 2 X 12' at (.97, .94, .96 levels) on the bike. Followed up with 25 minute brick with 10 strides. Unfortunately, I could really feel the effect of missing last week's Tuesday and Thursday's bike WKO's due to travel obligations. Don't skip those OS bike session folks and watch out what you eat when traveling, especially Belgium beer...burp ;-( or you will really pay for it!
Enjoy the pain today folks!
It was my first time on the bike, or doing anything for that matter, since last thursday's VO2 work. I stood down Saturday due to a 'something' going on in the back of my throat. Didn't feel any better on Sunday...Monday started the infrequent cough.
Even though I wasn't feeling it, I figured I ought to at least give the ride a try. Warmup [10ez + 3x3(1)] was OK. Then the fun began....
- 15', ended up at .99, but definitely feeling it. NOTE -- sometimes I find the first interval to be the worst, so I wasn't too worried. HR was high Z4/lowZ5 by the end.
- supposed to be 20', but bagged it at 15'. Power was .97ish for 1st 10min, but then I couldn't even hold .95 so by the end I was already down to .94 for the interval
---- HR was well into Zone5 after five minutes into this interval..also kind of felt like I did after the 20/2/20 FTP test...slightly dizzy and glad I was on a trainer
- tried to give it another 10' at least. Called it DONE after 5.
Obviously no run. Another early night to bed and hopefully I can kick whatever it is I've got going on.
I had a crappy day on the bike too. Overall, the numbers are ok, but if you look at the HR, you'll see I had to stop a couple times during my intervals. It wasn't for very long (maybe 30s?) but it was because I was trying to stop from wretching. After the second 20, I had the dry heaves for a couple minutes. I did the last 15 sitting up due to it just feeling that much worse to lean over more.
As far as I know, I'm not sick, but something in my tummy? Something from overdoing it over the weekend? Who knows. In any case, a very tough day. I took a little time to pick up a kid and get a bit of food in her, then did a "brick" run on the treadmill. I still kept it to the 25 for fear of setting off the heaves again. Went fine.
The irony of this is that my legs don't feel as bad as they should as I type this.
ON a related note, I'm having more HR strap problems. Going to start another thread.
After a 20 minute WU, I broke it down to 1 x 12 / 12 / 10 / 8 @ 1.022 / 1.0 / .977 / .944 - a consistent drop in power. 80 minutes in total at 88%.
No run for me - just to be safe.
As for the FTP Test next week, it looks like I'll shoot for an outdoor test on Sat or Sun following the scheduled test date since I'll be down the S. Jersey Shore where I know some decent quite, flat roads that are excellent for testing. Watts are generally higher (by at least 10) for me outside and although I would like an indoor test # just to compare, the outdoor # is more important w/an Oly 3 weeks after test. Leaning towards the 20 x 2 x 20 test. Run test will be on hold - but aiming for an outdoor 5k on last weekend in April.
I'm trying to keep intensity low this week on the bike in preparation of test week. So Monday, I did 2x20 at IF .80 and .83. Today, I was going to do another 2x20, but felt pretty good and figured I'll make it one 60-minute sub-threshold ride. I broke up the main set in 20-minute blocks to keep my sanity and increased the power steadily. NP 222 IF .89 for the main set.
3:08 ride
climb portion of 55 minutes as interval at .95
the entire ride .80
my legs are tired.
swam first and was winded very easily. So I knew the run yesterday whooped me and now the ride would be hard. I settled in and tried to stay below FT. Oy, need to hydrate.
Big ol BOOM! 12' @ .96IF, 20' @ .97IF and 12' @ 1.01IF. Tried running after but glutes super sore from ART yesterday. Happy with WKO. I was quite skeered before I started! Hopefully butt won't hurt for tomorrow's run.
I'm planning to test inside next week using the 5-20 version since that's what I've been using and I'd like to see what the OS has done for me. I'll be starting the GF plan after a recovery week and plan to test outside then. It seems like the 20-2-20 test is preferred to use outside (?) - any reason why this is better outside than the 5-20 test? Or is it just preference? A little nervous about finding a good road for testing outside - I've got a few ideas but I'm worrying the test will get messed up if I end up having to stop for traffice due to mis-calculating how long a stretch I need for each test segment. I'm in the NW Chicago suburbs if anybody else from that area has a tried-and-true route.
The last JOS Vo2 in the books. Followed up with a nice, easy 1700 meters in the pool working on technique. Glad to take a day off tomorrow before Saturday's bike WKO...a quite nasty one at that.
-Normal w/u: 10ez, 3x3(1) @ Z3
-1st 8x1(1): hard but doable
-2nd 8x1(1): very hard, especially last 4 reps, had to dig deep.
RPE was also a little bit higher than normal b/c I had to do it after work. I think that add 1 to 2 RPE 'points'.