(not sure where to put this..so I am throwing it here since the question might have already been asked & answered)
Looking ahead to next week....and I am struck by something which I am inclined to think is an error. Here is the layout for this weekend, and into next week: (per ADV OS Plan)
SAT -- FTP bike + Brick Run SUN -- OFF MON -- OFF TUE -- FTP bike + Brick Run WED -- EZ Run THUR -- BIKE TEST FRI -- OFF SAT -- FTP Bike + extra ABP (Always Be Pushing) SUN -- RUN TEST (preferably a 10k or Half Marathon
So, I am wondering (a) "Why is there no Run on Sunday??" and (b) "Why are we doing FTP + ABP work the day prior to a Run TEST????"
I "had" to do my bike ride outside today. (OK, I could have brought my trainer to the soccer complex and planted myself there, but what's more fun...that or riding outside on a relatively warm day and testing out my new [to me] Zipp FC 808 wheel?) I tried to do it what it would have been on the trainer, but that didn't quite happen.
Anyway, it was still a good hard ride. I should have shown more self discipline probably, but you gotta let loose once in a while.
How is the Jan OS almost over...crazy how time flies. I know the official Jan OS is almost over, but honestly for me, I will probably keep my head down and load up a few more weeks of OS type work..I'm coming off an ITBS injury so mentally i'm still in a good place as I haven't been crushing my running self all winter. Besides its still pretty cold here in VA which makes my swimming venue (lake) closed for at least another month probably. Assuming my ITB is doing well I could see transitioning to a "maintain" the bike and "build" the run phase of training for a bit.
Fingers crossed for the next test.
@Joe, For a testing week that does seem a little off...I personally would adjust to give myself the best shot at a new FTP number. I've also been using testing weeks as more of a relaxed week so keep that in mind with my perspective. If it calls for two days "OFF" I might consider doing the bike test on that TUE with a run test on a day later in the week when I felt I was recovered enough after a bike test...That's my Relaxed test week attitude...play things by ear based on how I'm feeling..
Just finished bike # 2 of the week not on the plan. WHATEVER. Another stress reliever . Swam first, ran 5 miles easy and then rode one hour in the aerobars. I am off work today and heading to my friend's Celebration of Life service right now. Needed workouts to fill time and ease the anxiety. I spent Wednesday afternoon with his wife and helped her get some things ready for today. Pictures, picture collage and choosing her dress. Then she practiced her speech that she will say today. Oh my heart. It will be a beautiful service. Everyone is wearing bright colors. Love and light to all of you. Hug your friends and family a bit tighter today.
okay i went a little crazy and mixed things up w/the Thursday bike v02 w/o.
Did 6 1 x 1 at 120% or better, then did 3 x 4 @ 112%, with 10 min of z3 at the end. Was pretty pooped at the end.
The 3 x 4s felt much like what the FTP test next week will feel like. I was right at the watts I hope to hold.
Chiro again Fri AM - more painful A.R.T. stretches. But hips/groin/ITB feeling better after 8 days of no running. Will likely go for easy run this weekend to check things out. Will likely blow off the 1/2 mary I signed up for in 2 weeks ( I hate doing that) - but in big year-long picture - its probably the right call. Replace it with a 5k/10k a few weeks later.
Someone earlier in this thread (?) asked why choose the 2x20 FTP Test over the 5/10/20 if testing outside. My first thought is safety. A lot easier to control things and react to things when not going at 120% effort for 5 minutes - which means faster speed - and likely a little less awareness of your surroundings - unless you got the right road (which I might). Second, I still think the 2 x 20 is a little bit more accurate a test for what we will eventually be doing - riding hard outside - even moreso for short course racing.
Double spin class today. First one 45', then another for an hour. HR was a little elevated for first class (about 8bpm higher than class 2 weeks ago) Maybe dehydrateed a bit or could be caffeine and inhaler timing. Otherwise felt good. Then 1 mi on the treadmill in 11:43 after. Also felt a little more hungry than usual during and after 2nd class.
Finishing up my 2013 EN OS with a bang!!! Decided to make this week a balls to the wall anything goes week. After todays ride I am sitting at 150 miles and tomorrow is Ironglüt and its 100 miles indoor on trainer. I have made a 6 hour ride on Trainer Road to keep me around .75 intensity for the entire ride. I think with my self diagnosed ADD if I have something to follow and movies to watch it will keep me more on track.
Today got out with a few other EN past and present members and we rode ~ 45 miles. Beautiful but 22 mph sustained wind with gusts up to 35. At times it was scary cause we were riding like sideways at times. We attack several hills and just had plain ole fun.
Week 14 for me is rest days or swimming only on M, Tues, and Wed. Doing final bike test of Thursday. Not doing my run till April 28th which is the Drake Relays and Ill be runnning a half mary.
Numbers from today:
Entire workout:
Duration: 2:21:59
Work: 1684 kJ
TSS: 157.3 (intensity factor 0.831)
Norm Power: 222
VI: 1.12
Distance: 43.493 mi
Elevation Gain: 1266 ft
Elevation Loss: 1209 ft
Grade: 0.0 % (63 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 730 198 watts
Cadence: 30 114 88 rpm
Speed: 0 36 18.3 mph
Pace 1:40 0:00 3:16 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 34 8 lb-in
Altitude: 991 1229 1125 ft
Crank Torque: 0 1033 189 lb-in
Temperature: 57.2 62.6 60.7 Fahrenheit
Weekly bike stats from Garmin Connect: Was sitting on a TSB of negative 26 before todays wko(note thats biking only)
5 Activities
149.03 mi
8:14:57 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:
1,929 ft
Avg Speed:
18.1 mph
6,319 C
Max Distance:
43.49 mi
Max Power:
731 W
Avg Power:
212 W
Avg Bike Cadence:
87 rpm
Running at 32 miles and only one day of swimming......BOOM
I was pretty worried about a 90' bike with 2x20'+10' FTP having not been on the bike in 11 days. In fact, when adding the brick run, this was going to be a 2-hour workout…and I haven't done anything close to that since March 19 – for the past 11 days I've done 2 runs of 35' and 20' and 4 swims of ~30'. So this was a bigtime workout for me to shock me into the reality of the in-season plan that will be hitting like a ton of bricks starting on Monday.
My HR on the bike was pretty high but surprisingly I nailed the power numbers. It was tough. By the run I was clearly fading and the fitness decline started to become evident. At the very end of the run my right quad started to cramp so I shut it down and jogged in the last couple of minutes.
Overall I was pleased I got the workout done and after a couple of unstructured weeks I feel mentally recharged and ready to hit the in-season training.
Bike – overall 90', NP 232, IF 0.913. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
I rode outside today in Southern California, "with" Coach Rich, which meant that I held his wheel for 10 minutes before he and the rest of the group rode away. Man, the extra weight I am carrying around really kills you on 15 mile climbs. Michael
@ Matt - pretty nice numbers after being off for nearly 2 weeks. I predict that it will take just one or 2 more workouts and you'll be feeling as strong or stronger than before the vacation.
@ Carrie - Thanks for sharing about your friend., and the wise words about hugging loved ones.
Okay, that was tough, tough, tough. I was able to hit my zones, but my pericarditis was acting up. Probably was a bit dehydrated going into the bike after the 1 hour swim with the local tri club in a very hot pool. I started to feel better as I drank plenty during the ride, so run after was awesome.
I had the day off from work and kids sports AND a babysitter that was available all day. SCORE. We took advantage of it. Swam 1 hour first then rode with our friends/team on a super hilly 65 mile course in 3:45. I am calling it the leg massacre ride :-).
After down loading it I was able to determine what kind of numbers I was holding on the whopper climbs. I could break down 1 x 5 min @ 1.14, 1 x 10 min @ 1.03, 20 min @ 1.00. Then tons of other work for a total ride of .80.
No run after as I was just plain starving and wanted to eat and get back in jammies and have coffee.
Mine was a very tough 20/20/15 ride, RPE wise. And with my brand spanking new HR strap, I know it was a real percepetion. :-)
I held onto the numbers, but I did it by breaking up the second and third intervals with a couple of 1 minute breaks.
I am not sure if the ride was so hard because of cumulative fatigue (entirely possible) or just that it was the first workout I've done very first thing in the morning for a long time (dropped off the kids at swimming at 6:15 then hopped right on)... but either way, it was tough.
Brick run was ok. Again, it felt harder than it should have, but I got through it. One more week!
Wow, what a week and some great numbers from folks! 2 X 18', 1 X 10' at .93, .92, and .98 ITs done. Felt like it took me a while to warm up and get some good form going-hence the .93 and .92s. Perhaps it was mental. I am wondering would I have been better splitting up the first two 18' sets to realize higher intensity? Or just hanging in there and suffering through it with the best effort. Would love some feedback. All in all, very happy I held in there and got the wko done. Rewarded with an easy 2k technique swim today with a full day off tomorrow. Really looking forward to FTP test on Thursday.
A great bike today to finish out the week (slipped the bike to SUN b/c of the 10k yesterday). I had a lot of expectations for this ride since I didn't ride last weekend due to illness, Tuesday's FTP ride was a FAIL, and thursday VO2 was OK, but I had to dig pretty deep to get them done.
Following some sage advice, I decided to target 95-95% for the 1st interval and build from there. The results speak for themselves:
Looking ahead to next week....and I am struck by something which I am inclined to think is an error. Here is the layout for this weekend, and into next week: (per ADV OS Plan)
SAT -- FTP bike + Brick Run
TUE -- FTP bike + Brick Run
WED -- EZ Run
SAT -- FTP Bike + extra ABP (Always Be Pushing)
SUN -- RUN TEST (preferably a 10k or Half Marathon
So, I am wondering (a) "Why is there no Run on Sunday??" and (b) "Why are we doing FTP + ABP work the day prior to a Run TEST????"
Anyway, it was still a good hard ride. I should have shown more self discipline probably, but you gotta let loose once in a while.
220W NP start to stop over 58 minutes.
Fingers crossed for the next test.
@Joe, For a testing week that does seem a little off...I personally would adjust to give myself the best shot at a new FTP number. I've also been using testing weeks as more of a relaxed week so keep that in mind with my perspective. If it calls for two days "OFF" I might consider doing the bike test on that TUE with a run test on a day later in the week when I felt I was recovered enough after a bike test...That's my Relaxed test week attitude...play things by ear based on how I'm feeling..
Did 6 1 x 1 at 120% or better, then did 3 x 4 @ 112%, with 10 min of z3 at the end. Was pretty pooped at the end.
The 3 x 4s felt much like what the FTP test next week will feel like. I was right at the watts I hope to hold.
Chiro again Fri AM - more painful A.R.T. stretches. But hips/groin/ITB feeling better after 8 days of no running. Will likely go for easy run this weekend to check things out.
Will likely blow off the 1/2 mary I signed up for in 2 weeks ( I hate doing that) - but in big year-long picture - its probably the right call. Replace it with a 5k/10k a few weeks later.
Someone earlier in this thread (?) asked why choose the 2x20 FTP Test over the 5/10/20 if testing outside. My first thought is safety. A lot easier to control things and react to things when not going at 120% effort for 5 minutes - which means faster speed - and likely a little less awareness of your surroundings - unless you got the right road (which I might). Second, I still think the 2 x 20 is a little bit more accurate a test for what we will eventually be doing - riding hard outside - even moreso for short course racing.
Runnin with the mutt tomorrow.
Today got out with a few other EN past and present members and we rode ~ 45 miles. Beautiful but 22 mph sustained wind with gusts up to 35. At times it was scary cause we were riding like sideways at times. We attack several hills and just had plain ole fun.
Week 14 for me is rest days or swimming only on M, Tues, and Wed. Doing final bike test of Thursday. Not doing my run till April 28th which is the Drake Relays and Ill be runnning a half mary.
Numbers from today:
Entire workout:
Duration: 2:21:59
Work: 1684 kJ
TSS: 157.3 (intensity factor 0.831)
Norm Power: 222
VI: 1.12
Distance: 43.493 mi
Elevation Gain: 1266 ft
Elevation Loss: 1209 ft
Grade: 0.0 % (63 ft)
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 730 198 watts
Cadence: 30 114 88 rpm
Speed: 0 36 18.3 mph
Pace 1:40 0:00 3:16 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 34 8 lb-in
Altitude: 991 1229 1125 ft
Crank Torque: 0 1033 189 lb-in
Temperature: 57.2 62.6 60.7 Fahrenheit
Weekly bike stats from Garmin Connect: Was sitting on a TSB of negative 26 before todays wko(note thats biking only)
5 Activities
149.03 mi
8:14:57 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:
1,929 ft
Avg Speed:
18.1 mph
6,319 C
Max Distance:
43.49 mi
Max Power:
731 W
Avg Power:
212 W
Avg Bike Cadence:
87 rpm
Running at 32 miles and only one day of swimming......BOOM
My HR on the bike was pretty high but surprisingly I nailed the power numbers. It was tough. By the run I was clearly fading and the fitness decline started to become evident. At the very end of the run my right quad started to cramp so I shut it down and jogged in the last couple of minutes.
Overall I was pleased I got the workout done and after a couple of unstructured weeks I feel mentally recharged and ready to hit the in-season training.
Bike – overall 90', NP 232, IF 0.913. Full warmup of 10' easy/z1 then 3x3'(1')@z3. Then the main set:
20'(4') @z4 – NP: 255 (IF 1.005), VI 1.00, HR 160/172, cad 90
20'(4') @z4 – NP: 254 (IF 1.000), VI 1.00, HR 170/179, cad 90
10'(3') @z4 – NP: 254 (IF 1.002), VI 1.00, HR 172/178, cad 90
7' @ z3 – NP: 222 (IF 0.873), VI 1.00, HR 164/169, cad 91
Run – overall 3.07 miles in 21:00, avg pace 6:51
Split.......Time.......Distance.......Avg Pace
1.......11:14.9.......1.64 .......6:52
2.......6:39.2 .......0.99 .......6:43
3.......3:05.7 .......0.44 .......7:04
@ Matt - pretty nice numbers after being off for nearly 2 weeks. I predict that it will take just one or 2 more workouts and you'll be feeling as strong or stronger than before the vacation.
@ Carrie - Thanks for sharing about your friend., and the wise words about hugging loved ones.
Good job everyone.
I had the day off from work and kids sports AND a babysitter that was available all day. SCORE. We took advantage of it. Swam 1 hour first then rode with our friends/team on a super hilly 65 mile course in 3:45. I am calling it the leg massacre ride :-).
After down loading it I was able to determine what kind of numbers I was holding on the whopper climbs. I could break down 1 x 5 min @ 1.14, 1 x 10 min @ 1.03, 20 min @ 1.00. Then tons of other work for a total ride of .80.
No run after as I was just plain starving and wanted to eat and get back in jammies and have coffee.
I held onto the numbers, but I did it by breaking up the second and third intervals with a couple of 1 minute breaks.
I am not sure if the ride was so hard because of cumulative fatigue (entirely possible) or just that it was the first workout I've done very first thing in the morning for a long time (dropped off the kids at swimming at 6:15 then hopped right on)... but either way, it was tough.
Brick run was ok. Again, it felt harder than it should have, but I got through it. One more week!
Wow, what a week and some great numbers from folks! 2 X 18', 1 X 10' at .93, .92, and .98 ITs done. Felt like it took me a while to warm up and get some good form going-hence the .93 and .92s. Perhaps it was mental. I am wondering would I have been better splitting up the first two 18' sets to realize higher intensity? Or just hanging in there and suffering through it with the best effort. Would love some feedback. All in all, very happy I held in there and got the wko done. Rewarded with an easy 2k technique swim today with a full day off tomorrow. Really looking forward to FTP test on Thursday.
Have a great two days off folks!
Entire workout:
Duration: 5:48:35
Work: 3980 kJ
TSS: 310.3 (intensity factor 0.736)
Norm Power: 197
VI: 1.04
Distance: 100.021 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 343 189 watts
Cadence: 30 121 85 rpm
Speed: 0 21.6 17.0 mph
Pace 2:47 0:00 3:31 min/mi
Hub Torque: 0 16 7 lb-in
Altitude: 850 923 875 ft
Crank Torque: 0 673 188 lb-in
Temperature: 66.2 77 71.6 Fahrenheit
Following some sage advice, I decided to target 95-95% for the 1st interval and build from there. The results speak for themselves:
Notice the HR graph for the intervals....all the 4' rest did was delay the rising curve:
Now to rest.....
Got the 2 x 20 @ 1.0 both times and the 1 x 15 @ .997
Did another 3 x 6 at .78 / .78 / .79 to round out 2 hrs on trainer.
Saturday I managed an easy 4 mile run to test out the hip (still noticeably stiff) + 2500 metes in the pool.