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IMTX April 22nd-28th

Little tired today after the big weekend.  Swim only wasnt too bad.    3500yds  w/ 15 x 200  and lots of rest of around a minute between intervals, didnt push them but swam comfortably and refocussed on techique each one.


tic toc tic toc..... you cant stop  the clock and IMTX is almsot here



  • Great Work Tim....indeed Mondays seem to be becoming swim only days...

    I finally got into the pool after being turned away over the weekend.....LOL..yesterday I wanted to do 4000 to go along with my RR weekend...but today I only had about an hour available before work...so I just did a 1hr. swim...and was pretty satisfied with the results 3200/1:53 which is :06/100 better than by 1hr swim pace from the First Big Training Weekend at the beginning of April..and about :02 better than I expected to target for Race Pace...

    Will get in a short run afterwork...then I'm shuffling around Tuesday/Wednesday Wrkouts to accomodate biz travel...shouldn't be too disruptive though. 

  • Nice swim Joe... great to see your improvement...

    I hope your travels arent too disruptive with the FAA furloughs (some delays on the news but not too bad yet the worst places should be NY and Washington Airports)... Glad I retired from that mess last year... My girlfriend Heather is a controller at Boston Center and starts her furlough this week as well.... She retires in August and is doing IMMT , the furlough is actually helping her since she had gone part-time with reduced benefits when I left, so now she is back fulltime(working the same as partime) and full benefits.... The govt is a mess....
  • 4 trail miles at ~42 minutes. Going to hit the pool for ~3k yards after work.

    I'm totally retooling this week due to work/life/child care issues. Going to try to get the long run in at zero-stupid thirty tomorrow morning. Based on the last few long runs (sub-par outcomes), that workout is taking priority this week and Tuesday is the only day I control my schedule. Going to try to try to get the 4 hour ride in on Thursday afternoon. Friday and Saturday will be hit/miss.

    Two more hard weeks then taper time! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • Thanks Tim...I'm no fish...but pleased nonetheless.

    Roy- I have toyed with the Zero Stupid Thirty idea a couple of time...Good Luck...there is something inspriational about running into the daylight!

  • 3k yards done in the pool this afternoon on 1:40 average. Hitting the sack early so I can get up early and run. Its how I knocked out the summer long runs last year. Was hoping to not crank these up this early.

    Based on how I've been feeling in workouts / overall health the past two weeks, I'm upping my calorie intake a bit to try to arrest my weight loss. Got some input from a registered dietitian at my wife's hospital and going to up the intake based on healthy, mostly whole foods. I think 182 may have been a bit low for me. Looking to dial in 185 and seeing how things work out at that level. I raced at 187 last year and felt decent so I'm aiming to slot in right under that. We'll see how it works out. Once summer hits and I start the Louisville build, I may try dipping lower again but giving the body more time to adjust as I go down.

    Keep on it everyone!
  • Long run done and dusted. I made the amazing discovery that its much easier running when its cold outside than when its hot (as evidenced by this run compared to my last three long runs). Now if we can convince the Woodlands to be 45 degrees during the marathon, its all good!

    16 total miles done as 4 mile loops from my front porch, done as 4.1 on 8:35's, 4.0 on 8:10's, 4.1 on 8:10's, and 4.0 on 7:35's. I really wanted to hit a fifth loop, but I'm probably already going to be late for work, so oh well.

    Going to hit the pool again this afternoon. Keep on it everyone!
  • Hey folks...looks like everyone is really in the zone coming down the stretch!

    I spent the weekend at a friends house in Panama City Beach and trained a good bit down there. I rode 85 miles of the course and it's MUCH better than I remember in 2008 when I raced it. Mainly, all the roads are repaved and the start/finish especially. FAST course as always.

    Hacking the plan this week: doing the long ride on Thursday; running the Nashville Half Mary on Saturday. Everything else status quo.

  • @Dwight... Thats nice to hear about IMFL course... Thats the last race on the calendar this year.... You didnt happen to ride that horrible out and back section did you?

    Got my FTP work in today .. 1.5 hr ride , 2 x20 @ .95+ , and 1 x 25 @ .75 http://www.trainerroad.com/cycling/rides/301196

    Run later....
  • @Tim-- nice work today man. No I skipped that part. This was the first time I rode the "new" course since the airport was put in. I raced it in 2008 and the course is much better...still BORING as hell but better.
  • WKO complete
    Swim: ms 10x200 and 10 x 100
    Run: 10 x 1/4 mile repeats
  • @John- Nice job today. Heading to the pool in a few.
  • Hey everyone...good work...John 10x400's ...I love 400'S...great job...

    Dwight...sounds like a good plan...good luck on the HM

    I got in my FTP bike inside on the trainer this morning...just too cold (39/40) to take it outside...biz travel to Pittsburgh...will get in my interval run tommorrow AM...inside or out TBD...



  • Only two more weeks of volume. Keep it up everyone
  • Another weekend of volume missed. In NYC for Rugby event, but I learned something new...having too many carbs (a little in the form of alcohol) and becoming hyperglycemic causes my legs to swell. Should have been more careful, but it was back to normal by Monday.

    1 mile @ 6:15, 2 x 0.5 mile @ 6:45, 4 x 0.25 @ 6:30

    1600m swim

    I'm looking forward to another RR possible this weekend

  • @Ryan, bold call, rugby a month out from a race. What position do you play? I played second row in college.

    Showed up to a pool with 8 lanes full of elementary school children. I knew there was a reason why I don't usually swim on Tuesdays. Oh well.
  • Oh man....(sorry for this Tim as I know you're Vegan)....went out to dinner last evening with customer/client (Starkist Tuna)....and indulged in a meal aptly named "Study of Hog"...let me tell you..if you like Bacon you'da loved this meal...Anyway...that hog was on my back this morning in the hot and musty hotel gym...felt a tad sluggish...glad to get this one done...2x1mile Z4 (400)/1x800 Z4/5(400)/2x400 Z4/5(100) + warmup-cooldown 6miles total...now I just gotta go to work and fly back home...lookin forward to napping on the plane.

  • Bike WKO:
    Now time for run
  • @ Joe, JEALOUS... love me some bacon!

    @John, solid workout brother. Good job.
  • Bib numbers are out. I'm rocking 1451.

  • Followed up FTP work with 4 mile run in 29:26. Felt really comfortable.
  • Good day all you Texas peeps... 7.7 miles w/ 3 x 1 mile repeats and then 2200 yards in the pool.... Normally thats it for the day but since we finally have a warm day I might actually ride for an hour outside nice and easy LOL.... Just to see what its like!
  • @Tim -- glad to hear you break in the weather and enjoy the outdoor ride!
  • @ Tim...you better wear sunscreen

  • Lunch time ride done. 1:35 with ~30 minutes at FTP and another ~15 at 80%. Seat adjustments ok, but still need to work on saddle pitch a little bit (no pain now, but I'm sliding forward). Need to get this set soon.

    Good steady work everyone. Keep on it.
  • @Roy, I played center in college. Didn't play at the event, it was a dinner and reception for my Dad's club 50th anniversary (Old Blue). 

    @JK, nice work on the bike and follow up run. Is that your race pace?

    Sick today. Battled a sore throat yesterday and this morning a clogged up noise with a dull headache. Took the day off and planning to do my bike test tomorrow.

  • Somebody stop me..... I tried to ride easy... It wasnt supposed to be a bike day anyway.... NH and in the 70's wahoo.... just went out for a little over an hour but did an ABP ride and it felt good! Looks like I'll get my longride in this weekend outside as well .... I am not sure I coulda done another indoor 5hr ride ....
  • Swim done: WU 200. MS 3800 m. Up next long run. Shooting for 20 miles at 7:15 pace.
  • 3000 in the pool...a nice morning swim on the heals of biz trip...10x200/1x400/4x50 + warmup & cooldown...Long run tonite.

  • @Tim -- haha...nice work man and I don't blame you ONE bit. The downside to an early season race is hours and hours on the trainer. I'm bringing mine to Texas and throwing the damn thing in the lake before the start!
  • @Ryan Hope your feeling better today and good skill with your bike test...

    @JK that is a long fast run good luck! I stuck to my plan of capping longruns at 2hrs.... went a couple minutes over a couple times but my max longrun is 15.7miles.

    @Joe tough training with your traveling but you seem to be managing it well.... Keep on it

    swim/bike brick today..... 2100yd TT 33:05 , bike 1.5 hrs 6 min of v02 work and 2 x 25 @ .85..... I could feel yesterdays extra bike today thats for sure!... short easy run later today
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