Ironman Tr Club Challenge
Hi team, we are now listed as one of the teams with the Ironman tri club challenge.Here is some information about the program
If you are interested in taking part in the challenge please fill out this survey, which will help the organizers identify which teams get placed in the athlete guides
As we get more details, we will fill you in, so subscribe to this thread if you are interested. For now, I would suggest signing up. I have already done so. Let the challenge begin.
I pitty the fool who tri's to compete with Endurance Nation. Sorry, channeling a bit of
Can't wait to see Endurance Nation rock the course at IMMoo!
Clubs racing IRONMAN Lake Placid. Just giving you a heads up for race week so you can start your club planning. We will be hosting a club social event on Friday afternoon BEFORE the Athlete Welcome dinner 3pm to 5 pm on the outside patio of the Convention Center. Also and this is HOT off the press, we have secured an AMAZING Tent City Location (capable of accommodating 50 tents!!!) on the swim, run and bike course!! Top secret location and more details to follow but if you bring your tent to one event this year
Also if you have athletes racing in Lake Placid you should encourage them to race IRONMAN 70.3 Syracuse! With course conditions similar to Lake Placid, this race is the perfect warm up for the big day in July. Just an FYI, I am racing Placid and plan to race Syracuse. Tent City in Syracuse as well as a club social on Friday night (local craft beer and catered by Abbotts!!)
Thanks for posting this up here! I've reviewed the docs that Liz sent over to you and the club competition and AG points system are interesting aspects that I'm not sure everyone is aware of? Can you share those docs with the team in this post? I think you should be able to attach the files.
That said, I'm a little confused with regards to athletes' specifying their club affiliation. In Liz's docs to us she said to submit our team roster to them but in her email to you (?) she's asking athletes to fill out a survey? Can you clarify which is the for realz process?
As suggested by Coach R above, here are two links that give us even more info. Let the games begin. Crush the competition EN!
Kimberly Diaz
Fort Myers, FL
oh my, that was so easy!!! (like that button in the staples commercial...)
Bike Escort Help! Wanna earn volunteer points and be part of the action? We are looking for cyclists to be run course escorts for the Top 3 Men and Women pro's in a number of our races. The race director suggests that a hybrid or mountain bike is best because some courses go off the road. These races are:
IRONMAN 70.3 Muncie (7/13/13)
IRONMAN 70.3 Racine (7/21/13)
IRONMAN 70.3 Steelhead (Midwest Regional Club Championship) - (8/14/13)
If you can help, please email me at
The clubs really helped us out in Florida - oh and added perk - the escort cyclists get an event bike jersey! Pretty cool huh? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks!
Clubs with athletes racing IRONMAN Louisville presented by Norton Sports Health and Subaru IRONMAN Canada! We are building the athlete guides next week. If you would like to be included in the Athlete Guide please send us a team picture and a two sentence "blurb" on your club!
If anyone from the team is racing, it would be great to have you in the guide to get our club recognized!!!!
Clubs racing IRONMAN CDA! The TriClub checkin table is located at the race information booth - club checkin will follow athlete registration hours. Please make sure that all your athletes check in there to make sure they are on your clubs roster. Also if you have a number of folks racing, chances are good your club will be competitive for the Division Award handing out at the Age Group Awards ceremony. We have had some issues with clubs picking up the wrong awards so please make sure you have at least one person on site to accept your award.
So IMCdA folks. If you are not signed up yet, go to the top of this thread and sign up for the challenge and represent Endurance Nation at Cda.