John, great adjustments so far and this week looks solid. I agree with your ski week "laid back" approach. Maybe you get in a 30' run if you have a lighter day of skiing or a day off from the mountain, but totally up to you.
The only thing I would suggest is bringing the foam roller up there to keep it loose after the skiing, etc. Remember you have to post a picture!!
Hey Patrick, The ski trip went well, along with the training in the GF plan the last few weeks.
Last week, this week and for the next few weeks (basically the month of April) I have to work on a project in Buffalo since it is now getting warmer, someone thought it was a great idea for me to be someplace that is colder.
This week is my week 8 of the GF plan so I am going to miss the bike test, cause I do not have my bike here. Then my season roadmap was to start the Half IM plan for a few weeks until early May then switch to the INT. Full IM plan.
My thoughts were to swim every other weekend when I am home as well as ride the bike as per the plan on those trips home.
But when I am here I was looking to try to run a little extra but at lower intensity just to start building the run durability back to where I would like it to be. I can ride the bike in the hotel exercise room and just try to measure the effort on how I feel?
Once we get to the end of April and I back in NJ to start the next project I want to be in good form to continue the final 12 weeks to IMLP.
Any thoughts on how to handle the bike while I am here? or just do the best I can for a few weeks with what they have and just spin as best as possible in line with the training plan.?
If you are there for that long it might be worth your while to find a proper spin class vs gym bike.
I say you plan on the TSR as planned, only you are riding long on Sat, ride moderate on Sun with a swim. I'd get some swim cords you can do in your hotel like 10' an AM which will help.
Move the long run to Wed, then run short but hard on Mon /FRi. Tues and Thursday are bike days doing what you can. If you need a day off then make it Monday and bike tues/Thursday, run Wed and Fri!
Ok , Coming off of IMLP this past week, and having TImberman 70.3 in a couple of weeks. I changed my training plan to the Intermediate Half IM plan, and it comes up with week 18 and a Race Rehearsal this weekend. I will try to get in a couple of swim sessions this week and a couple of Bike, Perhaps Friday & either Saturday or Sunday..just to keep things moving.
Next week I will work that plan and substitute in a Bike for the Tuesday run interval and "try to" hold off running until later next week. The overall plan for Timberman 70.3 is to treat it more of a long training weekend & time with friends.
One thought in my head that I have been kicking around since Sunday, is Beach2Battleship Full on October 17th. It would be 9 weeks after Timberman, and I would like to build on the current fitness and have something as a nice end of season goal. I have looked into it but not made any plans, I would still have to check with work next week.
What do you think? It might be best to hold off and review in a couple of weeks after Timberman? Thanks
JB, you could totally do it, but let's see how your body feels at Timberman...could be an issue that pops up that makes you feel like rest would be a better plan. Let me know what you decide!
Well, the best made plans are just that....plans...and not an actual prediction of what is going to (and should) happen.
After a couple of weeks off from work for IMLP, I was back to work Monday...and within 5 minutes of reading work emails the Heart Rate was just sky high and it started to sink in that the best thing for my own sanity for a couple of weeks is to focus on work. Some simple work things got overly complicated in my absence, so unfortunately I pulled out of Timberman since I was planning on staying there a couple of days afterwards
Recovery week one (last week) was nice with some swimming and weekend bike rides with nothing crazy.
Currently I don't have anything triathlon related scheduled for the remainder of the year, so have done some swimming and a nice bike ride yesterday after work.
Once I get my head around doing another event for fun sometime this year, I can put in a season road map? My thought was that unless I am doing something long course (like another HIM or IM distance) then maybe next week or the following week, just start up the 8 week GF Intermediate Plan?
John, good call. Long term good call. You can either go run durability or you can go GF, depends what you can stomach right now...which appeals to you more and what are your 2016 goals?
2016 Goals are still kinda up in the air. Perhaps a couple of Half's or maybe a full later in the year (Sept or October) not really sure, and I have really focused on work the last few weeks and keeping things stress free...which means trying not to stress out more than a year out.
That being said, "stress free" has turned into some good running these last few weeks just focusing on how I feel and not running too hard. After all, in the summer heat after a while it gets challenging all on its own. This seems to be a good fit right now since it has been what I can fit into the schedule without a lot of admin and has been relaxing. Keeping a lot of my runs at an aerobic effort and making a daily routine to keep rolling the legs and other areas, I have felt pretty good and have just been keeping things moving.
No real questions at the moment, but just wanted to check in.. If you see some crazy running volume on the Strava EN Leaderboard do not worry I am just trying to clean out my brain...hahaha it might take a little while.
Hope that you are recovering after Kona and after whatever you were doing today with that electric jackhammer that you showed a photo of on the Dashboard.
Just checking in, since I saw the Run Durability Blog Posting I thought I was a little overdue.
Work has still been a nut house for the last couple of months (since IM Lake Placid), and trying to nail down what I will be working on or even where has been like playing whack a mole. However, I have continued with the slowly building my running, and that has been going pretty well. From this experience it is nice to see how long the adaptations really take even when I can really focus on takes a little while. Early on the focus was mostly on frequency which I think has helped with maintaining flexibility and avoiding injury (knock on wood). I really like that 2013 Boston Marathon running form that your friend Todd has on YouTube, and while none of us mortals will even run like that it really showed the importance of the range of motion and strength through the hips, so trying to just work on some little things has really helped.
It should not be a real shock that I am registered for the Dopey Challenge in January, and looking forward to a vacation is what is keeping me sane right now. No stress about what time to be at the pool, or how crowded a road is going to be, or how much stuff I have to drag with me all over the place (since I travel a TON for work) has been a nice change of pace.
With all of this said I loaded up the 12 week Dopey Challenge Advanced plan, and would like to incorporate some of the elements into what I have been currently doing but am a little scared of doing too much at around that z4 pace range since there seems to be a lot of it in there. I know that it is only week one or two in that program, and it is really structured for someone that might be a little earlier in their race build. I did not do the 5k test last week, and am working off a half marathon that I ran as more of a training run back at the end of September and still had like a 40 second PR (at the end of a 58 miles that week).
Currently I have been running 6 days a week and while a lot of the miles are at a nice aerobic effort I have been doing some type of "quality run" on Tuesday & Thursday with Wednesdays being off. This has allowed for a slow build up and recently feels very good, and easily sustainable for the foreseeable future with current mileage about avg. 77 miles the last 4 weeks.
Perhaps If I draft up what I am proposing for the next couple of months, would you be able to take a look at it and throw a few darts at it??
John, your unstressed rambling writing is STRESSING ME OUT MAN!!!!!!! I say do the Dopey plan but F the intensity. You don't need it...if you want harder, just have a run on some rolling terrain...that should do the trick. Seriously, you've had a big year, so don't push when you don't have to. Just running Dopey will be epic for you...and if you stay healthy, it'll really drive things forward for you over the remainder of 2016!
So far so good with a per week average of about 83 MPW, over the last 10 weeks. With the overall run volume I have been able to include some intervals once a week, over the last several weeks but nothing faster than what would be goal half marathon pace and that seems to be working well allowing for great turnover and recovery for the next day. Along with really watching the nutrition, I have been consistently at a weight that I have not seen since maybe 1989-1991...hahaha. Nothing fits anymore.
I should have a race execution plan to post in the forum in a couple of weeks. Currently all systems are go.
Since last Sunday I have been feeling good, and still have no "real" race plans for this year. I took last week off and was looking to slowly get back into the routine next week. It might be a stretch to jump into the Outseason Plan just yet, was thinking something maybe like a Post Something Transition plan for 4 weeks?
John, I barely recognized you. Crazy how fit you were. So you need to walk that line...we want you to recover, but not lose too much, etc.
I like the post Ironman plan....if you need one. Otherwise I say that you spend your time cycling or swimming as you want / can. Do that for two weeks....then we kick the run off again, with a target to get you back to 30 miles per week asap. How do the legs feel right now?
Agree with 'watching that line" carefully. Legs were a little sore/stiff the first few hours, but walking around a bit in the first couple of days really helped. For now just trying to keep up with the roller, but nothing lingering. I also have not tried to do anything of any intensity, except watching the diet. I don't want to put the weight back on. What a difference about 5 pounds makes!.
Week one I did nothing.
Week two (last week) I only did an easy spin on the bike for about an hour, two trips to the pool, and two short runs at a very easy pace....then 2'+ of snow here over the weekend I only spent time getting dragged around the driveway by my snowblower...haha.
Week three (This week) I go to Virginia Beach later in the week for a few days for work and will try to run on the boardwalk there a couple times, that will be just at an easy pace to get things moving. Spoke to someone there and it should be clear.
In the mean time, the plan would be to get in 2 swims and 2 rides (monday-tuesday) before Wednesday when I leave. If I am back early enough Friday I would try to get to the pool again, and maybe ride again over the weekend.
Maybe we can hope the snow will magically melt and it be back to 50 degrees by the weekend?
PERFECT! 50 0n the weekend? It's supposed to be 47 here tomorrow after high of 18 today....WTF...I could see you re-enter with a bit more pool / swim time and keep the run frequency up but the individual run distance (and weekly mileage) on the lower side for a few weeks. It's gonna take a while to absorb what you've done!
Hey Good Morning, Just to check in, I did find some local swim instruction and so far so good. Just slowly working on a few things that the instructor found and that she is helping me with. So far so good.
As far as an even schedule for 2016..I am still a little hesitant to sign up for anything if I am still unsure how much time I am really going to be able to commit towards the focus and training to everything (swim/bike/run). Working assignments for this year are a little unpredictable at best. However, without some target on the calendar it seems unorganized.....but unorganized can still be fun. Possibly going to one of the course training camps, even if not doing that event this year.
I saw in your Blog you mentioned getting an MRI for hip pains? Any updates? Hope that things are going well.
Good news on the it baby. I am still digging...initial MRI wasn't very conclusive...hoping a good ortho can help me dig deeper into what's happening. Thanks for asking!
The only thing I would suggest is bringing the foam roller up there to keep it loose after the skiing, etc. Remember you have to post a picture!!
The ski trip went well, along with the training in the GF plan the last few weeks.
Last week, this week and for the next few weeks (basically the month of April) I have to work on a project in Buffalo since it is now getting warmer, someone thought it was a great idea for me to be someplace that is colder.
This week is my week 8 of the GF plan so I am going to miss the bike test, cause I do not have my bike here.
Then my season roadmap was to start the Half IM plan for a few weeks until early May then switch to the INT. Full IM plan.
My thoughts were to swim every other weekend when I am home as well as ride the bike as per the plan on those trips home.
But when I am here I was looking to try to run a little extra but at lower intensity just to start building the run durability back to where I would like it to be. I can ride the bike in the hotel exercise room and just try to measure the effort on how I feel?
Once we get to the end of April and I back in NJ to start the next project I want to be in good form to continue the final 12 weeks to IMLP.
Any thoughts on how to handle the bike while I am here? or just do the best I can for a few weeks with what they have and just spin as best as possible in line with the training plan.?
I say you plan on the TSR as planned, only you are riding long on Sat, ride moderate on Sun with a swim. I'd get some swim cords you can do in your hotel like 10' an AM which will help.
Move the long run to Wed, then run short but hard on Mon /FRi. Tues and Thursday are bike days doing what you can. If you need a day off then make it Monday and bike tues/Thursday, run Wed and Fri!
I have the swim cords and will continue to use those as well.
Coming off of IMLP this past week, and having TImberman 70.3 in a couple of weeks. I changed my training plan to the Intermediate Half IM plan, and it comes up with week 18 and a Race Rehearsal this weekend. I will try to get in a couple of swim sessions this week and a couple of Bike, Perhaps Friday & either Saturday or Sunday..just to keep things moving.
Next week I will work that plan and substitute in a Bike for the Tuesday run interval and "try to" hold off running until later next week.
The overall plan for Timberman 70.3 is to treat it more of a long training weekend & time with friends.
One thought in my head that I have been kicking around since Sunday, is Beach2Battleship Full on October 17th. It would be 9 weeks after Timberman, and I would like to build on the current fitness and have something as a nice end of season goal.
I have looked into it but not made any plans, I would still have to check with work next week.
What do you think? It might be best to hold off and review in a couple of weeks after Timberman?
After a couple of weeks off from work for IMLP, I was back to work Monday...and within 5 minutes of reading work emails the Heart Rate was just sky high and it started to sink in that the best thing for my own sanity for a couple of weeks is to focus on work. Some simple work things got overly complicated in my absence, so unfortunately I pulled out of Timberman since I was planning on staying there a couple of days afterwards
Recovery week one (last week) was nice with some swimming and weekend bike rides with nothing crazy.Currently I don't have anything triathlon related scheduled for the remainder of the year, so have done some swimming and a nice bike ride yesterday after work.
Once I get my head around doing another event for fun sometime this year, I can put in a season road map? My thought was that unless I am doing something long course (like another HIM or IM distance) then maybe next week or the following week, just start up the 8 week GF Intermediate Plan?
Hope you are doing well, Just checking in.
2016 Goals are still kinda up in the air. Perhaps a couple of Half's or maybe a full later in the year (Sept or October) not really sure, and I have really focused on work the last few weeks and keeping things stress free...which means trying not to stress out more than a year out.
That being said, "stress free" has turned into some good running these last few weeks just focusing on how I feel and not running too hard. After all, in the summer heat after a while it gets challenging all on its own. This seems to be a good fit right now since it has been what I can fit into the schedule without a lot of admin and has been relaxing. Keeping a lot of my runs at an aerobic effort and making a daily routine to keep rolling the legs and other areas, I have felt pretty good and have just been keeping things moving.No real questions at the moment, but just wanted to check in.. If you see some crazy running volume on the Strava EN Leaderboard do not worry I am just trying to clean out my brain...hahaha it might take a little while.
Hope that you are recovering after Kona and after whatever you were doing today with that electric jackhammer that you showed a photo of on the Dashboard.
Just checking in, since I saw the Run Durability Blog Posting I thought I was a little overdue.
Work has still been a nut house for the last couple of months (since IM Lake Placid), and trying to nail down what I will be working on or even where has been like playing whack a mole. However, I have continued with the slowly building my running, and that has been going pretty well. From this experience it is nice to see how long the adaptations really take even when I can really focus on takes a little while. Early on the focus was mostly on frequency which I think has helped with maintaining flexibility and avoiding injury (knock on wood). I really like that 2013 Boston Marathon running form that your friend Todd has on YouTube, and while none of us mortals will even run like that it really showed the importance of the range of motion and strength through the hips, so trying to just work on some little things has really helped.
It should not be a real shock that I am registered for the Dopey Challenge in January, and looking forward to a vacation is what is keeping me sane right now. No stress about what time to be at the pool, or how crowded a road is going to be, or how much stuff I have to drag with me all over the place (since I travel a TON for work) has been a nice change of pace.
With all of this said I loaded up the 12 week Dopey Challenge Advanced plan, and would like to incorporate some of the elements into what I have been currently doing but am a little scared of doing too much at around that z4 pace range since there seems to be a lot of it in there. I know that it is only week one or two in that program, and it is really structured for someone that might be a little earlier in their race build. I did not do the 5k test last week, and am working off a half marathon that I ran as more of a training run back at the end of September and still had like a 40 second PR (at the end of a 58 miles that week).
Currently I have been running 6 days a week and while a lot of the miles are at a nice aerobic effort I have been doing some type of "quality run" on Tuesday & Thursday with Wednesdays being off. This has allowed for a slow build up and recently feels very good, and easily sustainable for the foreseeable future with current mileage about avg. 77 miles the last 4 weeks.
Perhaps If I draft up what I am proposing for the next couple of months, would you be able to take a look at it and throw a few darts at it??
Thanks and sorry for writing so much this time
With the overall run volume I have been able to include some intervals once a week, over the last several weeks but nothing faster than what would be goal half marathon pace and that seems to be working well allowing for great turnover and recovery for the next day. Along with really watching the nutrition, I have been consistently at a weight that I have not seen since maybe 1989-1991...hahaha. Nothing fits anymore.
I should have a race execution plan to post in the forum in a couple of weeks.
Currently all systems are go.
Focus is staying healthy...keep it up!!!
Hope you had a good time in Florida this past week.
Finally posted a report for the Dopey with lots of photos. Enjoy.
Since last Sunday I have been feeling good, and still have no "real" race plans for this year. I took last week off and was looking to slowly get back into the routine next week. It might be a stretch to jump into the Outseason Plan just yet, was thinking something maybe like a Post Something Transition plan for 4 weeks?Thanks.
I like the post Ironman plan....if you need one. Otherwise I say that you spend your time cycling or swimming as you want / can. Do that for two weeks....then we kick the run off again, with a target to get you back to 30 miles per week asap. How do the legs feel right now?
Agree with 'watching that line" carefully. Legs were a little sore/stiff the first few hours, but walking around a bit in the first couple of days really helped. For now just trying to keep up with the roller, but nothing lingering. I also have not tried to do anything of any intensity, except watching the diet. I don't want to put the weight back on. What a difference about 5 pounds makes!.
Week one I did nothing.Week two (last week) I only did an easy spin on the bike for about an hour, two trips to the pool, and two short runs at a very easy pace....then 2'+ of snow here over the weekend I only spent time getting dragged around the driveway by my snowblower...haha.
Week three (This week) I go to Virginia Beach later in the week for a few days for work and will try to run on the boardwalk there a couple times, that will be just at an easy pace to get things moving. Spoke to someone there and it should be clear.
In the mean time, the plan would be to get in 2 swims and 2 rides (monday-tuesday) before Wednesday when I leave. If I am back early enough Friday I would try to get to the pool again, and maybe ride again over the weekend.
Maybe we can hope the snow will magically melt and it be back to 50 degrees by the weekend?
Thanks. Have a good week and hope for warm weather.
Just to check in, I did find some local swim instruction and so far so good. Just slowly working on a few things that the instructor found and that she is helping me with. So far so good.
As far as an even schedule for 2016..I am still a little hesitant to sign up for anything if I am still unsure how much time I am really going to be able to commit towards the focus and training to everything (swim/bike/run). Working assignments for this year are a little unpredictable at best. However, without some target on the calendar it seems unorganized.....but unorganized can still be fun.
Possibly going to one of the course training camps, even if not doing that event this year.
I saw in your Blog you mentioned getting an MRI for hip pains? Any updates?
Hope that things are going well.