Joe Lombardi's 2014 MicroThread
Hey Patrick...back in the Haus after punching my Boston Ticket last weekend...looking forward to my return to multisport...and have alot of questions...First of all thanks for the Crucible review of my IMTX...would love to spend some quality time talking about that as well....I just feel like I have so much more upside to gain......and it mostly revolves around Strenght & the bike....Anyway...I am were I let start... I'm not sure if this is the best venue...but here goes...(PS - I'm always willing to pop $50 for a one-on-one conversation)...
Let me start by stating that I love the IM distance...I have 3 under my belt with a best of 12:15 at IMTX this past season...but I know that I can go under 11hrs...IF...I can get my bike fitness where I think I can, and need it to be.....I have two issues I believe I need to address...fundamental strength and speed...strength being by biggest weakness (no pun intended)..I believe....
For 2014; I was planning to go back to IMTX..a.) becuase I like to repeat a course at least once, and b.) its the team event but now I'm not so sure. Having also punched my ticket for Age Group Nationals in Milwaukee next year....I have been considering spending the year focused on shorter events and targeting that race...and then use the expected faster stronger base as a catapault back into a better result at the IM distance..(late 2014 possibly?)...or....
How would training for IMTX (May) a good springboard (and also allow time between) make a strong effort at AG Nationals (August 9th)....
Or Would doing AG Nationals work well in the context of my build to IMLOU in Late August?....(IMLOU is a course I would not mind going back to either...)
So Question #1 is around 2014 "A" races & Focus...any thoughts or considerations there?
Back to the question of Strength; I feel pretty strongly that I do not have, or would greatly benefit from, a strenght program targeting my Glutes, Hams, ...core...the cycling turbine....I never had it before jumping into Multisport...and despite putting in many cylcing miles it is an aspect that I do not believe I have ever specifically Never spent much time climbing or in big gears etc.....
So Question #2 is...does this makes sense? do you believe there would be a benefit? and specifically What to do & how to incorportate it?
I guess thats it for now......but pretty critical for me to sort through these questions so that I can start to lay out a real preseason, Outseason, and Race targeted plan.....Thanks!
Thanks for the thoughtful post. This _kinda_ goes beyond "What should I do this week" as you are talking about your entire 2014 season...but I am happy to give you input.
First note that the biggest block to being your cycling best is your predisposition to running, and running fast. (Think competition for scarce resources).
Our best tool for improving your bike strength is the OutSeason (hard work, plenty of rest), then some more cycling specific work -- such as a cycling camp (Blue Ridge anyone?) or similar block. Perhaps the plan. Yes to core work, we have GREAT resources in the Wiki under Self Coaching...
I would lay out your year thusly (not knowing how you plan to wrap this one!):
* Start with the OutSeason, planning on really focusing on the Bike.
* Exit in mid-Feb into a modified "finish" block for Boston (including some cycling).
* Recover from Boston with Swim Camp.
* Plan on a May Cycling Camp ( -- or similar)
* Aim for an "early" half in the June Timeframe en route to Louisville
You can't do Boston, focus on cycling and crush IMTX.
Hey Patrick...THANKS!
Okay; I'm good with committing to some big hard bike work to get me where I need to go....I have some specific questions around modifying the work to address what I think are my personal imbalances/weakness...I would really like to discuss this with you either in phone or separate thread/message. (ie. I think I need to work on Raising the a heavier dose of MaxVO2 stuff? but would like to discuss this in more detail...I may not be able to explain why I believe I need this...why or f it makes any sense at all....)
So two key things about your response;....I BQ'd just this past no plans/not in Boston in 2014... maybe 2015. ...
So the bigger question from a season planning perspective is...If I wanted to have a secondary focus or B+ the August 9th Short Course AG Nationals....Would I be better off...Targeting TEXAS....then refocusing on Milwuakee (May/August)....or Targeting Milwaukee on the Way to Louisville (Early August/Late August).....I see merits and weaknesses to both approaches.......
...and there any benefit to doing some specific weight training now as I transistion from Post Season to OutSeason....that will benefit me on the bike?
You can do an 8wk functional strength program for Nov/Dec as you lay foundation for a Jan OS start...but we can discuss more on the phone (if you go that way). If not let's keep this thread rolling. Strength resources are in the Self Coaching section of the wiki....etc.
Hey Sorry I kept sending stuff to the Contact the Coaches e*mail...
Happy New Year…hope you and the Fam had a great…I ventured to Barrington had some great runs…but fought some congestion and nastiness…for about a week….didn’t miss much…but I had to watch the rest & recovery..
I received your earlier message/response (below)…and as noted…I’m all good right now…really feeling good on the bike…
JCL, you are KILLING ME. I don't check email so this will go here to DIE. Please keep all this on the EN PM list if possible...Don't want to leave you hanging.
OS is the single most important plan you do all year. Written as 14 weeks...not 8 + something else. We need to save the volume for when it matters...and it doesn't matter yet. You have only just started doing the work that builds the real fitness you need for 2014!!!
But…I have follow up question(s)….There is a lot of “mixed” confusing messages about bike volume in the OS….(re: Saturday rides)…..I understand…Main Set is the priority…but in Rich’s Week 11(?) video…he talks about extending the Saturday ride….to which he says…if you’re going from the OS into Race Prep…you should consider or should start to extend the Saturday rides….2-3 hours….but if your inside…don’t ride more than 2…….in the “LongTerm IM Marathon Improvement” document….around this time you start to extend the Saturday rides…up to 4-5hrs………
So…my questions/concerns…I have been up to 2hrs on Saturdays…with the work…and think I might extend that to 2.5…Is this sufficient? Should I consider spending more time even though I’m stuck indoors?...I have considered maybe going 3 every other weekend…?...What are your thoughts comments about this?
Second; I know we briefly communicated about potential for some Big Bike time…heading south if the weather allowed…some in the Haus…(Big Al Truscott) have suggested that the Tour of Sufferlandia is a good Big Bike opportunity? Yes? No?
If yes; What do you do with running during that week?...(I know there is a Big Bike Template…but thought this might be different being inside..etc…and not 100mi/5-6hr days in the saddle)
Also and lastly…That would coincide with the final week of the OS plan (14 weeks)….Jan25th ending Feb2 for NovOS peeps.
I have Myrtle Beach Half Marathon on Feb. 15th…..Before I was considering Tour of Sufferlandia…I was going to finish out the OS as is…then do two week Swim Camp…(HM in the middle)…kicking of Race Prep…
Comments on that?...Do the Tour (ie. its worth it from a training perspective) or No?...Swim Camp is a good way to transition and kick off…yes or no?
Okay, you can extend the OS weekend ride (and, for that matter the run) but the goal here isn't to get you ready for an Ironman...that's what the race prep is for (final 12 weeks). Instead, this is to get you ready for the transition to the Race Prep plan. So I would say 2.5 hours is a fine bike target, 1.5 hours is solid for the run.
If you want to do the ToS as a replacement to a volume week (which it really isn't but it IS a Bike Focus week), it's possible, but I would suggest you do this. Skip week 12 of the OS and do Wks 13 and 14 to make sure your tests are done before the ToS truly starts. As in Bike test Tuesday, off Wed, Run 5k Thurs...Friday off...then TOS. Add swimming to the ToS as you need for "extra" -- we rest the run -- then a week of swim camp after, and back on track... problem on the previous message....I loose track of how, where, when to communicate...too many channels available ...and I try to narrow them down as well...
...key you think doing the ToS is worth anything...other than personal challenge/fun...? I'm having second thoughts....I was only going to do it because I though it would add a punch to my bike strength & ability....but if that isn't the case...I could use the time more effectively by extending the OS or something else?...
So question is: If I don't do ToS...then normal OS ends on Sunday Feb. 2nd....then I have 2 weeks before Myrtle Beach Half Marathon and 3/4 before official start of IMTX race prep....what would you/should I do those weeks?...Thanks.
..NOTE: it would be great if you or Rich would chime in/chat on the Tour of Sufferlandia Intro thread started by Roy....there are alot of questions similar to mine (regarding doing the ToS...fitting it in...etc.)...that are begging Coaching Comments.
* End OS with a 5k test on that sunday.
* Load up final 2 weeks of Half Marathon plan, play runner through race day.
* Recover from HM with 2 weeks of swim camp (we can modify if need be).
* We put an eye towards inserting some bike volume into weeks 12 to 8 of your plan....perhaps even using TR, etc.
Thanks P!...Sanity must rule on this one....I appreciate it.
ps SUPER stoked for your bike results!!!!
Thanks P!...I'm stoked as well about the bike...A couple of question I have coming I come out of the HM...1-2weeks of Swim Camp (rest the run but with bike)..and I kick off the Race you think it is possible to not maintain my FTP...but go one more cycle 4 week maybe...of trying to bump it one more time?
....also still kinda concerned about this winter and sufficient volume in March on the bike...need to think about how I can deal with that...Thanks again,
I think you can keep the FTP up with the weekday interval bike and saturday FTP parts...the volume is another issue. I know we have discussed this earlier, I feel like the outcome was you can't really travel to get anywhere warmer to trainer before TX, right? We could work up some kind of a mini-trainer camp for you (4 day block) but really outdoor riding is where it's at.
Please update me on the travel options / limitations...
lol..point taken.
I may be able to pull off a Big Week/end sometime around the IMTX camp time...if weather driving south far enough to make it work in early April...otherwise...well your in RI...same stuff here in NJ.
P- Well I'm supposed to run Myrtle Beach HM this Saturday; Snowstorm nixes my planned travel on Thursday;
I'm not sure 10-12hr. of driving Friday for bib pickup & then a 6:30am start is conducive to good race or worth it? What say ye?
Hidy-Ho Patrick...time is flying by....Nice work at Hyannis btw.
So finishing off Swim Camp and dropping into Race Prep this week....Any thoughts/suggestions on how to approach early weeks of Weekend bike work/volume given current conditions? I think things will improve over the next two weeks but am concerned about these first few weekends...
Please provide me some framework...Last year if you will recall ..I only rode on Saturdays for the first few weeks...and kept my long run on Sunday....
...again...just looking fro some general guidance on weekend bike work volume over the next few early weeks of Race Prep...assuming I can't do 3-4hrs. outside...if I can I will...
Good Morning Mr. 40Miler...awersome dude!....
So the inside riding was fine...last weekend I finally got ouside 2x3hrs....and all of a sudden this is supposed to be Big Day Saturday per the schedule...but I have a conflict which will make getting it all in Saturday....and I have a couple of choices and would like your opinion on best option:
A.) On Saturday I have until about noon available (but need to be done and showered by noon) I could - per the Wiki- do a Swim on Friday afternoon and try to ride and run on Saturday morning...but I may only be able to get in 3hr. bike + run
B.) I could swap days and do the Big Day on Sunday. ...if I do that what should I do Saturday?
C.) My personal favorite is given that I haven't had alot of outside riding to date (one weekend)...part of me thinks I should take advantage of the changing weather to get outside on the bike another weekend...and just do the normal 2x ride weekend....and shift the Big Day to next Saturday....Any downside to this?
ps thanks!
Hey Patrick; question about the weekl 15 Camp week....and RR's....this year like last year...I have to back up my week 15 RR to Week the plan I had was RR's in week 16 & problem there...again I did that last year...
But this have the Double Dip Camp Weekend in Week my question is....can I/should I do there any issue with doing...the Double Dip Camp weekend in Week 16? or should I just do the regular RR's? is there some recovery concern if I back up the Double Dip by a week...with only 14 days before RR#2?
The double week then 14 days to next RR is fine...the benefits of the double outweigh proximity of #2 and we can always modify that one based on how you recover from the Double Dipper.
Hope you are well!!
So things keep progressing here very nicely...comparing to last year...Bike espescially...Run is good....Swim...not sure...its okay...but I wasn't looking for big gains...on the Bike...I switched to shorter crank arms and extended my front end a bit...huge improvement...both in ability to ride strong, stay comfortably aero...and the legs feel better off the bike...
My question today is this......(I posted to the IMTX thread for feedback as welll...but your the coach)....
So today is Wed...facing the weekend which for me will be either my Camp/Big Tri Weekend or Traditoinal Simple RR#1 Weekend...and honestly I remain undecided as which I will pursue.....I'm a bit nervous/skeptical of including the Big Camp at this point..its a weekend not week or a month..I'm a firm believe that fitness is built by consistentcy over time...not in any single workout or I'm more interested in the necessary recovery and not overtraining in the final peaking feels like it is coming along just fine...I feel I'm in a good place (comparing to last years build to IMTX....were I just did regular RR's...)....and don't want to overshoot/get stale....feel like that happened coming off of the accident in my build for Louisville in 2012...and feel like I never fully recovered from the Big Volume Week/end (I did 5 days Wed-Sun)....everyone around here is getting sick...which scares the heck out of me at this concerned about digging a hole..., jumping in...and not having the strength to climb back out..and then climb a little to speak
I know you guys have tons of experience just asking for your thoughts or maybe a push into the water....
I honestly think that you'll be fine with camp week. It's just two days and a run. Not traveling anywhere so you aren't not locked into the training. If you're tired or exhausted after the first day with your race sim, you can simply shorten the ride on day 2 -- done. You're right, there are no bonus points for burying yourself.
We are on the same page re the incremental build of fitness... I feel that this camp week approach is a unique balance between those two polar opposites: too much work, or too little change.
Ok....sounds good...I just wanted to get the bounceback on a 1:1 level....not just "follow" the plan into a brick to speak.
Mojo out to you and your family..Happy Easter.
Quick and relatively minor question....Any issues/thoughts about doing the second ride of the big weekend on a road bike?
I just got a new Madone...would be nice to ride...a little change of pace etc..?...
If Tri Bike in Aero Day #2 is key/important ...then try bike it is...just askin.
Hope you had a Nice Easter....I may end up riding the Madone anyway....took a flyer over the bars on my century yesterday (all ok)...and may take the bike to the lbs just to have it checked over and readjusted as necessary....damage bottle cages etc....we'll see.