Jeff Leslie micro thread
Coach P,
In wk 19 of HIM plan, Austin 70.3 next Sunday. Any problem if I move my 150min sat ride for tomorrow to Sunday? Sunday supposed to be a rest day. Lots of family stuff to do tomorrow.
Is that too close to race day?
In wk 19 of HIM plan, Austin 70.3 next Sunday. Any problem if I move my 150min sat ride for tomorrow to Sunday? Sunday supposed to be a rest day. Lots of family stuff to do tomorrow.
Is that too close to race day?
Coach P,
Long range/planning question. I'm doing IMTX, my first full IM. I'm doing the IMTX training camp too. My wife and some friends from church traditionally do the "Texas Independence Relay" in late March. It is 203 miles split between 8-12 runners (we usually have 12), in small legs (4-6miles each). We usually each do 3-4. I've done 20+/- miles in each of the last two races. It starts Saturday morning early and we usually finish late sunday afternoon (we are NOT competetive in this thing!).
This year, it falls on March 29-30, which is the weekend following the IMTX training camp. I also have the option of doing a local HIM here (<1hr driving distance). Haven't committed to either. Looks like it is at the end of week 13 of IMTX plan.</p>
Asking for I do that run it will hurt my IMTX build and is a terrible idea....or....the HIM will be better training/prep than this run....etc....?
FWIW, this race is really more my wife's "baby" than mine...she's a runner, and this is a very social event with friends, etc., and she likes me to do it with her. I even did it at the last minute a couple of years ago when I was only a cyclist, because they needed another body and I was "in shape".....led to bad ITB syndrome from extreme mileage with no base build and some bad blisters! So, this is sort of an opportunity to bank some SAU's.
My AAA race is IMTX, though, and I don't want to do something stupid. I haven't committed to my wife or the folks at church....they are all aware that I may have to decline this year.
Coach P,
I'm in week 2 of GF plan, prepping for IMTX. Wondering if I should do the Tour of Sufferlandia (9 days, beginning on Jan25) or just stick with the GF plan workouts? Probably can't do both, although might be able to get a swim or two and/or run or two in?
Thanks. I'll pass this year....IMTX is my AAA race, s/b/r are all equally mediocre for me, and I don't own the videos ($138 for all of them), I'll just stick with the plan.
On another note, will we get some do/dont's at some point a few weeks in advance of the IMTX training camp (wheels, hydration recs, etc)? I know it's still two months away, but getting excited! (How sick is that?)
In week 9 of IM intermediate plan (IMTX). This is my first full. Question about running paces. I am not fast (vDot of 42), but running at LRP of 9:48 is just ridiculously slow. My JRA pace (not looking at pace, just running easy) usually settles out to 8:30-8:45, depending on how I feel.
Now, I KNOW that at IMTX I will be doing GREAT to run 10:00/mile. But, do I really have to do my LRP miles at 9:48? I just feel like I'm shuffling. I know part of the logic is chronic fatigue/not being able to get the next workouts done (at goals) and also to "learn" what it feels like to run "stupid-slow". But really? If you were me, knowing what you know, would you honestly run 9:48 for your prescribed LRP miles (tomorrow I'm supposed to do the long run....60mins LRP, 15min MP, then 15 at challenging pace)?? The thought of running for one hour at 9:48 seems almost like a waste of time.
You're the coach. I am a relative newbie and not a seasoned runner. I will do what you tell me. Just want to make SURE I'm really supposed to run this slow and understand why.
Thanks. See you in a few weeks.
Please see my question below, then read this and/or look at my file from today's long run:
Executed my first "long run" in prep for IMTX today. Here it is....note that my first 60' I ran a little faster than 9:48. I was still running very easily with no "pushing". This is what I have done in the past for my Z1 time. Do you recommend that I do these at 9:48 (which will require constant Garmin checks, etc.)?...or is this OK?
So I will give you some wiggle room...let's call it 9:00/mile...and then we'll see how that goes. Deal?
I posed this question in the IMTX forum tonight and would like your opinion/advice too please:
Question for those doing the IMTX camp in a few weeks: I noticed that the intermediate plan does not have a 5hr ride between now and camp. Are any of you considering altering the plan somehow to do 5hrs next weekend or the following (which is supposed to be a 1/4/1 big tri day)? I'm not sure my neck and taint can handle a jump from 4 to 6hrs. Maybe I should ask coach P?
Thanks in advance.
You ARE right that it is a lot of riding early on, but that only increases the chance for fitness gains etc. I would bring, in order:
* Lots of Chamois cream.
* Some Tylenol
* Caffeinated food for later in the day -- gels, coke, etc!!!
* And some really, really patient riding. Or you'll have to put up with ALL my bad jokes for Day Two. And they are really bad.
Please share this back to the TX forum...
OK Coach. I'll trust you....but if I need one of those crane-thingies that I've seen those nuts that do RAAM to keep my head up....
I forwarded your response to the IMTX group (which is an amazing group of people...really keep me motivated to not miss a workout).
I read your email update on camp. But, I've never done one of these and don't want to be "that guy"....
Do most folks use their race wheels for these camps? I will race IMTX with disk cover on my Zipp 101 in back and use my brand-spanking new Flo 60 up front (Christmas present...still in the box). I just don't want to be the only one doing this or the only one not doing this! Aero helmet? EN race kit (if it's warm enough)?
Also, I could not get the gpx or tcx files to import to my Garmin 800 last may be me, though...never done that before. So, I just mapped it out from the turn by turn directions. That should work right?
Thanks. Jeff
I think that your turn by turn should do it!
Coach P,
I have that race coming up, remember? I tried what you told me to do but it isn't working. What should I do now?......
Seriously, though, any plans to get some EN "trucker hats" in the store? I like your idea of using a "trucker hat" for ice on the IM run. Maybe I'll just get a plain white one and use a sharpie to add the EN/star logo?'ll look about like you're imagining.
Just a suggestion.
What'dya think about this? I considered all white too (cooler), but I like the red, as does the boss (wife).
I ended up ordering an all white one (with the same EN logo)....cooler color!
Couldn't tell if you were kidding or not, so:
You are quite welcome.
Want to make sure I'm modifying my "camp week" this week, for IMTX. I did the camp in The Woodlands a few weeks ago.
I'm planning:
Wed plan as written. Thursday long run (2:15, per IM intermediate plan). Fri RR swim. Saturday 112 mi bike/6mi brick run. Sunday off.
I don't think that mentally (or perineally!) I can/should do the camp week as written (again). Since I did it a few weeks ago, I should be OK with this plan above right?
Coach P...just posted my Race Plan for IMTX. Good feedback, but has left me confused about my nutrition plan for the run. Would you mind reading my plan (at least the nutrition stuff) and the comments and give me your advice? I'm basing my plan off of the On Course Nutrition plan and 0.5x wt in lbs x 4 = 310cal/hr on run, but the vets are ALL telling me that's too!
The RR does NOT help with this, in my opinion. The first 6 miles of the run I believe only tell you if your bike nutrition plan was adequate....right? The vets are telling my I'm gonna have gut problems later in the run (which I've never experience and would thus tend to trust their advice....but then I'm not trusting the wiki!!!) Conundrum.
Thanks. Jeff
Thanks for the reply in my Race Plan thread. One quick question:
Final RR bike/run is scheduled for Saturday. I can do it then, but Sunday would be more convenient from a family standpoint. Given all the time/effort I've put into this thusfar, I don't want to sabotage myself by doing it "too late". Would sat vs. sun make any difference on May 17?
Managed to get the RR done Saturday. I had targeted IF of 0.7, but ended up 0.67. I've been a little under-the-weather with a nagging dry cough and sore throat and I think all the hacking/coughing last week took a little more out of me than I expected. Just had more trouble than usual holding 0.7 (which is not normal for me...usually have to continually back off the first couple of hours). I just pushed a little the last 2 hours, but didn't freak out about the 0.03 deficit.....I still did 112 in 5:53 with aero wheels/helmet. If it's hot on May 17, I may target 0.68 in fact.
Now, I am really concerned about what is going on with my legs the past two days. I was able to do 1 mi Z4 yesterday, but it was much harder than usual and I had a lot of trouble holding Z2 (which is only 8:04/mi for me) before and after the Z4 mile. Usually, Z2 after a Z4 mile or two is pretty easy. This has been progressively getting worse the past 3 weeks. On the bike, for the past month I have been unable to hold Z4 on the wednesday interval rides (esp on the trainer). I can usually do the first 12-15 min interval, but the last one is usually at 0.9 or so. Having never done a full IM before, I have assumed that this is "normal".....some loss of fast as I build the far? But, as I communicate in the IMTX forum and follow others on Strava, etc. who are doing the same stuff, it seems like I'm the only one who consistently can't keep up.
Tonight, I had the 3 x 6 Z4 60' bike followed by the horribly evil 30' Z4 out / Z2 back brick. Is that your idea?!
I expected to be able to do the 3 x6 bike intervals solidly, but struggle with the Z4 out. Instead, I did the first 6' Z4 bike interval ok, but the second was 0.9 and the third a totally lame 0.85. My quads were just screaming and I could not tolerate the pain....lots of stopping to flex quads and try to flush lactate (?). HR was lower than expected, as if I was just not able to fight through the pain long enough to get my HR up to usual Z4 range. The brick run was a disaster too. I ran about 1min at Z4, before legs on fire and hamstrings started to feel like they were cramping or I was going to "pull a hammy". I'm not a fast runner, and have NEVER had a hamstring injury or hamstring cramp in my life (I think only fast people get them, personally). I backed off for fear of injury. Walked a bit, jogged, tried to speed up to Z4 several times, but could not tolerate the leg pain. Hamstrings started feeling a little less "tight". Ended up doing all 30' at Z4 (first 2 miles with this speed up/slow down fiasco), last two at Z2, but still much harder to hold than usual (but HR not higher than expected). Does this just mean that my muscles are still full of lactate or "fried" and thus the pain is out of proportion to the effort (ie....HR doesn't really need to increase because I can't sustain the effort long enough to require more cardiac output?)
I'm sorry for the long windedness, but I am really concerned that I am not going be "recovered" in 10 days. I have hit all the main workouts for the past 4 months, and the vast majority of the medium priority workouts and some of the low priority ones. My CTL is starting to trend down in Training Peaks and CTL is around zero. I don't "feel" bad, but am concerned that Z2 run and Z3/4 bike work is so freaking hard right now. Am I OK? If this is all normal, I'll proceed as planned. Looks like the only remaining Z4 stuff is another evil Z4out/Z2back 30' brick saturday. I don't anticipate the 80min run with 20' Z2 at the end will be difficult Thursday. I don't think the 150min bike will be difficult either. The Z4/Z2 brick will be a disaster I'm fairly sure! Swims are swims!
I'm afraid if I "back off" and rest too much, that my CTL will plummet and I'll loose some fitness that I've worked so hard to gain. I'm not injured in any way, but may be a little funky still from the coughing nonsense though? I WANT to finish the workouts as per plan. But, most importantly, I want to be as ready/prepared to race as possible on May 17.
I recommend taking Thursday & Friday both off. Saturday give me a very easy 90 minutes then followed by an easy 30 minute run. Then we can check in about Sunday.
There is still time to recover, but we have to start this process right away. If you truly are serious about performance you will have no problem resting; you can also focus more on your diet for these days that you're not working out.