NOS 2014 Week 1, Bike Workouts (FTP Baby!)
Boom! It is go time everyone. Let's hear about those FTP tests and 1st set of intervals. Don't try to be a hero this week. Set your baseline and get ready for 14 weeks of hard work.
Good luck!
Boom! It is go time everyone. Let's hear about those FTP tests and 1st set of intervals. Don't try to be a hero this week. Set your baseline and get ready for 14 weeks of hard work.
Good luck!
Starting the OS with lots of room to improve... 198 FTP.
Finished the Bike Test, FTP 260W & VO2 288W. Run test gave me a vdot of 47.04. Just finished my first 6 X 2 intervals. Was strong setting these marks:
292W, 287W, 308W, 304W, 300W & 298W. Welcome to the "Ouch Season"!
Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it.
Steve Prefontaine
First bike test. 40' on trainer. AG 60-64. Avg HR 130, 12.32 m, 18.5 mph. Rest tomorrow and 5k test run on wednesday. The journey officially begins.
Uh, these almost look like end of OS numbers!
Well done, Edwin.
I did my bike test this morning on the trainer. On Saturday, I ran a local 5K for my run test. I don't know if another day of rest would have made the bike test any better. I have been resting pretty hard since IMLT.
VO2 = 280w (down from peak of 312w Spring 2013)
FTP = 218w (down from peak 248w Spring 2013) ---- That hurts!
Takeaways: Time to get serious and drinking beer the day prior to a test day does not improve your FTP
Funny how it takes so much work to build FTP but so little time to tear it down!
Ok I am an old man of 56 but I LOVE the bike. At the time of my death I would like my bike to be included in my coffin! Here are my numbers
176 pounds
297 FTP
355 VO2
3.72 watts/kg
My goal is to be at 325 by the end of OS
Vo2max "All-Out" segment:
NP 378W / Avg HR 170 / 4.9 W/kg
20' TT segment
NP 294W / Avg HR 173 / 3.8W/kg
So my actual FTP dials in at 279W which is 20W below the value I was hoping for but I'll take it
There's more work ahead of me than I expected
Holy cow that's some awesome high scores!!
I can remember to only time I did a trainer ride for a little bit over 4 hours and since then I swear to myself I will NEVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!
Damn I just realized I've some MASSIVE gap in my Vo2-vs-FTP ratio (averaged about 40W higher in the 5min segment than the calculator gives me for Zone 5) ... which value should I now go with??
ray = crazy. though i do most of my biking on the trainer.
my ftp/vo2 work was yesterday at the cyclocross race. but unfortunaely i can't get power on my cross bike.
FTP: 217
VO2: 263
weight: 83 kg
>2.6 W/kg
Guess I have a lot to improve...or was I just taking it too easy? Or some fatigue is left in my legs from the Half Marathon race on Sunday.
FTP clocked in at 191. Ouch! I suppose it's time to stop drinking and eating out 3+ nights per week. Can't wait for Wednesday's run test - it's not going to be pretty! Oh well, all the more room for improvement. . .
53 years old
6' 2"
weight 187
FTP: 200
Came home to an empty house. Glad no one could see what I was doing to myself. I must remember to turn on the fan.
Last year started the Outseason with an FTP of 183 and ended with an FTP of 213.
This year I start the Outseason with an FTP of 206. (assuming my math is correct power 217 x .95)
My VO2 Max was 261 with a heat rate of 153.
I need a nap, and the Red Sox are on tonight. It is going to be a long night.
FTP - 283, AVHR 167
VO2 Max - 318 (at only 1.12% of my FTP, I know I need some work on this)
W/kg - 3.46
Now, the run test, different matter. The inactivity the last 4 weeks will certainly show! I know I am slow and I got the numbers to prove it!
This gives me my HR zones. Is there a way to get an FTP estimate from this? I have an ANT+ dongle coming later this week so I hope to switch to using the virtual power in TrainerRoad. I am not exactly sure how I will use these results there. Then someday (soon) hopefully I can get a power meter. I want my FTP...
With power, w/kg. is most important. I am 6' 4" and 200ish pounds and when I am done with OS I should be sitting at ~ 280 watts as FT. There is pretty much no way a 5' 0" 100 pound chica can push that much power (Unless she is Kim Dubord. :-)  
So FT is just a number.
Now, if you are sitting at a w/kg. of 3.0 and you get it up to 3.6+ while holding the same power you are lighter AND more aerodynamic at any size. You will be faster. Having a hight FT is simply a bonus.
Point being . . . body comp is very important.
my .02.
So I've been trying to catch up on "stuff" after being on EN hiatus for the month of Oct. and can't figure out what FTP test method we're using this year... 5' + 20' or the 20-2-20 version? (I saw both in 2 different places)
Kim, the 'official' test is now the 5+20 minute test. Some folks (like me) use the 'old' 20x2(2). Still others are using SF Rubber Glove. Bottom line, while I believe R&P would prefer us to use the 5+20, as long as you benchmark and do future tests using the same technique, I think you're good. However you get your measurement, just make sure you get it and you compare apples to apples moving forward.
Now get after it!
Had been doing a little bit of TR stuff for the last few weeks to keep the feel. But, been mostly running. Took a couple of days off leading into this cuz my achilles had tightened up. A combination of those factors plus lots of caffeine and Linkin Park led to pretty good bike session. Was surprised it turned out much higher than the FTP that I had been using over the last 4 weeks on TR.
Did hack it just a touch cuz I was time crunched. Reduced the recovery time between the VO2 and FTP from 10' to 4' and had to cut the FTP session from 20' to 17'. Neutralizing hack factors. I'm not too worried about cutting the test 3' this time around cuz I was trending up, consistently, and felt plenty strong at that point. Wish it were done precisely, but I did what had to do, knowing that there's plenty of tests and workouts that will provide opportunity to correct this swag if I'm way off.
Here we go!
I assume I want to be using the numbers from the "NP" column in Trainer Road?
Bike FTP - 353 (164HR / 24.2 mph)
Bike VO2- 405 (166HR / 27.5 mph)
Run VDOT - TBD Weds
Height / Weight - 6'4" / 213 lb
Age: 38
Trainer Road data:
Garmin Connect data:
I have a Cyclops Super Magneto Pro trainer set to the "2 / Road" setting. I've got this listed in my Trainer Road profile but the actual Trainer Road application doesn't have the Super Magneto Pro so I tested with it set to Magneto.
My previous bike test PR was 26.0 mph across the 40' HR test at the end of the 2012 OS; Again, I mention that as a reference to provide something to compare my Trainer Road virtual power numbers to.
Haven't been on my bike in over 12 weeks. Been run only building for a major PR at my all time favorite marathon, and was successful in that attempt. But the cost was no biking at all.
Not sure why I believed I could jump on the saddle and make it work.... well, it didn't. So, current plan is to get some unstructured ride time in then test next week. Not too worried about missing workouts or having marginal results at first because this will be a non-IM year.
Looks like lots of great starting numbers for everyone so far. Keep up the good work and I'll watch from the BOP!