@John Stark - excellent remarks about the metrics. That tracks with a post I read from Al Truscott a while back at the end of the last OS when he was talking about that, he said at his peak he was 4w/kg I think. Now I get it.
@Steve West - great to see you posting away here again! I'm still coming to Maine, my daughter is in Stillwater and working in Bangor!
@Ray Brown - great web-site on power. Thanks for posting that.
5+20 test done this morning after recovering from the stomach bug running through the family this weekend. I was a little apprehensive about it given the bug, but it didn't hit me as hard as my wife and daughter, so I went ahead with the test. 5' average of 306 for the VO2 then 20' average of 263 for an FTP of ~250. I was expecting a dip over the long course season since my last test in April and I got it, but I'm still way ahead of where I started a year ago and about at a mid-JOS level from ealier this year. So I'm happy with where I'm at for now and look forward to the WORK ahead to crush my previous FTP-PR come February!
Joe, do I take the two and combine them, or list them separately?
The 5 minute NP for the bike is 136, and the 20 minute NP is 134, so the average is 135. Sorry for being such a nube, but I want to make sure I'm figuring this out correctly. Thanks for your help!
Dawn; the 5min NP is your MaxVO2 power..as is...no need to do anything. Take the 134NP and on theEN homepage...go to TrainingPlan...EN Calculators....when you get to that page...enter the 134 into the bike calulator (you have to in put time 20:00min) and the NP (134)...it will spit out for you your FTP number and then populate your training zones ...and your good to go!
I was hoping the team's mojo would get me through today's ftp test with flying colors but not so much. Depressing....
Here's todays stats along with some of last years tests for comparison:
Today- Tri bike on trainer VO2- 188 FTP- 154
Pre-OS in Dec. 2012- Road bike on trainer VO2- 196 FTP- 152
Peak from 2013 - Road bike on the road - 10kTT VO2- Messed up the test so not sure if FTP is overstated as a result FTP- 177 (Highest FTP on tri bike was 170)
So, basically, back where I started. Last year was able to hold some of my gains from the previous year so I waas hoping that would be the case again this year.
Someone please tell me it will come back easier this year than it was to gain last year! I have managed to maintain on the run and even make improvements (5' off previous Half mary time) and the run has always been the weakest so I think from a tri perspective, I'm in OK shape to start the OS.
Only place for the watts to go is up! (And the weight down!)
Test #1 is DONE! I haven't done one of these in over a year and forgot how much I hate these, I remember I would be in a bad mood for 2 days before just knowing I had one coming up. Unbelievably I am starting 20 watts higher than the 2011/12 OS, so I am happy. Stats below
Feels good to be back on the bike after a 7 week break. I did make a mistake while using TR for the first time today. I didn't realize my settings were set to the wrong brand of trainer. I set it to the correct one on the website, but that doesn't carry over into the app. So I am doing my 5' VO2 set and my power is averaging around 465 so I figured something was wrong. During the 10 min recovery break I stopped and figured out the problem. So I continued my set, did 20' FTP and then 10' recovery and finished with VO2 set again. Here are my numbers;
1st obstacle of the OS has already hit. My PowerTap hub would not show readings on the Joule GPS so I changed the battery. This did not help so I called CycleOps and described the problem. Tech spt told me the hub was out of spec and I needed to send it in. Luckily it's still under warranty. I just have to wait for the 2 week turn around cuz I'm won't pay the $149 overnight shipping cost. So, my 1st FTP test of the OS turned into a LTHR only.
I've been on my bike 2 times since IM MOO in september. Just started running last week and was on the other side of the globe traveling for work (and vacation) for the past 12 days.
Got on my bike today with the goal of starting with an FTP that would be close to where I had left the end of the season... Using TR for the first time - wow that was awesome, so much easier than the computrainer interface and no more programming of the work-out on a notepad and importing into the CT software - major WIN!
5 VO2 - 257 20 Min FTP - NP 227 Wt 65kg
Wt/kg = 3.32
New FTP of 216 per calculator which is down from 218 at the end of last year but up from the 210 where I started in the JOS last year.
Eager to see where I can get with some focused training. Day #1 complete, time to get to work.
So, I'm frustrated because I have been unable to do my bike test yet. I started twice and it ends up, even with fussing with my Joule (thinking there was a problem with my sensors), that my powermeter is not reading properly. I spoke to a shop and they recommended I ship my hub in for a software upgrade. Ughrrr!
For now, I think I will do a HR test so I don't fall to far behind of everyone and then in January when it's time to retest -switch back to Power.
Hey George! I just noticed you and I have a similar problem. And you solved it just as I plan to. Good to see you here in the NOV OS. Keep on spinning and I hope to see you in the spring.
Got my Training weeks messed up, and was headed for the wrong WO. Nearly headed to the EN dog house. Being a Newb saved me demerits! On track and anticipating the Thursday Bike work.
I was hoping the team's mojo would get me through today's ftp test with flying colors but not so much. Depressing....
Here's todays stats along with some of last years tests for comparison:
Today- Tri bike on trainer
VO2- 188
FTP- 154
Pre-OS in Dec. 2012- Road bike on trainer
VO2- 196
FTP- 152
Peak from 2013 - Road bike on the road - 10kTT
VO2- Messed up the test so not sure if FTP is overstated as a result
FTP- 177 (Highest FTP on tri bike was 170)
So, basically, back where I started. Last year was able to hold some of my gains from the previous year so I waas hoping that would be the case again this year.
Someone please tell me it will come back easier this year than it was to gain last year! I have managed to maintain on the run and even make improvements (5' off previous Half mary time) and the run has always been the weakest so I think from a tri perspective, I'm in OK shape to start the OS.
Only place for the watts to go is up! (And the weight down!)
Hey Kim,
It seems you did hold some of last years gains from the metrics you provided. If your FTP is only 2 watts lower than last year on the trainer and you've swapped from road to tri bike, then that is typically an increase. My road to tri swap is usually worth 10-20 watts. When I look at your last outdoor tests and compare tri bike (inside) to tri bike (outside), then these are pretty close to since inside is typically 10-15% lower than outside for most folks. You'll have more direct measures later on this year, but I think you've kept your gains from this past year, unless you are one of the outliers in the road to tri conversion and the indoor to outdoor conversion.
It's my first time working with power so I am in the learning curve. In my TR setup, my trainer is an old 2006 Kurt Kinetic, so I selected the Road Machine as the closest to it (is this right?). Looking at others' numbers, I am guessing that this is putting my watts higher than they should be. I am a 6 hr Ironman bike leg kind of guy, so let me know how inflated they are.
New guy here so I'm not sure if this is the right place for these two questions. First, I did my bike test on Monday using HR with TrainerRoad because I didn't have a speed/cadence sensor. Today I bought a speed/cadence senor, so do I redo my bike test using virtual power or just press on with workouts based on HR?
Second, on days with bike and run workouts, should I do these as "bricks" or one in the morning/one in the evening and does it matter which workout I do first?
Your numbers would almost be a Cat2 rider if they are correct see highlighted box on this table. So if you are a six hour IM guy I would say something is wrong with the setup. You really need to make sure the tension is correct on the rear tire and email support at trainer road and ask them which KK you should be using. their email address is support@trainerroad.com
they are awesome and will likely get back to you ASAP. Hope this helps
Just reset my Trainer Road profile and Garmin Edge 510 computer to my measly big guy 204 watt FT. Never been this low. Lowest prior was in the 230's. Totally humbling. Only way to go is up! Now time to get busy!
Bike Test results in - coming into this OS 8 watts higher than last year. VO2 is just 4 watts short of 120% of my FTP. Pretty happy with those results. Now the work begins.
I was up early this morning and got in the 6x2 minutes at 120%. For some reason doing 12x1 min in the past just seemed much easier. Either way I was able to hit the new paces and got the work done. Tacked on 15 minutes of Z3 and headed off to work. I will get in the strides run later today. Have a great one today all, enjoy the work and then the candy!
<path d="M 0 119.7 L 2.7 116.9 L 5.4 114 L 8.1 113.1 L 11 112.1 L 13.7 107.4 L 16.4 107.4 L 19.1 108.3 L 21.7 107.4 L 24.4 107.4 L 27.1 107.4 L 29.8 105.5 L 32.7 104.5 L 35.4 104.5 L 38.1 101.7 L 40.8 105.5 L 43.5 105.5 L 46.2 102.6 L 48.9 103.6 L 51.6 103.6 L 54.5 103.6 L 57.2 103.6 L 59.8 101.7 L 62.5 102.6 L 65.2 103.6 L 67.9 102.6 L 70.6 132.1 L 73.5 128.3 L 76.2 131.1 L 78.9 131.1 L 81.6 131.1 L 84.3 131.1 L 87 129.2 L 89.7 130.2 L 92.4 130.2 L 95.3 130.2 L 98 130.2 L 100.6 129.2 L 103.3 130.2 L 106 129.2 L 108.7 117.8 L 111.4 190 L 114.1 190 L 117 131.1 L 119.7 113.1 L 122.4 112.1 L 125.1 190 L 127.8 190 L 130.5 141.6 L 133.1 120.7 L 136.1 115 L 138.8 109.3 L 141.4 106.4 L 144.1 105.5 L 146.8 104.5 L 149.5 102.6 L 152.2 103.6 L 154.9 103.6 L 157.8 103.6 L 160.5 109.3 L 163.2 106.4 L 165.9 102.6 L 168.6 104.5 L 171.3 105.5 L 173.9 103.6 L 176.6 103.6 L 179.5 103.6 L 182.2 102.6 L 184.9 102.6 L 187.6 104.5 L 190.3 102.6 L 193 109.3 L 195.7 103.6 L 198.6 102.6 L 201.3 103.6 L 204 104.5 L 206.7 102.6 L 209.4 101.7 L 212 104.5 L 214.7 103.6 L 217.4 104.5 L 220.3 105.5 L 223 107.4 L 225.7 102.6 L 228.4 105.5 L 231.1 105.5 L 233.8 105.5 L 236.5 105.5 L 239.2 103.6 L 242.1 103.6 L 244.8 101.7 L 247.5 100.7 L 250.2 98.8 L 252.8 102.6 L 255.5 103.6 L 258.2 104.5 L 261.1 104.5 L 263.8 103.6 L 266.5 108.3 L 269.2 103.6 L 271.9 108.3 L 274.6 86.5 L 277.3 77 L 280 76 L 282.9 79.8 L 285.6 190 L 288.3 190 L 290.9 190 L 293.6 190 L 296.3 119.7 L 299
VO2 Max 233
FTP 208
I need to get better at these tests. It's been a while and I don't think I went hard enough on the VO2 Max.
Next time.
@Steve West - great to see you posting away here again! I'm still coming to Maine, my daughter is in Stillwater and working in Bangor!
@Ray Brown - great web-site on power. Thanks for posting that.
41 yo
153 pounds
FTP 241
VO2 295
I hope to do the Run test tomorrow if my body lets me...
Dawn; the 5min NP is your MaxVO2 power..as is...no need to do anything. Take the 134NP and on theEN homepage...go to TrainingPlan...EN Calculators....when you get to that page...enter the 134 into the bike calulator (you have to in put time 20:00min) and the NP (134)...it will spit out for you your FTP number and then populate your training zones ...and your good to go!
Here's todays stats along with some of last years tests for comparison:
Today- Tri bike on trainer
VO2- 188
FTP- 154
Pre-OS in Dec. 2012- Road bike on trainer
VO2- 196
FTP- 152
Peak from 2013 - Road bike on the road - 10kTT
VO2- Messed up the test so not sure if FTP is overstated as a result
FTP- 177 (Highest FTP on tri bike was 170)
So, basically, back where I started. Last year was able to hold some of my gains from the previous year so I waas hoping that would be the case again this year.
Someone please tell me it will come back easier this year than it was to gain last year! I have managed to maintain on the run and even make improvements (5' off previous Half mary time) and the run has always been the weakest so I think from a tri perspective, I'm in OK shape to start the OS.
Only place for the watts to go is up! (And the weight down!)
@ Joe, Let me know when you're going to be up this way, we should go out for a run or something.
Age- 57 Wt.-188
FTP 251
WTs/kg 2.96
Feels good to be back on the bike after a 7 week break. I did make a mistake while using TR for the first time today. I didn't realize my settings were set to the wrong brand of trainer. I set it to the correct one on the website, but that doesn't carry over into the app. So I am doing my 5' VO2 set and my power is averaging around 465 so I figured something was wrong. During the 10 min recovery break I stopped and figured out the problem. So I continued my set, did 20' FTP and then 10' recovery and finished with VO2 set again. Here are my numbers;
28yo male
FTP 226, 3.37 FTP/Kg, VO2 279
1st obstacle of the OS has already hit. My PowerTap hub would not show readings on the Joule GPS so I changed the battery. This did not help so I called CycleOps and described the problem. Tech spt told me the hub was out of spec and I needed to send it in. Luckily it's still under warranty. I just have to wait for the 2 week turn around cuz I'm won't pay the $149 overnight shipping cost. So, my 1st FTP test of the OS turned into a LTHR only.
LTHR: 138
@Joe - Ya, w/kg. isn't sexy like watts. But it is important.
@Peter - Thanks. I have had those days in the past. Just happens. I am not too bummed. Well, maybe a bit.
Good work everyone! And Chuck Norris approves!
I've been on my bike 2 times since IM MOO in september. Just started running last week and was on the other side of the globe traveling for work (and vacation) for the past 12 days.
Got on my bike today with the goal of starting with an FTP that would be close to where I had left the end of the season... Using TR for the first time - wow that was awesome, so much easier than the computrainer interface and no more programming of the work-out on a notepad and importing into the CT software - major WIN!
5 VO2 - 257
20 Min FTP - NP 227
Wt 65kg
Wt/kg = 3.32
New FTP of 216 per calculator which is down from 218 at the end of last year but up from the 210 where I started in the JOS last year.
Eager to see where I can get with some focused training. Day #1 complete, time to get to work.
So, I'm frustrated because I have been unable to do my bike test yet. I started twice and it ends up, even with fussing with my Joule (thinking there was a problem with my sensors), that my powermeter is not reading properly. I spoke to a shop and they recommended I ship my hub in for a software upgrade. Ughrrr!
For now, I think I will do a HR test so I don't fall to far behind of everyone and then in January when it's time to retest -switch back to Power.
I'll join you all soon! Keep up the good work!!
Got my Training weeks messed up, and was headed for the wrong WO.
Nearly headed to the EN dog house. Being a Newb saved me demerits!
On track and anticipating the Thursday Bike work.
Hey Kim,
It seems you did hold some of last years gains from the metrics you provided. If your FTP is only 2 watts lower than last year on the trainer and you've swapped from road to tri bike, then that is typically an increase. My road to tri swap is usually worth 10-20 watts. When I look at your last outdoor tests and compare tri bike (inside) to tri bike (outside), then these are pretty close to since inside is typically 10-15% lower than outside for most folks. You'll have more direct measures later on this year, but I think you've kept your gains from this past year, unless you are one of the outliers in the road to tri conversion and the indoor to outdoor conversion.
38 years old
Weight - 142
FTP - 227
Vo2 - 272
Av W/KG - 3.5
I really have nothing to compare it to...so I will see where I am at during the next test.
Bike FTP - 282 (95% of the 20' NP number)
Watt/Kg - 3.07
Bike VO2- 375
Run VDOT - TBD Weds
Height / Weight - 6'4" / 213 lb
Age: 38
Hi Crew!
It's my first time working with power so I am in the learning curve. In my TR setup, my trainer is an old 2006 Kurt Kinetic, so I selected the Road Machine as the closest to it (is this right?). Looking at others' numbers, I am guessing that this is putting my watts higher than they should be. I am a 6 hr Ironman bike leg kind of guy, so let me know how inflated they are.
VO2 - 345w FTP - 295w Weight - 185lbs Age - 44
New guy here so I'm not sure if this is the right place for these two questions. First, I did my bike test on Monday using HR with TrainerRoad because I didn't have a speed/cadence sensor. Today I bought a speed/cadence senor, so do I redo my bike test using virtual power or just press on with workouts based on HR?
Second, on days with bike and run workouts, should I do these as "bricks" or one in the morning/one in the evening and does it matter which workout I do first?
Your numbers would almost be a Cat2 rider if they are correct see highlighted box on this table. So if you are a six hour IM guy I would say something is wrong with the setup. You really need to make sure the tension is correct on the rear tire and email support at trainer road and ask them which KK you should be using. their email address is support@trainerroad.com
they are awesome and will likely get back to you ASAP. Hope this helps
Just reset my Trainer Road profile and Garmin Edge 510 computer to my measly big guy 204 watt FT. Never been this low. Lowest prior was in the 230's. Totally humbling. Only way to go is up! Now time to get busy!
6 X 2 VO2 max intervals today. Body was off after a week of nights, but hit them well.
<path d="M 0 119.7 L 2.7 116.9 L 5.4 114 L 8.1 113.1 L 11 112.1 L 13.7 107.4 L 16.4 107.4 L 19.1 108.3 L 21.7 107.4 L 24.4 107.4 L 27.1 107.4 L 29.8 105.5 L 32.7 104.5 L 35.4 104.5 L 38.1 101.7 L 40.8 105.5 L 43.5 105.5 L 46.2 102.6 L 48.9 103.6 L 51.6 103.6 L 54.5 103.6 L 57.2 103.6 L 59.8 101.7 L 62.5 102.6 L 65.2 103.6 L 67.9 102.6 L 70.6 132.1 L 73.5 128.3 L 76.2 131.1 L 78.9 131.1 L 81.6 131.1 L 84.3 131.1 L 87 129.2 L 89.7 130.2 L 92.4 130.2 L 95.3 130.2 L 98 130.2 L 100.6 129.2 L 103.3 130.2 L 106 129.2 L 108.7 117.8 L 111.4 190 L 114.1 190 L 117 131.1 L 119.7 113.1 L 122.4 112.1 L 125.1 190 L 127.8 190 L 130.5 141.6 L 133.1 120.7 L 136.1 115 L 138.8 109.3 L 141.4 106.4 L 144.1 105.5 L 146.8 104.5 L 149.5 102.6 L 152.2 103.6 L 154.9 103.6 L 157.8 103.6 L 160.5 109.3 L 163.2 106.4 L 165.9 102.6 L 168.6 104.5 L 171.3 105.5 L 173.9 103.6 L 176.6 103.6 L 179.5 103.6 L 182.2 102.6 L 184.9 102.6 L 187.6 104.5 L 190.3 102.6 L 193 109.3 L 195.7 103.6 L 198.6 102.6 L 201.3 103.6 L 204 104.5 L 206.7 102.6 L 209.4 101.7 L 212 104.5 L 214.7 103.6 L 217.4 104.5 L 220.3 105.5 L 223 107.4 L 225.7 102.6 L 228.4 105.5 L 231.1 105.5 L 233.8 105.5 L 236.5 105.5 L 239.2 103.6 L 242.1 103.6 L 244.8 101.7 L 247.5 100.7 L 250.2 98.8 L 252.8 102.6 L 255.5 103.6 L 258.2 104.5 L 261.1 104.5 L 263.8 103.6 L 266.5 108.3 L 269.2 103.6 L 271.9 108.3 L 274.6 86.5 L 277.3 77 L 280 76 L 282.9 79.8 L 285.6 190 L 288.3 190 L 290.9 190 L 293.6 190 L 296.3 119.7 L 299
Watts/kg: 3.12
VO2 power: 273
Age 29 - 5'10" - 164 lbs
Bike test done on tri bike. Locked in the aero bars for VO2 & FTP segments.
Probably the first EN bike test I've ever done where I correctly guestimated my goal FTP watts going in.
Knowing I would be sharing my power file with all of you kept me honest.
Thinking a good goal for me is 3.4 watts/kg by the end of the OS.