Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

Jan OS Week 11 Training



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    @Jim - I have no idea how you push through 2.5/2.5s - 1/1s were tough. You da man!!
    @Marianne - Outside? You rock.
    @Tom - Don't be so hard on yourself. 30" all out is an act outside any normal riding mode, so just hit 'em. I put the PT on Avg. during 30/30s, and don't even worry about the range. (Others - Please tell me if I'm off the ranch on that approach!)
    @Becky - Congrats on the first 30/30s! For me, I just keep the cassette on one gear, and switch between big and small chain ring for the hard / EZ. My cadence was way-slow this week (60's), so I need to adjust and watch that, but for me, the gear swap needs to be simple so I can get eacj 30 in!
    @Nemo .... I can't throw guilt around, since I missed Tgu and Sat bikes last week, but as Becky said "get 'er done"!
    @andrew - Welcome back. Sorry to hear of your probs, but great to have you back!
    @Michele - Workouts just keep getting bigger and bigger - Thank goodness we have each other to make us stick with it. Nice work, but don't skip the stretching!
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    hmm, I got in new Garmin to replace broken one so now need to refigure the 310Xt with registration. hmm on the 30's 30s. okay so I just let the terrain have its way and on the 30, do the next one. so I only recovered 30" in between incl each set so as to get them done! didn't switch rings though, just easy pedaling. Had some fatigue from the previous two days (cuz I think I might be actually tng!) and not sure if we were supposed to run but i didn't! I love this workout as many of my rides are by myself and this one doesn't mentally cost me too much unless like today when it was a tad cool and I wasn't motivated to wear tights! I think that is why I like 30 30s, just not a lot of mental cost to get them done, besides I think these are good whenever in a roadie ride as you will be ready for any surges!
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    THANK YOU TEAM!!!  You guys are the best!  OK, Dan- you are so right, sometimes getting the leg over the bike really IS the hardest part.  I got out there after work with my hubby in tow.  Normally that would mean I'd feel like I had to hold back and just do an ABP ride so he could stay with me, but I told him I needed to do the intervals and he was totally cool with it.  I got them done and he was able to hang in my draft for most of them so we actually did get to ride together most of the way.  Awesome!

    Here's the net result:

    Entire workout (129 watts):

    Duration:   1:05:00 (1:05:30)

    Work:       501 kJ

    TSS:       87.6 (intensity factor 0.906)

    Norm Power: 140

    VI:         1.09

    Distance:   18.076 mi


    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Despite feeling sluggish for most of the day I got in a great run; at the track of all places!

    2x200, 1x800, 2x200, 1x400, all@z5 pace. I was perfectly tired at the end of this, feeling like I could have done one more.
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    @Todd - Great run, man!
    @Nathalie - What's coming up may sound tough but it's there for a reason. Work works!
    @Marianne - Nice job doing the 30/30s outside. You are hard core!
    @Nemo - way to respond and get it done!

    Had a great lunchtime run today in beautiful 60 degree sunny weather - 4.5 miles with 2 miles at a comfortable <7:00 tempo pace with the last mile at 6:30 pace. <br />
    Entire workout (7:43 min/mi):
    Duration: 35:02 (35:06)
    Work: n/a
    rTSS: 44.1 (0.832)
    NGP: 7:36 (211.9 m/min)
    VI: n/a
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: -2.23%
    Distance: 4.565 mi
    Elevation Gain: 780 ft
    Elevation Loss: 797 ft
    Grade: -0.1 % (-17 ft)
    Min Max Avg
    Heart Rate: 57 182 147 bpm
    Cadence: 47 96 88 rpm
    Speed: 4:28 0:00 7:43 min/mi
    Altitude: 485 726 665 ft

    I'm feeling like the 8 week break from running didn't affect my run fitness as much I feared. Going to begin the OS run workouts next week. I'm officially healed and motivated to start seeing the my run CTL line in WKO+ slope upwards!
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    I am gonna do some semblance of the Sunday run tomorrow since I am driving to beach on Saturday and riding in a charity 65 miler on Saturday. I have not ran at TP for one mile let alone 2 miles since Jan so yes I will be careful. I just want to get in the rhythm, in fact I will probably half or 3/4 this workout but will attempt the TP. I will let the dog run loose in the open field and basically however long that stretch of trail is, will be my interval!! I didn't run today so I am feeling fine so looking forward to the "real run" . Supposed to very nice weather tomorrow later on.... so hopefully shorts in the a.m. for my run.
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    @Marianne - Welcome to training!!
    @Nemo - Yeah. Got 'er done!
    @Bill - These V02 max workouts are perfect for the track (at least a real track - I did mine this AM on an indoor track. 1/10 mile tough to translate to the workout.) Nice work.
    @Jim - Just wait for the plan workouts - you'll rock 'em.

    Today's workout was a killer, in a good way. (I love VO2 max workouts!) Kept the pace at sub-6:00 for the 4x200, 2x800, 4x200, 2x400. Ankle is feeling much better - life if good!
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    Last post last night, and first one this AM? I must not be busy! NOT!
    30/30s - yeah. I broke them down to 5x60/60, 5x30/30, 5x60/60 (346/173). Just playing with the concept of combining. The first 60/60s were tough, as mu legs weren't awake yet - talk about a SMACK to wake 'em up! Overall, great. Decided to skip the ~20'@85%, as I have a 1/2 mary on Sunday .

    I know you're all going to rock them today!

    5x60/60: 355/181, 362/181, 348/191, 348/194, 342/183
    5x30/30: 374/183, 378/195, 370/183, 353/208, 360/184
    5x60/60: 362/189, 366/193, 368/182, 365/183, 374/174
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    Mike- Good luck at your Half-Mary on Sunday! I can't wait to see how you do!

    My week is a little messed up, I ran today. I did 3x8'(1') run/walks. That's 24 minutes of running with just 2 one minute breaks! I felt good and my calf was ok- but I'll admit, it's humbling to see how far behind my body is from where my head thinks it should be. I'm running these around my old LRP and I'm actually needing those little breaks. I seriously can't even imagine doing real intervals right now. But I'm not complaining!! I'll do another 3x8 workout this weekend and if all goes well I'll up it to 3x10 next week. This is a turtle slow return- but I've got to stay healthy this time!
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    @Nemo - I know exactly how you feel about these "slow return" runs. Enjoy it now and use them to focus on good form so when the body fatigues on those more intense and long runs you can fall back on remembering those good mechanics.

    @Mike - Nice ride this morning! I should have taken the same approach. The 2.5/2.5s were a struggle for me today.

    Did the same trainer ride as Tuesday (5 x 2.5'on/2.5' off, then 20' @ .8-.85) but with weaker results. My legs were just tired, especially on those first couple 2.5s. But I got it done and came out okay on the 20' ABP.

    5 x 2.5 @ 120% (359): 349 / 344 / 352 / 353 / 352
    20' @ .8-.85 (239-254): .856 (256)

    Entire workout (200 watts):
    Duration: 1:00:46
    Work: 729 kJ
    TSS: 74.3 (intensity factor 0.856)
    Norm Power: 256
    VI: 1.28
    Pw:HR: 1.02%
    Pa:HR: 4.23%
    Distance: 18.363 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 435 200 watts
    Heart Rate: 72 172 134 bpm
    Cadence: 55 153 84 rpm
    Speed: 2.2 24.9 18.2 mph

    Can't resist getting out at lunch for an easy, short recovery run in the 65 degree sunny weather. Planning a 1,000m swim T-test tomorrow morning and will probably ride my bike into work to, again, take advantage of this nice weather - first outdoor ride of the year although I'll just be spinning (recovery ride).
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    Everyone is doing awesome! Great workouts. I think the nice weather is helping all of us.

    Did a lot of rolling and stretching last night. Woke up with the legs feeling good. Still a bit tired, but I am waking before the alarm. If I don't then that is a tell sign that I need to rest. Stuggled with my first 5 x1'/1', hit the numbers but didn't feel on top of it. Promised myself that if I felt that same way during the 2nd set, then I could quit. I felt fine. Not sure why. Did 20' @ 85% to finish.

    Tomorrow is a rest day before representing EN at the Expo TT!
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    Go team!!!  Sounds like we're all having a great week!  I did some light lifting and core work this morning and will do the 30/30s and brick tonight after work... at least the jog will be outside.

    @Mike, thanks for the thoughts, I might try moving the front ring on tonight's 30/30s...since I'm new to this it'll be good for me to figure out what works best for me.  I'll keep you posted.

    @Nathalie, you have me sufficiently scared about what's in store... but so far we've tackled everything so we'll be ready!  I took a look at my season plan and I may be knocking out of OS at week 15 or 16 to do the last 6 weeks of HIM to prep for Eagleman in June... I'm not sure if I want to do the really scary stuff or not... in a sick way I hope I don't miss it. 

    @Jim, so glad to hear you're doing so well off of IR... my running has suffered, but I've been essentially out since September (with 2 months back on in Nov-Dec... not enough to get my base back before I had to take more time off)... but you give me hope I can get back into it.

    @Nemo, way to get er done... I'm learning (as I'm sure you all have already), that the team is great for accountability... and as for your run, stick to your plan.  I think I may have tried to come back too quickly - or am doing too much too soon.  The half Mary Saturday will be odd... but I reevaluated my goal and my plan, so hopefully I don't hurt myself (the thought of another scratch just turns my stomach, not to mention this is my 4th time running this one - and it was my first half mary 3 years ago so I just can't skip it).

    @Bill - glad to hear you stuck to the plan and ran despite not feeling it, and had a good outing all the same!  great news!

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    Becky- The OS will give you plenty of work to do the HIM without changing plans. I am doing Patriot HIM 6/19. I will complete the OS through 20 weeks which is late May, with the weekend rides being longer as I get out of doors and into warmer weather. I am going to spend 10 days doing HIM "stuff", but then I am going scuba diving for 2 weeks. I return 3 days before my race. Patrick agreed this should be fine. Then I jump into 12 weeks of IM prep. If you won't be 100% for Eagleman due to your hand, you'll still have plenty of time for the HIM build to Timberman and IM build for IMFL.

    Just a thought...
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    @Nemo: Great job getting on the bike. I agree, sometimes getting on and staying on is the toughest think to do. I think you are so smart for gradually getting into your run. You have lots of patience.

    @Becky, You are doing great ! Good job on the 30/30's ! Are you doing IMFL ??! I am, I hope you are too :&#160image

    @Michele, Go Michele ! Represent EN !

    ;Mike, Wow, great workout ! Good luck on your Half-Marathon on sunday. Be careful on your ankle .


    I did my bike this am. It went well. My goal was to stay in the zone for all the 30's. I succeeded except one which was 1watt under ! It was nice outside and i'm right next to my window, thinking i looked like a fool for biking inside on such a nice day but I know I will do better on the 30/30's inside. I'm going to do my brick run in a little bit. That for sure will be outside : )

    I hope everybody is having a good day !


    30/30's with reminder at zone 3:    Z5 GOAL: >230, Z3: ( 154-164 )

     New Range #1: 241  watts           

     New Range #2: 242  watts

    New Range #3: 234  watts

     New Range #4: 233  watts

    New Range #5:  243  watts

    New Range #6:  244  watts

     New Range #7:  244  watts

    New Range #8: 233  watts

    New Range #9: 236  watts

     New Range #10: 231  watts

    New Range #11: 242  watts

    New Range #12: 229  watts

    New Range #13: 234  watts

     New Range #14: 233  watts

    New Range #15: 233  watts

      New Range #16: 236  watts

    New Range #17: 234  watts

     New Range #18:  231  watts

    New Range #19: 236  watts

    New Range #20: 231  watts

    Reminder at zone 3:   New Range #21: 161  watts


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    Tuesday was track intervals - first time doing intervals on the track this year. (This was after the 7 AM swim I do with my wife). Plan said 3 x 1 mi @ IP, but apparently I was too eager, and took the first lap out too fast at a 6 min pace, when I should be doing 6:30. So I burned out, and ended up doing 3 x 1200 with a 400 tacked on before I faded. Usually I either hit each interval the same, or go slightly faster thru the workout, but this was at a 6:23/6:35/6:43 pace. Not like the treadmill, where I don't have to worry about speed - have to get back into that outside groove, I guess. Wed I just did a bike commute, 23 miles in 1:45.

    Today was swim and 30/30s. I haven't been reporting my swims here, but today, I'm up to 54 minutes/2500 yds. 3 x 300 warm up, 6 x 50 drill, 200 kick, then 2 x 400, 1 x 300 main set, with 100 yd times going 1:39 >> 1:37 >> 1:34. I'm trying to add 100 yds each time I go, hoping to get up to 3300 +/- in 70 minuteds by the end of the first week of April, when I start IM focus training.

    The bike workout was 1 hour, NP = 174, IF = .8, 30/30s @ 260/120 watts. I finish off today with an afternoon of work, then biking home. I'm just about hitting 14 hours a week now, and will be in the 16-18 range for April and first half of May, getting ready for my 12 day Big Week over Memorial Day, then CDA end of June.

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    Happy Friday!  I don't know about you all, but I'm glad it's a rest day!

    Did the Tuesday brick yesterday and my ankle is still tweaked (it started bothering me mid-way through my run Sunday).  I iced it and used the stick on my calves last night and found lots of hot spots - got up this morning and it didn't hurt right out of bed, so I'm hopeful that it's all related and on the mend.  I also noticed a huge bruise (very tender to touch) just above my ankle bone... wonder where I got that and wonder if it's tied together since the tweaking feeling I get runs along that side of my ankle and doesn't radiate much higher.  I don't know... I used the stick again this morning (after hand PT) and will do it all again tonight and in the morning.  Fingers crossed I'll be able to race the half mary tomorrow... this one is special and I'd hate to miss it... my first ever half in 07, my first sub 2:00 half in 09... even if I'm slow and it's a personal worst, I want to do it and keep the tradition alive.

    I know someone else has a half this weekend... good luck!

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    Becky- that bruise might actually be somthing going on in the muscle or tendon. ICE ICE ICE between now and your race and go over to the Medical Forum and post a Q for those folks to see just to be sure you've got your bases covered. When I pulled my calf muscle last year (that was the "good" pull 'cause it was a full release and healed right) I got a bruise on my calf right for unknown reasons. The PT I saw told me it was coming from the damage underneath the surface- not from an external bump or hit.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for your Half Mary too!!! Oh- and which one is it? I'll be in Maryland this weekend (but obviously will NOT be doing any races!).
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    Came back very strong yesterday. I got my bike back from the Tucson trip and put back together. I did find a small paint crack on the top tube, it does not appear to be structural. I marked it so if it gets any bigger I'll take action. It held up fine for yesterday's 30/30s. I don't have the numbers readily available but it felt great. Due my to epic training/travel this was only the second 30/30 workout I've done. Total workout was pNorm 250 52 minutes. I put 12 minutes at the end @ 85%.
    I'm going in w/ caution not wanting to crush myself and not be able to finish. That being said, I did do some 90/90s and was fine. Did the brick from Tuesday w/ my dog since it was nice, since I wanted to run, since it was his birthday!
    Hope everyone enjoys their day off today. I'm working at the fire station, maybe I'll get some yoga in.
    Happy Friday glad to be back in the swing of things!
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    @Jim - Good to see you're human! ;-) Good job pushing through and hitting it.

    @Michele - I keep hearing (and feeling myself) the same theme: first round of 30/30s is hard to get going, and then it settles in. I may try splitting the 85% effort piece, pushing 5-10' @85 before the 30/30s next week to see if that helps. Thoughts??

    @Nathalie - Excellent job hitting the numbers (1 out of 20, 1 watt below target does not equal a miss!!)

    @Al - You're looking ready!

    @Becky - Heed Nemo's advice. Ice and careful watching. Good luck on race tomorrow.

    @Dan - Sounds like you're merging back into the OS lane strong - Nice!

    I swam a mile today, including a 1000 M test (19:03.) 16' better than a couple weeks ago, but slower than last year ... it'll come back! Planning on an easy jog tomorrow and then 1/2 mary on Sunday. Weather in Chicagoland is beautiful - 60's yesterday and today ... turning to rain / snow for Sat / Sun. Gotta love winter/spring weather here - NOT!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

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    Mike enjoy your weather, since we get your weather about a day in advance in Iowa, today feels pretty cold. 16 seconds is a pretty good improvement. Good luck on your half, can't wait to hear the RR
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    Posted By Becky Hirselj on 19 Mar 2010 07:57 AM

    ...Fingers crossed I'll be able to race the half mary tomorrow... this one is special and I'd hate to miss it... my first ever half in 07, my first sub 2:00 half in 09... even if I'm slow and it's a personal worst, I want to do it and keep the tradition alive.


    Bruising, of course, happens 'cause some blood vessels burst. In a joint, it's often a sign of a sprain. You can get a sprain from overuse, as well as a sudden trauma. The combination of feeling "tweaked" there and the bruising seems ominous. I'm no expert, but I would stay away from a long run this weekend, no matter the emotional cost. The last thing you want is six weeks away from any running at all.

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    I'm right with you in being grateful for today's blank schedule. The OS is tough!
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    it got up to 71 here today!!! blue skies, so I rode my bike for 45 mins just to be outside in it!! call it a lunch break or whatever, but it was so nice. I know we talk about work is work, but ??? a 45' bike ride does wonders for my soul and spirit!! just the pick me up I needed to be outside in shorts and a singlet!! no gloves either! I also walked the dog today for 45' while waiting on my oil change, no way am I gonna sit outside in a car building with stale coffee!! I need to pack myself up for the beach and going to ride tomororw but 70% chance of rain tomorrow so dicey but again, I cleaned my bike outside!! and plopped out on a towel to clean out my gym bag, all in my driveway, such a nice weather day! m
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    @Mike- I think it will make the 85% easier, but not so much the 30/30s. That said, I take a real break between sets at 40-50% but" in set" rest at 60%. This was how we did it in the Power Clinic. So I go from my warm up where I am constantly working harder every few minutes right into the 30/30s. I may need to take a 2' "reset" before starting the 1st of the hardest intervals. Also on the Saturday workout, where we have FTP work then Zone 5 work, I have tried it both ways- Zone 5 before FTP and then following week after FTP as prescribed. I definitely find the Zone 5 before FTP easier. Again, that was how we did it in the Power Clinic.

    Tomorrow is the Expo TT! And the weather will be gorgeous!
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    Hi guys

    Please forgive me for being such a rare poster.  I have been following the Jan OS team and you guys are inspiring!  Since I started 12/21, I have my week 14 tests coming up this week.  I'll post the results Tuesday or Wednesday.  MY Week 8 FTP was 215 (up from week 1 193) and I've been able to consistently do the 30/30s ~280 - 320 so I expect good things.  The run is coming along too.  I did the intervals on the track last week and put up some good times so I expect improvement.  I took the day off work yesterday to get in the outdoor option 2.5 hour bike ride.  Sunny and 68 in southwest Ohio.  It was just awesome.  Since I bought the close out bike kit in January, I asked my wife to snap a pic of me happy to go outside riding again to represent.  Blessings to you guys and keep up the good work!  Scott



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    Hi Gang,


    Just finished my bike workout. Git er done early today. Busy day ahead and I didn't want anything to interrupt my workout. Good workout even though I didn't hit my #'s on all my intervals. Listen to the podcast though from EN and found great inspiration and motivation. Awesome stuff, way better then anything else to listen to right now and got me in the groove.

    Will do my run later after work and tomorrow I have a crazy travel day to see my mom in Canada for her bd ( 10hour drive time). I wont' be able to do my long run but will do it on Monday.

    Good luck to Mike and Becky on their half and I hope everybody has a great saturday !


     New Range #1:

     Duration:   14:00

     Work:       156 kJ

     rTSS:        151.2 (2.47)

     NGP: 3:39 (441.1 m/min)

     VI:         1

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   3.801 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        129 235 186  watts ( within range ) Z4

     Cadence:      59 111 69  rpm

     Speed:        3:23 0:00 3:39  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   59 90 75  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 131 315 232  lb-in

    New Range #2:

     Duration:   14:00

     Work:       143 kJ

     rTSS:        141.6 (2.405)

     NGP: 3:45 (429.3 m/min)

     VI:         1.01

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   3.638 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        0 225 174  watts ( oups, not within range -183-193)

     Cadence:      37 116 69  rpm

     Speed:        3:23 0:00 3:48  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   0 98 71  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 0 425 213  lb-in

    New Range #3:

     Duration:   4:01

     Work:       46 kJ

     rTSS:        43.9 (2.525)

     NGP: 3:34 (450.6 m/min)

     VI:         n/a

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   1.109 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        72 232 191  watts ( within range) Z4

     Cadence:      53 108 66  rpm

     Speed:        3:18 0:00 3:34  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   38 89 74  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 104 297 243  lb-in

    New Range #4:

     Duration:   4:01

     Work:       47 kJ

     rTSS:        44.4 (2.54)

     NGP: 3:33 (453.5 m/min)

     VI:         n/a

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   1.13 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        151 235 195  watts ( within range) Z4

     Cadence:      53 111 63  rpm

     Speed:        3:23 0:00 3:34  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   58 89 76  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 135 355 268  lb-in

    New Range #5:

     Duration:   4:09

     Work:       44 kJ

     rTSS:        42.3 (2.428)

     NGP: 3:42 (434.1 m/min)

     VI:         n/a

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   1.125 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        103 213 176  watts ( not within range..getting tired

     Cadence:      57 94 68  rpm

     Speed:        3:23 4:27 3:42  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   48 82 71  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 150 261 219  lb-in

    New Range #6:

     Duration:   4:47

     Work:       46 kJ

     rTSS:        44.4 (2.313)

     NGP: 3:53 (413.7 m/min)

     VI:         n/a

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   1.231 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        105 193 159  watts ( within zone 3 range . k)

     Cadence:      56 89 65  rpm

     Speed:        3:41 4:25 3:53  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   49 82 68  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 127 258 208  lb-in

    Entire workout (153 watts):

     Duration:   1:15:18

     Work:       687 kJ

     rTSS:        725.4 (2.288)

     NGP: 3:56 (408.8 m/min)

     VI:         1.08

     Pw:HR:       n/a

     Pa:HR:       n/a

     Distance:   18.803 mi

      Min Max Avg

     Power:        0 235 153  watts

     Cadence:      31 170 75  rpm

     Speed:        3:18 0:00 3:58  min/mi

     Hub Torque:   0 104 65  lb-in

     Crank Torque: 0 425 184  lb-in

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    @Marianne - Excellent attitude and grabbing the fresh air! We got the cold wave forecast - 66 and sunny Friday, 30 and smowing today!
    @Michele - You're probably right - It's not the warm up, it's the transition to high gear! Probably best just to keep pushing through the startup of the 30/30s.
    @Scott - WELCOME!! You may have been quiet, but now we know you're here. You're always welcome and encouraged to drop in and add to the chat out here. Looks like some new numbers are awaiting you, and the kit looks good!
    @Nathalie - Nice job getting the work done amidst a busy schedule.

    I went for an easy run in the snowy weather this AM - 5 miles, just to shake the legs out and remind myself what it'll probably be like tomorrow for the race.

    Keep it going gang!
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    rode 65 miles this morning and it has been sinc eIMLP since I did that so I felt good too! energy and no fatigue and honestly I was tickled that I could ride the hills and hang even with 4x stops!! okay so I drank too much, if I ever end up in med tent due to dehydration, you will know I am seriously sick as I always drink and this time of year apparently toomuch. anyways, started off about 45 and it got up to 65 degrees so I kept peeling off layers.! ate "off the land" to include Nutella sandwiches but brought my secret weapon, a baby coke which i shared about mile 35 with fellow ENer james who was cramping a bit , gave him a Motrin and 1/2of a coke and that should do the trick after he stretched! it was a hilly and new route so wasn't sure about it, but once we hit the flats and I found out that was all the hills, I hit quite a nice groove. not sure how I actually fared time wise but I felt good! so that was a start to my "first week of official tng" for 2010! I think I actually rode 110 miles since Monday and ran 15ish. okay packing so scooting. oh my bib shorts at the hem?? well I think my legs have gotten bigger cuz they aabout cut me in two!! girls dont want bigger legs just to let you guys know this!!! so? hmm. but the rest of the bib shorts not worn since november fit.
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    Nice workout on a gorgeous day. 3:06 on the bike, lotsa hills then onto the flats for 2x15@z3, then 2x30/30 sets. Finished up with an easy 31 minute trail run. I must be getting fit again cause I'm not blown out afterward; cool!
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    The first day of spring arrived as advertised - sunny, up to 67F. But this far north, this early, no clouds at night means ... 29 deg at sunrise, only 35 by the 9 AM start of our tri club ride. I gambled and went without booties and only thin full finger gloves. Mid way through the ride, I had to take of my bike shirt, leaving just my bib shorts and thin long sleeved turtle neck under my jacket.

    Stats: 52 miles, 2 hrs 30 min, 20.6 avg MPH, NP=192, IF-0.818, TSS=170, VI=1.15 (1.07 during my solo sections) HR avg = 122. First hour was two 8-10 mile segments at about 95-100% following the hammerfest, then a good steady ride in the flats for 30 miles, most of the time staying back off the paceline, going at 20-22 mph. Followed by a T Run of 3.77 miles, 29 minutes, gradually increasing speed from slow MP to strong HMP.

    The only hiccup in the ride was the addition of a 19 y/o who doesn't yet understand (since he's a roadie, not a triathlete) that we didn't really want to go 26-7 mph when he took his pull (which would only last for 2-3 mnutes anyway). He was a good guy, his first time with us, so we cut him some slack, but our leader (his boss!) did manage to gap him in the last hour, just to teach him the lesson.

    Biking miles are up to 145 this week, on track for my usual 180-240 weeks mid April to mid June for IM CDA build. I'm startng to feel the urge to go a bit longer than 2.5 hours, but for fear of RnP, I'm keeping that in check until April 15. I am also looking forward to getting down to only one trainer session a week then, as well.

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