Well the Oregon Gran Fondo is in the bag. WOW! That was an education. Followed our plan to the "T". Still dug a whole around mile 80. But got it done. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband who still thinks i'm crazy for doing all of this.
Figured out I am not ready for ride then.......RUN! If my nephew hadn't been next to me when I got off my bike I would have hit the ground. I was all in.
Thank you for everything. Now on to short course fun in the sun.
Congratulations!!! If this is easy, everybody would be doing it. Awesome that your family is there to see you accomplish this amazing goal. Keep it rolling…
I start the beginner short course next week. I'm trying to figure out what to do with the Sunday run and the Monday swim. I don't want to add the swim to Tuesday. There's enough going on there as is. Can I move the swim to Wednesday? It will feel good on my back after running in the morning.
Now the Sunday run. I'm assuming that Saturday bike/run is supposed to be a brick. I'm not sure I have the legs to add the Sunday run to Saturday. I already have 3 daily doubles on Tues/wed/Sat. Don't really want to add a fourth. I don't recover very well and want to respect the swim only on Friday.
My bike fitness is pretty good. I feel that I need to more focus on my run durability so don't want to skip a run. Would rather shorten a bike to make the run. WOW! Did I just say I want to run? Who would have thought!
Sorry it just dawned on me what you are actually asking. My brains a little foggy still. I work Sunday and Mondays. I leave at 0600 and get home north of 8pm. On my feet all day. No way I can run when I get home. I barely have time to eat, shower and spread the appropriate amount of love around the house. My family does miss me when i'm not here.
I just don't know what to do with Sundays run. Thank you
J - that's great! The chance you can do the Sunday run on Thursday? It's a bigger workout and could stand on its own, it is pretty central for the week. Having it followed by just assumed and Friday is perfect and followed by the quality ride on Saturday with the brick. Let me know...
Next week I have to go out of town. Leaving Tuesday returning Saturday. I'm in the second week of the beginner short course. Not a great area to ride. So I was thinking about doing a run focused block for the time i'm no bike or pool. I just don't know what to do. How far to run or zones.
I think i'm in run jail. My right lateral hip is really sore. Hurts to lay on it. I've had problems with my right leg for years. Especially the hip flexors. It's been a nagging tenderness that comes and goes for awhile. Last week, while on vacation, I only ran once due to a stomach bug. Accidental week off. The time off was fantastic for my attitude but not so good for my leg. It actually seems worse for the rest. Weird huh? This started to crop up when I started focusing on knee drive when I was running. Thought maybe I was over striding so I shortened my stride and increased my cadence. It went away sort of. Then BAM. It's back. Ouch.
So i'm in week 12 of the Beginner short course. Not sure what to do. Rest, go to the doctor, pursue P.T. I've got questions out to the Haus. Needless to say, running on the road is out for the week. It doesn't bother me when i'm running. It's after.
In your experience, am I going to be up for parole soon or is this a life sentence?
Well got back from P.T and Matt doesn't want me to cut back or down on my training. He wants full steam ahead. I received a shot into my right hip today and Matt worked me over. We'll see. He thinks it's part of my lower back weakness rearing it's ugly head. My flexibility is excellent and my lower back is moving normally. He did run me through functional strength testing for running and I scored a 19/21. Not bad for a non runner. I guess I need to start calling myself a runner. I don't have any more excuses.
Talk soon. Hope your having a great day. It's lovely here. Going to go bowling with my daughter.
What type of "self care" do you mean? I do core and stretching after every run. My sleep is marginal but it's always marginal. Yawn {just kidding}. I feel good. I'm hungry for some work. It's actually been awhile since I felt hungry for a challenge. I came out of the JOS pretty fried. Having last week off, darn stomach bug, was a God send. I played and seriously goofed off. I ate fish and chips, ice cream, donuts, and my moms homemade cake. Oh ya! I ran with Myah up and down the beach. I didn't suck wind once. It was great. That's what I call functional fitness which is really my ultimate goal. I now have more time for Tri stuff because schools out and i'm not volunteering 2 days a week in class.
It was really affirming to hear from Mat that I have done a good job building a strong foundation. He was actually surprised too. He doesn't want me to go crazy. Just do the meat of the work. He's familiar with the EN training due to Jessie Stevens being a co worker. Matt agrees with active rehab. He gave me additional homework. Mostly new ways to roll and stretch the IT band area.
If you have anything particular your thinking of lay it on me Coach! I am your "grasshopper".
Well, right leg feels good. no pain. I am in Beginner short course week 12. Thought I would hack a run this morning and repeat Tuesdays 30 minute run with strides. Nothing too energetic. Then come home and spend a while stretching, rolling and doing my core work.
I'm swimming tonight, which always feels good on my back. I have been working on rotational strength drills to improve my roll and oblique fitness for swimming and running. I'm going to take out a couple laps and substitute breast stroke due to the range of motion that my legs do. Love that cross training.
Have a wonderful day. Thank you as always. ~ Jacklyn
I'm in Beginner short course week 13. Next week the plan says to test again. I just tested in week 10. Do I need to do it again? Or just cruise with my current numbers? My first sprint tri is the last week in July. So close. Suppose I should try on my wet suit. Haven't been too excited to see myself in black neoprene. Just another new experience compliments of EN! With my right leg IT issue I don't want to do any extra running. It's feeling better by degrees. The theory is that the issue is coming from my right ankle. We'll see what P.T does.
Well, this Saturday is it. My first tri. Oh boy. I am so excited. I expect to do well on the swim, crush the bike and suck the run. But I will finish. I've been day dreaming about crossing the finish line.
I have the opportunity to run the Avenue of the Giants marathon next May 2015. The farthest i've ever run is 6.5 miles so far. Is this a good idea? I haven't found myself to be a very durable runner yet. I'm working on it though. Next year i'm planning on doing Olympic distance tri's. I've been wanting to focus more on my running for awhile but figured i would wait until after this Saturday's event to open up the topic with you and ask your advice.
It sounds like a lot of fun. I have a couple of friends who want me to run it with them. I'm being asked to do quite a few events with people. It's really interesting.
My mind set about what I can do has changed a lot since joining EN. A year ago I thought I was only ever going to watch a tri. Not be in one. Then I thought of a crazy idea, after watching a couple friends in one. I want to tri too. I gained so much more that just the ability to run around the block and not need 911 services. Thanks Coach. Couldn't do it with out you.
HOW EXCITING!!! You are probably eating your breakfast as I type this but HAVE FUN and soak it all in, you RACER you!!!
We can talk marathon...it can be done and you have 10 months...so there's time...it's just uncharted waters with your body and, of course, a commitment to quite a bit of running! But together we can do anything....can't wait to see your race report!!!
Thank you for your early AM email on Saturday. That was way cool.
I've decided to forgo the marathon next spring. Running a marathon isn't on my radar yet. I'm really concerned about my running durability and want to progress slowly and steadily. Hopefully injury free. Plus I think running a marathon at this point is going to take me down a deep rabbit whole of suffer and confidence breaking. I don't want to do that again.
2015 I think is Tri at the Grove Olympic distance and Best in the West a month later HIM or OLY. Still chewing on that.
Thank you for the confidence that I could run a marathon. LOL.
I have some amazing news. I ran 6 miles on Friday at a 10:30 per mile pace! BOOM BABY!
My legs are sore and my back is tight but other than that it was GREAT!!!!! That's the longest I have ever run.
Switching to the Beginner Get Faster Plan until September 6th. Then my season road map ends. How do I find out what to do next? I don't really want to slow down too much. I would like to keep the ball rolling. My winter goal is body comp. improvement again.
NICE!! just keep rolling with it...there will be both good and bad days. You can resubmit that survey to Coach Rich anytime to keep things moving. So pumped for you!!
Congrats on going to Kona! The photo of you and Danielle is great. I so want it on my pain wall. Ok on to business.
I am 12 days out from Best in the West- NW championships. My swim is going great. There are going to be a lot more people there than my first event. Goal #1 Position myself to the outside of the turns and farther up in the wave. No more breast stroke around the turns due to log jam.
T1 was quick and smooth. But i'm going to add a gel here because I was hungry by the end of the bike.
BIKE: I think I can do better on my average speed by using more of my shifting advantage and not big ringing so much at the small hills. Not sure how the course lays out. Have to play that by ear. and most important, as I was told by Dave Howard " ride it like you stole it."
T2 Untie my shoes ahead of time. DAH!
RUN: Here's where i'm not sure what to do. It's only 5k but I found that I had a lot left in the tank at the finish. I ran 10:18 miles before. My heart rate was 130's. I was thinking of shooting for 9:30 miles. My legs felt a little jelly like for the first 1/2 mile but after that I was good to go. I picked up my pace a bit for the last 1/2 of the run. I think that might have been more nutrition because I was hungry during the ride. I've found that i'm very calorie sensative at z4-5 efforts. Hence my thought of a gel in T1 and T2.
I was actively trying to apply the EN execution plan for my sprint for practice. Not to early to start learning and doing for the longer races coming next year.
After this event, do I need to submit a report card of improvement over the year to you for review and guidance for next year. Coach R. has me sliding into a run durability until Nov. OS.
Thank you and I hope your are enjoying a milk shake during your post IM recovery.
Well the Oregon Gran Fondo is in the bag. WOW! That was an education. Followed our plan to the "T". Still dug a whole around mile 80. But got it done. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband who still thinks i'm crazy for doing all of this
Figured out I am not ready for ride then.......RUN! If my nephew hadn't been next to me when I got off my bike I would have hit the ground. I was all in.
Thank you for everything. Now on to short course fun in the sun.
Hey Coach!
I start the beginner short course next week. I'm trying to figure out what to do with the Sunday run and the Monday swim. I don't want to add the swim to Tuesday. There's enough going on there as is. Can I move the swim to Wednesday? It will feel good on my back after running in the morning.
Now the Sunday run. I'm assuming that Saturday bike/run is supposed to be a brick. I'm not sure I have the legs to add the Sunday run to Saturday. I already have 3 daily doubles on Tues/wed/Sat. Don't really want to add a fourth. I don't recover very well and want to respect the swim only on Friday.
My bike fitness is pretty good. I feel that I need to more focus on my run durability so don't want to skip a run. Would rather shorten a bike to make the run. WOW! Did I just say I want to run? Who would have thought!
As usual your guidance is appreciated.
Not a problem. For the beginner short course,
Saturday is a high priority ride 120 min 2x15' (z4) with a 25 minute low priority run z2/3. Assuming a brick workout.
Sunday is a medium priority run for 60 min with strides. I work on Sundays.Get home about 8:30 at night.
What else do I need to give you?
Sorry it just dawned on me what you are actually asking. My brains a little foggy still. I work Sunday and Mondays. I leave at 0600 and get home north of 8pm. On my feet all day. No way I can run when I get home. I barely have time to eat, shower and spread the appropriate amount of love around the house.
My family does miss me when i'm not here.
I just don't know what to do with Sundays run. Thank you
Coach P.,
Do you want me to replace the Thursday ride with the Sunday run or do both on Thursday?
Thanks, Jacklyn
Howdy Coach P!
Next week I have to go out of town. Leaving Tuesday returning Saturday. I'm in the second week of the beginner short course. Not a great area to ride. So I was thinking about doing a run focused block for the time i'm no bike or pool. I just don't know what to do. How far to run or zones.
What's your thoughts?
Well Coach,
I think i'm in run jail.
My right lateral hip is really sore. Hurts to lay on it. I've had problems with my right leg for years. Especially the hip flexors. It's been a nagging tenderness that comes and goes for awhile. Last week, while on vacation, I only ran once due to a stomach bug. Accidental week off. The time off was fantastic for my attitude but not so good for my leg. It actually seems worse for the rest. Weird huh? This started to crop up when I started focusing on knee drive when I was running. Thought maybe I was over striding so I shortened my stride and increased my cadence. It went away sort of. Then BAM. It's back. Ouch.
So i'm in week 12 of the Beginner short course. Not sure what to do. Rest, go to the doctor, pursue P.T. I've got questions out to the Haus. Needless to say, running on the road is out for the week. It doesn't bother me when i'm running. It's after.
In your experience, am I going to be up for parole soon or is this a life sentence?
Thanks Jacklyn
Well got back from P.T and Matt doesn't want me to cut back or down on my training. He wants full steam ahead. I received a shot into my right hip today and Matt worked me over. We'll see. He thinks it's part of my lower back weakness rearing it's ugly head. My flexibility is excellent and my lower back is moving normally. He did run me through functional strength testing for running and I scored a 19/21.
Not bad for a non runner. I guess I need to start calling myself a runner. I don't have any more excuses.
Talk soon. Hope your having a great day. It's lovely here. Going to go bowling with my daughter.
~ Jacklyn
What type of "self care" do you mean? I do core and stretching after every run. My sleep is marginal but it's always marginal. Yawn {just kidding}. I feel good. I'm hungry for some work. It's actually been awhile since I felt hungry for a challenge. I came out of the JOS pretty fried. Having last week off, darn stomach bug, was a God send. I played and seriously goofed off. I ate fish and chips, ice cream, donuts, and my moms homemade cake. Oh ya! I ran with Myah up and down the beach. I didn't suck wind once. It was great. That's what I call functional fitness which is really my ultimate goal. I now have more time for Tri stuff because schools out and i'm not volunteering 2 days a week in class.
It was really affirming to hear from Mat that I have done a good job building a strong foundation. He was actually surprised too. He doesn't want me to go crazy. Just do the meat of the work. He's familiar with the EN training due to Jessie Stevens being a co worker. Matt agrees with active rehab. He gave me additional homework. Mostly new ways to roll and stretch the IT band area.
If you have anything particular your thinking of lay it on me Coach! I am your "grasshopper".
Thanks Jacklyn
Morning update
Well, right leg feels good. no pain. I am in Beginner short course week 12. Thought I would hack a run this morning and repeat Tuesdays 30 minute run with strides. Nothing too energetic. Then come home and spend a while stretching, rolling and doing my core work.
I'm swimming tonight, which always feels good on my back. I have been working on rotational strength drills to improve my roll and oblique fitness for swimming and running. I'm going to take out a couple laps and substitute breast stroke due to the range of motion that my legs do. Love that cross training.
Have a wonderful day. Thank you as always. ~ Jacklyn
Hey Coach,
I'm in Beginner short course week 13. Next week the plan says to test again. I just tested in week 10. Do I need to do it again? Or just cruise with my current numbers? My first sprint tri is the last week in July. So close. Suppose I should try on my wet suit. Haven't been too excited to see myself in black neoprene. Just another new experience compliments of EN!
With my right leg IT issue I don't want to do any extra running. It's feeling better by degrees. The theory is that the issue is coming from my right ankle. We'll see what P.T does.
Thanks Jacklyn
I was thinking, it happens, how about a race rehearsal instead of testing next week? There's none scheduled prior to my very first sprint.
It might be fun. I can race my husband. He's going to totally spank me on the run. But I can out swim and ride him.
Thank you, Jacklyn
Thank you Coach! Have a great 4th of July with your family. Be safe.
Hi Coach P.!
Well, this Saturday is it. My first tri. Oh boy. I am so excited. I expect to do well on the swim, crush the bike and suck the run. But I will finish. I've been day dreaming about crossing the finish line.

I have the opportunity to run the Avenue of the Giants marathon next May 2015. The farthest i've ever run is 6.5 miles so far. Is this a good idea? I haven't found myself to be a very durable runner yet. I'm working on it though. Next year i'm planning on doing Olympic distance tri's. I've been wanting to focus more on my running for awhile but figured i would wait until after this Saturday's event to open up the topic with you and ask your advice.
It sounds like a lot of fun. I have a couple of friends who want me to run it with them. I'm being asked to do quite a few events with people. It's really interesting.
My mind set about what I can do has changed a lot since joining EN. A year ago I thought I was only ever going to watch a tri. Not be in one. Then I thought of a crazy idea, after watching a couple friends in one. I want to tri too. I gained so much more that just the ability to run around the block and not need 911 services. Thanks Coach. Couldn't do it with out you.
Chat soon~Jacklyn
HOW EXCITING!!! You are probably eating your breakfast as I type this but HAVE FUN and soak it all in, you RACER you!!!
We can talk marathon...it can be done and you have 10 months...so there's time...it's just uncharted waters with your body and, of course, a commitment to quite a bit of running! But together we can do anything....can't wait to see your race report!!!
Thank you for your early AM email on Saturday. That was way cool.
I've decided to forgo the marathon next spring. Running a marathon isn't on my radar yet. I'm really concerned about my running durability and want to progress slowly and steadily. Hopefully injury free. Plus I think running a marathon at this point is going to take me down a deep rabbit whole of suffer and confidence breaking. I don't want to do that again.
2015 I think is Tri at the Grove Olympic distance and Best in the West a month later HIM or OLY. Still chewing on that.
Thank you for the confidence that I could run a marathon. LOL.
Awwwwww! Your going to make me cry! I was looking at a t shirt today that had a wonder women emblem on it. Maybe.
Ooooohhhhh Coach,
I have some amazing news. I ran 6 miles on Friday at a 10:30 per mile pace! BOOM BABY!
My legs are sore and my back is tight but other than that it was GREAT!!!!! That's the longest I have ever run.
Switching to the Beginner Get Faster Plan until September 6th. Then my season road map ends. How do I find out what to do next? I don't really want to slow down too much. I would like to keep the ball rolling. My winter goal is body comp. improvement again.
Happy day!!
Howdy Super fast Coach P!
Congrats on going to Kona! The photo of you and Danielle is great. I so want it on my pain wall. Ok on to business.
I am 12 days out from Best in the West- NW championships. My swim is going great. There are going to be a lot more people there than my first event. Goal #1 Position myself to the outside of the turns and farther up in the wave. No more breast stroke around the turns due to log jam.
T1 was quick and smooth. But i'm going to add a gel here because I was hungry by the end of the bike.
BIKE: I think I can do better on my average speed by using more of my shifting advantage and not big ringing so much at the small hills. Not sure how the course lays out. Have to play that by ear. and most important, as I was told by Dave Howard " ride it like you stole it."
T2 Untie my shoes ahead of time. DAH!
RUN: Here's where i'm not sure what to do. It's only 5k but I found that I had a lot left in the tank at the finish. I ran 10:18 miles before. My heart rate was 130's. I was thinking of shooting for 9:30 miles. My legs felt a little jelly like for the first 1/2 mile but after that I was good to go. I picked up my pace a bit for the last 1/2 of the run. I think that might have been more nutrition because I was hungry during the ride. I've found that i'm very calorie sensative at z4-5 efforts. Hence my thought of a gel in T1 and T2.
I was actively trying to apply the EN execution plan for my sprint for practice. Not to early to start learning and doing for the longer races coming next year.
After this event, do I need to submit a report card of improvement over the year to you for review and guidance for next year. Coach R. has me sliding into a run durability until Nov. OS.
Thank you and I hope your are enjoying a milk shake during your post IM recovery.