Did the 5k run test #2 this am. The total time was slightly slower, but I think in reality it was better. I ran #1 and #2 on a hiker biker trail. I knew it was possible that #2 would be on a less than ideal surface and that's what occurred. I would estimate about 30% was on packed snow. Traction not as good and very concerned about slipping on some areas of black ice. Also had to change side of trail occasionally to run on asphalt where available. I think I could have gone at least :30 faster based solely on surface issue. Nothing scientific to the calculation. But I paced it much better. Not dead at the end. If I was racing someone, I could have picked it up. I know I have improved a lot based on my other runs between these 2 tests. I plan to lower my calculated Zone mile paces by about :20 each unless Patrick recommends something else.
Here's the comparison:
Test #1 in Oct. 24:28 avg HR146 Test #2 in Dec. 24:30 avg HR142
Great job everyone! The fact that we are out there TESTING is a reflection of our GRIT in this sport. My vDOT stayed the same but the last 5K was at a race and the one this morning was on a track (and it felt good). I am pleased with the run... and the Bike 20min TT was a success (7 watts) 2 days ago.
Happy Holidays everyone and have a wonderful week, Eric
Yahoo! Very happy with this. Bumped my vdot from 40 to 43. I still have a high max heart rate for 56 but I darn near used it all. 185 is my max! Maybe I should have gone harder. I DONT THINK SO! What a week!!!! Man this stuff really works. The team stuff helps so much!!! I wanted so badly to post something good! Thank you all for the inspiration!!!
When you start low you got no place to go but up Stefan! I am just ecstatic to be doing this again. Now if I can only swim. Hopefully my repaired shoulder will cooperate. I LOVE looking at your results Stefan no bs. You are so freaking good. Reading all the results from everyone allows you to think anything is possible.
@Ray: Thanks for the mojo on the weight loss! I plan to do Oceanside at 215 and am planning to run IMAZ at 200 lbs. I gots to ditch this bag of kitty litter I been hauling around. Once the ballast is gone, I plan to be really fast!
First run test of the OS done. Yup, you read that right. I used a half marathon time from Syracuse for my OS numbers. That time brought me in 2 Vdots over my previous OS. Today's test was done a treadmill. I looked the video that Coach P put up and the notes from Al, I got in my own way and did not believe that I could run 15sec faster off the bat, so I started out at my usual pace and 4 minutes in I started to work the pace up. My 5km time dropped my vdot by one point, but I think that is a pacing issue, not a fitness issue, because I have been hitting the paces prescribed, so I am going to keep the Vdot of 40 and work from there. So far, this OS I have some sloooooowwwwww movement, but I think that is because I came into OS much fitter than previous OS's. I am confident that things will move upward. On the bright side, the test today was only 1min15sec off of a PB in a 5km for me that was set 5 years ago.
Just finished wiping the vomit from my chin so I could post my test results. Tactically, I executed a pretty poor test, from being undernourished, to having a poor mindset, to going out WAY too fast and blowing the first split. However, with that said, I shaved 25 seconds off my 5K PR (which was a race) and raised my vDot score 1 point to a 49. Anytime I can get positive results on a bad day, I'll take it!!!
Great work Ray, Brenda, Michael...everyone...I think I may indeed hop on the TM for a test drive tommorrow...or if decent I'll try outside....You are all inspiring!
Somehow I stumbled into executing a pretty good run test. Cut a little over a minute off my 1st test 5k time with full mile splits of 7:04.9; 6:56.3 and 6:41.8 for a 21:23.0 (6:54 average) and increased my vdot by 3 to 46. Certainly some of that improvement was due to not knowing how to test the 1st time, but clearly not all of it -- work works! Definitely spent some time in the hurt locker but timed it right so it was just something to deal with and didn't blow me up.
OK...Run Test Done... PAINFUL at the end when I pushed it to finish at a strong pace. Was not able to negative split, on the contrary...first mile was much faster but overall I got a higher VDot, below is a summary of progress from the start of the OS
Week 1 Test (Nov 1st) --> 21:45 --> VDot=45 Week 5 Turkey Trot (Nov 28th) --> 20:52 --> VDot=47 Week 8 Test (Dec 18th) --> 20:21 --> VDot=48 , link for Today's Test http://connect.garmin.com/activity/417198387
@Stefan - I too did not test well today. Maybe it was residual fatigue since my bike went from 280 to 297 FTP on my test. I went from a 8:13/mi AVHR 177 under tough heat and humidity in week #1 to today in ideal conditions at 8:07/mi at AVHR 164. I just felt sore, stiff, and tired.
Need to re-group, take some vitamin c, get a good night sleep and decide tomorrow. Yup - I know I need to read Coach Patrick's article like I told Liz.
Everyone else - nice work! I guess that has me itching to re-test!
Thank for your thoughts. I happen to be a bit of a type A, and a former competitive runner, who unfortunately sometimes is a now person .
In retrospect, I am psyched about the splits and need to keep in mind this is December, not June!
I am racing 13.1 in March, OLY in June, HIM+(58 on the bike vs 56) in August, all in prep for IMMT in '15. (Still need to learn how to do my sig file!).
It's been really great seeing all the excellent posts today. Congratulations. and keep up the good work.
I got up early this morning and headed out to the high school track to do my test, but during the run over there my right foot was having some weird twinges and my right glute was tight. I did a few strides up to my FTP pace to see if they would get any better. They didn't, but they didn't get worse either so I ran on. By the time I got to the track I was starting to have some GI issues and the restroom wasn't open at 5 AM. After 12 seasons of doing triathlons I'm finally beginning to recognize when I shouldn't press on with a workout so I jogged and walked home and got ready for work. I'll be back at the track tomorrow afternoon though and I'll slay that test. I'm so looking forward to it! My bike test results were great and I'm hoping that my run results will give me even more reasons to fatten RnP's coffee fund. (I just know they're lapping up those eggnog lattes!)
No run test for me today. Found a potential route, but there was some ice and snow and it was late in the day, so I decided to take an extra rest day and find a better spot tomorrow. Just finished core wko #2 of December. Going to try and catch up, so I can complete the challenge this month...we'll see. Great job all. Inspiring numbers and stories abound!
Had a pretty good test given I had been feeling tired before it.
Week 1 Results Time : 22:14 Pace 7:10 HR: 163 vDot: 44
Week 8 Results Time : 21:41 Pace 6:59 HR: 167 vDot: 45
So I managed to eke my vDot up by 1 which is going in right direction. It would be awesome if my next 5k was under 21minutes, that would be a PB for me.
I am quite proud of my pacing
Mile 1: 7:11 Mile 2: 7:05 Mile 3: 6:43
Much better than my bike test, where I haven't quite got the feel yet for how long I can hold a given power.
Been lurking a bit lately but still putting out the efforts. Great to read all the mojo flying thru the boards and seeing all the big bumps in vDot and FTP.
Got my 5K on the deadmill tonight after a 1.5 mile warmup. Plan was to hold a pace to maintain current vDot for 2 miles then see if I couldn't get a few seconds back in the last mile. Finished off with another 1.5 warm down and 5K of rowing.
Ended up with a 5 sec PR @ 21:03. Good enough to tweak my vDot by 0.3 to 46.9. Not much of a change but reassuring as I start to get my head-space focused on Boston and a PR attempt on the big stage.
Woke up looking to brave the cold, but -40 was just a bit too much. Did the Thursday bike instead and will hope for a break in the weather to try for a Friday Test. Good work this week, everyone! Inspiring!
Well...good morning...decided I needed/would do a 5k "test" on the TM this morning...just to gauge fitness, proper training paces, and because I figued I would be doing most of my quality/interval work inside over the next 8-12 weeks and having a "calibrated" TM would make it more meaningful...(I had started the OS based off of a slighlty outdated road 5k of 20:05 I ran in late August....
I ran a 1.5 mile warm in my training sneaks with GPS calibrated Footpod...to get a sense for the relative accuracy of the pace on the TM display...in general it was 3-10 seconds slow ...better at avg. paces of 7:30-8:30...so I'll call the TM display about 5 seconds slow on avg....then I switched to my flats and ran a 19:55 5k...so I will say that result is good +/-5-15sec.. ..pretty pleased with that...then I switched back to my trainers for cooldown and double checked the footpod correlation at 6:30 pace ..and again it read slightly faster than the TM...so generally pretty dang happy as I negative split and ran in control the entire way...and can now feel comfortable using this TM for my upcoming inside training needs.......
Bumps my vDot to 50...and do think I could run faster outside in a race...but this is good.
Thanks Ray!...I have done alot of training on the TM....and actually enjoy it for interval work and runs up to 1hr...beyond that Its a bit much...but this is the first time I have tried to "calibrate" or at least "equilibrate"it with my outside paces...I know its not perfect but I hope this is better...ie. will allow me to train more effectively during these indoor sessions....
Great results everyone thus far! It's fun/motivating to read how everyone else is doing!
Had my test yesterday:
Week 1 Results: 22:41 - vDOT 42
Week 8 Results: 22:46 - vDOT 45 and a 0:55 improvement on the time!
my heart and lungs felt great during the run (which is usually a source of problems) so feel like my 'durability' is definitely improving. I just felt like my legs literally couldn't go any faster...! Looking forward to more 'Z5 workouts' in the coming weeks to break through to sub 7min pace!
Did the 5k run test #2 this am. The total time was slightly slower, but I think in reality it was better. I ran #1 and #2 on a hiker biker trail. I knew it was possible that #2 would be on a less than ideal surface and that's what occurred. I would estimate about 30% was on packed snow. Traction not as good and very concerned about slipping on some areas of black ice. Also had to change side of trail occasionally to run on asphalt where available. I think I could have gone at least :30 faster based solely on surface issue. Nothing scientific to the calculation. But I paced it much better. Not dead at the end. If I was racing someone, I could have picked it up. I know I have improved a lot based on my other runs between these 2 tests. I plan to lower my calculated Zone mile paces by about :20 each unless Patrick recommends something else.
Here's the comparison:
Test #1 in Oct. 24:28 avg HR146 Test #2 in Dec. 24:30 avg HR142
7:29 145-155 (3:32/3:57) 8:03 143-158 (4:01/4:01)
8:05 148-150 7:59 140-157
8:09 144-149 7:48 140-144
v-DOT 39 v-DOT 39
Happy Holidays everyone and have a wonderful week,
Yahoo! Very happy with this. Bumped my vdot from 40 to 43. I still have a high max heart rate for 56 but I darn near used it all. 185 is my max! Maybe I should have gone harder. I DONT THINK SO! What a week!!!! Man this stuff really works. The team stuff helps so much!!! I wanted so badly to post something good! Thank you all for the inspiration!!!
@Ray: Thanks for the mojo on the weight loss! I plan to do Oceanside at 215 and am planning to run IMAZ at 200 lbs. I gots to ditch this bag of kitty litter I been hauling around. Once the ballast is gone, I plan to be really fast!
Hey Team,
Just finished wiping the vomit from my chin so I could post my test results. Tactically, I executed a pretty poor test, from being undernourished, to having a poor mindset, to going out WAY too fast and blowing the first split. However, with that said, I shaved 25 seconds off my 5K PR (which was a race) and raised my vDot score 1 point to a 49. Anytime I can get positive results on a bad day, I'll take it!!!
Great work Ray, Brenda, Michael...everyone...I think I may indeed hop on the TM for a test drive tommorrow...or if decent I'll try outside....You are all inspiring!
Damn Michael!
Maybe I should try your strategy! You fast!!!! Great job!
Somehow I stumbled into executing a pretty good run test. Cut a little over a minute off my 1st test 5k time with full mile splits of 7:04.9; 6:56.3 and 6:41.8 for a 21:23.0 (6:54 average) and increased my vdot by 3 to 46. Certainly some of that improvement was due to not knowing how to test the 1st time, but clearly not all of it -- work works! Definitely spent some time in the hurt locker but timed it right so it was just something to deal with and didn't blow me up.
Keep up the hard work Team!
Week 1 Test (Nov 1st) --> 21:45 --> VDot=45
Week 5 Turkey Trot (Nov 28th) --> 20:52 --> VDot=47
Week 8 Test (Dec 18th) --> 20:21 --> VDot=48 , link for Today's Test http://connect.garmin.com/activity/417198387
1st mile , 6:16 (too fast!)
2nd mile , 6:39
3rd mile , 6:46
Last 0.1 , 6:35
Overall , Very Happy with the Progress ! , Getting closer to my PR of 19:28 in Mar2012
Great Results everyone !
Need to re-group, take some vitamin c, get a good night sleep and decide tomorrow. Yup - I know I need to read Coach Patrick's article like I told Liz.
Everyone else - nice work! I guess that has me itching to re-test!
Way to kick it!
Thank for your thoughts. I happen to be a bit of a type A, and a former competitive runner, who unfortunately sometimes is a now person
In retrospect, I am psyched about the splits and need to keep in mind this is December, not June!
I am racing 13.1 in March, OLY in June, HIM+(58 on the bike vs 56) in August, all in prep for IMMT in '15. (Still need to learn how to do my sig file!).
Have a great evening!
It's been really great seeing all the excellent posts today. Congratulations. and keep up the good work.
I got up early this morning and headed out to the high school track to do my test, but during the run over there my right foot was having some weird twinges and my right glute was tight. I did a few strides up to my FTP pace to see if they would get any better. They didn't, but they didn't get worse either so I ran on. By the time I got to the track I was starting to have some GI issues and the restroom wasn't open at 5 AM. After 12 seasons of doing triathlons I'm finally beginning to recognize when I shouldn't press on with a workout so I jogged and walked home and got ready for work. I'll be back at the track tomorrow afternoon though and I'll slay that test. I'm so looking forward to it! My bike test results were great and I'm hoping that my run results will give me even more reasons to fatten RnP's coffee fund. (I just know they're lapping up those eggnog lattes!)
I'm probably going to test this weekend since we're getting some bizarre warm weather....
Week 1 Results
Time : 22:14
Pace 7:10
HR: 163
vDot: 44
Week 8 Results
Time : 21:41
Pace 6:59
HR: 167
vDot: 45
So I managed to eke my vDot up by 1 which is going in right direction. It would be awesome if my next 5k was under 21minutes, that would be a PB for me.
I am quite proud of my pacing
Mile 1: 7:11
Mile 2: 7:05
Mile 3: 6:43
Much better than my bike test, where I haven't quite got the feel yet for how long I can hold a given power.
Got my 5K on the deadmill tonight after a 1.5 mile warmup. Plan was to hold a pace to maintain current vDot for 2 miles then see if I couldn't get a few seconds back in the last mile. Finished off with another 1.5 warm down and 5K of rowing.
Ended up with a 5 sec PR @ 21:03. Good enough to tweak my vDot by 0.3 to 46.9. Not much of a change but reassuring as I start to get my head-space focused on Boston and a PR attempt on the big stage.
I ran a 1.5 mile warm in my training sneaks with GPS calibrated Footpod...to get a sense for the relative accuracy of the pace on the TM display...in general it was 3-10 seconds slow ...better at avg. paces of 7:30-8:30...so I'll call the TM display about 5 seconds slow on avg....then I switched to my flats and ran a 19:55 5k...so I will say that result is good +/-5-15sec.. ..pretty pleased with that...then I switched back to my trainers for cooldown and double checked the footpod correlation at 6:30 pace ..and again it read slightly faster than the TM...so generally pretty dang happy as I negative split and ran in control the entire way...and can now feel comfortable using this TM for my upcoming inside training needs.......
Bumps my vDot to 50...and do think I could run faster outside in a race...but this is good.
Keep Rockin around the Christmas tree.
Thanks Ray!...I have done alot of training on the TM....and actually enjoy it for interval work and runs up to 1hr...beyond that Its a bit much...but this is the first time I have tried to "calibrate" or at least "equilibrate"it with my outside paces...I know its not perfect but I hope this is better...ie. will allow me to train more effectively during these indoor sessions....
PS....trade my vDot for your FTP
Great results everyone thus far! It's fun/motivating to read how everyone else is doing!
Had my test yesterday:
Week 1 Results: 22:41 - vDOT 42
Week 8 Results: 22:46 - vDOT 45 and a 0:55 improvement on the time!
my heart and lungs felt great during the run (which is usually a source of problems) so feel like my 'durability' is definitely improving. I just felt like my legs literally couldn't go any faster...! Looking forward to more 'Z5 workouts' in the coming weeks to break through to sub 7min pace!