Did the MS 2x1 mile at Z4 (target 7:02) a little faster @ 6:45 and 6:55 and then added miles at Z1.5 (too tired from the week to try to go for Z2 : 7:32)
Given that I had to burn extra food I ate during a few end of year celebrations at work... I extended the run to complete 13.1 miles/total time 1:45hr (avg pace 8:04)
Breakdown and link below -1 mile warm up @ Z1.5 (8:17) -1 mile interval @ 6:45 -1 mile rest at Z1.5 (8:07) -1 mile interval @ 6:55 -1 mile rest at Z1 (8:33) -8.1 miles added at Z1.5 (8:17 average pace)
Sunday run done: I did some work with 9.4 miles in 1:32. First Hoka run. Interesting but I'm not completely converted. I also did my first big hill since hurting my hip flexor and that might have been premature.
2 x 1 mile: 8:33 target. Mile 1 was 9:05 but 8:25 grade-adjusted (80 ft of climb); mile 2 at 8:40 on flat ground. Then I did 3 miles at Z1.5 and 2 miles at Z1.
Sunday run done this morning.I was surprised at how good I felt after yesterdays ride. Workout #2 1hr of snow shoveling. Workout #3, finish x-mas shopping.
Congrats Laura. @Richard give it a few runs. I cannot imagine not running in Hoka's now.
Week 8 is complete. My quads felt yesterdays skiing, as expected. Got out before the ice storm begins. Met/beat all goals. Now ready to watch the Patriots game. http://tpks.ws/vWoH
Did the run this morning and the two mile intervals were at 7:09 and 7:15. My legs are feeling the first 8 weeks of OS and so I'm pulling the trigger on a recovery week to let these 57 year old legs have a little rest and enjoy Christmas with my family. Our daughters have taken time out of their lives to come visit us so I'm going to take advantage of that and go for long walks on the beach with them later in the week. They'll leave next weekend and then I'll come back refreshed in body and spirit.
Did my first run at my new paces today, but was a little off on my mile repeats. Target was 9:07, came in at 9:10 and 9:17, but still managed to get in a 90 minute run. New paces today were brutal (then again, so were the new zones on the bike yesterday) http://connect.garmin.com/activity/418505458
@ Kim- You ROCK my friend!! What a huge improvement I really hope to see you out on the trail soon!
Today's run was a bust. My legs felt like CEMENT! They would not move. My paces were all over the place, not hitting all the zones like I should, but feeling like my effort was 100%! I went to do the Manchester Road Race course, and although I have done this route many times, it was so much harder today. I did about 5 miles, and called it a day. (My new shoes were also causing pain in my arches and shins...so I felt like that was a sign I should stop). Chalk it up to a tired leg workout out. Ready for this next week!!
Did the run this morning and the two mile intervals were at 7:09 and 7:15. My legs are feeling the first 8 weeks of OS and so I'm pulling the trigger on a recovery week to let these 57 year old legs have a little rest and enjoy Christmas with my family. Our daughters have taken time out of their lives to come visit us so I'm going to take advantage of that and go for long walks on the beach with them later in the week. They'll leave next weekend and then I'll come back refreshed in body and spirit.
@Mark - EN does not take into account age in these workout programs. As one of the few over 50 in this crew, we actually need to self-coach ourselves on this or risk running ourselves down to a point of not absorbing the training and/or getting injured. Since you already know this based on your post, I thought I'd just highlight that for everyone else's benefit. We started a thread on this a few years back and basically came to the conclusion that it was too individual to prescribe anything. I actually backed into a recovery week by catching some bug this week! So, thanks for posting this so I could just point this out!
Today was a pleasant surprise! After smoking myself on the bike test yesterday, I did the prescribed "easy run" and planned to just cruise in Z3 for the 2 X 1mi with a target of 8:15/mi. The first started off a bit stiff, but by the second 1/2mi I started to loosen up and came in 8:07. The second I just pushed a bit and felt just fine and rolled in at 7:22!
So, it looks like I'm just about recovered and now ready for the Holiday Run Challenge for 2013!
Today was the day for my kids to try to qualify for Cross Country Ski Easterns and Nationals, so I switched out the run for a skate ski and lots of cheering on the side. I did the core workout beforehand and was pleasantly surprised that the legs did not feel as trashed as yesterday. Looking forward to rest day and meeting some bigger targets in training this coming week. Have fun out there everybody!
So, in the last 2 weeks we have received 100cm of snow in Ottawa. I have not snowshoe run in two weeks, due to test week. Went out today with team mate Naomi Gilker, who just got back from Equador, for what was suppose to be a 1.5hour run with intervals coming in at 8minutes to duplicate the times of my 1 mile repeats, but we came up against some tough conditions (snow just below our knees), so we spent the first 30minutes breaking the snow and then turned back around and tried to run. I would say we would managed about 1-2minutes and then have to take a breather. Talk about heart in your throat. Here is a pic to prove I am not lying. To top it all off, it was freezing rain as well
Unseasonably warm in Southeastern Pennsylvania so I was able to run in shorts and a t-shirt. Hit the new interval paces, but it was hard. I was planning to finish the intervals and then keep running for 5-6 more miles (for 10-12 total miles). After finishing the intervals I did not have much left. Did manage to get in 5.5 miles.
@ Joe, It was a kind of a not so subtle way of reminding folks to take care of themselves. I've been seeing a lot of posts about trashed legs this week and I figured I wasn't the only one, regardless of age, that needed a break. Do you remember what thread the post was in or a name?
Finally got my second run test of the OS in earlier today. Was rainy but warm so I headed to the local track which was clear of snow thanks to the high temps. As others have said, it was great to be in shorts & a t-shirt.
Lowered my 5k time from 19:46 to 19:05 which is good for a 2 point vdot bump. Paced the run pretty well as I had to back off the pace ever so slightly in the final kilometer to avoid throwing up I also experienced what Al T has talked about in the past -- relatively constant pace with steadily increasing RPE -- was really hurting by the end of the run
I set my Garmin to auto-lap every 1k which breaks things up into manageable chunks:
1k @ 6:15 min / mile pace 2k @ 6:04 min / mile pace 3k @ 6:07 min / mile pace 4k @ 6:09 min / mile pace 5k @ 6:10 min / mile pace
Overall average pace of 6:09. Hoping to go sub-6 pace by the end of the OS so speed work will be key. Crush the rest day all!
Got my run in. 3 miles Z1, 2x1mile Z4 and 3 miles Z2. No problems with the new slightly faster paces, but I could feel it was a gentle step up for sure.
I tried to get as much rest as possible over the weekend since I too had been needing some rest. My nutrition, sleep and hence recovery was not great last week. Thursday's bike ride was my low point, with legs still fried from Wednesday night's 5k. I turned that wko into some active recovery.
Missed out on the run yesterday due to the first family Christmas party of the week. I was able to sneak out this morning and get it done in some nasty wet weather.
My new paces felt ok. I'm finding it really interesting that the 2X1 z4 miles are easy for me to hit, but holding that z2 pace after the speedwork is way more difficult for me. My guess is that I am a stronger sprinter because of my past with soccer. It's the slow twitch muscles that I need to work on. These Sunday sweet spot runs are just what I need.
Here are my splits. Bring it on week 9. Merry Christmas everyone!
glad to see I wasn't the only one with tired legs yesterday. Was able to ride outside on Saturday, but don't have a power meter yet so was all by feel. Did 30miles in 90min.
Then Sunday did the 2x1 with the new zones. The 2nd set was harder to hold it together was closer to a Z3. then logged a bunch of time at Z1.5 and did a total of 10miles in 80min.
Felt very good today!
Avg Pace
Avg HR
Max HR
interval goal 7:42
interval goal 7:42
extra credit
extra credit 2@8:10 pace
cool down
Did the MS 2x1 mile at Z4 (target 7:02) a little faster @ 6:45 and 6:55 and then added miles at Z1.5 (too tired from the week to try to go for Z2 : 7:32)
Given that I had to burn extra food I ate during a few end of year celebrations at work... I extended the run to complete 13.1 miles/total time 1:45hr (avg pace 8:04)
Breakdown and link below
-1 mile warm up @ Z1.5 (8:17)
-1 mile interval @ 6:45
-1 mile rest at Z1.5 (8:07)
-1 mile interval @ 6:55
-1 mile rest at Z1 (8:33)
-8.1 miles added at Z1.5 (8:17 average pace)
Tired but happy. Great work everyone, rest tomorrow and let's go for Week 9
Sunday run done: I did some work with 9.4 miles in 1:32. First Hoka run. Interesting but I'm not completely converted. I also did my first big hill since hurting my hip flexor and that might have been premature.
2 x 1 mile: 8:33 target. Mile 1 was 9:05 but 8:25 grade-adjusted (80 ft of climb); mile 2 at 8:40 on flat ground. Then I did 3 miles at Z1.5 and 2 miles at Z1.
Week 8 is complete. My quads felt yesterdays skiing, as expected. Got out before the ice storm begins. Met/beat all goals. Now ready to watch the Patriots game. http://tpks.ws/vWoH
Did the run this morning and the two mile intervals were at 7:09 and 7:15. My legs are feeling the first 8 weeks of OS and so I'm pulling the trigger on a recovery week to let these 57 year old legs have a little rest and enjoy Christmas with my family. Our daughters have taken time out of their lives to come visit us so I'm going to take advantage of that and go for long walks on the beach with them later in the week. They'll leave next weekend and then I'll come back refreshed in body and spirit.
@ Emily, Kim and Larry- THANK YOU!
@ Kim- You ROCK my friend!! What a huge improvement
I really hope to see you out on the trail soon!
Today's run was a bust. My legs felt like CEMENT! They would not move. My paces were all over the place, not hitting all the zones like I should, but feeling like my effort was 100%! I went to do the Manchester Road Race course, and although I have done this route many times, it was so much harder today. I did about 5 miles, and called it a day. (My new shoes were also causing pain in my arches and shins...so I felt like that was a sign I should stop). Chalk it up to a tired leg workout out. Ready for this next week!!
So, it looks like I'm just about recovered and now ready for the Holiday Run Challenge for 2013!
Lowered my 5k time from 19:46 to 19:05 which is good for a 2 point vdot bump. Paced the run pretty well as I had to back off the pace ever so slightly in the final kilometer to avoid throwing up
I set my Garmin to auto-lap every 1k which breaks things up into manageable chunks:
1k @ 6:15 min / mile pace
2k @ 6:04 min / mile pace
3k @ 6:07 min / mile pace
4k @ 6:09 min / mile pace
5k @ 6:10 min / mile pace
Overall average pace of 6:09. Hoping to go sub-6 pace by the end of the OS so speed work will be key. Crush the rest day all!
Got my run in. 3 miles Z1, 2x1mile Z4 and 3 miles Z2. No problems with the new slightly faster paces, but I could feel it was a gentle step up for sure.
I tried to get as much rest as possible over the weekend since I too had been needing some rest. My nutrition, sleep and hence recovery was not great last week. Thursday's bike ride was my low point, with legs still fried from Wednesday night's 5k. I turned that wko into some active recovery.
David-smart move making rest/recovery a focus. Glad u were able to hit the new zones. I'm afraid of my first Z4 run!
The snow here in Rochester melted - I am looking forward to more snowfall so I can break out the snowshoes!
Have a happy Monday everyone!!!
My new paces felt ok. I'm finding it really interesting that the 2X1 z4 miles are easy for me to hit, but holding that z2 pace after the speedwork is way more difficult for me. My guess is that I am a stronger sprinter because of my past with soccer. It's the slow twitch muscles that I need to work on. These Sunday sweet spot runs are just what I need.
Here are my splits. Bring it on week 9. Merry Christmas everyone!
z4 goal 7:25
z2 goal 7:57
1: 9:07
2: 8:42
3: 7:16
4: 7:21
5: 8:00
6: 7:58
7: 8:13
glad to see I wasn't the only one with tired legs yesterday. Was able to ride outside on Saturday, but don't have a power meter yet so was all by feel. Did 30miles in 90min.
Then Sunday did the 2x1 with the new zones. The 2nd set was harder to hold it together was closer to a Z3. then logged a bunch of time at Z1.5 and did a total of 10miles in 80min.
Ready for some foam rolling and recovery!
Week 1: 5k 25:38, avg pace: 8:16, vdot 37
Week 8: 5k 24:08, avg pace 7:47. vdot 40
Paced the run perfectly, mile splits were: (1) 7:57, (2) 7:48, (3) 7:37, (3.1) 0:46
very happy!
Happy Holidays!