Like Matt A, I was glad that I had programmed the ride into my Garmin else I would have been extremely tempted to break up intervals 5 and 6. (I did, however, call for a bucket a la 'Meaning of Life', but thankfully did not need it).
My Joule decided to crap out halfway through the 5th interval....nice. I think it is time to get it a new battery as it is not holding a charge for squat.
Good job all! This is my first post so doubling up on reports: FTP test Monday was humbling, not having touched the bike in 7weeks since AZIM. And like most, I dread the bike test-because it's always so damn hard.
5' test 165w NP 163. 20' test. 142 less 5% 135. That's down from my previous FTP 152. I like to report numbers in w/kg as I will never hit 200: Down from 3 w/kg to 2.755. The decrease is slightly mitigated as I have lost a kg (50 down to 49)-body comp and running have done well the last 7 weeks. Feeling like I have some hard work ahead to get back to where I was and exceed. I did push harder than ever before on the 5 min test so may have added to my sagging more on the 20 min. I like the idea of a 20 min rest after from a previous post!
VO2 this am done. 90/90s were hard. Didn't help that I hadn't reset the FTP and I was trying to achieve 120% of 152 -I just did the math and my target based on new FTP is 162 (duh-5min test). I did between 174-179. Next Thursday should be easier
I hate VO2 work but I feel like it really boosts my FTP. Goal was 6 X 2(2) ON. I ended up doing 4 X 2(2) followed by 4 X 1(1) followed by 21 minutes at Z3. All targets hit!
Well, I did the prescribed warm-up, then the 6x2 mins, then another 10 mins in Z3 plus some easy Z1. 21 miles in 65 mins w TSS = 70. Since the warm up includes 12 mins of Z3, how long are you guys spending in Z3 after the main set?
@Paul, I'm riding on a trainer so I cut off my workouts right at 60'. I don't do the warmup that's in the wiki. I just do a 15' warmup with a few spinups and a couple 1' Z4 bursts. That leaves more time for me to do Z3 work after the main set but overall probably the same amount as people doing the warmup in the wiki. So for today's workout I did 15' WU, 12' ON, which left 21' which I rode at Z3.
Well, I did the prescribed warm-up, then the 6x2 mins, then another 10 mins in Z3 plus some easy Z1. 21 miles in 65 mins w TSS = 70. Since the warm up includes 12 mins of Z3, how long are you guys spending in Z3 after the main set?
Today -- Zero, but that was due to family time constraints. Otherwise I would have done whatever would have given me the prescribed time (60min) minus one minute for Cool Down.
@ Paul I do the warmup that used to be the "official warmup" until the change to inclue all the z3 a year or two ago. The old "official warmup" is 10' easy then 3x3'(1') @z3. That is 22', so adding the 6x2(2) left me with 14' z3 at the end. For some of the later OS workouts where 22' plus the MS >60 I truncate the warmup to 15' or extend the workout, depending on schedule constraints.
Post work I got my run in and started to cough. Thought about pushing through and even got on the traier and did some warm up. Started coughing more, shut it down and slept for 2.5 hours. Unfortunately I have to report a no go on the Vo2 workout in the first week.
@ Bill - Hockey and curling sounds good to me. It finally warmed up here and we have some snow in the forrecast 1-2".
Work done, and it worked me! I'm glad my family wasn't home because I was cursing the workout in the last interval! I do love TrainerRoad, though.
Power numbers were:
Int.1 - 293
Int.2 - 293
Int.3 - 292
Int.4 - 288
Int.5 - 291
Int.6 - 289
20 Min. Sweet Spot - 209
Suggestion: reporting IF (% of FTP) rather than raw power numbers provides a better look at the workout. We're all going to have different FTPs, the IF sort of normalizes things so we can get a better understanding of what's happening during the workout. Kind of like the value of watts/kg instead of raw FTP number.
But the cursing does indicate a proper effort level, no matter what the numbers are!
Al - Thanks for the advice; I appreciate it. I'll figure out the IF (which I think TR posts only for the workout as a whole and not for the specific intervals) and correct the original post.
Al - Thanks for the advice; I appreciate it. I'll figure out the IF (which I think TR posts only for the workout as a whole and not for the specific intervals) and correct the original post.
I'm pretty sure TR has a column for the IF of each interval in their post workout summary which displays immediately after the wko is saved. At least my display does.
I am doing the work segment of the Saturday rides on Thursdays (FTP instead of VO2) because I tolerate that better, and it suits my marathon build better. I misread it a bit, though and did 3 x 10 rather than 2 x 10 today. Oops. The good news was that it was doable.
This was supposed to have been Thursday's workout. However, the water pipes burst in my department's building on the top floor last night right when I was going to go home and do my ride. You can imagine that this is not a good thing. Took a couple hours just to turn the water off. Not good.
Woke up feeling terrible with a head cold (feeling better now thanks to some DayQui), so pushed the bike ride to the evening. Ended up being a great workout after a long day at the office.
The 6 x 2' (2') @ Z5 (224-244) felt pretty easy, so after 3 intervals at ~245watts (IF of 1.2), I did 250-255 (IF of 1.23-1.25) for the last 3 x 2' (2').
No run for me today since my right hip flexor is pretty sore following the 5k test.
(PS - today was a workout I would likely have blown off if I weren't posting to this forum...)
@ Doug, Joe and Matt - Thanks for the reply. I couldn't even remember that old official warm-up. I know that last year's was different than this year's...especially the 3 mins standing from 5-8 mins. I will be trying to do the full 25 min warm-up before most sessions and extend them from 60-75 mins. I think I will try for 15-18 mins Z3. Once I get up to 18 mins afterwards, I will have 30' total Z3 for the work-out...BAZINGA!
(PS - today was a workout I would likely have blown off if I weren't posting to this forum...)
Rob, That's exactly what makes the EN OS awesome :-) That said, take care of yourself and the cold. If you are still feeling sick today, don't be afraid to give your body the rest it needs and take a day off.
William- holy cow, how much water got into your daughters place? What a mess.
I messed up and did the beg wko in TR rather than the adv so only 2x12 z3 instead of 2x15. oops.
I was on call last night but it was fairly quiet so I was able to get the wko done first thing before the weekly kids hockey/basketball/hockey/basketball shuttle began.
Weather was a threat for later in the morning so I did the run first and then the bike. I'm going to race a duathlon so I guess it will be helpful to do this but not every weekend. It kinda sucked to do the bike but I got it done. I played around in that last 15' segment by trying to ramp up cadences with the same gear for little stretches.
First Saturday brick of the season is in the books. The "60' bike" with any legitimate warmup was more than 60' and in my case it was 74' in total. I was able to stay aero the whole time and took only a single 1' sitting up during the second z3 interval.
I had a lot of trouble getting a good cadence for the z4 intervals. The 94 in the first interval was too high so I started the next interval in a harder gear but was pushing 10 extra watts at an 85-86 cadence. So I switched gears at the 4' mark. Next time I'll loosen or tighten the tension on my trainer.
I was of course tempted to bag the brick but didn't, and instead banged out the prescribed 40' on the treadmill. I didn't come close to hitting the z2/z3 paces – I never can make the paces indoors – but my HR was well into z4 for the second half of the run.
Bike done! Eating well and training well go hand in hand for me...I've been putting garbage in since Thanksgiving and my training the last few weeks of '13 was awful. I've been eating pretty clean this week and this is the first wko in a couple weeks I was actually looking forward to. I felt good the entire time!
Anyone else using TR Virtual Power getting lots of movement in the results? I feel like I am biking smooth but my power number was all over the place. Maybe I picked the wrong trainer? Not sure if this is typical or if I have selected the wrong trainer. Thanks for any guidance or input. This newbie has so much to learn!
Instantaneous power readings will be jumpy because the power is only sampled and transmitted intermittently. You can smooth or average the readings which will make them look less jumpy. In the 'devices' tab of the trainer road app you have the option of 0, 3 second ,5s, and 7s smoothing. Most people opt for 3s smoothing so the power readings will still be somewhat responsive, 7s will give a very smooth line but since the information is averaged over 7s it will not be very responsive to changes in power output.
-edit- I see you are using virtual power, but I believe you can still smooth the data.
Allright! Got the 6x2'(2') VO2 bike done early this evening after I got home from work. That was tough, tough, TOUGH
Here's the numbers (IF, Avg HR, Max HR)
1.21, 159, 172
1.21, 165, 174
1.19, 165, 176
1.17, 166, 176
1.15, 167, 178
1.16, 168, 177
Like Matt A, I was glad that I had programmed the ride into my Garmin else I would have been extremely tempted to break up intervals 5 and 6. (I did, however, call for a bucket a la 'Meaning of Life', but thankfully did not need it).
My Joule decided to crap out halfway through the 5th interval....nice. I think it is time to get it a new battery as it is not holding a charge for squat.
FTP test Monday was humbling, not having touched the bike in 7weeks since AZIM. And like most, I dread the bike test-because it's always so damn hard.
5' test 165w NP 163.
20' test. 142 less 5% 135. That's down from my previous FTP 152.
I like to report numbers in w/kg as I will never hit 200:
Down from 3 w/kg to 2.755. The decrease is slightly mitigated as I have lost a kg (50 down to 49)-body comp and running have done well the last 7 weeks. Feeling like I have some hard work ahead to get back to where I was and exceed. I did push harder than ever before on the 5 min test so may have added to my sagging more on the 20 min. I like the idea of a 20 min rest after from a previous post!
VO2 this am done. 90/90s were hard. Didn't help that I hadn't reset the FTP and I was trying to achieve 120% of 152 -I just did the math and my target based on new FTP is 162 (duh-5min test). I did between 174-179. Next Thursday should be easier
I will never forget again.
Work done, and it worked me! I'm glad my family wasn't home because I was cursing the workout in the last interval! I do love TrainerRoad, though.
Overall numbers: FTP: 247; NP: 212; IF: 0.86
Individual interval numbers were:
Int.1 - IF: 1.12 (NP: 279)
Int.2 - IF: 1.14 (NP: 281
Int.3 - IF: 1.13 (NP: 280)
Int.4 - IF: 1.12 (NP: 276)
Int.5 - IF: 1.13 (NP 278)
Int.6 - IF: 1.12 (NP: 276)
20 Min. Sweet Spot - IF: 0.85 (NP: 209)
(Edited to provide IF numbers and not simply power number (thanks Al!))
Post work I got my run in and started to cough. Thought about pushing through and even got on the traier and did some warm up. Started coughing more, shut it down and slept for 2.5 hours. Unfortunately I have to report a no go on the Vo2 workout in the first week.
@ Bill - Hockey and curling sounds good to me. It finally warmed up here and we have some snow in the forrecast 1-2".
Suggestion: reporting IF (% of FTP) rather than raw power numbers provides a better look at the workout. We're all going to have different FTPs, the IF sort of normalizes things so we can get a better understanding of what's happening during the workout. Kind of like the value of watts/kg instead of raw FTP number.
But the cursing does indicate a proper effort level, no matter what the numbers are! AP of 234/234/233 (FTP of 238)
This was supposed to have been Thursday's workout. However, the water pipes burst in my department's building on the top floor last night right when I was going to go home and do my ride. You can imagine that this is not a good thing. Took a couple hours just to turn the water off. Not good.
Oh, and the dog ate my homework.
Woke up feeling terrible with a head cold (feeling better now thanks to some DayQui), so pushed the bike ride to the evening. Ended up being a great workout after a long day at the office.
The 6 x 2' (2') @ Z5 (224-244) felt pretty easy, so after 3 intervals at ~245watts (IF of 1.2), I did 250-255 (IF of 1.23-1.25) for the last 3 x 2' (2').
No run for me today since my right hip flexor is pretty sore following the 5k test.
(PS - today was a workout I would likely have blown off if I weren't posting to this forum...
Rob, That's exactly what makes the EN OS awesome :-) That said, take care of yourself and the cold. If you are still feeling sick today, don't be afraid to give your body the rest it needs and take a day off.
William- holy cow, how much water got into your daughters place? What a mess.
Saturday wko in the books
I messed up and did the beg wko in TR rather than the adv so only 2x12 z3 instead of 2x15. oops.
I was on call last night but it was fairly quiet so I was able to get the wko done first thing before the weekly kids hockey/basketball/hockey/basketball shuttle began.
on road bike on e-motion rollers
int1: 8'/.99IF/cadence 94/HR 144
int2: 8'/.99IF/cadence 100/HR 146
int3: 12'/.84IF/cadence 87/HR 132
int4: 12'/.84IF/cadence 87/HR 132
felt good, not overly taxing.
I'm loving the real time feedback from TR. It is definitely keeping me honest during the workout.
8' - IF 0.97
8' - IF 0.97
12' - IF 0.83
12' - IF 0.85
Weather was a threat for later in the morning so I did the run first and then the bike. I'm going to race a duathlon so I guess it will be helpful to do this but not every weekend. It kinda sucked to do the bike but I got it done. I played around in that last 15' segment by trying to ramp up cadences with the same gear for little stretches.
12' @1.02, 12' @1.02, 15' @.84 and 15' @.88
I want a nap.
First Saturday brick of the season is in the books. The "60' bike" with any legitimate warmup was more than 60' and in my case it was 74' in total. I was able to stay aero the whole time and took only a single 1' sitting up during the second z3 interval.
Overall 74' @ NP 218 (IF 0.889), avg cad 89, HR avg 152 / HR max 178
8'(2') @z4 – NP: 251 (IF 1.025), VI 1.00, HR 161/172, cad 94
8'(2') @z4 – NP: 252 (IF 1.030), VI 1.00, HR 169/178, cad 89
15'(2') @z3 – NP: 222 (IF 0.906), VI 1.00, HR 165/172, cad 90
15' @z3 – NP: 227 (IF 0.928), VI 1.00, HR 165/171, cad 90
I had a lot of trouble getting a good cadence for the z4 intervals. The 94 in the first interval was too high so I started the next interval in a harder gear but was pushing 10 extra watts at an 85-86 cadence. So I switched gears at the 4' mark. Next time I'll loosen or tighten the tension on my trainer.
I was of course tempted to bag the brick but didn't, and instead banged out the prescribed 40' on the treadmill. I didn't come close to hitting the z2/z3 paces – I never can make the paces indoors – but my HR was well into z4 for the second half of the run.
Overall 40' at avg 7:20/mi
Hours:Minutes:Seconds Time
Minutes per Mile Avg Pace
8' @ 1.00
8' @ 1.02
30' @ .894
Entire workout (226 watts):
Duration: 1:07:24
Work: 914 kJ
TSS: 89.3 (intensity factor 0.895)
Norm Power: 236
VI: 1.04
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 415 226 watts
Cadence: 22 127 85 rpm
8' z4 - NP: 184
8' z4 - NP: 184
12' z3 - NP: 157
12' z3 - NP: 156
Anyone else using TR Virtual Power getting lots of movement in the results? I feel like I am biking smooth but my power number was all over the place. Maybe I picked the wrong trainer? Not sure if this is typical or if I have selected the wrong trainer. Thanks for any guidance or input. This newbie has so much to learn!
Hi Mary
Instantaneous power readings will be jumpy because the power is only sampled and transmitted intermittently. You can smooth or average the readings which will make them look less jumpy. In the 'devices' tab of the trainer road app you have the option of 0, 3 second ,5s, and 7s smoothing. Most people opt for 3s smoothing so the power readings will still be somewhat responsive, 7s will give a very smooth line but since the information is averaged over 7s it will not be very responsive to changes in power output.
-edit- I see you are using virtual power, but I believe you can still smooth the data.
Thank you Satish,
I will do that. I appreciate the guidance!
Bike and Run both went well. Not too hard but not easy either. On the bike I worked my way up to 5% over my FTP test since it was a bad test.
Also, i unpaired my power meter and had trainer road paired only with the computrainer. The ERG mode worked perfectly this way.
Bike and Run done! Run was so nice outside today very lucky! And diet starting to work, lost 1.5 pounds this week
Just finished my Saturday ride:
Not going to run today b/c my ankle is just now feeling good; yesterday's session with my massage terrorist seems to have helped significantly.