Great workout today. I was on target despite doing Thursday's workout last night. My legs are pretty upset. But i was amazing to do a brick. I forgot how much i love to hate them.
Ugh, I was actually excited about today's bike workout. I love the Z4 bike work so yes, I am a little weird. Unfortunately my wife came down with a nasty stomach bug yesterday so I have been on daddy duty all day. No workout for me. Right now I am just hoping to be able to avoid coming down with it myself!
OK so I'll probably send this and some prior rides/tests to my Macro....but for the accountability... Here is my Biketest. Coming of a relatively light holiday season post HITs LHC 70.3 as last TRI and (one week later on heavy legs) Phili Marathon in November. Had a detonation on last weeks Spinervols series of 200w intervals after a little over an hr which I attributed to skipping breakfast,,, lunch to (DUMB -I know). But today I was rested 0 workout Fri and no bike in 6 days. 8 hr sleep (unusual) and a good breakfast and carb snack 30min prior...seemed hydrated OK. But HR usually 140-160s in 10-15min intervals of 200w. Today HR at my TOP of Z5 throughout the 20 min test yet it HURT (energy/breathing mostly) to maintain 200w. ??!!?? I expected a drop with lack of long rides over last 2 months....but WTF. Have I really shifted from holding 220-240w for 30 min to <200w in favor of 5min +10 w vs 3mo ago average. or did I just need better recovery between the 2 tests? 3 weeks ago I did 4X 10min @ 200w AVE (what I've been using 200-210 for threshold) with my HR only 140s. Also, it did take a full 10 min to drop HR below 120 which is a LONG time for me usually its about 2 min for this kind of effort. Bogus test? Not looking fwd to re-testing for some time .....PTSD from today!</span></p> 47y/o "AbsoluteMax" tested Bike HR=180
VO2test: 260w ave; HR ave170 climbing steady to max 180
TT: 206 ave; HR ave170 climbing quickly to max 179 tried different gearing settled into 85 (my usual happy place) but had to come out of drops to breathe better for about 1/2-no improvement in power I "live" on the aero bars and legs felt better down actually)
Oh, I'm on a Computrainer on my Race bike QR CD0.1. That's the reason for the set of rapid spinups at 10 min in (calibration) And there was 1 30sec max effort in between the 2 220w efforts during WU.
Looked thru the forums but didn't have any luck...
Have never used Sufferfest videos with Trainer Road. Looking for feedback and thoughts on using them as well as a tutorial on how to incorporate them into TR. Same with adding a movie from Netflix - Thoughts? Tutorial?
Lots of nice work out there today.... Congrats on week 1 everybody....
For me the 4th week of OS ends tomorrow with a 5k test... Today was an FTP test... 2 watts more for the 5' and 1 watt more for the 20'... still giving me an FTP of 220..... Execution today was much better and I'm finally getting these 20min tests down so I'm happy with that. Here is Decembers test for a comparison I think todays was much prettier...
Couple thoughts and observations.... The watts feel harder here in Tucson than they did in NH.... I'm around 2000-2500' higher in elevation here.... In NH my Garmin always recorded 4-8watts higher than TR recorded from CT... Here in Tucson they have been almost exact....
I couldn't find sat week 1 bike on TR so did week 2 (I only did 40 min thursday, so deserved the extra punishment), 75 min total:
FTP x 12 min x2: .96IF, 1.01IF 80 % x 15 min x 2: .87, .88 I was thinking my FTP test was bad-after I warmed up I didn't feel the new number was very hard.
@Woody: I have never done sufferfest either so will be interested in responses. As for netflix, that's easy and fun: I watched the whole series The Tudors last fall, a lot of Its always sunny in Philadelphia, and Breaking Bad. You make TR horizontal so its at the bottom of your screen then fire up netflix. I watched 4 episodes of Archer today, trying to see what my husband and daughter love about it. My goal is to start and watch all three seasons of GoT before season 4 starts in June
Almost forgot to post my Sunday workout... Did Saturday's brick on Sunday do to some reshuffling earlier in the week. The ride went well (though the run was a struggle - more on that in Run thread), and all and all lasted ~1hr 25min. Always nice to watch playoff games during these sessions... Results below:
I'm on the personal Bill McKinney Nordic ski hack:
Saturday: 2:15 on classic skis on a very hilly track. I'm learning how to get up hills on these things…very different from skating. This is really only my first year on classics, so still on the steep part of the learning curve Sunday: 3:15 on skate skis…skied with 3 friends who are all faster than me and held up pretty well. We skied almost the entire course of the race we've got coming up in 3 weeks. Skied a little more Sunday afternoon with my 9 year old who is learning to skate ski.
Total must have been close to 60K. I'm building to a "double" on Super Bowl weekend. Doing a 42K classic race on Saturday and then the same 42K course on Sunday on skate skis. Then I'll get to watch the Super Bowl!
Numbers from TR (plus IF):
Name Time kJ(Cal) TSS NP Power Target Watt/Kg Cad. IF
Workout 01:00:00 734 73 211 203 203 2.03 84 0.85
Threshold 1 00:08:00 118 13 244 245 247 2.46 86 0.99
Threshold 2 00:08:00 118 13 244 245 247 2.46 89 0.99
Sweet Spot 1 00:12:00 150 14 208 209 210 2.09 91 0.85
Sweet Spot 2 00:12:00 151 14 208 209 210 2.09 83 0.85
Nice work getting done today. My results:
8' @.99 IF ; 8' @1.0 IF 15' @ .84 IF ; 15@ .85 IF.
Had to keep my mind in the game especially on the final 15' 85% as the power was wanting to drop.
47y/o "AbsoluteMax" tested Bike HR=180
VO2test: 260w ave; HR ave170 climbing steady to max 180
TT: 206 ave; HR ave170 climbing quickly to max 179 tried different gearing settled into 85 (my usual happy place) but had to come out of drops to breathe better for about 1/2-no improvement in power I "live" on the aero bars and legs felt better down actually)
Pair of 8'(2') @Z4's and a pair of 15'(2') @Z3's
After the bike I had trouble with leg cramps so the run was abbreviated.
Have never used Sufferfest videos with Trainer Road. Looking for feedback and thoughts on using them as well as a tutorial on how to incorporate them into TR. Same with adding a movie from Netflix - Thoughts? Tutorial?
I'm a total cold wuss, so waited until mid-50s after 12noon, and rode 40 miles with some local teammates. A little windy but totally worth it!
Saturday bike started 1.5 hours after my run. 2 x 12' (4'), then 2 x 15' (2')
Totals: TSS 97.6, IF 0.84, 87 min. FTP intervals @ 1.02, 1.03; SS intervals @ 0.8.
Then my reward was watching the Seahawks squeak by the Saints in an unnecessarily close game. But on to the NFC championship game nonetheless.
I am 100% on bike rides for this week! WOOT!
For me the 4th week of OS ends tomorrow with a 5k test...
Today was an FTP test...
2 watts more for the 5' and 1 watt more for the 20'... still giving me an FTP of 220.....
Execution today was much better and I'm finally getting these 20min tests down so I'm happy with that.
Here is Decembers test for a comparison
I think todays was much prettier...
Couple thoughts and observations....
The watts feel harder here in Tucson than they did in NH.... I'm around 2000-2500' higher in elevation here....
In NH my Garmin always recorded 4-8watts higher than TR recorded from CT... Here in Tucson they have been almost exact....
FTP x 12 min x2: .96IF, 1.01IF
80 % x 15 min x 2: .87, .88
I was thinking my FTP test was bad-after I warmed up I didn't feel the new number was very hard.
@Woody: I have never done sufferfest either so will be interested in responses. As for netflix, that's easy and fun: I watched the whole series The Tudors last fall, a lot of Its always sunny in Philadelphia, and Breaking Bad. You make TR horizontal so its at the bottom of your screen then fire up netflix. I watched 4 episodes of Archer today, trying to see what my husband and daughter love about it. My goal is to start and watch all three seasons of GoT before season 4 starts in June
@Tim- interesting observation on the elevation. You wouldn't think 2000' would be enough to have an impact, but I guess so. Good food for thought
@Woody- yes, you can use Sufferfest with TrainerRoad and have the erg power match the video instructions of Sufferfest. Here is how:
Almost forgot to post my Sunday workout... Did Saturday's brick on Sunday do to some reshuffling earlier in the week. The ride went well (though the run was a struggle - more on that in Run thread), and all and all lasted ~1hr 25min. Always nice to watch playoff games during these sessions... Results below:
15' WU
2 x 10' @ z4 -- 204 watts (IF 1.0) & 204 watts (IF 1.0)
2 x15' @ z3 -- 175 watts (IF .86) & 175 watts (IF .86)
10' WD
Hopped off the bike and got on the treadmill for a 40' "out and back"
Saturday: 2:15 on classic skis on a very hilly track. I'm learning how to get up hills on these things…very different from skating. This is really only my first year on classics, so still on the steep part of the learning curve
Sunday: 3:15 on skate skis…skied with 3 friends who are all faster than me and held up pretty well. We skied almost the entire course of the race we've got coming up in 3 weeks. Skied a little more Sunday afternoon with my 9 year old who is learning to skate ski.
Total must have been close to 60K. I'm building to a "double" on Super Bowl weekend. Doing a 42K classic race on Saturday and then the same 42K course on Sunday on skate skis. Then I'll get to watch the Super Bowl!