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Week 5 - the road to IMTX

Starting the Weekly threads for 2014 IMTX with Week 5 for those coming out of OS and flipping to longer distance training.

Completed the swim/run yesterday.  Run was unfortunately on the TM at 1.5% - 2 X 15 @ Z3. http://www.strava.com/activities/109455823

Swim was endurance with technique:  http://www.strava.com/activities/109353600

Strava IMTX club link: http://www.strava.com/clubs/46766





  • Hey Shaughn:

    Wek 5 of what?  20 week plan?


  • @ John,  yes week 5 of 20 week or week 1 of 16 week, you pick......

    Time to get this thing started!

  • Ah.  Ok.  Had no idea folks were already starting out the 20 week plan.

    No 16 (or even 12) week plans loaded into the Training Plan choices.  Yet?  Just 20.  I may be missing something.

    Looks like 2 x 1/2 mile and 1 x 1 mile for me in the 20 week plan today.  Guess I'd better get my running shoes on.


  • @ John, that's right, the 20 week plan is loaded and I have chosen to drop into the last 16 weeks while others may wait until week 12 to drop in....

    I want to begin now focusing on the back to back longer bike workouts over each weekend.....

     Run today done!  http://www.strava.com/activities/109580873


  • I'm in the other camp, trying to squeeze as much speed as possible out of the interval-full Get Faster, before dropping into the long stuff in Week 9.
  • @ Mike - not a bad plan.........stay healthy!
  • @SS Thanks for getting this thread going..... Since I'm hacking my OS (mid dec to mid march) I didnt really fit into NOV or JAN OS and feel out of sync with whats going on.... While I really dont plan to start my very hacked IM build till about 10 weeks out I do feel IMTX threads maybe more appropriate for what I am doing! Lead on and Rock on !
  • Here's been my IMTX plan since IMFL

    6 weeks of the Run Durability Plan

    Currently on week 5 out of 8 of Get Faster Plan

    Will switch to IM Advance Plan in 3 more weeks.

  • Looks like the "vets" are mixing things up a bit in the beginning.

    I am actually adding more swimming over the next bunch of months as I will be joining the local Master swim team and participating in their swim meets.  I start next week practicing my block starts, IM drills and streamlining my flip turns.  I am also using a local tri coach who helped me get to my first IM in '06.  Had my first call with her this afternoon.  Need some local accountability and she is just  a really good motivator for me.  So I will be doing the EN WORK and using her input/guidance/modifications along the way.  And with my bum knee she is helping me make my runs the highest ROI I can get.  However, because of it I won't be doing any speed work.

    It all starts for me tomorrow.  16.5 weeks to go. 


  • mixing it up too.    last week of OS this week.    then transition week with swimming.     then biggish bike week.   then biggish run week in Hong Kong.    then transition week.   then 11 weeks of adjusted Iron plan. 
  • I'm in week 5 of 8 of the GF plan, then will transition to last 12wks of IM plan.  Swimming 2x/week (recent swim lessons, transforming stroke), running 3-4x/week, trainer twice a week and usually one outdoor ride on the weekends (weather has cooperated so far).  Feeling good now, hope to avoid injury/crashes. 

  • Posted By robin sarner on 28 Jan 2014 05:18 PM

    mixing it up too.    last week of OS this week.    then transition week with swimming.     then biggish bike week.   then biggish run week in Hong Kong.    then transition week.   then 11 weeks of adjusted Iron plan. 

    Where in HK do you run?  I used to have an office in IFC in Central.  The road up to the peak is a bugger to run.

  • wife and I vacationing a week in hong kong.      don't know where to run.      staying in Central.     north central Hong Kong island.   suggestions?

  • Posted By robin sarner on 28 Jan 2014 05:33 PM

    wife and I vacationing a week in hong kong.      don't know where to run.      staying in Central.     north central Hong Kong island.   suggestions?

    Victoria Park is a nice run.  Flat and pretty for a crowded urban area.  Go out early to avoid crowds and to see all the elders doing tai chi.


    Here are some good routes.:



    Take a look at the other side of the island in Stanley.  Less people.

  • 2 X15s Z4 bike work early was a slug fest for some reason today:  http://www.strava.com/activities/109745788 


  • I wish I had to slug through my Z4 workouts at nearly 300w. That would put me at something like 4.4w/kg, and my biggest concern would be whether to rent a place down by the airport, up in Kahakai Estates, or splurge directly on Alii.
  • Totally broken up ride this morning with friends.  Flats, potty stops, etc.  UGH.  But at at least 1:13 in that was quality.  Numbers for that section below.  Looks like I need to manually bump my FT up based on numbers until the first test.

    I am thinking of 230 watts up from 210 watts.  What say you all?

    Time:  1:13

    Normalized Power (NP):214 W

    Intensity Factor (IF):1.017

    Training Stress Score (TSS):131.0

  • John, I think I'm in the same boat. My 2x20 Saturday Z4s 12 days ago were at 100% (215 and 216NP), and I felt like I went WAY too easy. So I upped it this last weekend to 220, hit 220 and 219NP. It was somewhat challenging (Oly pace), but still nothing like the 2x20s in the OS. With 3 weeks until the next test, I'm going to move up this Saturday's Z4 pace goal to 225 to see if I can once again dial in that "OK, this kinda sucks" pace, divide that NP by .95, and update my FTP for the next 3 weeks. In short, I'll do just about anything to avoid an extra FTP test.
  • @ Stark - 230 would have given you a .93 IF for this morning's 73 minute bonanza.....you know the drill, best way to find out is a trip to the 5/20 pain cave.........

    @Mike, strong numbers you are putting up bro!  My w/kg as tested on the trainer is 3.8 currently.   I was running a lot the past weeks so, given the running load, 45-48 miles/week with plenty of intensity, I was happy to get it.........

    I will do my best to try a stay in the same universe with you guys as we move through the cycle. (excluding Stark's swim times)


  • Posted By Shaughn Simmons on 29 Jan 2014 03:34 PM


    you know the drill, best way to find out is a trip to the 5/20 pain cave.........


    Damn you Simmons!

  • Hi all. good to see this up and running so early.
    Im in the Get Faster plan for a few more weeks. I try and get all the sessions in but often have to combine them so as to not be training 3x per day. Today was a 90min run with 2x1mi and 2x.5mi z4. Temp was upper 20's so I took my time getting warm. I ended up just running and hitting miles 5 7 and 9 hard.
    I had conducted an unplanned run test on tuesday when I realized that I didnt have enough time for a normal run session. It went well and I will keep that vDot for a while. I have been fighting off achillies problems for a decade and time spent in z5 means that I will hobble for a day or two.
    Bike wise I am on the trainer because I am a cold weather cycling sissy. My watts are always lower on the trainer but when I look at the power data there is also clearly no coasting on the trainer either. It is what it is and I will push as hard as I can till march when it warms up.
    Swimming is swimming. Slowly building that back up. After IMFL I was out of the water for 8 weeks and lost all of my swim fitness.
  • @ Jimmy, glad your on the team to do battle come May!

    @ Stark - as your friend, I am just looking out for you to ensure you come in at your highest possible fitness level come race day.....not so much for the race but more for the after race beer drinking party we will be having to celebrate your IM PR and Tim's podium finish!  LOL.

    Did the Thurs long run over lunch today: http://www.strava.com/activities/110015667

    Yesterday's bike 2X15 Z4: http://www.strava.com/activities/109745788

    Yesterday's Z2/Z3 treadmill fiasco: http://www.strava.com/activities/109855064 

    Moving forward...........

  • Fastest.  100.  Ever.

    Been working with my Masters coaches on my catch, pull and body position.  Today bore fruit.  I have never swam a 100 faster than 1:24.  Today my last few 100's were in the 1:20's and the very last one was my fastest ever.  Not bad for an old fat guy with a chicken wing for an arm.  3,400 yards DUN!

    Can I get a Badger BOOM!!

  • @Starky Smoking my friend! But you still got to find a couple more seconds to catch me! Oh yeah we are going to have good time in Texas! Where is Tom?
  • @Cronk - My IMTX "One Thing" will be to tickle your toes for 2.4 miles.   

    And To Glynn is using Purple Patch coaching this year.  He wants to mix things up a bit.  Totally different than EN.  We have had some good discussions about it.  He knows the proof will be in his race results on 5/17.

    @Shaughn - Just got the bike back from the LBS.  After dropping my car at the dealership tomorrow morning I will ride to my TT road and complete my FT test.  I will be using your name in vain preceded by an expletive for 5 and 20.

    @Mike - See above.    FT test?

    @Jimmy - Welcome to the jungle.

    Lastly, I vote for Shaughn Simmons as Race Captain for 2014 Team EN Ironman Texas Group.  I will let Brenda know he has accepted.  

  • @JS.... my one thing is to get you so pumped up to work on your swim..... I get to draft you!

    X2- SS- is definitely leading us into battle at IMTX!
  • wow guys. I am really glad that I am only racing me and not yall. Because if I had that mind set, after seeing the numbers being put up already, Id get back in bed.
    Great work. Some really fast stuff going on around here.
    By big accomplishment thus far - I seem to have kicked my nightly ice cream habit. In fact, overall sugar consumption is way down. I expect body composition to change over the next few months.

    Skipping out of work @3 to hit the pool.
  • FT test DONE!  Thought I could pull off 245 but 10 minutes in I knew that was an overachievers dream.  So let NP drop slowly without giving into wanting to give up.

    This is about where I start before IM training begins.  So by May I should be in the 270's or thereabouts.



    NP: 237 W

    VI: 1.01

    El. Gain: 156 ft

    Grade: 0.3%

    El. Loss: 52 ft

    W/Kg: 2.46 

    Time to get busy!


  • That's a nice jump, John.  To the extent you may have blown the engine by going out too fast, real FTP could be a bit higher.  Find out in 3 weeks.

    For me, I swam the Jan Challenge 1k this a.m.  Finished at 14:58.  Was hoping for a little better, but it was only 2 weeks.  Need to drop that min/100y to 1:26 or 1:27 so I can go under an hour and give you, Cronk and others here something to chase down by Mile 5 on the bike.

  • Loving it... the IMTX team is shaping up and kicking butt....

    @Jimmy just say no to icecream.... at least until you do some 3-4hr days then its ok....

    @Stark.... way to get it done on the test.... I absolutely hate the 20min test!

    @Mike Roberts....Nice swim.... I'm hoping to get my 1000yd under 15min and get my IMTX swim under 1:10 this year... the more the better!
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